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02:46, 14th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Vents with allowed responses - 3.

Posted by GamerHandle
moderator, 3584 posts
Whatever you do,
Fri 11 Sep 2015
at 17:46

2 out of 3

My guess is that you would have to go back to the said county in said state if you want to fight the ticket in any way.

There's a reason cops like to ticket cars with out of county/out of state plates more than locals. ;)
This message was last edited by the user at 17:46, Fri 11 Sept 2015.
member, 613 posts
Fri 11 Sep 2015
at 17:52
  • msg #97

2 out of 3

Well, now I've learned something new. And I'll keep the speed down.
member, 582 posts
Fri 11 Sep 2015
at 19:39
  • msg #98

2 out of 3

In reply to Eggy (msg # 97):

That is kind of the point ;)
member, 614 posts
Fri 11 Sep 2015
at 20:50
  • msg #99

2 out of 3

In reply to Wyrm (msg # 98):

That resolution of mine lasted for all of 30 minutes. :P
Evil Empryss
member, 1364 posts
Because knowing
is half the battle!
Fri 11 Sep 2015
at 22:25
  • msg #100

2 out of 3

Yeah, in order to fight it, you'll have to go to the state you got it in.  I don't know if you can get a lawyer to fight it for you if you're going for the PJC.  On the other hand, you may be happy enough to just plead it down to a non-moving violation and pay the fine: it's still expensive, but there won't be any points on your license for a non-moving violation.

There's a good trick to avoid speed traps when on road trips: let a rabbit run ahead of you to flush the foxes from the brush.  On a trip a few weeks ago, I hit a part of West Virginia that is rife with speed traps.  I allowed another out-of-state driver (from Kansas) to pass me and then paced Kansas at about 5 mph slower.  Sure as strawberries, within five miles Smokey tagged Kansas as he came over a rise.  I saw Kansas hit his brakes (giving me time to brake myself), but it was too late for him.  All I had to do was pull over to the right hand lane to let the cop clear to get get Kansas and I was on my way.  I did it again with a car from New York, but we didn't pass any other traps.
member, 615 posts
Fri 11 Sep 2015
at 22:35
  • msg #101

2 out of 3

I'm going to just pay it and be done with it. I've been driving for we'll over 20 years pretty much the same way I was driving today. I've driven cross country 18 times in a car and some in a semi. Guess I was just lucky. There are always worse drivers whenever I'm out. :D
member, 166 posts
35 years of gaming
Still going strong
Fri 11 Sep 2015
at 22:39
  • msg #102

2 out of 3

In reply to Eggy (msg # 99):

If you were doing 30 over, be glad all you got was a ticket and not an all expenses paid trip to the jailhouse, while watching your car get towed to the impound yard.  Also they could have tacked on Reckless Driving, Endangering Motorists.  YOu sir/ma'am should consider yourself very lucky.
member, 167 posts
35 years of gaming
Still going strong
Fri 11 Sep 2015
at 22:41
  • msg #103

2 out of 3

P.S.  You really should slow down or one day you will close the interstate or highway down because they have to hose you off the pavement.
member, 616 posts
Sat 12 Sep 2015
at 11:58
  • msg #104

Beastly Accomodations

I woke up an hour ago covered in crickets.

Arrived at my new work site yesterday. My house isn't ready yet. The previous worker decided won't be out for another fifteen to twenty days. I was given a list of nearby hotels. I picked the closest one. Going to sleep late last night, I heard a chorus of crickets. I didn't think anything of it. It's The South.

I woke up to a ticklish feeling and the sound of something tapping. When I sat up, there was lots of movement around my face. I turned on the light and I was sitting in a bed full of crickets! I'd say at least fifty on the bedspread and others between the sheets on the floor on the counters in the curtains in my shoes EVERYWHERE! They're so huge that I can hear them landing on hard surfaces.

I used to love catching crickets as a kid, but this is a little too much like Amityville for me. I think this room has mites or bedbugs or something and it's like a cricket buffet. Called  the front desk. The night manager asked me if I slept with my phone or computer on the nightstand. "They like the light and the cords," she said. THEY being whatever the crickets are eating.

