Hello, world!
welcome to the Best sight out there. everything is where you need it, no pop up adds ( you can send support if you wish, but no one crushes you).
when yo9u are here? everything is on the page you want.
Home page will have games you have joined, gamnes you Run and games you have show interest in.
"wanted Players" ..has games where DM'/GMs ask for players, they are permitted to bump their add every 7 days
"GMs wanted, is the reverse..players wanting a Game or a system to be run .
on the lower right had screen you will see a 'browse' you can use that to set up a customable search..Genre, system, DMs/GMs if you know their Player name..( IE..shieldman )
The Admin here take their job seriously, routing out folks who are griefers, or have more then one account ect ect
besides scores of game s7ystems, ( many i never heard of and i have been around...quite awhile)..there are Freeform and Semi- freeform games to enjoy.
one tip?,,if you join a game and don't like it, Tell the GM to remove you , so he and the others can move on... IF..you RTJ and the DM sets the table, and you don't like it..Tell Them...whether in the Game, or RTJ..Ghosting is the highest form of cowardice and lack of manners one can have on a PBP, no matter which one you are on!
Lastly..have fun..if you have questions, ask in the forums,,if aan Admin doesn't answer, a Player will!