frivolous question

Okay, I really need to vent. not because I am mad, but because I am hurt. Why do men think we women are so stupid that we won't find out things especially when they put stuff on the internet. I have been in a relationship with someone I was planning on moving in with them as soon as they got their housing straightened, til then I was living with my friend at first in PA and since then in Illinois because I was waiting for him to tell me I could come. Well, today when he didn't tell me he loved me back, which he ALWAYS does, I don't know why but I just knew something was wrong so I began looking online under his name. I found a woman whom I won't name, calling my boyfriend babe! I followed it to her facebook account and lo and behold, she has that she has been in a relationship with him for three months! Three months he has been stringing me along, making me believe everything was fine in our relationship and that I would still be going to be with him only to find out he lied to me. Well I messaged her, told her about how he and I had been in a relationship for over a year, she blocked me but that's okay, I don't care I just warned her to watch her back when it comes to him because if he can do it to me, he will do it to her too. And then I confronted him and he couldn't tell me anything other than it was the distance, we had seen each other in April and I hadn't had the money to come back down and see him, but I guess it wouldn't have mattered anyway. Now I'm so hurt because I fell for him harder than I have for anyone else and I don't get it....what was so wrong with me that he couldn't just wait until his house was finalized and I could come be with him? I know you guys don't really know but I just need to get this out, I am hurt and so very, very confused.