A lot of miscellaneous paragraphs
Do it myself Shannara? My god, tell me you are kidding! Are you insane!? Why'd I want to redo all the bloody hard work you lot have already done? This is like the portraits, a burden I'm very happy and grateful not to know.
I said I'd turn RPoL over to FoRPoL after it was setup, so it can't be said that was any motivation for setting up FoRPoL. You should also question why I chose FoRPoL as the body to hand it over to, and that's because I believe the members are trustworthy and take the interests of the RPoL users to heart. Incorrectly or not I also view IronSite, elSpike and Jhael non-active members of FoRPoL, and I know each of them personally.
Dollsteak, unless you don't want the job any longer you're still doing the portraits. I believe the rolls of FAQ writers, portrait editor etc were added to the list as the people that did those jobs were members of FoRPoL. In hindsight it probably would be best to leave them separate.
The money from donations goes to reducing the money I have to spend on keeping RPoL operational; ie hosting costs. If it's ever to be spent on anything different then I would demand that each and every donator be contacted for their approval.
As for a clique group... I guess there is one, in so far that you could label any group with limited membership as a clique group. The FoRPoL members clique group... whoopty dee...! I guess there's a RPoL donators clique group too... and a RPoL members clique group!
Unfortunately by using the site you imply trust in me. You trust I won't hand out your e-mail address, you trust I won't try to run any malicious code, you trust the site will still be here tomorrow, and hopefully you trust who I trust.
There are going to be holes that can be picked in any system can be thought up (unless you want to start paying someone more than we're collecting). In the end nobody is forcing anyone to use the donation system setup by FoRPoL. Nobody is forcing people to make a donation, and if they do they can suggest an alternative method to get the money to myself/my hosting provider.
I think it's unrealistic of anyone to expect the members of FoRPoL not to have interests with any other roleplay related site out there. The fact it's PbW (rather than say Namshaske and 'The Pork') does make it a bitter pill to swallow, but I believe it also speaks volumes for our volunteer's personalities; they're willing to help save the site of a person they (to varying degrees) dislike because they want to help the roleplay users and the RP community.
I don't see any conflicts of interest. Of course peoples times are going to be split, but sleep, work, rest, play, cooking, cleaning, gardening, drinking etc all split up our time. All I expect is for the members to dedicate the time that is needed to run FoRPoL. There's no way I or anyone else can demand they not spend any time on Project Y or spend more time on FoRPoL than they do on Project Y (as long as Project Y isn't "The total destruction of RPoL" of course...)
To name names, John's even went to the extent of emailing Jim and myself about a friendly competition for short stories. This idea involved John creating a web site, advertising and (again John) fronting the cash for the winner (it involved me saying "sounds good"). Sounds like someone who is a RP fanatic and (possibly) bites off more than he can chew rather than anything more sinister.
If the public thinks someone within RoRPoL is acting 'flaky' then I would expect them to contact me along with the other FoRPoL members. If the FoRPoL group doesn't act then I certainly can and will. If anything unusual happens with a single cent of a donation then I shall be investigating with my steel-cap shoes on.
We can't start having voting mechanism for FoRPoL members because then it becomes a popularity contest. No matter what system is put forward I can guarantee that the members are going to be picked/approved by me.
As for inviting the general public to meetings... these meetings are supposed to finish? If there was some way to make it view-only for the public it would be ok, but 50 people turning up to such a meeting would make it a disaster. I believe (for whatever reason this game/forum was created) that this is the appropriate area for RPoL members to voice their concerns. Logs of the meetings can be given, and already are.
It may seem harsh to say this, but I think everyone would do well to remember that RPoL is not a democracy, it is a totalitarian dictatorship. You're just all fortunate that your overlord (i.e. me) created this site for you, cares about your opinions, your wants, your needs so that it seems like a democracy. You're also fortunate that a group of RP fanatics that I trust have volunteered to start FoRPoL.
(TomC1060; it was more IronSite than elSpike, not that it really matters but IronSite should get the nod.)
Lastly; woot! Hube prefers to GM on RPoL!
Love and kisses,
- Your caring dictator