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18:47, 18th February 2025 (GMT+0)

What book is the Alternate Discipline Merit in?

Posted by TreeeFittty
member, 1 post
Thu 21 Dec 2023
at 11:48
  • msg #1

What book is the Alternate Discipline Merit in?

Hello all,

Long time player that is getting back into the swing of things. Now I know there is the Additional In Clan merit for 5 points. But I remember there use to also be the Alternate Discipline Merit for 3 that let you swap out a discipline. But since I have my books away over 10 years ago, I can’t find it. And Google doesn’t know what I’m talking about either lol
member, 30 posts
GM & Player
always in worlds away
Thu 21 Dec 2023
at 13:06
  • msg #2

What book is the Alternate Discipline Merit in?

Which addition are you looking at ?
member, 2 posts
Fri 22 Dec 2023
at 01:17
  • msg #3

What book is the Alternate Discipline Merit in?

The addition isn’t an issue for the game just finding the book to reference it. But I’m sure is before third so 1st-2nd. It was an interesting merit because it let you swap out an in clan Discipline instead of get another.
member, 2182 posts
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the darkness!
Fri 22 Dec 2023
at 19:33
  • msg #4

What book is the Alternate Discipline Merit in?

Additional Disciple is in V20, page 494. I think it first appeared in the 2dn Edition Guide to the Camarilla. If I recall correctly the text has remained unchanged between editions.

Additional Discipline (5pt. Merit)
You can take one additional Discipline (Storyteller discretion) as if it were a Clan
Discipline. All costs to learn that Discipline are paid out as if it were native to your Clan. A character cannot take this Merit more than once, and Caitiff vampires cannot take this Merit.

I don't remember there being an Alternate Discipline Merit. And I am unable to find it in any of the books I own.
member, 3 posts
Sat 23 Dec 2023
at 02:12
  • msg #5

What book is the Alternate Discipline Merit in?

Ya I came across it by accident and showed my ST and friend it. I liked the concept because unlike Additional Discipline this allowed you to change one of your in clans to something else. It was three points and had rules like only non clan specific for a nom clan specific. Or a clan specific for a specific. And of course talk with your ST about it. Which could be bonkers in some cases I guess with out insane far out instances. Would make for some interesting stuff.

But I think as the additions came out they left that one out over and over for the Additional one. Then kind of just went towards catiffs and thin bloods later. IDK I am going to keep looking lol.
member, 33 posts
GM & Player
always in worlds away
Sun 24 Dec 2023
at 15:01
  • msg #6

What book is the Alternate Discipline Merit in?

The only thing I have seen is this.
"Shift in the blood (1dot): The vampire have the influence of an Ancient Bloodline in their blood. This merit let the character manifest an additional discipline from the past that their respective Bloodline would have, at the cost of weakening the manifestation of two of their Disciplines.

I have been playing since the soft first edition books, and I can not recall anything like that.
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