Animal Companion Sheets?

*grins* I'm happy you saw that! Rage was my actually first character's animal companion that made it from 7th to 22nd. So what you see in sample is all but name verbatim. I thought about keeping the stats out, but then decided I'd use that to show how I use it, and how it's intended to be used, but then also let people know, okay, so this or that is missing. The name, however it by proxy. I don't have any IP to the format, let alone the wordage, so I only redacted the animal companion's name; which was not Rage. *smirk* Anyway, simply put, if it looks mega is. I used the sheet for many levels and so it's built from use and in practice, not just design theory.
I've grown very rusty with 3.5, a system I used to be a kensai with improved critical that's (?) signature weapon (?) was a keen scimitar. I used to play D&D like it was a heroine addiction. It's not a period I can go back to, but boy, the golden age (for me. For me!) was Livving Greyhawk on weekends and home games every single damn day. I got to 20th level, and yeah I started at 7uth, but heck, I had just wanted to get 20th. So yeah, the laundry of buffs was my vacation photos. Playing pre-Covid local group, staying up, having no job (and no income!) and spending hours on doing the accounting for that group.
Anyway, it was my pleasure, truly, to share it. It was like sharing photo of vacation for me. So you're welcome, but also thank you for letting me share. :)
So glad people still have these resources after, what, 2009? A rhetorical question as to not go off-topic, but I'm glad RPoL has so much history that isn't invalidated by time. Most of the regulars served in the dark ages of gaming, and almost all remember when D&D jumped the shark. ;) Where else can you find such niche designs of sheets but RPoL. Heaven...:)