Checked out and trying to sleep in the car. Looking for a new place in the morning.
member, 844 posts
Sat 12 Sep 2015
at 14:14
  • msg #105

Beastly Accomodations

In reply to Eggy (msg # 104):

REPORT THEM ! - That is a Major health code violation. (The crickets) - and in the south you got to watch out for Locust to, they get pretty big (like up to 2 inches long and a 1/2 inch wide).
You should get your money back at the least, though that is unlikely to happen. Places like that get shut down around here. Crickets are just the tip of a much larger problem.
member, 617 posts
Sat 12 Sep 2015
at 16:27
  • msg #106

Beastly Accomodations

I reported it. I was pretty sleepy when I wrote that last post. My brain was still on West Coast time. So I didn't wake up to crickets quite as early as I'd thought :D

But I did wake up with crickets in my sheets and pillowcases. I took pictures of them. And something else. Fleas? I had some bite marks. I took pictures of those, too. And they weren't mosquitoes. I didn't hear or see a single mosquito in that room. Fortunately, I didn't unpack all my luggage from the car. I was pretty tired after driving and the run around with the housing office. I only brought in my overnight bag and laptop.

The day manager found me sleeping in the car and knocked on my window. She asked if I was the one who reported the crickets last night. I told her yes and showed her the pictures. The person I spoke to earlier didn't want to look at them. They refunded my money and paid for a 21-day stay at a better hotel.

I'd never seen so many crickets in one place before. When I was a kid we used to have them in the garden and sometimes in the garage by the utility sink. But one hopped in my mouth this morning. Waking up to them like that was a fright.
member, 618 posts
Sat 12 Sep 2015
at 16:35
  • msg #107

Beastly Accomodations

oh yeah.

And the clothes and shoes and stuff I wore last night, I put in a plastic bag and put in the freezer of the new hotel room. They can chill out there for a week I guess.
member, 845 posts
Sat 12 Sep 2015
at 16:50
  • msg #108

Beastly Accomodations

Yeesh, yeah it's the dry weather this year after last year being so nice (and wet), their populations is way up. (I looked it up)
The hard part in looking up information on the crickets is you get allot of useless stuff, from Cricket (the game) to 'bug super foods'.
All I wanted was Why there were more cricket's the bugs this year. My research shows there has been a steady increase over the last 3 years. Especially in September, because this is there mating period. So your hotel room was being used as their 'cheap motel'.

The bites are likely bed bugs more than flea's. Good of them though to get you a nice upgrade and pay for it for the next few weeks. So some good came out of this event in the long run.
This message was last edited by the user at 16:57, Sat 12 Sept 2015.
member, 619 posts
Sat 12 Sep 2015
at 16:56
  • msg #109

Beastly Accomodations


Well, unless an army of vermin storms this new hotel room in the night, I'd say this vent is closed. Thanks for listening. :)
member, 153 posts
Sat 12 Sep 2015
at 17:58
  • msg #110

Counting myself lucky, but really?

So I was scheduled to do a morning shift today and got up to do so, I had very little sleep but that's my usual routine and I can survive a morning shift and then pass out when I get back.

However, today was busy and with customers coming in and out and very little to no air conditioning I was ready to pass out. Luckily my shift was coming to an end. I had voiced my feelings of needing to sit down or at least have a drink before I went.

It was then that the cash registers got a little bit busy (nothing compared to what I've seen it for back to school) I turn to my manager and tell them my shift is over and that I'm signing off on the tills. To which I get..

"Can't you see that long line of customers right there? You can't leave the till until the line is gone.."

Usually I'd be fine, but this is a Saturday. And it is a duel to whoever can get to the registers quicker than the last. So of course as I try to get the line down to a reasonable length they all start lining up near my register. Every time I tried to sign off... another came up to the till.

I was so close to passing out it was unreal, the type where you feel sick just before you have a wobble.


My other manager told me I shouldn't be finishing at 1 as was said and I simply told him that was what I was scheduled in for and that was all I could do. Not my fault you're under staffed on the cash registers. But.. Thanks for the consideration I could've passed out!
member, 846 posts
Sat 12 Sep 2015
at 22:15
  • msg #111

Counting myself lucky, but really?

In reply to Little_Devil (msg # 110):

Been there done that, only I really did pass out - the manager fired me because of it to. Prickly puss did not even give me my last pay check either.
(Well mine was from heat exhaustion, middle of summer, working a grill at a restaurant with a broken AC, when it got to hot there the manager sent me to wash dishes, so from the dry heat of the grill to the high humid heat of the sink, passed out with in minutes of that.
One of those times where I look back and realize that I could have sued and won for how I was treated and for being Fired for what was obviously a bad decision on the managers count).
There are laws protecting workers from over work. (At least in the US, not sure about other countries)
member, 2004 posts
Sun 13 Sep 2015
at 20:24
  • msg #112

Counting myself lucky, but really?

