
Let's see:
oWoD -- old World of Darkness, referring to the collection of White Wolf games published before 2004 (Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: the Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension, Changeling: The Dreaming, Wraith: The Oblivion, Hunter: The Reckoning, Demon: The Fallen, Mummy: The Resurrection...I think that's all of them, but I could be wrong). Many of these lines have since had continuations.
nWoD/CoD -- new World of Darkness/Chronicles of Darkness, the version of the Word of Darkness created as a hard reboot. The lines include Vampire: The Requiem (V:tR), Werewolf: the Forsaken (W:tF, sometimes just WTF? as a joke), Mage: The Awakening (M:tAw, as opposed to M:tA/M:tAs for Mage: The Ascension), Changeling: The Lost (C:tL), Promethean: The Created (P:tC), Hunter: the Vigil (H:tV), Geist: the Sin-Eaters (G:tS), Mummy: The Curse (M:tC), Demon: the Descent (D:tD), and Deviant: the Renegades (D:tR). The Chronicles of Darkness name change happened during the 2nd edition, after the license for the game went to Onyx Path Press -- most of these game lines (except D:tD and D:tR) have 2nd editions coinsiding with the change in branding, done to distinguish them from the Word of Darkness (which had by this time been restarted).
FATAL/F.A.T.A.L. - Fantasy Adventures To Adult Lechery/From Another Time, Another Land, widely considered one of the worst (if not THE worst) RPGs of all time, and basically the Aristocrats joke of the TTRPG scene (except it was meant in earnest, which makes it even worse).
The various editions of Savage Worlds are SWEX (Savage Worlds Explorer Edition), SWDX (Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition), and SWADE (Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, the current one).
Deadlands, a Weird West game, has DLC (Deadlands Classic, from when it had its own dedicated system), DL:HOE/HoE (Deadlands:Hell On Earth, a post-apocalyptic version), DL:LC (Deadlands: Lost Colony, a out-and-out Space Western), DLR (Deadlands: Reloaded, a version of the game translated to Savage Worlds), DLR: HoE (The Reloaded version of Hell on Earth), DL:N (Deadlands: Noir, a Noir take on the game), DLR:LC (the Reloaded version of Lost Colony), and DL:TWW (Deadlands: The Weird West, the current version of DLR for SWADE after a setting reboot.