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18:55, 18th February 2025 (GMT+0)

responsive thing.

Posted by donsr
subscriber, 563 posts
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 16:03
  • msg #21

Re: responsive thing.

GMs will still see the Last Login data for their players, donsr, so no need to worry about that. And everyone can see the GM's Last Login date, after tweaks made this morning.
This message was last edited by the user at 16:04, Mon 27 Nov 2023.
member, 2962 posts
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 16:08
  • msg #22

Re: responsive thing.

Thanks for that  inform  Sunruaner.  all my games the players  know RL  comes first..if you're in a bind, all they need to  do si slip a note.. i have few people who are good  RP vets whose lives have been upended..  they are 'off on a mission" until they can return.

others..who don't like the concepts, or the RP  heavy game..just vanish? not Cool. Step up  and say 'i'm leaving"

 so yeah, thanks for that info !
Enchanting Wizard of Rhythm
member, 10 posts
Tue 28 Nov 2023
at 10:41
  • msg #23

Re: responsive thing.

 I've had formatting issues with the responsive site, when posting from a phone.

 This is what it looks like on the old website:
I’m often posting from my phone.

 This is what it looks like on the new website:
I’m often posting from my phone.

 I guess once the old website goes offline, this won't be a problem anymore. Still I thought I'd mention it.

 Aside from that, while I'm generally in team "If it ain't broke, don't go fixing it", I already see some positive in the new responsive site. It will take some getting used to, but I'm sure I'll love it soon enough.
member, 2963 posts
Tue 28 Nov 2023
at 11:42
  • msg #24

Re: responsive thing.

i made  an announcements  in the games i run, that  everyone should start  using  RS on the 20th, so we can all get used to it. several of  my players  use it now  and i get  some of that odd  stuff in thirer posts.

  It should be  fine.. Facemaker  said it best, as i am old  school, and  the  change  isn't a hapy one  for me.

 However? I also have no clue  how things like this  work..Those who are  far above me in the IQ later  know what's best.
moderator, 1011 posts
Whatever it is,
I'm against it
Tue 28 Nov 2023
at 12:55
  • msg #25

Re: responsive thing.

For those who didn't already know, or might have missed it, there's an ongoing New Site Design discussion thread on Responsive design/issues in the RPoL Development forum link to a message in another game, which covers a lot of the issues raised here.

EG: the problem with special characters is a result of the different character sets used by the old site (Latin) and Responsive (UTC-8), and shouldn't be a problem once we're all on Responsive.
member, 2964 posts
Tue 28 Nov 2023
at 13:18
  • msg #26

Re: responsive thing.

yeah?  that  character thing  doesn't bother me too much. The meaning of the posts gets across,  In the end its something that will only last  a few weeks and then we all set sail on the new boat.
member, 2023 posts
Captain Oblivious!
Tue 28 Nov 2023
at 23:16
  • msg #27

Re: responsive thing.

In reply to donsr (msg # 22):

The argument about disappearing players has surfaced and resurfaced so many times that it's not even funny.   I'll just point that out then change to a different topic.

I'm expecting a certain amount of confusion, aggravation, and hair pulling with the new changes.  I'm considering putting off any changes to the game that I'm running until the new year, as it might be easier to just wait a bit longer than try to sort it all out both just before and after.

As for how I feel about the change....I'm going to take a wait and see approach.
member, 235 posts
Nuke em till they glow
Shoot them in the dark.
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 20:26
  • msg #28

Re: responsive thing.

My two pfennig. I've looked at the responsive and hate it. I find it compresses lines on my phone whereas a character sheet that was legible, left to right under the regular site is now compressed into two or three lines in the responsive site. It is no longer legible and I shudder thinking about trying to edit them as a character progresses. Any option to use the old format?
subscriber, 570 posts
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 20:48
  • msg #29

Re: responsive thing.

Cptcthulu, in your Preferences setting (Under the 'Your Account' section of the main page), go into the 'Edit (or remove) your custom theme' section at the top right, under 'Settings'.

