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16:46, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

A new OOC.

Posted by MountainshadowFor group 0
GM, 36 posts
Sun 14 Dec 2008
at 12:33
  • msg #940

Re: A new OOC

Well, not beyond what Liara tells Korentin. He cannot see outside nor hear what is going on.
Baraak Kruul
player, 57 posts
Sun 14 Dec 2008
at 19:13
  • msg #941

Re: A new OOC

And Baraak's unfortunately a bit oblivious to everything but a certain mangled corpse at the moment...
player, 1177 posts
Human Swordsmistress...
Sun 14 Dec 2008
at 20:43
  • msg #942

Re: A new OOC

Why are you waiting for me to post?  Calypte is still very not-conscious, so she has even less idea what's going on than Korentin does, I promise. grin

(Unless what's going on is deep, deep blackness, and a kind of faintly uncomfortable cold feeling.  She's down with that.)
Korentin Black
player, 920 posts
He feels like a
sprig of Holly.
Sun 14 Dec 2008
at 20:45
  • msg #943

Re: A new OOC

 Because even unconscious people are allowed to post the results of people interacting with them, if any, and it's her turn. ^_^
player, 751 posts
What multiple
Thu 18 Dec 2008
at 05:01
  • msg #944

Re: A new OOC

Oooh! Now I get to make unconscious posts too???? Neat! ^ ^

You're up Calypte! Have fun! :-P
player, 1179 posts
Human Swordsmistress...
Thu 18 Dec 2008
at 15:54
  • msg #945

Re: A new OOC

Hmph.  You were just jealous. grin

Also...I have to go try to finish up some shopping, but I'll try to get Calypte awake today!
This message was last edited by the player at 16:23, Thu 18 Dec 2008.
Baraak Kruul
player, 58 posts
Fri 19 Dec 2008
at 03:41
  • msg #946

Re: A new OOC

For the record, Baraak is in the shell of an outbuilding, not inside the main house. He's got no clue what's going on or that there are Therans around to "vent" on...
player, 1181 posts
Human Swordsmistress...
Fri 19 Dec 2008
at 03:46
  • msg #947

Re: A new OOC

OK - I adjusted my post.  Thanks!

(It actually probably looked better for Liara with Baraak there, though.  At least Calypte could have assumed that he'd have still been fighting, if Liara had been killing everyone.  Hmmm...hehe...)

Um, whereabouts is Tourmaline?  I lost track of her, I think, also...
player, 111 posts
So you think you
know the truth
Fri 19 Dec 2008
at 03:54
  • msg #948

Re: A new OOC

Passions! Liara doesn't catch a break, does she? *grin*

I'm not sure where she is either. . . .
player, 1182 posts
Human Swordsmistress...
Fri 19 Dec 2008
at 03:57
  • msg #949

Re: A new OOC


Calypte actually asked her what's going on, instead of just attacking... hehe...

Especially as it occurs to me that the ability to use Blood Share on anything other than their steed is kind of one of those obscure Discipline-related facts that most people don't know is even possible...
This message was last edited by the player at 04:03, Fri 19 Dec 2008.
GM, 645 posts
I've seen empires rise
and fade away.
Fri 19 Dec 2008
at 05:38
  • msg #950

Re: A new OOC

Tourmaline's player sadly left us recently. So I am trying to decide what to do with her. The options are:
a; One of you guys get to play her. Any volunteers?
b; I put a Players Wanted ad up for a replacement player.
b; Kill kill kill mutilate and eat.
player, 752 posts
What multiple
Fri 19 Dec 2008
at 06:01
  • msg #951

Re: A new OOC

WHOOT! I vote for b; kill and eat replacement player!!!! ^ ^
GM, 646 posts
I've seen empires rise
and fade away.
Fri 19 Dec 2008
at 06:45
  • msg #952

Re: A new OOC

Hmm..Delicously evil..Yes...
player, 1183 posts
Human Swordsmistress...
Fri 19 Dec 2008
at 16:02
  • msg #953

Re: A new OOC

I think my vote is to look for a replacement player, too.  She was new enough that there's not a lot of backstory to be learned or personality to worry about changing (although I'd like to mention again, while it's arguably on the topic, that our new Baraak and Liara have both been awesomely seamless!)

I wouldn't have any problem with one of us taking her over, either, either in the long term, or on a temporary basis.

I'd prefer not to have her conveniently killed, though, at least not right away.  We just lost Ronia, and that's going to hurt morale enough.
player, 113 posts
So you think you
know the truth
Sat 20 Dec 2008
at 04:13
  • msg #954

Re: A new OOC

As someone that's picked up a character here, I think you all can guess what my vote is. . . . (Thanks! Calypte and everyone, I really enjoy the game.)

I have to agree with Calypte that having Tourmaline die so soon after Ronia would be a bad thing for the group.

Oh, and Mountainshadow, this OOC thread is nearing the 1000 post limit.
Baraak Kruul
player, 59 posts
Sat 20 Dec 2008
at 16:50
  • msg #955

Re: A new OOC

Man, this would be a good time for Baraak to get one of those "you killed my girlfriend" bursts of insane, vengeful competence...
player, 753 posts
What multiple
Sat 20 Dec 2008
at 22:37
  • msg #956

Re: A new OOC

*gives the die roller a frosty festive cookie for Baraak*
player, 1186 posts
Human Swordsmistress...
Sun 21 Dec 2008
at 00:54
  • msg #957

Re: A new OOC

That would be awesome.

"My name is Baraak Kruul.  You killed my girlfriend.  Prepare to...oh.  Well, I guess I got a little ahead of my speech, there, but you know.  Thief."
player, 115 posts
So you think you
know the truth
Sun 21 Dec 2008
at 04:28
  • msg #958

Re: A new OOC

Adds sprinkles to the cookie that Talia offers. Also makes sure that MS gets one or two (dozen).
GM, 651 posts
I've seen empires rise
and fade away.
Tue 23 Dec 2008
at 20:31
  • msg #959

Re: A new OOC

So...Another year is soon to pass..And you're all sitlle alive(IC-wise that is)...Well done!

Anyhow, I wished to wish you all a happy Yule/Happy Holidays and hope you'll have a wonderful time with family and friends...And to give you heads up that I might be a bit busy with holiday celebrations and wedding to post.
Moaze Therabarn
player, 75 posts
Tue 23 Dec 2008
at 20:53
  • msg #960

Re: A new OOC

Wedding? Yours or someone elses? Congrats to whoever's.

And happy Yule to all too, and Honnakah and all that...

But my in-game salutation is "Merry Chaos, and to all a good fight"
GM, 652 posts
I've seen empires rise
and fade away.
Tue 23 Dec 2008
at 21:16
  • msg #961

Re: A new OOC

My own*nods*

My ingame salutation would be.
"Ill get you all the next time..."
player, 117 posts
So you think you
know the truth
Tue 23 Dec 2008
at 22:11
  • msg #962

Re: A new OOC

Congrats MS!

Happy Holidays, everyone!
player, 1187 posts
Human Swordsmistress...
Tue 23 Dec 2008
at 22:58
  • msg #963

Re: A new OOC

OoooOoooOooh!  Congratulations!

You might very well get us this time...hehe...  Merry Calypt-day, of course! grin
player, 756 posts
What multiple
Thu 25 Dec 2008
at 05:09
  • msg #964

Re: A new OOC

Congrats MS!!!

<There seems to be a trend in all my GMs getting married.... hmm... new dating tactic... run games... ^ ^>
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