There has been some concern that we have formed a clique in the way that F-RPoL has been formed and founded.
This concern seems to be with the formal organisation we have formed for collecting your donations and passing them onto Jase, and that is the part people seem to be concerned about. I am Chair of the group, Shannara is Treasurer and BBR is acting as Secretary. We are actively looking for another member in the US to act as a scrutiniser and second signatory for the account.
However - this position is not up for election - we will approach the people we are interested in working with. We do this for one main reason - the Paypal and bank accounts we use are secured on Mine and Shannara's credit cards, IRS number, and credit record. Neither of us are prepared to trust those to someone we may not have full confidence in. However - it will be someone who we know and trust as a scrutiniser - who will make sure we do what we say.
We have imposed some strict rules on the way we deal with the donations and they can be found at which is the web site address we published some days ago informing you of our existence and how we intended to operate.
Later - we will be looking for people in other countries and area to work with us to open more local donation centres around the world, to make it easier to donate in your local currency.
We do not hold any special influence within RPoL - all we are doing is collecting the funds and passing them on. We have exactly the same amount of power and influence we have always had.
All three of us have, however, been members of a special group who have been acting as a sounding board for Woof. Other members include Dollsteak, Ironsite, ElSpike and a number of other people you may or may not be familiar with.
Now - There have been complaints that we have been Cliquey - and are acting to gain more influence in RPoL. That I deny wholeheartedly - BUT I will not let that besmirch my reputation here.
Its down to you folks - Do YOU want us to run F-RPoL as a way of collecting funds, or not? If there is someone else out there who wants to volunteer to come up with a plan to do this - then We will gladly hand things over to them - so long as they can convince Woof that their plans are secure and workable.
However, if you want Shannara, BBR and I to run it - then we will do it in OUR way - The way that maintains the security of out credit backgrounds and also provides security for your donations. A way that will let us answer to the IRS and the British banking system if we have to.
Your choice folks. Do we carry on? Do we let it all fold and return donations? Or is there another VOLUNTEER to do the dirty work and get hassled at the same time?