Re: A forum that's a game

Please note - this is in an admin only forum :) and please can we keep this discussion in and the commenst made in here for the moment.
I have joined the 'Save PBW' yahoo group, and and one of the guys there is taking about getting a Non-profit together to think about taking over PBW.
I think it is Fatman, who has both an account here and at PBW. If I am right, he probably has the skills to work with Jim's code - not immediately, but he should have something workable by the time Jim pulls the plug in June 2003.
That programming was one of the things that was missing from the original bid some of us made for PBW, and certainly makes the PBW future seem more promising.
I am going to make an offer, as an individual, to work with Fatman to try and sort something out there - because it has been a good site to me and I would hate to see it die.
Would you also like me to talk to Fatman as Chairman of FoRPoL and see if we can tie together links between the two sites again - perhaps build towartds a 'sister sites' relationship that Jase talked to Jim about - and Jase and I were talking about when during the original PBW offer.