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20:27, 7th February 2025 (GMT+0)

cant find any rps.

Posted by NoobyChoco
member, 4 posts
Sun 21 Apr 2024
at 02:51
  • msg #1

cant find any rps

most have adult content, and the rest wont accept any application i sent

i just want to try dnd for the first time bruh
member, 3072 posts
Sun 21 Apr 2024
at 12:25
  • msg #2

cant find any rps

 just keep checking 'players wanted'..and use   that  search on the lower  right  side of the home pages. then send  PMs  or RTJ.. sometimes it  takes  a bit,  Also? if you are a beginner...ask in the forums  , if there are any games  for   beginners
member, 31 posts
Sun 21 Apr 2024
at 13:14
  • msg #3

cant find any rps

It can be totally hit or miss,  Just keep watching the requesting players thread

I'm not sure how you are doing the RTJ, but give the GM something to work with.  You dont need to submit pages of stuff, but maybe 1-2 paragraphs about the character, what they like/dont like/motivations.   That can help the GM decide if they like your idea.
member, 6 posts
Mon 22 Apr 2024
at 08:46
  • msg #4

cant find any rps

oh fruit i misread the 2 paragraphs into 2 sentences, shit

but yeah i got blocked by 1 person who didnt want me and a lot of the games on requesting players are theirs

some are too limiting (ADND 1 and 2) as well and dont have a lot of choices

if you're curious the biggest progress to joining a game im actually interested in i have made was to not be rejected but be slapped by a "no more spots at this time"
This message was last edited by a moderator, as it was against the forum rules, at 12:13, Tue 04 June 2024.
member, 3074 posts
Mon 22 Apr 2024
at 11:00
  • msg #5

cant find any rps

 there are limits to ho many  games folks can have..I have been in, for a very long  time..i can create  18 games..i run three.

 I an wary of  GMs who have  an over abundance of games, because  i wonder how much they can put into it..Deleted  games  are also a good measure of the staying power on a GM.

 In the end. Those GMs   run their games They  know  how many folks they can handle, or if the  are Module  GMs, they go but the 'cut and dried: set up.

 Again?  their  choices of games are theirs  because its the systems they like, and know their limitations  , as far  as  numbers of players go.

  Most only bump their ads  when they need a player, Me, and  others like me, bump every week, because you never know  when RL takes a player away, or  a player burns out..i also had players 'give the game a try"..they don't like it and leave. Taht's the way it goes.

 one a GM. IF... you get in a game, that you are playing and decided 'this isn't foe you"...Please tell the GM that. A simple  : I don't like  this, please remove me" is great..For the GM, They know they  can get rid of you...for other players, who may have  enjoyed RPing with you, they know you are gone. The  Most cowardly  thing to  , or any PBP board, is to simply ghost.

GMs  Ghost too. That's  eveb worse, because they have people counting on them.

after al this....Just keep trying, don't be offended for being turned  down, and don't let  that  stop you from apling to other games. there are Thousands of games here..Law of Averages  say, you'll find one.
member, 7 posts
Mon 22 Apr 2024
at 11:34
  • msg #6

cant find any rps

alright ill try

also, you said you have 3 games and i checked one of them out (sorry if its considered stalking, i am curious)

you dont mind if i try any that are requesting players, right?
member, 3075 posts
Mon 22 Apr 2024
at 12:33
  • msg #7

cant find any rps

sure?  But my games  are semi-free form..we have  framework, i do 90% of the dice rolls, RP is as important as  stats  ect ect.

 You can try?  if you don't like it, just say  so? i'm been here since   this  i received  from Skald when i asked.

I had   437... Skald  got a pretty  pin point  as to my start date as ... "Before 08:00, Sun 23 Oct 2005".  Old school.  ;>

before that  i bounced around other sites and Yahoo groups, before they all  You won'[t hurt my feelings if you don't like the games.
member, 1811 posts
Ocoee FL
45 yrs of RPGs
Mon 22 Apr 2024
at 17:51
  • msg #8

cant find any rps

In reply to NoobyChoco (msg # 1):

Hi and welcome. I’ve not been here as long as donor but I’ve run a good few games and played in You don’t mention how you’re looking for games but I looked at Wanted - Players and only about a third of those on the first page are Adult Content. I always find that page best for getting into a game because GMs post there specifically because they’re actively looking for players.

