How to view in-progress games?
::chuckles:: the space game is mine
1st...the Adult game, i am not certain you can view it at all, unless you are a member and have clearance.
My game? i assign players to Groups..Only group 0 can be seen by outsiders. I'm not a big lurker fan, unless its one of my members that is in a bad way RL, then i let them stay for a bit.
The groups are also used by some GMs to separate actions, that only the players 'granted' that group can see.... I don't do that. I rely on my players , being good enough that they won't use 'player Knowledge' to interfere with Game play...of course?..i would stop that real quick when i catch it!
but the bottom line is group 0 is everyone... any other group is just for that game... to view if they are listed there.