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15:23, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

OOC IV: A New Hope.

Posted by GarlenFor group 0
player, 971 posts
Theran Spy. All your elf
are belong to us!
Sun 15 Jul 2018
at 01:36
  • msg #981

Re: Night King Summary

Taia Talshara:
Geez, Talia. Learn the language already! Yeesh. ;)

I mean... she's working on it. :-P It's not like Throalic is anything like either of the two languages she already knew. She's got the curse words and flirting down for sure! She should teach Taia those!

This is a wonderful group and I wish I had more time to play in other games with you folks. I still miss Baraak and Mirrel, among others. Would be great if they happened back one day.
GM, 637 posts
Thu 19 Jul 2018
at 19:35
  • msg #982

Re: Night King Summary

Yeah, I don't know.  I understand being frustrated with the speed of this game.  I've had a number of people say they just can't get engaged and drop out, and I don't blame them one bit.  But Stormy's reaction was weird. shrug

Anyway - I just wanted to check in quickly.  I have to take my computer in for some long-overdue repairs.  I won't be totally off-line, but it'll be awkward for a bit, so that might - ahem - slow me down a little bit.  Let me know if anyone can tell the difference.

Right? Geez, Talia. Learn the language already! Yeesh. ;)

And I know it's silly but I did want to say that wasn't actually a mistake - Calypte looked at Talia because she was talking to Talia.  She's kind of taken responsibility for Taia.

And I miss Baraak and Mirrel, too.  And Jyon and Rowan.  And Liara.  The second Liara -- the good one.
Taia Talshara
player, 131 posts
Thu 19 Jul 2018
at 21:00
  • msg #983

Re: Night King Summary

In reply to Talia (msg # 981):

Garlen, I'm going to be out of town for a few extra days -Tuesday, I think- just FYI.

But Talia, when I get back remind me to tell you about a fellow teacher I had when I was in China, and the way he tried to teach me Mandarin.
player, 972 posts
Theran Spy. All your elf
are belong to us!
Fri 20 Jul 2018
at 04:37
  • msg #984

Re: Night King Summary

In reply to Taia Talshara (msg # 983):

Oh, this can't help but be amusing! I shall await your return! ^_^

I had kind of assumed Talia was answering for Taia for now, but hopefully that will change soon!
Taia Talshara
player, 132 posts
Tue 24 Jul 2018
at 19:56
  • msg #985

Re: Night King Summary

I have returned! And now, Garlen, from hell's heart I shall stab at thee! Said hell being Texas. :D … Don't think I didn't catch what you did there. ;)

Talia, re: the story I was going to tell you - when I was in China, the guy at the next desk over was the equivalent of a PE teacher. He decided it was vitally important to teach me Mandarin, and the best way to do that was to teach phrases I could use to pick up girls. So I picked up a few things, like, "You're beautiful," "Kiss me," etc, but he was like, "What else do you really need to know?" ;)
player, 973 posts
Theran Spy. All your elf
are belong to us!
Tue 24 Jul 2018
at 20:49
  • msg #986

Re: Night King Summary

In the heart of Texas, you need to know how to ask for extra ice. Maybe where they store the swamp coolers!

It's set to hit a balmy 100 degrees F here today. As well as some other choice letters!

But otherwise, that man surely had a point! ^_^
GM, 638 posts
Tue 24 Jul 2018
at 21:17
  • msg #987

Re: Night King Summary

But in the heart of Texas, you probably don't want to be asking in Mandarin, or they'll just think they need another wall.
Taia Talshara
player, 133 posts
Tue 24 Jul 2018
at 21:28
  • msg #988

Re: Night King Summary

Talia: I don't like ice (which probably explains why my Diet Coke, no ice, is always so warm. Aha! SCIENCE! :)

Garlen: You are wrong. Texans already believe we need a wall between us and China. They are simply not educated enough to understand that building a wall through an ocean poses certain logistical issues. :D (I say that, but apparently the funding for the education system here is excellent; oil money.)
player, 974 posts
Theran Spy. All your elf
are belong to us!
Tue 24 Jul 2018
at 22:20
  • msg #989

Re: Night King Summary

Those of us what have that slimy black stuff anyway. I've got cactus. I'm sure they're good for something. That much potential tequila can't do us wrong!
player, 279 posts
Something is not right
Lets go poke it
Wed 25 Jul 2018
at 05:40
  • msg #990

Re: Night King Summary

All I know about Texas is from Cowboy movies and Rich Hall.
It doesn't seem like a kind of country I'd be naturally drawn toward.
(In fact the entire concept scare the living daylights out of me)

Here is Rich Hall explaining what I used to know.
GM, 639 posts
Wed 25 Jul 2018
at 22:05
  • msg #991

Re: Night King Summary

I lived in Texas for a few years when I was a kid.  I don't remember seeing guns actually everywhere, but it sure does live up to a lot of its stereotypes.

