Advice in Rmail

In short verse, I have trouble scheduling my RPoL time effectively. I'm online about six hours a week, and I'd like to have a better outcome than what is current. I think the first is to make this my last CC interaction for the next few years. That said, this is place (I hope) to ask for some help.
I'm looking to have some help balancing my GM/ST week schedule. I'm not looking for specific game to game advice, which is why I posted the "ad" here. I'm looking for some coaching as far as getting a good rhythm for my games during the week. This would hopefully be a one post of this volume less than once a week. I'm hoping for someone to help me navigate the objectivity of what you, if you so engage with me, would recommend for timing and pacing.
I will be glad to redirect this discussion somewhere else, but I would like to start by just inviting people to Rmail me, and if any quick tips, about this post's length, can be made; to see them here.
I am by all accounts a slow poster. I don't lose interest in my games, I lose contact or confidence in their engagement. I recently found some "rules" I like, to address the philosophy of posting rate and expectations of my players. If welcomed, I'd like to run them by a person with no vested interest in my games, and get a hard pill or critical honesty about expectations versus allowances.
Anyway, thank you for considering this a side-side-side-project or less.