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02:10, 14th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Vents with allowed responses - 3.

Posted by GamerHandle
member, 225 posts
Tue 15 Oct 2024
at 18:06
  • msg #2346


True, but if we're talking one, two, three or even five months of nothing...

I mean, you hardly had to tell me it's not a job, but if I didn't show up at a job for five months, I'd expect people to be a bit put out.

I also decline the counter-guilt trip. the players didn't put up a call for RTJs, do interest checks, ask for characters, and so on. The burden is not really on them. Especially when there's "you can't take over this game, no matter how abandoned it is and how interested you are in continuing" provisions as (I believe) the default.
This message was last edited by the user at 22:20, Tue 15 Oct 2024.
The Stray
member, 155 posts
When the Cat's a Stray
the Mice will Pray
Thu 17 Oct 2024
at 20:32
  • msg #2347



November is my least favorite month of the year. It always seems like, if there's bad stuff that's going to happen in my life, it's going to happen then.

This year, I have two funerals to attend, both of dear friends.

This was ALREADY a not-great year, because my mom passed away in May.

I'm hoping this is the extent of it, but bracing myself if it's not.
member, 2165 posts
Captain Oblivious!
Fri 18 Oct 2024
at 02:21
  • msg #2348


In reply to The Stray (msg # 2347):

This has not been a good year for me, so I get it.

Hang in there, it'll get better eventually.
member, 53 posts
Born under a bad sign,
in a crossfire hurricane
Thu 24 Oct 2024
at 21:21
  • msg #2349


I'm not sure what the frell Amazon is playing at with their free Shipping; but they not only just lost my custom, they inadvertently directed me to a better product which I got cheaper on the manufacturers website.

To explain - I wanted a really compact 65w USB-C laptop charger, and Amazon showed one from a certain green company for £26 +£5 P&P - but spend another £9 and get free shipping! Well I could do with a couple of decent USB-C cables so I added £10 of cables, all of whom said 'Dispatched from Amazon' and 'Eligible for free shipping if you spend £35".
Get to the checkout and "Free shipping on this order!" displayed, entered my details and...£4.99 shipping. Huh?
Cue much faffing about as Amazon first advertised free shipping then denied it at checkout for various combinations of Charger and Cables from different sellers (all of whom said Dispatched by Amazon and Eligible for Free Shipping). I even tried getting the Charger and a Cable from the SAME sellers store and no deal.
But during the shopping I'd noticed another known brand selling a compact 100w USB-C charger at the same price. I went to the manufacturers website to check the specs and saw they sold direct for the same price as Amazon and free shipping. But I still could use some USB cables so back to Amazon...and the saga continued with Yes Free Shipping! and But Not Free On This Item Ignore What We Just Said!

Ordered the 100w charger from the maker direct at £26 free P&P, and I'll get my USB cables from EBay sellers instead.
Amazon is fast becoming a store I use to check things out to purchase elsewhere.
member, 2168 posts
Captain Oblivious!
Fri 25 Oct 2024
at 17:24
  • msg #2350


In reply to OBorg (msg # 2349):

I completely agree about Amazon.  I used to use them for everything, as they were the cheapest option; but now I go elsewhere as they "micro-transaction" every service with an extra charge.  Even Prime Video isn't worth paying for any longer.
This message was last edited by the user at 17:25, Fri 25 Oct 2024.
member, 342 posts
Fri 8 Nov 2024
at 19:17
  • msg #2351


When people you have never met think they are entitled to being in a game that isn't in play, that hasn't been in play for years. Than are offended when you tell them as much. Or they join and never contribute, talk in OOC chat, and can't be bothered to speak to the GM until the game starts and they are removed.

No GM owes you anything, GM's are a rare commodity in this day and age everyone wants to play. This is why GM's loose interest and burn out. Is it so hard to be nice. -sigh-
member, 3237 posts
Fri 8 Nov 2024
at 19:58
  • msg #2352


  I have  folks who are on the shelf because of RL... I reach out to them, some of them answer, others  do not.

  The players  who don't, i will cut about a year or so after...if they didn't contribute  in the first  place, i cut them out right.

  No one gets paid to  play or run games. Its not  cool for active players, who had some kind of RP with  a absentee player, to be waiting on them.

  I 'send characters  away' when some  one 'good' is in a bind. They can  rejoin when they are able.... jerks, or ghosting folks, , i use their characters  to help  move the plot , or create a plot. there isn't any coming back for those characters.

