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18:26, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

A new OOC.

Posted by MountainshadowFor group 0
GM, 407 posts
I've seen empires rise
and fade away.
Sat 12 May 2007
at 16:42
  • msg #1

A new OOC

As it sounds. The old one was getting a bit crowded. Chat away people!
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:09, Fri 01 June 2007.
GM, 5 posts
Sat 12 May 2007
at 17:38
  • msg #2

Re: A new OOC f

I was asked in PM how I prefer to handle things like Perception Rolls, where the character might better not know the results of the dice, in scenes that I'm involved in.  I thought I should answer openly, so nobody else has to ask.

The custom set in this game seems to be, if your character is doing something actively, make your own roll.  Everyone is easily good enough at role-playing to handle even critical failures fairly, and to act on the information then given even as you may suspect it to be wrong.

I might make a Perception roll (for example) for someone who hasn't stated they're actively looking, if there's something I think they might see and need help deciding if I should point it out (or who I should point it out to.)  I think in PbP, the main concern is to keep things moving, and not let the game come to a stop waiting on the dice roller.

But even this will mostly only apply to very simple things.  I'm only a CO-GM.  I don't know what everybody has.  So if I've been given direction of a scene and fail to account for something like Trap Initiative, by all means, make your roll, and tell me!
Korentin Black
player, 589 posts
He feels like a
sprig of Holly.
Thu 24 May 2007
at 16:42
  • msg #3

Re: A new OOC f

 Bah, it's gone quiet... What's going on folks?
player, 210 posts
Horrors?  I know a bit
about Horrors...
Thu 24 May 2007
at 21:34
  • msg #4

Re: A new OOC f

Shhh!  I'm hiding, waiting for the Horrors to show their true colors, then I can spring out of the shadows and attack them!  Who knows, I might even buy you guys some time to actually take the Horror down.... ;)

Seriously, I am waiting to move onto the next scene.
player, 411 posts
What multiple
Thu 24 May 2007
at 22:59
  • msg #5

Re: A new OOC f

Myself as well. Waiting on the next scene. Talia can only get so paranoid...
player, 818 posts
Human Swordsmistress...
Fri 25 May 2007
at 06:26
  • msg #6

Re: A new OOC f


That's because she didn't spend three days trying to figure Liara out...

You don't know paranoid.

player, 412 posts
What multiple
Fri 25 May 2007
at 06:44
  • msg #7

Re: A new OOC f

Well, naturally... why in Barsaive would I waste my time trying to figure mysel... cell-mate Liara out? Yes, well, you see your paranoia was well founded... she was a dirty Theran through and through and that's how I met her in the prison... of the ... the Warden. Yes, the Warden... the horror controlled one... who is dead now... and thus... there is no evidence... *cough* Yes... *looks to see if Korentin has been listening, wondering if she could take the Swordmistress before she made any noise*
Nyloque Simarsan
player, 20 posts
Well, now...what exactly
is it you'd like to know?
Fri 25 May 2007
at 09:36
  • msg #8

Re: A new OOC f

I'm ready to move on to the next scene as well--I was just conversing because no one else was posting anything.  Figured if Calypte and I were the only ones with too much free time on our hands, might as well use it for dialogue.  :-)

We're in the lead cart, so should get to Brightsprings first--though not long before Hrothgar's wagon.  I would go ahead and talk about entering the village and arranging accomodations/dinner, but I don't know if the GM has anything planned for our entry.

Anyway, I'll keep talking to Calypte until the GM puts us in Brightsprings.  If others want to post, you could always have another dialogue in Hrothgar's wagon.  Korentin said the word, "Motive," awhile back.  Maybe you can discuss what that's supposed to mean, and the context.  I tell you, Korentin--I've lived in Throal awhile, but I would never guess that "Motive" is Black-speech for "Rundir is suggesting we go to the Hollow Rose instead of the Blackened Oak because, if we say he sent us, he'll get paid a finder's fee or receive some other kind of kickbacks."

