I received an email from someone concerned about the use of paypal to collect donations. I'm posting his email -- and my response -- here.
If anyone feels that the concerns are valid, and has other suggestions about a more secure method of collecting donations, please let me know.
Member Message
Hi Shannara,
Excuse me emailing you as opposed to the other members
of the board (!), but yours was the only email address
I could find on the FoRPoL site, and besides, you are
the treasurer.
I'm kind of new to RPoL (well, no, I am *completely*
new to RPoL -- I only discovered it a few days ago),
but it looks like the kind of place I have been
searching for, and I shall no doubt be joining a game
or two in very short order. I came across the FoRPoL
section in my wanderings (RPoL obviously inspires a
fair amount of enthusiasm in its members!), and
noticed that you are using PayPal for donations.
Uh, you do know that there are a fair few horror
stories about PayPal, don't you? Don't you? If you
don't, can I suggest you wander over to the following
sites and take a look. The first is a (fairly
cautious) news item from PC World. The second is
decidedly less cautious...
-- Pyter Voeros
Well, I would post my reply here, but it didn't get saved. Dratted mail options. The gist of it was, I thanked him for making me aware of his concerns, told him that I, personally, consider paypal the best available alternative considering expenses, risk, and availability -- but I would pass along his email to woof and the other frpol members.
This message was last edited by admin at 10:27, Sat 26 Apr 2003.