  As  sliver  said? no one owes  anyone  anything... Good players   help  Good GMs  keep games flowing. We  have  enough problems with  entitled people in the  real world, we should not put up with it here.
subscriber, 719 posts
Thu 14 Nov 2024
at 20:54
  • msg #2353


Currently, a pair of Not My Cats have taken up residence at my abode. Not inside, but they're desperately trying to get /to/ the inside every day, and have been for almost a month now.

They have a home. It's literally two houses away as the crow flies. They can come and go at will, they have food 24/7, and a heated cat house inside their proper residence's garage, that they have free access to. Yet...they're at mine - Little faces pressed up against my glass door, begging to get inside (it's chilly, and wet).

The owner knows they're here. They just don't care. "They're indoor-outdoor." Heck, last weekend they took off for three days (I can see their house/garage/driveway from mine) and just left the cats behind, so they spent the whole time at my house.

It's making me pretty furious. They want to be here so bad, they've started bringing me their hunting kills as gifts. They brought one of their cat toys down last weekend. Did I mention the neighborhood has foxes, snakes, coyotes, big dogs, neighbors that don't like cats, and a highway running past it, and these people /still/ let their adorably sweet kitties run around?

It's about all I can do to not put them in a carrier and take them up to their actual home and say 'If you don't keep your cats inside, I'm going to', and then just...let them in and keep them there next time they show up, but their actual family has small children that I worry would miss their kitties if I catnapped them.

This message was last edited by the user at 20:56, Thu 14 Nov 2024.
member, 344 posts
Thu 14 Nov 2024
at 20:57
  • msg #2354


As a certified cat-mom , crazy cat lady ... I would have already taken those babies in. They like you better than home, since they are bringing you gifts for acceptance. I can understand not wanting to seperate the cats from the little kids, but at the same time they keep letting them out and willfully leaving them to go where ever, without reassurance if they are safe---just leave the door open friend.
member, 2179 posts
Captain Oblivious!
Thu 14 Nov 2024
at 21:31
  • msg #2355


It's making me pretty furious. They want to be here so bad, they've started bringing me their hunting kills as gifts. They brought one of their cat toys down last weekend. Did I mention the neighborhood has foxes, snakes, coyotes, big dogs, neighbors that don't like cats, and a highway running past it, and these people /still/ let their adorably sweet kitties run around?

People do the same with kids, but it's much harder to get away with that level of neglect and not get someone like child services called on them.    And I'm inclined to agree with silverelf....pets know better than we think about "where they belong".
subscriber, 720 posts
Thu 14 Nov 2024
at 22:47
  • msg #2356


My issue is that they're chipped (I made a comment to their owner when I ran into them that I had made an appointment to take them to the vets the next day to see if they were chipped... 'hint hint, I was gonna keep your cats'), and I know that they *DO* have a home (even if they don't want to be at it), so I feel like it would be cat-theft (is that a thing?) if I just let them inside and then kept them there.

I don't really need them thinking I "stole" their cats, y'know?

Secondary to that, my strictly-indoor 12-14 year-old (vet's best guess) cat (female, fixed) is also very much not keen on the idea of letting these two (not quite 1-year males, fixed) come into her space - she tries to smack them through the glass door - but she'd get over it just like my old cat had to when she showed up on the scene in need of a home.

For what it's worth, I'm not /trying/ to lure them to my house. I'm not feeding them, or anything like that (although several other neighbors are, apparently) - just offering pets and scritches, because they're so obviously desperate for both.

...funnily enough, Hunter, I 'adopted' most of my kids' friends for those reasons, too. I had an open policy for years that anyone at my house at mealtime got to eat, and packed more than a few work lunches for kids that weren't mine, when they were trying to find their feet after high school.
member, 346 posts
Thu 14 Nov 2024
at 23:26
  • msg #2357


I raised a son ( not mine his mother had drug issues, I still don't know what ever happened to her ) So when others were out in their 20s I was the mom. His gaming group came to our apartment, and I would up feeding them. Any of his friends that showed up. Never left hungry its just my boy is in the military now, and I am so proud of him. My kids these days are my cats. My indoor cat I had for 10 years could say HELLLOO, and BAD which came out Rrad. but its how I knew when any of the other cat's I kept inside were doing something she had gotten punished for. XD

It doesn't stop you from taking them in if the weather is bad. If the weather is bad here, I bring my outties in. That what the garage is for. My passed roomate and I turned it into a sort of cat home. For bad weather. My current room-mate helps me keep it up. Those cats would be blessed to have you.
princess mina
member, 1 post
Tue 26 Nov 2024
at 16:02
  • msg #2358


Exactly I have siblings problem
subscriber, 722 posts
Mon 2 Dec 2024
at 21:32
  • msg #2359


Not My Cat & Also Not My Cat update - Their owner has started training them to come home for dinner, and locking them inside at night. It's not perfect, but it's a start, and at least they're inside during the cold. They do still come down to say 'hi' to me at least once a day, though. =)

...and today's rant: Someone sideswiped my kid as they were coming home from school today. Not another student, a grown adult that should presumably better be able to control their vehicle, and would also presumably be not-so-blind as to not see my kid's bright yellow car. But no.