Most RTJs these days specify what they want in an application. Make sure you follow those directions. Some of us gat cranky when our preferences are ignored.

Best wishes and have fun.
member, 22 posts
Mon 22 Apr 2024
at 19:25
  • msg #9

cant find any rps

Agreed, just follow whatever requirements they have on their RTJ, ask if you’re unsure about something, and have fun!
subscriber, 3715 posts
Member before Oct 2005
Been here for appx 20+yrs
Sat 27 Apr 2024
at 14:20
  • msg #10

cant find any rps

Greetings friend,

I have just returned from a holiday and catching up on things.

Now I have picked up on a few things here.  You have a lot of sound advice from fellow gamers.  I haunt these halls for over 22 years here.  I have roleplayed on various platforms but in my humble opinion this is the best of the best!

Now you mentioned a GM blocked you?  Or some you feel ignored your RTJ.  There are way more friendly and helpful GMs than bad ones.  Do not give up my friend iend.  Every single one of us was new sometime or other just like you!

You have now picked up on the that you should give a few paragraphs after reading that games how to RTJ giving you guidelines onn what they want.  Also check out that games ‘game introduction’ thread.  Now there are games that are for beginners in many genre’s from system games like DnD to freeform hames.  I have seen their ads in WANTED: PLAYERS.  Also peruse WANTED:  GMs and even post an ad there for what you are seeking.

You might find, if you are 18 or over that there are ‘Adult’ games that might suit your needs.  Some GMs make their games adult and your character simply fades to black.  Adult does not mean its just about sex.

We all have our opinions about checking how many deleted games a GM has.  I have many deleted games because I tried and did not get the interest in the game , some are games that ran for years then just fizzled out for many reasons,  this does NOT make me a bad GM nor does it make others a bad GM!  Yes, there are some that just make a game one second and change their minds and delete them.  But no one on here knows what another’s offline and online life and thoughts are in RL.

So what I am saying to you is that there are hundreds of good GMs on here with a myriad of games!  You will find what you are looking fir and any of the search engines on this site are beginner friendly and easy to use.  The WANTED:  GM is a great help and remember there are mire than one page so look back pages.

Most of all  WELCOME to the best roleplay community on the internet!!!

member, 1 post
Wed 15 May 2024
at 11:03
  • msg #11

cant find any rps

In reply to NoobyChoco (msg # 1):

Any kid can find the nastiest visual porn on the net but can't play D&D. Also having to wait 2 weeks to even apply is ... And to top it off, after you answer a few generic questions, need to wait for further approval? Lol.
member, 3093 posts
Wed 15 May 2024
at 11:41
  • msg #12

cant find any rps

 This site has  rules for a reason. They weed out folks who lie  about age...or have  more then one account.  "the Chamber of Lost Souls" as folks who tried  to  skirt the rules, harrass, ect ect.

 If you liike to game, you'll find a game or games that suit you, and you should be able to do it , relaxed without problems from Griefers.
member, 26 posts
the furry allegations
(i cannot beat them)
Wed 15 May 2024
at 11:52
  • msg #13

cant find any rps

In reply to damian5000 (msg # 11):

i agree with the "can find the nastiest porn on the internet but cant play dnd" part

up to now i only managed to join just one dnd game, which im not complaining since one is better than none

(P.S. im legally not allowed to view adult content)
This message was last edited by the user at 11:52, Wed 15 May 2024.
moderator, 16235 posts
He's big, he's bad,
but mostly he's Ron.
Wed 15 May 2024
at 20:01

cant find any rps

In reply to damian5000 (msg # 11):

The two week wait only applies to Adult rated games (and is a once only thing).  There are plenty of games rated General or Mature, which anybody can apply to join within minutes of signing up for the site.

As for the "answer a few generic questions, then wait for approval"... that has nothing to do with the site, rather it is the GM's prerogative to vet players, to ensure that he gets a group he can work with.
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