Re: Okie Dokie

The FRPOL status that required officers was for one purpose - allowing johnb to open up an account in the UK. Therefore, dollsy conveniently ignored why the other postitions other than treasurer were set up. The witch-hunt that he wanted because Johnb and I have made tentative steps toward volunteering at the save pbw group didn't materialize as rapidly as he wanted, so we're now pariah and anything that we touch is, of course, suspect.
Ya know ... more and more, this looks like a bad idea. Wanting to help has suddenly turned into more aggravation than it's worth.
So - here's my idea/proposal, and feel free to call a meeting on it or whatever.
Either everyone involved in this (and I don't give an (expletive deleted)WHO that includes, gets together and figures out whether woof & etc. want help and how we can do it, or we fold right now.
I've got donations that I'd be happy to return to those who have made them, or forward to woof - whichever.
Sorry, Ron. Sorry, Johnb. You want to go ahead with this, then I'll be happy to transfer the accounts over Jaime if he wants it, or anyone else you select. But it ain't worth it - not to me. Not like this.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:04, Sat 28 Sept 2002.