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19:01, 7th February 2025 (GMT+0)

responsive thing.

Posted by donsr
member, 2959 posts
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 13:34
  • msg #1

responsive thing.

wow..i just went to  the  responsive site. It....not  good?  This   site  the way we have it now is perfect.. i played  around on there a bit. and? in the end, i'll have to use it . But  this site  was great as it is!
moderator, 16203 posts
He's big, he's bad,
but mostly he's Ron.
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 14:16

responsive thing.

The responsive site is designed to take advantage of developments in the internet over the past 20 years.  Unfortunately the old site isn't compatible with some of those changes... meaning, for example, that if somebody posts in your game using the responsive site, what other players see on the older version of the site might not display correctly.  This has reached the point, in the last couple of weeks, where jase has decided to make the switch-over official.

The responsive site is (in the opinion of those who already use it) ready to go live, after years of development.

I should note here that I have never used the responsive site before this weekend, and I'm already getting used to it.  Yes, Classic RPoL is great, but Responsive RPoL is basically the same site, with a few tweaks in appearance.
member, 115 posts
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 15:02
  • msg #3

responsive thing.

It took me a bit to find everything, but I still get the dark theme and have more exploring to do to remember where it all is. Basically, the dice icon at the top makes me think it’s the dice roller and not the game menu. Once I remember that, it’s not bad but will take getting used to, I think.

I’m dyslexic and fairly visual so the changes are enough to throw me some.
member, 197 posts
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 16:05
  • msg #4

responsive thing.

Has the search function being removed? It doesn't seem to be anywhere that I looked.
subscriber, 551 posts
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 16:23
  • msg #5

responsive thing.

In reply to Egleris (msg # 4):

On the main page, there is a Browse/Search link on the lowest of the right-hand tables.
member, 198 posts
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 16:25
  • msg #6

responsive thing.

In reply to SunRuanEr (msg # 5):

Thanks! I guess the fact that it's under the statistic threw me off. I use the search function relatively often (once every month or two?), so this helps a lot.
member, 506 posts
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 17:56
  • msg #7

responsive thing.

I'm not real happy about the changeover either, Don, but I've been aware that it was inevitable since the poll a while back.

That said, I'm hoping that jase finds the time to make a "legacy site" skin that'll make the responsive site look like the old one.
member, 2960 posts
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 18:56
  • msg #8

responsive thing.

 Yeah?  I the site and the way it runs has  kept me here. I'll get used to  it. The  way the site is  run, keeping out  'bad seeds' and the  like is pretty good. Makes the gaming site a 'safe' place  , and i love   seeing  head  cases getting bounced!
member, 1 post
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 22:41
  • msg #9

responsive thing.

How do you access the WIKI pages from the new interface??? I can’t find the line in any pull down menu. (Note: I’m accessing from a mobile device rather than desktop in case the interface differs between the two). Thanks.
subscriber, 557 posts
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 22:46
  • msg #10

responsive thing.

On the main home page, at the top tap the 'Main Menu' link. Wiki is the first drop-down.
member, 2 posts
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 22:54
  • msg #11

responsive thing.

Thx. I read that pull down menu several times. NOW I see it! :-)

Actually, WIKI shows up in the Main pull down menu BUT NOT from the one campaign page that actually uses the Wiki. In that campaign, Wiki DOES NOT show up in the Main menu. Is the link somewhere else inside a specific campaign?
This message was last edited by the user at 22:58, Sun 26 Nov 2023.
moderator, 1009 posts
Whatever it is,
I'm against it
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 23:08
  • msg #12

responsive thing.

In a game thread, there's a "Game Wiki" link at the bottom of the top "This Game" sidebar.
subscriber, 558 posts
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 23:16
  • msg #13

responsive thing.

Hm. You know Skald, I actually don't see that Game Wiki link from within game threads on responsive.

It's at the bottom of the 'This Game' sidebar? What I see at the bottom (as a player, on desktop) is Game Introduction. As a GM I see GM Menu. I don't actually see 'Game Wiki' anywhere...

Edit: Of course, I also don't see a Game Wiki link anywhere on the original site either. Just the 'Wiki' link at the top of the main page... But I also don't play in any games that have wikis, so maybe that's why I don't see them. /shrug

Edit 2: AHA. That's the ticket. Only games that HAVE wikis have the wiki link. Created one, and immediately saw the link.
This message was last edited by the user at 23:22, Sun 26 Nov 2023.
member, 3 posts
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 23:31
  • msg #14

responsive thing.