I'm so very glad it's Calypte in the seat with me, instead of Korentin.  :-D
Korentin Black
player, 590 posts
He feels like a
sprig of Holly.
Fri 25 May 2007
at 17:10
  • msg #9

Re: A new OOC f

 Full points to Nyloque for his reading of Black's obscure little pronouncement. Sadly, Black himself doesn't know diddly squat about the subtle way these things work, and is currently thinking 'what's in it for him' and wondering whether he can be trusted. ^_^

 Otherwise, barring some sort of stimuli, Black won't really do a whole hell of a lot unless something looks like it needs doing. I have been positively itching to respond however...
GM, 7 posts
Sat 26 May 2007
at 23:56
  • msg #10

Re: A new OOC f

I apologize.  MS left this scene largely in my hands.  I wanted to let some time pass on the trip, to give people a chance to acquaint with Nyloque, but I didn't mean to let it drag for so long.  I've been blindsided by what I laughingly call "real life" this last week.
player, 821 posts
Human Swordsmistress...
Thu 31 May 2007
at 15:46
  • msg #11

Re: A new OOC f

Hehe...should've known better than to give us a town with two possible places to stay.  Adventurers spend enough time arguing when there's only one way to go. grin
Nyloque Simarsan
player, 25 posts
Well, now...what exactly
is it you'd like to know?
Thu 31 May 2007
at 17:45
  • msg #12

Re: A new OOC f

:-D  Yeah, really!  Two choices for inns, how can we possibly decide?  Ahhh, to heck with it, let's drive out and make camp on the road.

Actually, the ride-scene dialog was a good introduction to the group, and their dynamic.  I've read a tiny bit of the old posts, but that's all "meta-game" info I can't know in-character.  Calypte was helpful in giving Nyloque a good synopsis of each party-member, and I think it's a good starting point from which Nyloque can begin interacting with the group directly.

I like reading the "thoughts" from each character's perspective.  Talia and Korentin have seeming borderline-psychosis, which will be great to see play out. out for children...  ;-)

Sorry for posting again so quickly, but when I read Calypte's response, I had to jump back in.  Apparently I typed something unintelligible.  Didn't mean to imply that the choice of inn was decided.  Actually, from the description, Nyloque would choose the Blackened Oak--but he seriously does want to check both inns first, come back, and make an informed group-decision.

Maybe it's stupid and a waste of time.  But it's also another way to see how the group reacts to different situations.  Whether you realize it or not, just as Calypte tried to size-up Nyloque's abilities, he too is trying to size-up the group's qualifications.  Seeing how each of you dealt with a 3-way party split has been...enlightening.  :-)
player, 822 posts
Human Swordsmistress...
Thu 31 May 2007
at 18:24
  • msg #13

Re: A new OOC f

Talia and Korentin have seeming borderline-psychosis,

Where are you getting this "borderline" idea from? grin

( I think there are currently eight adventuring 'effectives' with us - Baraak, Calypte, Grell, Mirrel, Nyloque, Ronia, Talia and me. If not, adjust Black's figures accordingly. ^_^ )

My only qualm about your counting is that I think, IC, we don't have any reason to count Nyloque as an `effective', from an adventuring standpoint.  He's Hrothgar's supply guy and wagon driver, but mostly somebody else we're expected to keep safe when there's trouble.  At least, if it's not too much trouble - I don't think he's actually part of our contract.  wink

But while he's said that he, on his own authority, plans to stay with the wagons too, I'm not sure we want to count him as a watcher, specifically.
Korentin Black
player, 594 posts
He feels like a
sprig of Holly.
Thu 31 May 2007
at 19:28
  • msg #14

Re: A new OOC f

 Damn' straight - I come by my mental problems honestly. ^_^

 And Nyloque has three qualifications for being a guard... As a dwarf, he has true nightvision - this is invaluable for night watches, irregardless of any other skills he may or may not have, since the basic duty of a guard as far as Korentin is concerned is to scream if and when something horrible happens to him. ^_^
 Additionally he's already more or less stated that he's going to be taking a watch, and you can just bet that somehow Korentin or Calypte are going to be 'on schedule' opposite him to size him up. I would add Baraak to that list, but since he also has nightvision, he'll probably be on a different watchlist.
 Thirdly and finally, he makes eight. Eight is easier to divide up by two than seven is, and it means we get one night in four of totally undisturbed sleep. ^_^
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