Lore in Games

Hey everyone!
Let's say I advertise a new 5.5e game in a homebrewed world, filled with all the setting, life, hooks, and history to make your head spin. The setting would have NPCs, factions, locations, and a specific hook for players to make their characters around. Nothing unusual here -we all see it from time to time on this medium and know of the horror stories. Now I understand the concept of building the setting around the player, and believe me, there is plenty of space for the players to put their mark on the world, but as a GM, it's a game/story I want to run in a world -I feel- creates the narrative I am looking for. I am just trying to figure out the best way to share this information with perspective players.
I am trying to get some feedback from the community in regards to lore and setting information, what is appropriate, what everyone prefers to see, and how much tolerance everyone has for lore dumps. I have -in the past- put all pertinent information in notice threads within the game, which I feel has worked well, but going forward for a larger setting, I actually have PDFs with the information contained within. Has the community seen something similar? There is a wiki attached to games, and I admittedly never bothered to mess with it- do some find that better for their games?
I guess by extension, what information is most important to you for making characters? I'd imagine some basics to get the creative wheels turning with larger lore available when needed.
What has everyone seen? What are best practices? Things to avoid? Any feedback is welcomed! Thanks in advance!