Not Starting at First Level
In shadowrun five, and four, I can't speak on earlier versions, there are are processes for playing more seasoned characters. In the brief period I played SR table-top, we played a group of runners that were privately working for a specific group of corporate individuals. We were starting higher than what beginning runners would start with, we knew each other to some degree -- there were still secrets, but we knew something about each other -- and we had better stats, and equipment than we would have had, if we had just started out. The stakes were higher too, and the Storyteller did a good job of bringing our patrons to live and making them people we didn't want to let done, and not just because we feared them, although there was one we mostly did fear, although I developed a history of being candid that for better or worse set the tone for interactions with that particular individual.
The room for failure was smaller, and that added additional challenges.
It also was a very different kind of shadowrun game, because we were starting from a specific standpoint, working for a set group of individuals. We were essentally the trouble shooters for them, off the books, which meant, our reputation with them and our interaction with each other was much more set than it might be otherwise. To put this another way, there were very strong implicit motivations for us to work together. I'm not sure how well this particular style of shadowrun would translate to RPOL, because it would require a bit of commitment for players to stay with the game and to develop some shared history.