[GURPSheads] What's your favorite mechanic?
I'm trying out writing scenarios, and what I thought I'd do is approach it a bit like a video game developer, building some things around the more interesting mechanics of the game.
Since the game I'm working with is GURPS 4e, I'd be mainly interested in opinions from people who know GURPS.
So, for instance, one area uses the underwater modifiers from the main books, another depends on the light-modifiers for visibility (so scrounging better light sources is a big factor) from High Tech, another involves the scrounge-for-scrap/repair equipment bits from After the End, an "arena" where the mechanics of the extensive Martial Arts system comes into play, and so on.
What I'm thinking of is either the sort of thing where we introduced it so you can keep it going afterward, or where it only really matters until you finish with that bit.
So... favorites?
This message was last edited by the user at 22:39, Wed 04 Oct 2023.