Re: Death to Cookie Cutter Unbelievable Characters

Disclaimer: I feel like maybe I'm supposed to be angry in order to vent, because that's what I keep reading in these threads but... I dunno. I guess I think maybe there are other emotions that might need some venting too, you know? Anyways, this is one of those non-angry posts so, if you're looking for anger, you might want to scroll down. Sorry if this is the wrong place for this, I just... suffice it to say, I needed to vent.
Sometimes, I feel alone. I'm not alone, almost ever. I'm surrounded by people at work, I've got two roommates and an overbearingly affectionate cat (when he's not scared by some gentle noise or a soft movement from across the ocean), and I'm online all the time talking to people, roleplaying, and generally interacting with a few dozen people everyday. But I feel alone, and I guess that's important.
I've always liked to roleplay because it takes my mind off of things, off of that loneliness I feel. It whisks me away to be somewhere else, to be someone else who isn't so alone. It's why I write. It's why I read. And, sometimes, I feel like it wouldn't be such a bad thing if it would just work all the time. It doesn't though. I don't know of anything that works every single time (some things are getting mighty close though).
I don't mean to sound like one of those people that relies on escapism to avoid my problems. I don't. I face a lot of my problems head on (well, maybe at an angle) and I keep on going until I've found a solution, until I've found something that works for me and works within the system I'm in. I don't run from everything, I just have to run occasionally because when I say I tackle everything that comes my way what I mean is that I take on responsibilities and problems I really shouldn't in order to help other people. I break myself in order to make certain that, when the day's done, everyone else can smile, can feel better, can go to sleep and not wake up in a cold sweat because something was left undone.
I'm killing myself to make other people happy, and that's why I feel alone.
I don't think anyone really gets it. I think there are a lot of people who can understand it. I think there are even more who can give advice - perfect and wonderful advice, the kind of advice I would give out to anyone who came asking - but that advice never works for me. Why? Because the advice always comes from the same place. It comes from wanting to help me, and I am wholly unconcerned with helping me. I survive. I push through. I withstand whatever it is the world can muster up to throw at me because that's what it takes to be the person I want to be: the person who can help people when they need it. I don't really need to worry about me, because I've made it through more than most people do in a lifetime already. I should know; everyone says so once they've heard my story (does that mean it's true? Maybe. Maybe not. I don't really know and I don't think it's all that important).
I'm no saint. I'm stubborn as a wall made of mules for the same reasons that I'm endlessly patient with friends and family. I'm blinded by my own ambitions, because in trying to see and handle everything I miss so much. I'm slipping. Slowly, but surely, I'm slipping into something. Madness or depression or who-knows-what. It doesn't really matter. I'm just slipping.
In the end though, I haven't met someone who really gets it. Someone who can understand the mindset without pushing all of these outside ideas onto it. Someone who doesn't think that my drive to be a martyr (yes, I know, I'm Tyr the Martyr, we'll all laugh about it later) is inherently bad, because I don't see it that way. And I guess that's why I feel alone.
I'm tired, and rambling, and this is all really just a way to get my mind to stop screaming at me so I can finally get some sleep, but thank you for reading, if you have. I should perhaps save this, go back over it in the morning and make my points more eloquently and completely than they appear here, but that would defeat the purpose, neh? You don't choose to keep some of the noxious fumes inside. You don't pretty up the smoke before you left it out the chimney. Right? Right...
Before I get any advice though, I just want to make certain people know what I would say to myself if someone else came to me like this because, well, I feel this is as much a part of the vent as the rest of it. I know better, I can make the arguments for why I should stop, but I don't because of what I've said above. Humor me, I suppose, if you're still reading.
Being a martyr isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's dirty. It's rough. And it will break you. It's meant to. And you can't help anyone if you're broken. You need to fix yourself, you need to take care of yourself if you ever hope to effectively take care of anyone else. Sure, you might be able to stumble through and support someone on your broken leg, but you'd be able to support two if you'd just let your leg heal.
No one wants to see you hurting. Your worst enemies might, but who actually has enemies these days? Some people hold grudges. Some people don't like other people. But it's rare - so rare that it's almost extinct - that anyone would actually want to see you slowly wither away just so you could help someone else. No matter what you think there are people who care, people who want to help you, and you're hurting them by hurting yourself. It's a vicious cycle and you need to be a part of the solution if you want to break it. You can still help people. You can still do the right thing. You just might need to take it a bit more slowly, but you'll do it better if you do. You will; you just have to trust me on that.
And... I guess that's all. Sorry for the disorganization and the almost childish nature of my complaints, but... yeah. Maybe I should've used more colors...