So, while the perpetrator does have insurance, and it wasn't my kid's fault in any way, now I'm worried that insurance isn't going to fix his car (it's over two decades old). Someone out there tell me that it'll be okay. Please!
member, 70 posts
Tue 3 Dec 2024
at 20:06
  • msg #2360


The last 2 games I joined here turned out to be AI run. The GM fed prompts into their generative AI of choice (probably ChatGPT) and put the drivel that came out in their posts. The first game took me five posts to notice that it was throwing soulless text at me because the DM made some corrections but it then then started to make unnatural repeating patterns every post (Bob, his bike and his mighty voice. With a mighty voice Bob, who has a bike. Strong voiced Bob, holding his bike. Bellowing Biking Bob. And so on.) The second game I noticed on the first post, also because it was filled with logical fallacies that the DM (can we even call them DM's at this point?) didn't bother to correct.

It should be mandatory that AI use in games is labeled by DM's in their advertisements. Saves me from applying and wasting time on chargen...
moderator, 16266 posts
He's big, he's bad,
but mostly he's Ron.
Wed 4 Dec 2024
at 03:08
  • msg #2361


It should be mandatory that AI use in games is labeled by DM's in their advertisements. Saves me from applying and wasting time on chargen...

Not going to happen.  As far as RPoL is concerned, GMs (and players) are free to use whatever tools they want to make their posts, and it is up to the individual whether or not they choose to reveal what they used.  RPoL will not introduce a rule that makes it mandatory to reveal that information.

The issue is not that the GM uses AI, but that he uses it with his own brain disengaged, and doesn't filter the AI generated material.
This message was last edited by the user at 03:52, Wed 04 Dec 2024.
member, 2192 posts
Captain Oblivious!
Wed 4 Dec 2024
at 05:13
  • msg #2362


The issue is not that the GM uses AI, but that he uses it with his own brain disengaged, and doesn't filter the AI generated material.

I was thinking that the problem was a lazy GM, but that's pretty much what you just said.
member, 10 posts
Gamer Girl /Writer/GM
Above All Else Be Kind
Thu 5 Dec 2024
at 17:46
  • msg #2363


I think people put a lot of pressure on Gm's. There aren't a lot of people willing to take the captain's seat. There are many types of Gm's as well, if it doesn't suit you, move on. Since that particular gm doesn't do things the way you like there is bound to be a place out there that does. I've known Gm's to take prompts from AI and fill them in, especially if they work a lot and want to move their group along. Best advice is to ask in your RTJ if the GM uses AI if you're against it. Most Gm's are forthright.

Good luck in your search friend.
member, 1176 posts
Game Archaeologist
Thu 5 Dec 2024
at 18:52
  • msg #2364


Participating in the test to see if AI was ready to be used for GMing, without agreeing, is unfortunate.
While at some point it may be up to the task. Maybe even better than some that think they can GM, there should still be a notification it is being used. Especially with the sensitivity to it.
member, 2199 posts
Captain Oblivious!
Wed 11 Dec 2024
at 03:43
  • msg #2365


And I'll have been at this address (an address I was never planning on being at in the first place) for eight years (2016) next week.    Every month, it gets a little harder...every month the near continuous stench of weed and cigarettes continues to infest my apartment; I go through 8-10 air freshener cones a month in order to fight it.  I'm flat out allergic to the smoke from them both, and that only makes it worse.

I clean with bleach at least once a month (because my OCD is "neatness" and "order"), but there's still bugs.   I sometimes wonder if the rest of the building even understands how to clean properly.   And ... let's not forget the rats living in the garage next door.

I had to buy an apartment sized dishwasher (which eventually had a door hinge rust through co I can't use it anymore) and an apartment sized clothes washer because the laundrymat has gotten to be too far away to walk some days.  And if I want to eat, I have to order it...the only place to get food in the neighborhood is a dollar store.

And on that note: I finally stopped going outside because it felt like every other time I did, someone would come up to me asking for a hand-out.  Apparently, the idea that I'm living in this neighborhood because I'm poor doesn't seem to occur.   And then there's the visitors to the neighbors at all hours...nothing like someone pulling up with the stereo cranked up to 80+ decibels at 2am.