In reply to ShadoPrism (msg # 111):

That's rotten, too bad you didn't take them to the cleaners!  Firing someone for passing out (like you chose to do it?!?) would have been bad enough, but that much worse when it was because of working conditions and poor decisions on their part.
member, 847 posts
Sun 13 Sep 2015
at 22:19
  • msg #113

Counting myself lucky, but really?

In reply to Brianna (msg # 112):

Yeah, true, but I was only 19 and did not know about that stuff at the time.
member, 71 posts
Trust no one.
Keep your laser handy.
Mon 14 Sep 2015
at 08:15
  • msg #114

frivolous question

I'm just dipping my toes back into the RPol water, and I guess I'm still a bit of a noob, but I was quite active for a few months, and intend to be so again. Which leads me to wondering in idle curiosity, whatever happened to vents-2? Or is that unhistory at this point?
member, 2856 posts
Love D&D,superhero games
Not very computer savvy
Mon 14 Sep 2015
at 09:29
  • msg #115

frivolous question

In reply to Holobunny (msg # 114):

Welcome back.  :)

Vents 2 went to 999 posts a while ago, and was retired.  It's still on the previous page, if you want to peruse it, though.
member, 994 posts
Gaming :-)
Very unlucky
Mon 14 Sep 2015
at 14:59
  • msg #116

frivolous question

In reply to Holobunny (msg # 114):

Same here lol. I gota find a writing workshop or something. I just finally made my first in game post today, and I bet the gm complains! >.<

Sad part about lawsuits is lawyers are scared strudelless of companies with money. If it was a smaller place its easier to win shado.
This message was last edited by a moderator, as it was against the forum rules, at 16:46, Mon 14 Sept 2015.
member, 848 posts
Mon 14 Sep 2015
at 15:39
  • msg #117

frivolous question

It was Burger King, so not a small place  (though last time I was down that way that store is totally gone, was a fishing tackle store in it's place).
member, 216 posts
playing with Fire
always burns
Mon 14 Sep 2015
at 19:10
  • msg #118

frivolous question

Okay, I really need to vent. not because I am mad, but because I am hurt. Why do men think we women are so stupid that we won't find out things especially when they put stuff on the internet. I have been in a relationship with someone I was planning on moving in with them as soon as they got their housing straightened, til then I was living with my friend at first in PA and since then in Illinois because I was waiting for him to tell me I could come. Well, today when he didn't tell me he loved me back, which he ALWAYS does, I don't know why but I just knew something was wrong so I began looking online under his name. I found a woman whom I won't name, calling my boyfriend babe! I followed it to her facebook account and lo and behold, she has that she has been in a relationship with him for three months! Three months he has been stringing me along, making me believe everything was fine in our relationship and that I would still be going to be with him only to find out he lied to me. Well I messaged her, told her about how he and I had been in a relationship for over a year, she blocked me but that's okay, I don't care I just warned her to watch her back when it comes to him because if he can do it to me, he will do it to her too. And then I confronted him and he couldn't tell me anything other than it was the distance, we had seen each other in April and I hadn't had the money to come back down and see him, but I guess it wouldn't have mattered anyway. Now I'm so hurt because I fell for him harder than I have for anyone else and I don't get it....what was so wrong with me that he couldn't just wait until his house was finalized and I could come be with him? I know you guys don't really know but I just need to get this out, I am hurt and so very, very confused.
member, 2005 posts
Mon 14 Sep 2015
at 19:15
  • msg #119

frivolous question

In reply to fireflights (msg # 118):

I know this doesn't help right now, but be glad you hadn't moved in with him when you found out.  A rat like that probably would have done other hurtful things, and at the very least you would have been out a place to live on no notice at all.  Hopefully the other woman thinks things over and gives him some measure of what he deserves.
member, 217 posts
playing with Fire
always burns
Mon 14 Sep 2015
at 19:22
  • msg #120

frivolous question

I hope she does too, but it still hurts really badly that he did this and he knows my past of men cheating on me, he swore up and down he was the one to always be cheated on and that he had never cheated on someone he was with. But now I believe he was just telling me what I wanted to hear.
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