Um, getting back to the game for just a moment, we have a promising new character setting up.  The player looks good, too.  I have high hopes!  And as I'm not seeing any IC objections to the suggestion of taking a little bit of downtime... I need to sort out the money situation and probably reward some LPs so that people can actually make some use of that.  For example, by learning Throalic. grin  I don't quite have time to deal with all that right now, but will try to get back to it in the next couple of days.
Taia Talshara
player, 134 posts
Wed 25 Jul 2018
at 22:25
  • msg #992

Re: Night King Summary

I lived in Texas for a few years when I was a kid.  I don't remember seeing guns actually everywhere, but...

A few years ago they made taking guns onto campuses okay. And dildos are illegal on campuses. So all the protestors brought dildos to the school as protest. That was a laugh and a half.
player, 975 posts
Theran Spy. All your elf
are belong to us!
Wed 25 Jul 2018
at 22:44
  • msg #993

Re: Night King Summary

That's what happens when concealed carry is so prevalent, but only applies to guns. What choice does that leave you, but to open carry your dildo?
Taia Talshara
player, 135 posts
Wed 25 Jul 2018
at 22:54
  • msg #994

Re: Night King Summary

That's what happens when concealed carry is so prevalent, but only applies to guns. What choice does that leave you, but to open carry your dildo?

Totes. And those things are dangerous, too. You haven't really been beaten to an embarrassing death until someone clobbers you to death with a meter-long dildo. ;)
player, 976 posts
Theran Spy. All your elf
are belong to us!
Fri 27 Jul 2018
at 03:48
  • msg #995

Re: Night King Summary

Incidentally, I'll be largely away until around August 2nd. Don't have too much fun while I'm gone. ^_^
player, 977 posts
Theran Spy. All your elf
are belong to us!
Sat 4 Aug 2018
at 17:08
  • msg #996

Re: Night King Summary

Or, you know, you could have no fun at all without me. I suppose that can be a thing? Either way, I'm back. ^_^
Taia Talshara
player, 136 posts
Sat 4 Aug 2018
at 17:23
  • msg #997

Re: Night King Summary

In reply to Talia (msg # 996):

player, 978 posts
Theran Spy. All your elf
are belong to us!
Sat 4 Aug 2018
at 18:33
  • msg #998

Re: Night King Summary

D'aww! I was missed! So long as Omandras didn't miss me too! ^_^'
GM, 641 posts
Tue 14 Aug 2018
at 21:25
  • msg #999

Re: Night King Summary

So, I'm afraid this is just one of those apologizing-for-not-posting-posts...  my computer is still out.  Apparently the tech it was given to got it opened up and then lost a little over a week to the flu. sigh  So last I heard they're, like, almost done with the diagnostics, and then we can move on to finding out how reparable it is and if it's going to cost more than it's worth...

Anyway, this means my overall computer time is still much more limited since I'm sharing, and that's made it really hard to sit down and think about, like, LP awards or anything.

I would like to go ahead and welcome Talus to our ranks, though!  He will be joining us as our new Obsidiman Zhan Shi.  I'm going ahead and adding him, like, functionally, now, and... um, when I can make some time to sit down and thing about things, I'll see about setting up the scene for him to actually meet people.  I will really try to do all of this soon so that at least people can be interacting, perhaps, while I get my issues back in order.  At least give you the option, I guess.
player, 979 posts
Theran Spy. All your elf
are belong to us!
Tue 14 Aug 2018
at 22:50
  • msg #1000

Re: Night King Summary

Oooh! Another Obsidiman!

Also, that totally sucks about the computer! I wonder if they take them home, or if there's some other reason they can't, like, give it to someone else to work on. -_-;; At least you got a progress report on it. Hopefully, it is reparable for a small (*ahem* discounted) fee.

(Also, also... I think this post officially breaks this thread. >_>)
Taia Talshara
player, 137 posts
Tue 14 Aug 2018
at 22:56
  • msg #1001

Re: Night King Summary

I refuse to be broken!

Also, hi newer-newb.
player, 980 posts
Theran Spy. All your elf
are belong to us!
Tue 14 Aug 2018
at 23:17
  • msg #1002

Re: Night King Summary

What the frig? RPOL lied to me!
So, when is a limit not a limit?
This thread is over the 1,000 post limit.  Please request your GM creates a new thread.

Taia Talshara
player, 138 posts
Tue 14 Aug 2018
at 23:49
  • msg #1003

Re: Night King Summary

When it's created by RPOL devs? :)
GM, 643 posts
Tue 14 Aug 2018
at 23:56
  • msg #1004

Re: Night King Summary

Once it's over 1000 you can't use the All button to load the thread anymore. I DID make us a new one, though, so it is entirely your faults we can't use that here now.
Taia Talshara
player, 139 posts
Wed 15 Aug 2018
at 13:37
  • msg #1005

Re: Night King Summary

There's an "all" button? *goes to look at another thread*
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