Ah! Yes. It is in the “This Game” Menu - I did not realize that menu actually extended beyond my visible (mobile device) screen. I had to click on the menu, then pull it down/up to see the 3-4 additional links in the pull down menu that were at the bottom of the menu. The sizing of the menu cutoff perfectly at the bottom of the screen so that it wasn’t obvious that the pull down menu continued off screen and there was not up/down scroll bar that would have made it obvious that the menu continued off screen. Probably not an issue on a desktop screen - just mobile device.

Thanks!! Got it now.
member, 7482 posts
Gaming for over 40
years, and counting!
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 07:15
  • msg #15

responsive thing.

When I saw that a responsive site was in development, I looked at it the way my boss did when I got hired to ship film at a movie theater..."The digital changeover is coming...nobody knows for sure when it's going to happen, but when it does, it's going to be, you might not have a job in six months, or you might be doing this job ten years from now..." (paraphrasing him).

It actually took about five years for the industry to finally settle on formats and distribution methods...but he was right, it was quick.  For about six months, there was a rash of old, small theaters that closed up shop because they could no longer get film to show and they couldn't afford to upgrade to the new digital equipment...

We did upgrade, and now instead of shipping film, I download ("ingest", to use the industry term) movies from either hard drives shipped to us or FTP sites (that's a recent development, we only started doing that within the last year, and we've been running digital for a decade and change, now...)

I haven't visited the responsive site yet.  I'm hoping it's easier to adjust to than my last phone upgrade (I miss my old phone...)  I'm glad to hear that we aren't losing any functions (that's why I miss my old phone...unlike when I upgraded to it, my new phone, while it can do new stuff and some old stuff much better, is missing a bunch of functionality that was one of the things I loved about my old phone...)

Yeah, in case the tone doesn't give it away, I'm getting old and inflexible and change-averse...but I'll deal with it.  *grin*
member, 1124 posts
A brain driving a bone
mecha with flesh armor
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 12:45
  • msg #16

responsive thing.

Been using the responsive site on my phone almost since it first went up.  And have actually enjoyed it.  No loud color changes for the holidays.  Yet.
My biggest issue is losing the last log-in and check-in dates in Cast. This is not a good thing.  I don't drop a game until it's been dead at least three months.  I don't have the recall to remember how it long it's been since I last heard from a GM.  Though, I can go into the threads to find their last post, that doesn't tell me if they are checking in and waiting for something.
Dream Sequence
member, 88 posts
Certainly the loveliest,
most civilized of us all
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 14:24
  • msg #17

Re: responsive thing.

My biggest issue is losing the last log-in and check-in dates in Cast. This is not a good thing.

Agreed, that info is indispensable and needs to come back!
member, 109 posts
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 14:34
  • [deleted]
  • msg #18

Re: responsive thing.

This message was deleted by the user at 14:40, Mon 27 Nov 2023.
member, 1124 posts
Destination Critical
Inescaple Velocity
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 15:32
  • msg #19

Re: responsive thing.

In reply to Dream Sequence (msg # 17):

Short of it is, I still see the GM last log in. I think this is more support for BBR's post, made many months (years?) back, of second class characters of GM NPCs.

I don't hide NPCs in PC space, but there's valid reason to. I know BBR has voiced PCs will outright ignore NPCs that are even so much as acting in the party, much less behaving as constituents. I think the GM log in, is the faithful reading, and the other users are left to the GM to dispense. GMs can still see this though.

I'm neutral to that change, TBH. I can understand the need for fudging log ins being "easily caught" so thus obviate it entirely. I can also see why players would like to know a player is gone, and not just lazily waiting without word. I also understand the "need" to ask being it's own haywire of frustration.

I mostly GM, and if a player asked me "Hey, when did.." player "...log in last?" I'd tell them. No reason, in my eyes, to withhold that. When I play, I will also ask a GM to just let me know, and take them at their word.  If I thought I didn't trust them, then that's a red flag on its own.

It can be a bit tedious, to have to ask, rather than see it. I can see the old site appeal. I think it revolves around the "master" of Gamemaster philosophy for RPoL rules. jase has long since used a (failing) algorithm to mimic NPC log ins, so this follows, that this is the motive. Too many players relegate NPCs to non-characters. Putting a game log in GM only hands to deviate or dispense, seems the original intent, from years back. GMs can allow all players to be GMs if they want a more open game. Those that don't, I think RPoL is giving back more of that information to GMs. I don't see this as only postive or only negative, but a trade off.
member, 2961 posts
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 15:56
  • msg #20

Re: responsive thing.

I didn't notice that  yet, as  far as the Logs ins go.. I do use that  as a tool  to glean 'ghosts' from my games who didn't have  the  manners, or guys to say " hey..I don't like this game, i quit"

 if that is broken, I'll figure out  another  way to handle that.
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