About 2/3 of the way down you'll see 'maximum page width (1,000 to 2,000):' and a box with a number in it. That controls the width of the interface. Try raising it all the way, and see if it helps.
subscriber, 788 posts
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 23:15
  • msg #30

Re: responsive thing.

In reply to cptcthulhu (msg # 28):

For character sheets specifically you can also make use of the <tt></tt> or <pre></pre> (put the opening and closing tags at the very top and bottom of the sheet respectively) to assist with formatting control.
member, 8 posts
Thu 30 Nov 2023
at 00:26
  • msg #31

Re: responsive thing.

There’s also an option in most browser settings to request the desktop version of a website which can help sometimes. Not ALL the time, though, but it’s something I use if phone or tablet isn’t properly scaling.

(My boyfriend does not have this issue though, I think he wrote a script to handle it for him)
This message was last edited by the user at 00:26, Thu 30 Nov 2023.
member, 199 posts
Thu 30 Nov 2023
at 23:55
  • msg #32

Re: responsive thing.

So, I tried to delete the character description of a NPC in a game I'm running - this is absolutely something that is possible to do on the old version of the site. However, if I try to do it on the responsive version of the site, it doesn't let me: once I open the "edit description" window, it refuses to let me leave the content empty. I had to go back to the old version of the site to be able to delete the description, and once I did, that worked perfectly. That suggests that this is some problem on the responsive version, right? Or am I missing something here?
member, 312 posts
Fri 1 Dec 2023
at 00:12
  • msg #33

Re: responsive thing.

There’s also an option in most browser settings to request the desktop version of a website which can help sometimes. Not ALL the time, though, but it’s something I use if phone or tablet isn’t properly scaling.

I have this issue as well, I can not handle the responsive site on my phone, will there be a scale, or a mobile app ? -hopeful- As I have been trying to familiarize myself with it, but its harder when its acting funny on my tablet and cell.
member, 117 posts
Fri 1 Dec 2023
at 00:17
  • msg #34

Re: responsive thing.

I’m not sure if it means anything, but at least on my end, the responsive site is leaps and bounds what the old site was on my phone. No more zooming and scrolling to get the page just right where I can read it, only to have it shift on me or not stay set or some other issue giving me a headache. I can actually read things, and even on the dark theme, I can see all the colors better.
member, 313 posts
Fri 1 Dec 2023
at 00:22
  • msg #35

Re: responsive thing.


What type of phone do you have I am wondering if its possibly my phone if you don't mind saying.
member, 9 posts
Fri 1 Dec 2023
at 00:28
  • msg #36

Re: responsive thing.

I have this issue as well, I can not handle the responsive site on my phone, will there be a scale, or a mobile app ? -hopeful- As I have been trying to familiarize myself with it, but its harder when its acting funny on my tablet and cell.

ideally, it should properly scale once it fully deploys in December without having to tinker with browser settings or anything, but going fully live might also bring new mischief!

you should still be able to go into your browser settings on your phone and request the desktop site or zoom in/out, could also be fixed by clearing your cookies or your cache or something too!

(caveat: I'm not a tech person, I'm a artist/graphic designer, my boyfriend is the techno sorcerer)
member, 314 posts
Fri 1 Dec 2023
at 00:30
  • msg #37

Re: responsive thing.


Thank you so much I will check this to see if it works for me. My room-mates and I have been here forever -lol- so its just adapting to something new.
moderator, 1015 posts
Whatever it is,
I'm against it
Fri 1 Dec 2023
at 01:55

Re: responsive thing.

Just a reminder - if you find any errors on the Responsive site (eg deleting NPC character description), then you should post them in the ongoing New site design discussion thread on Responsive design/issues in the RPoL Development forum link to a message in another game, so jase can see/fix them.
subscriber, 571 posts
Fri 1 Dec 2023
at 01:57
  • msg #39

Re: responsive thing.

