[Positive... venting, I guess?] Gaming stuff you just like

I'm loving playing Arcanum: Steamworks and Magick Obscura. I love the science and magick shifts. I love how levels don't directly translate to power.
I've been halted on Arcanum because I can't cast it to my T.V. So I've been casting and capturing my all time favorite game, Fallout 4.
I'm not a Fallout fan. Simply because I haven't played any others. I am a very diehard game (not lore) fan of Fallout 4. I go deep into the game design without the desire to mod. Modding looks fun, but I'm not there yet. Even though that's the big focus for 90% of players. I find I suck the marrow from bone before I'm "done" with a game.
I love the defending of settlements. I think back to when I watch Aliens (the Cameron film) in 2001 and wished there was video game like DOOM (only FPS I knew) where you could also have base defense. The FPS element mixed with...chems! Specifically Ultra Jet, is really fun. I went through a blind playthrough to level 282 and have two open perks with nowhere to put them, mostly because it was blind playthrough actively avoiding any tips, tricks, or advice. Otherwise I know it would be....284 IIRC. My game file is too long, or big, or something, and I can't continue. I had planned to play on survival to explore the world, but I admittedly spent RL days (probably over two weeks!) just vegging (as in just chilling and mindlessly going through motions) because it gave me an escape.. The save file dates back to 2018, but has 64 days of play on it. I have over 2,900 hours in the game total. I have eight captured characters, but only two survived technical difficulties and also realizing "plan ≠ outcome". I had a root basher that had Paintrain, and I made it to level 50! Great! But...then I had all this stuff that admittedly needed other perks to fill out, that I didn't have. Made me sad. I learned from it though. Learning is really fun, because it's informative. That level 50 was an example of having all captures, but sadly the juice wasn;t worth the squeeze. So she's captured, but I deleted her game save files. If ever I want a bigger challenge than just Very Hard bus < Survival, I'll watch her VoD and see if I can make it work.