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23:54, 11th October 2024 (GMT+0)

Vents with allowed responses - 3.

Posted by GamerHandle
member, 2005 posts
Mon 14 Sep 2015
at 19:15
  • msg #119

frivolous question

In reply to fireflights (msg # 118):

I know this doesn't help right now, but be glad you hadn't moved in with him when you found out.  A rat like that probably would have done other hurtful things, and at the very least you would have been out a place to live on no notice at all.  Hopefully the other woman thinks things over and gives him some measure of what he deserves.
member, 217 posts
playing with Fire
always burns
Mon 14 Sep 2015
at 19:22
  • msg #120

frivolous question

I hope she does too, but it still hurts really badly that he did this and he knows my past of men cheating on me, he swore up and down he was the one to always be cheated on and that he had never cheated on someone he was with. But now I believe he was just telling me what I wanted to hear.
member, 154 posts
Mon 14 Sep 2015
at 19:41
  • msg #121

frivolous question

I know you can't pick and choose I've been in your position before and it sucks majorly. However.. Some guys when they catch on you've been cheated on before see it as a gateway to do it because it's easy and because you've been through it before like you said he'll tell you things you wanted to hear.

But, he's a jerk for telling you it's because of the distance, it makes you feel at blame as well. But it's not, it's not your fault at all. He didn't need to go into a relationship with another woman, he could have told you 3 months ago he wasn't sure/happy.

For that, it makes it worse. But as Brianna said, be glad you didn't move in with him. If he wasn't willing to tell you for 3 months it could have gone on for a lot longer.

Thank god for us women, our gut instincts and FBI like minds and Internet at our ready.
member, 849 posts
Mon 14 Sep 2015
at 20:14
  • msg #122

frivolous question

Happens to us men to. I was dating a girl many years ago, we were even engaged to get married, then she married this Other guy and I only found out through a mutual friend it happened.
Ironically I had introduced her to the guy she married (he was the friend of another friend and we all met him at the first friends party).
Anyway you get the picture - even men get cheated on. It's hard to find good people sometimes.
member, 218 posts
playing with Fire
always burns
Mon 14 Sep 2015
at 21:49
  • msg #123

frivolous question

I know even men get cheated on, he told me he had only ever had girls cheat on him and he was the one always getting heart broken. Well so was I and it seems like it's still me in the end who is getting heart broken. I'm so tired of being the one hurting, I have never cheated on a guy, I have always given my all in a relationship, so I just don't get it. But oh well. Guess it's just how my life has to go.
member, 850 posts
Mon 14 Sep 2015
at 21:58
  • msg #124

frivolous question

Some of us seem doomed to have horrible love lives.
Me, I am turning 50 this year and I have totally given up on finding someone whom I could have in my life. Been hurt far to many times to put myself out there any more.
I hope this is not so for you.
member, 219 posts
playing with Fire
always burns
Mon 14 Sep 2015
at 22:03
  • msg #125

frivolous question

Sadly for me as far as I feel right now it is. I am tired of being hurt, I am almost 38 and I can't give anyone kids, I have multiple medical issues, one being precancer, one being my back with degenerative disc disease and two very bad knees. I'm a mess so honestly, I felt lucky I had found a guy like him, until now. So now.....I'm just done no one will want a broken woman who can barely walk.
member, 851 posts
Mon 14 Sep 2015
at 22:37
  • msg #126

frivolous question

You may be surprised on that one.
But I am in much the same boat medically speaking. Had 3 strokes (that we know of) over the last 20 years, broken bones, (shattered left shoulder with new steel joint that hurts all the time), the bad knee's (that one is actually pretty common I am finding, though the reasons vary), and many other health issue's.
Finding Anyone willing to put up with our problems is a godsend. I got some friends who help me out (between their own drama's), but nothing in the romance department.

Heh, we could problem fill a thread with our combined health issue's (everyone who visit's this thread that is). Sometimes we forget that. Which is why we have vent threads - helps us reconnect with others who can sympathize with our woe's and try and offer a little comfort to our wounded souls.
member, 220 posts
playing with Fire
always burns
Mon 14 Sep 2015
at 23:11
  • msg #127

frivolous question

Yeah, I'm sure it's been very rough for you and I'm sorry you have to go through all of that. Me, I have arthritis on both my knees, had a surgery to repair torn cartilidge on the right one. I had a girl at 150lbs jump up in the air and slam her entire body weight onto the middle of my back when I was 21 to now cause me to have degenerative disc disease moderate in my L5 and L4 and mild in my L3, I can't get my meds right now because of a transition, I have pre cancer in my uterus and haven't had my suppression meds for almost three days now, it can come back which is why I have decided to remove my uterus, I honestly weigh 340lbs right now because I can't exercise. So I am rather stuck and he knew all of this about me, not to mention the emotional scars I have from not only past relationships but from my abusive childhood too and he said he accepted everything, now I wonder just how much lying he did to me.
member, 622 posts
Mon 14 Sep 2015
at 23:56
  • msg #128

frivolous question

This room smells like cigarette smoke! >:(
member, 1977 posts
RPG since 1982
Author & Inspiration
Tue 15 Sep 2015
at 00:20
  • msg #129

frivolous question

To my knowledge there was only ever one episode with Purple Smurfs

member, 4 posts
Tue 15 Sep 2015
at 03:09
  • msg #130

frivolous question

Just have to write this to get this out:

Spotlight Stealers...  I wish I could say "Hey, can you delete that last post of yours so mine right before that can matter even a smidge?"
member, 995 posts
Gaming :-)
Very unlucky
Tue 15 Sep 2015
at 04:16
  • msg #131

frivolous question

Fireflights, Shadoprism, I know the feeling.