So, I tried to delete the character description of a NPC in a game I'm running - this is absolutely something that is possible to do on the old version of the site. However, if I try to do it on the responsive version of the site, it doesn't let me: once I open the "edit description" window, it refuses to let me leave the content empty. I had to go back to the old version of the site to be able to delete the description, and once I did, that worked perfectly. That suggests that this is some problem on the responsive version, right? Or am I missing something here?

All you need to do is put in a blank space with the spacebar, and then create the empty description. I'm not sure why it requires that - perhaps because creating the description creates a clickable link to the description that then doesn't want to be removed by deletion. I'm not sure. But a blank space will take care of the need to have something there. :)
member, 200 posts
Fri 1 Dec 2023
at 13:09
  • msg #40

Re: responsive thing.

That's the point though - having a descriptions opens the character's chosen portrait to be visible to the players; if there is no description, the link isn't there and the players can't see the NPC's avatar. This can reveal information about the NPC that I don't want the players to know about yet.

That's why I usually don't put a description until the players have met the NPC, but having the NPC already existing allows me to give the NPC a character sheet and include other details on how the NPC would be reacting to players' actions without revealing anything other than the NPC's name to the players. What happened was that I accidentally posted something in the character description instead of the character sheet, which with the changed UI is an understandable mistake to make, I feel, and then was left with the link until I went to the old site to remove it.

And yes, I could keep all that data on my PC, but aside from the fact that having it on two different storages (the site and my PC) gives me a backup if something happens that loses me access to one of the two, my point is that this is something the old version of the site allowed, and apparently the new one doesn't. It's lost functionality, which seems like something that should be fixed, shouldn't it?
This message was last edited by the user at 13:10, Fri 01 Dec 2023.
member, 2968 posts
Fri 1 Dec 2023
at 13:34
  • msg #41

Re: responsive thing.

for my part, i tell the   players  to put in the description, that every one sees.. " only what the   character  will see and feel from  them when they meet"...all other info  has to  come out in RP and interaction.

 some players will put too much info up..but i let it  slide unless there  is 'no way' others  could know.
moderator, 16207 posts
He's big, he's bad,
but mostly he's Ron.
Fri 1 Dec 2023
at 13:41

Re: responsive thing.

And just to point out, deleting the character description on the old site doesn't remove the link from the cast list.  You can still click on the name to get to the blank description.

There is no difference between the old site and the new one, at least in this function.
subscriber, 574 posts
Fri 1 Dec 2023
at 14:09
  • msg #43

Re: responsive thing.

That's the point though - having a descriptions opens the character's chosen portrait to be visible to the players; if there is no description, the link isn't there and the players can't see the NPC's avatar. This can reveal information about the NPC that I don't want the players to know about yet.

That's why I usually don't put a description until the players have met the NPC, but having the NPC already existing allows me to give the NPC a character sheet and include other details on how the NPC would be reacting to players' actions without revealing anything other than the NPC's name to the players.

I had mentioned this in the official thread, but just in case people are monitoring this thread and not that one:

If you want to hide an NPC until it shows up, you can change its tag to 'Hidden'. That removes the character from showing in ANY list outside of a GM menu list (edit character descriptions, edit character sheets, edit character tags, etc WILL show it, but 'Character Details' and 'Cast' won't.), but you can still work on it while it remains out of player view.
member, 1127 posts
Destination Critical
Inescaple Velocity
Sat 2 Dec 2023
at 16:24
  • msg #44

Re: responsive thing.

In reply to SunRuanEr (msg # 43):

Heh! Thank you! I needed that info!
member, 1128 posts
Destination Critical
Inescaple Velocity
Sat 2 Dec 2023
at 16:27
  • msg #45

Re: responsive thing.

In reply to Skald (msg # 38):

I needed not just the reminder, but the location alert. I had felt this was the wrong "Address" but was a bit lost where was the right place. So thanks. ;)
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