cant find any rps

there are limits to ho many games folks can have..I have been in, for a very long time..i can create 18 games..i run three.
I an wary of GMs who have an over abundance of games, because i wonder how much they can put into it..Deleted games are also a good measure of the staying power on a GM.
In the end. Those GMs run their games They know how many folks they can handle, or if the are Module GMs, they go but the 'cut and dried: set up.
Again? their choices of games are theirs because its the systems they like, and know their limitations , as far as numbers of players go.
Most only bump their ads when they need a player, Me, and others like me, bump every week, because you never know when RL takes a player away, or a player burns out..i also had players 'give the game a try"..they don't like it and leave. Taht's the way it goes.
one a GM. IF... you get in a game, that you are playing and decided 'this isn't foe you"...Please tell the GM that. A simple : I don't like this, please remove me" is great..For the GM, They know they can get rid of you...for other players, who may have enjoyed RPing with you, they know you are gone. The Most cowardly thing to , or any PBP board, is to simply ghost.
GMs Ghost too. That's eveb worse, because they have people counting on them.
after al this....Just keep trying, don't be offended for being turned down, and don't let that stop you from apling to other games. there are Thousands of games here..Law of Averages say, you'll find one.