Justing looking for friends, maybe some fun ^.^, but for now the idea of getting married again is definitely a no.

Tired of being lied to as well. Bleh.
member, 56 posts
Tue 15 Sep 2015
at 23:34
  • msg #132

frivolous question

I am getting quite frustrated with a series of horrendous GMs I've had. It's getting really annoying. I generally joinig adult games because I figure that the participants will be more mature, not less!
member, 765 posts
Wed 16 Sep 2015
at 03:46
  • msg #133

frivolous question

Working two part time jobs to be able to afford to rent a room in someone's house.  Trying to make payments on debts that I can't legally fight, despite them not being my fault.  (Long story, but that's not the point.). Now, my work pants just ripped and I need to buy a new pair one one of my precious half days off.  Now I have to put my bedroom back together after an exterminator sprayed for ants.  Looks like another night of less than six hours of sleep.

Truth is, however, that I feel pretty blessed.  Things could easily have been much worse.  So, while I soak my feet, I raise a glass to my fellow RPoLers.  May your home always be too small to hold all of your friends!
member, 998 posts
Gaming :-)
Very unlucky
Sun 27 Sep 2015
at 23:00
  • msg #134

frivolous question

Great.... my glasses just broke, and my eyesite is not good enough to fix the problem.
member, 336 posts
Sun 27 Sep 2015
at 23:23
  • msg #135

frivolous question

In reply to Merevel (msg # 134):

I have been right there where you are, friend :3
member, 171 posts
Mon 28 Sep 2015
at 00:47
  • msg #136

Re: frivolous question

Which is why we have vent threads - helps us reconnect with others who can sympathize with our woe's and try and offer a little comfort to our wounded souls.

Really what we need is a gamer retirement home so we can all support each other >.>
Evil Empryss
member, 1366 posts
Because knowing
is half the battle!
Mon 28 Sep 2015
at 01:07
  • msg #137

Re: frivolous question

Spent the end of last week scrambling with some coworkers to get everything prepared to help one of the other women escape an abusive domestic relationship.  She had a place to go where she could live indefinitely rent- and utilities-free, we'd haul her stuff out with my trailer for free, and we had all the paperwork for her to set up protective orders to safeguard herself and her kids.  Her husband was out of state and I had the police alerted to what was going down in case someone got word to him and he arrived home early.  All she had to do was walk out the door with her kids and let us get everything packed for her.

She bailed on us half an hour before we were due to arrive at her house.

Every woman that was helping her had been in an abusive relationship in the past.  We all know how hard it can be to get out, but none of us had this kind of help to do it.  This woman has everything someone in her position could want -- financial, emotional, social, and legal support -- and she won't take that step.  We can't make her do it, 'cuz then we'd be just as big of bullies as her husband, but it is taking all my restraint not to smack her one upside the back of the head to knock some sense into her.
member, 860 posts
Mon 28 Sep 2015
at 01:53
  • msg #138

Re: frivolous question

In reply to Evil Empryss (msg # 137):

Yeah, I can Totally see where your coming from there. Some people just seem to need that extra little push from time to time.
member, 2858 posts
Love D&D,superhero games
Not very computer savvy
Mon 28 Sep 2015
at 04:18
  • msg #139

Re: frivolous question

In reply to Evil Empryss (msg # 137):

It's a very difficult situation.   I'm so glad you tried, though.
member, 508 posts
Mon 28 Sep 2015
at 07:39
  • msg #140

Re: frivolous question

Sadly, you can't help those who aren't willing to help themselves.
member, 999 posts
Gaming :-)
Very unlucky
Mon 28 Sep 2015
at 13:36
  • msg #141

Re: frivolous question

In reply to Evil Empryss (msg # 137):


I know a few women like that. Part of my bad luck with women lol. Anyhoots I know one that took a gun being pointed at her face to leave the relationship.

Wow I have to lean in close >.<
member, 2007 posts
Mon 28 Sep 2015
at 19:07
  • msg #142

Re: frivolous question

*sigh*  My daughter's pushing for me to get a walker or similar support.  She wants me to go out walking, and I can't do it unsupported for any distance now.  But I'm pretty sure once I start using anything I'll lose all my sense of balance and have trouble even getting around here without support.  I know that's one reason why the chiropractor didn't want me using a cane even years ago, the way I would become dependant on it.  But I understand what she wants too, she wants me to go out more, she thinks this will put off deterioration a bit longer, and in other ways that may be true.  I guess I'll ask the doctor, but he's never been much help before, just prescribes pain killers instead of ordering the tests that might find what else is wrong and how to treat it.
Evil Empryss
member, 1367 posts
Because knowing
is half the battle!
Mon 28 Sep 2015
at 19:30
  • msg #143

Re: frivolous question

At twenty-eight years old I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and some funky-sounding problem with both knees that causes a lot of pain on a daily basis. I fought the use of a cane or walker for years, and now I feel stupid for being pigheaded about my health. I wasn't better for not using it, I wasn't tougher, and it didn't make me worse when I finally gave in. On the contrary, because I have them available when I need them, I can go further and do more with my family than I could when I was toughing out the pain. I can actually make it thru a shopping trip, or to the zoo, something I cannot do unaided on my good days, much less my bad days.

I don't know what your specific problems are, but people don't generally "become dependent on" assistive technology, they just realize they needed it all along and it makes their lives easier to live. I highly recommend you give it a shot. You may find it a big improvement and nowhere near the trauma you imagine.
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