Loose Threads

A charred journal from the lost Kaer of Tar'Deno whose burn damage matches up suspiciously well to healing scars on Black's hand.
Much of the journal is 1) charred and 2) boring, although it was written by someone named Meyera, evidently a member of the King's Council. The impression is that the King's Council was large - more like a Senate than a cabinet of advisers, and while the Council had some mechanism for overruling the King, they were clearly subordinate. There are some bits that are more legible, and perhaps even interesting, if you're interested in that sort of thing.
..strous, but I suppose if their parents cannot ...
..ve no choice but to take official actions to ...
..lem. An Oubliette has been added to the low...
..lace, floor heavily reenforced by our finest ...
..blemakers to be interred within for up to si...
Day 38, 16th of KA
That idiot Relath pushed through a motion to draw the curfew in
another hour, as if t...ions weren't high enough already. If
another hour's quiet would make any difference, perhaps, but as
it is, I can only see it ..stigating .... rife. Relath
sees dangers in eve ... dow these days; there remains no
evidence whatsoever of the assas..ation attempt he claims to
have uncovered.
Day 55, 16th of KA
I've been called to Court again; the Prince is losing faith in ...
people are losing faith in the Prince. A vicious cycle to whic...
must do as one can. There seems to be some sort of trouble...
Eastern Quarter, but my people have not been able to ascer...
what it is. This is going to be a very long day.
Day 58, 16th of KA
Well, that little 'rebellion' was sorted out ... ugh, and a g...
It was just... ... and the leaders - three of them - have b...
the Oubliet... ... nk things over, and perhaps come to their...
can always hope, can't one? My own daughter's place in matt...
covered so far, and I see no reason to bring it to light. Sh...
following along, after all, and has promised me she'll stay...
such troublemakers in future.
..., 16th of KA
...ning to think the Oubliette was a mistake from the start. It
....niable that everyone who has been placed within it has come
......arker, somehow. Certainly more troublesome. It remains
.......oject, however, and he'll not give up on it so soon.
Day 72, 16th of KA
Just when it seemed things had settled down, dissent ...
simmering in the Northern Quarter. It was actually Caer...
told me about it; evidently some of her former friends ...
to induct her into new trouble. But she declined, an...
investigations offer us a lead on stopping this befo...
Day 78, 16th of KA
Our agents succeeded in the nick of time. Evidently
a faction among the m...ants has grown resentful
of our Elves, and w ..... paring to execute them all!
I daresay it woul ........ n disastrous for the kaer;
though few in nu .......... insights have always
proven wise. E ............ it with the King,
seeking not rev ............ utions, and a way
Day 81, 16th of KA
It has been decided, and the Council has agre...
That blasted ball hasn't dropped since Vorla...
For all we know, we're the last ones still si...
huddled underground, while everyone else st...
sun. Or died. But there is no safe way to fi...
Prince Evensky shall take the risk; togethe...
greatest warriors and strongest magicians, h...
seek news of what has happened upon the sur...
return, perhaps with help. Our dreams and o...
travel with them, but more, they bear our g...
treasures. We weaken ourselves greatly witho...
but it is they who will be exposed, while w...
behind our unbroken doors.
Best luck, young Prince, and may the Passio...
you. What would Raelas think, I wonder, if h...
the idea came from my little Caerdwyn? She'...
quite the Councilwoman someday!
Day 5, .. of PE
Passions! How .. it happen so fast? Now the King is
demanding to kno .. w we failed to anticipate this!
Food riots? We nev .. nticipated food riots for the
simple reason that t..e is no food shortage! What
could we have done to ..vent such lunacy? The
Southern Quarter is in ..es, the silos smashed and
the farms in ruins. The .. ill be a food shortage
now, certainly.
Day 12, 1st of PE
...id things come to this? Our grand effort in
....ving the Scourge is shattering, and we haven't
..... Horror to blame. Tar'Deno stands divided into
......ncampments. The King holds the Keep, of course,
........thern Quarter remains loyal - but guards
must patrol their borders constantly against raids.
Raids! Are we Scorchers? Are we animals? What is
left of the Southern Quarter has banded with ...
and rejected our governance. The Eastern ...
Hah! Children! Lead by some ...
Caelyn has not yet joined the...
yesterday, gazing out over ...
Day 23, 1st of PE
Relath. I'm watching. Know this.
Day 32, 1st of PE
W..have h.m. It h.s taken .eeks, but.I have .he
evi..nce I .eed. Re.ath's po.itical ma.euverin.s
have..een su.tle, bu. it is c.ear he ha. been
bough..by the.merchan.s in the.West. The.'d have
taken ..e Keep.within .he month.had I not.found
them ou.. Now .e'll be.spending.his time .n his
own Oubl..tte. .e'll so.n see if.he change. his
Day 41, 1st of PE
So. He still refuses to speak. But his very
silence gives him away; if he had no plans still
in motion, he would not have so much cause to
hold his tongue. My people in the Western Quarter
have managed to connect to several of his agents.
It is only a matter of time.
The Oubliette.
The pounding continues. The doors are breaking.
The Guards cannot hold.
Poor Relath. He never even had the chance to
take his own life.
I only hope other Kaers have been wiser than
we were.