Re: responsive thing.

In reply to Dream Sequence (msg # 17):
Short of it is, I still see the GM last log in. I think this is more support for BBR's post, made many months (years?) back, of second class characters of GM NPCs.
I don't hide NPCs in PC space, but there's valid reason to. I know BBR has voiced PCs will outright ignore NPCs that are even so much as acting in the party, much less behaving as constituents. I think the GM log in, is the faithful reading, and the other users are left to the GM to dispense. GMs can still see this though.
I'm neutral to that change, TBH. I can understand the need for fudging log ins being "easily caught" so thus obviate it entirely. I can also see why players would like to know a player is gone, and not just lazily waiting without word. I also understand the "need" to ask being it's own haywire of frustration.
I mostly GM, and if a player asked me "Hey, when did.." player "...log in last?" I'd tell them. No reason, in my eyes, to withhold that. When I play, I will also ask a GM to just let me know, and take them at their word. If I thought I didn't trust them, then that's a red flag on its own.
It can be a bit tedious, to have to ask, rather than see it. I can see the old site appeal. I think it revolves around the "master" of Gamemaster philosophy for RPoL rules. jase has long since used a (failing) algorithm to mimic NPC log ins, so this follows, that this is the motive. Too many players relegate NPCs to non-characters. Putting a game log in GM only hands to deviate or dispense, seems the original intent, from years back. GMs can allow all players to be GMs if they want a more open game. Those that don't, I think RPoL is giving back more of that information to GMs. I don't see this as only postive or only negative, but a trade off.