Yeah, I don't know. I understand being frustrated with the speed of this game. I've had a number of people say they just can't get engaged and drop out, and I don't blame them one bit. But Stormy's reaction was weird.
Anyway - I just wanted to check in quickly. I have to take my computer in for some long-overdue repairs. I won't be totally off-line, but it'll be awkward for a bit, so that might -
ahem - slow me down a little bit. Let me know if anyone can tell the difference.
Right? Geez, Talia. Learn the language already! Yeesh. ;)
And I know it's silly but I did want to say that wasn't actually a mistake - Calypte looked at Talia because she was talking to Talia. She's kind of taken responsibility for Taia.
And I miss Baraak and Mirrel, too. And Jyon and Rowan. And Liara. The second Liara -- the good one.