@LeeDassin, sorry to hear this. I don't use those tags at all in my games, it never crossed my mind I guess (The Adult-rating is pretty all-encompassing to me. I also have each character use a consent form that explicitly states their comfort levels with romance and adult activities). I have a non-straight male character in my Zorro/Batman D&D political intrigue game and have injected some of those elements into the game to engage them more for the purposes of the story. If it's for your backstory and how you want to be engaged I'll work with it. These days I focus on the story/plots/arcs. Romance can be fun, but that's usually a side element. If you're still looking for a home you can rmail me as well.
@Darklin, advertise for the game you want. Keep sending RTJs and, eventually, you'll find a home. I know there are active 2e-style games that get bumped when they lose a player. As a GM I always appreciate an RTJ with a bit of personal touches -
"Hi, I saw your game and got excited about it. I'm not sure if you're still accepting players and ideas. If you aren't accepting currently can I get onto your waitlist if you have one?"
usually will get a response. You spent a minute crafting a polite inquiry, don't waste time writing a character concept unless you have it already saved somewhere. I've accepted players with well-crafted posts into a game before.
As to the comment about active games, you can jump into a game and look at The Cast list to see when the GM and players previously logged in and their last posts were made. If it's been 3 months since anyone posted, especially the GM(s), it is a good bet the game is inactive.
Good luck!