Rules. Read.

A few rules have lain at the back of my mind for awhile now, and with the arrival of new players I think it is time we clarify these rules.
All of these rules come with a free toy and a free warning, get more than one and I will sneak into your room at night to have a very serious chat with you. See me as a sadistic version of Santa Claus.
1: IC fighting stays IC: I do not want to see IC issues slipping into the OOC thread.
2: Complaints on other players are passed through me.: If you for some reason have an issue with another player, then report it to me and I will deal with it. I have seen what pointless debating two players arguing between each other leads to.</u>
3: We are all in this to have fun, newcomers and veterans alike. Thus do not act superior to those who haven't played as long as you have.: If a player might not know as much about ED as you do, send that player a friendly PM and offer your knowledge. Do NOT insert snide remarks within your posts about how your view is the right one.
4: Do not plan to ruin the fun/kill other characters.: While Barsaive is a rough place, this is not DnD. This is not WoD: TA, you are supposed to work relatively well together, do not plan far-fetched plots about how you will kill other cvharacters, as I will intervene to prevent them.
5: Do not play on metaknowledgeNo character here knows the entire Denizens of Earthdawn, nor do anyone know the entirety of the Scourge Unleashed. Use what you know sparsely and think it over if your character really knows it.
6: Bribe the dragon: For the sake of the Passions! I get no cookies these days! Shame on you!
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:45, Mon 19 May 2008.