I have a year and a half before I qualify for any sort of senior care; at which point I can finally hope to look to moving somewhere else.   As as for it all; I'm just tired.  I want to be somewhere else....
This message was last edited by the user at 03:52, Wed 11 Dec 2024.
subscriber, 728 posts
Fri 7 Feb 2025
at 18:08
  • msg #2366


Not My Cat & Also Not My Cat update (and vent) -

Owner kept them in for a few days when it was super-cold, but they "tore up the house" and were returned to being able to roam freely out their cat door 24/7. The result? Not My Cat got hit by a car and is no more, the poor, sweet boy. At least now their owner is resolved to keep the surviving one inside for the rest of his life, but FFS it didn't need to be this way.

If it hadn't been illegal in my county to knowingly abscond with someone else's pet, they'd have been mine for months, owner or no. I wish I'd stolen them anyway.

Please, people - if you have animals, keep them contained. The world isn't safe for them.

member, 1207 posts
Jan 11, 2024
Journey's end...ned eth
Sun 9 Feb 2025
at 23:13
  • msg #2367


In reply to SunRuanEr (msg # 2366):

That's so sad...

You said everything that I didn't have to come to the cat's death. You would have taken it in, if it weren't illegal. You wish now you had, anyway. It's awful.

My abusive father did something similar; put the cat in the garage in sub-freezing conditions. I would sneak the cat, that was mine, but into his house.

I'm not vegan, but I think the disregard for animal that you have no intention of doing anything with, but let languor should be like trash on the side of the road. If you discard something, an object, at least where I live, it is free to be picked up and taken. I should think this would be, but often misery is senseless.

I'm trouble communicating. I write ven more poorly than I used to. Not just fromn typos, butb also from word choice, and all that is writing. MY sopeech is slurred, because I have no teeth, but I also meander and get very off topic. I'm under a great deakl of stress. Maybe that';s it. Maybe, as evndienced by the above, versus here, it's letting that strress become forefront. Clearly to anyone that reads this, the line break shows a different manner of text.
member, 368 posts
Tue 11 Feb 2025
at 19:53
  • msg #2368


*sigh* Why do people waste there own time, mine and the GM running the game ? I don't understand appling for a game with a RTJ and not doing the request to join, get explained why said gm wants it. I don't know any gm who has that will accept a hi I want to play but I don't want to do any work, or tell you anything about my character. Get told they need to tell a little about the character, and than sat they aren't interested bye. Normally , I don't vent, but this just hurt my brain.
member, 1209 posts
Jan 11, 2024
Journey's end...ned eth
Tue 11 Feb 2025
at 23:40
  • msg #2369


In reply to silverelf (msg # 2368):

This is very frustrating! Let that be said first and with the most important point up front.

I get that even to this day. Literally. I want share something for those (you may not be one!) that have some anxiety and stress or even PTSD or OCD. Caring less about these things initially and then throwing the process in the face of the RTJ when they're "behind" makes it easier. At least for me it does. I just ignore them, anyone really, that isn't working out. I learned from a friend with Crones, worrying about what is worth worrying about, is one really big step to save yourself more worry. I'm in the infancy of that mantra, but it's helped to just let players show up, and just survive out.

I don't know about you, but I get three pages RTJ that still drop out, because they have this static view of the WHOLE game. I've had players of all starts work well.

It is very frustrating though! Make no mistake, I agree it is so easy to fulfill most GM RTJ criteria. I made "enemies" of users this way, but that really just helps me more than them. lol. As I know other GMs that reject them and these users have no clue. Some of these people need to be removed from the player pool, and the easiest way (for me) is to let them in, let them tire out, waste their time, and then get removed. I look at it as them wasting their time, on my dime, rather than some other GM's. Even today though, I accepted a RTJ that didn't fill out the RTJ criteria. Not out of desperation, out of elimination. It helps that I think the player is worth my time, as I've seen them play under me prior.

It sucks though, that you have five questions, and you don't get those answered, but get asked some instead. It's frustrating. It's also something you can't control how you feel. At least I can't. I just react to that frustration in different ways than I, specifically I, used to.

Confusion abound. Like :what?
member, 2217 posts
Captain Oblivious!
Wed 12 Feb 2025
at 02:26
  • msg #2370


In reply to silverelf (msg # 2368):

I'd say that it's sometimes because their idea of fun involves ruining other people's fun.  Alternately, it's because they're lazy and don't want to give the minimum effort required.    It's also often that said people aren't team players unless they have to be.

I'd say more, but V_V pretty much covered the topic.
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