Thanks StarMaster
Fellow Human Beings ... Fellow Gamers ... Friends ...
It is with a saddened heart that I inform you all of the passing of Robert Rusk -- better known to many of us as StarMaster.
Rob passed in his sleep on Thursday morning, July 6, 2023, at approximately 10:30am. He had been hospitalized since early in the year due to complications concerning Cancer & associated surgeries. He was 73 years old.
Rob was a Comics Fan Boy & fiction writer wannabe his whole life and came to Roleplaying in the Early Days of 1978. It was my distinct pleasure to have met him, and gamed with him, since that time.
After his Retirement, Rob committed himself to the community he found in RPol, participating in over 20+ games, here. He was an especial "softie" for GM-adopting abandoned games and working to keep them running, for the enjoyment of the Players.
He will be missed.
His roommate posted this in a game we shared. I was in 6 Traveller games with starmaster, He was a great man and friend.