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16:00, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

OOC V for Vicuna.

Posted by GarlenFor group 0
player, 137 posts
Fri 12 Nov 2021
at 22:13
  • msg #878

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

I'd rather do things.
player, 1173 posts
Theran Horse Pirate
Sat 13 Nov 2021
at 04:56
  • msg #879

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

I'd be fine with K's idea. Just hand wave us to the start of a new chapter. Maybe in our downtime we earn a little copper or learn a little info, to make the near death experience meaningful, but otherwise, let's start something new up.
GM, 951 posts
Wed 22 Dec 2021
at 19:29
  • msg #880

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

Hey, everyone?  Um, first, the usual (but I think less ubiquitous than they used to be!) apology for dropping off for a while.  It is, I guess, discouraging, when the threads all fall apart and we have to pick up and "start over".  But I have been working on it, I just kind of wanted to be a little more prepared, I guess, and see if that helps keep things moving and carrying forward?  But there's also real life to deal with, and the holidays, and all that, so.  I'm hoping to start things up with the new year?  I don't want to promise that, it's sort of an arbitrary symbology thing, but that's my hope.

Could I get a check-in on who's still here and interested, please?  That would be awesome.

And also happy holidays, everyone!
player, 215 posts
Ahoy Mateys!
Wed 22 Dec 2021
at 19:47
  • msg #881

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

Always here for you sweetie. ^_^

Do we get to keep the characters? :D
player, 126 posts
Once a promising jeweler
Now a driven hunter
Wed 22 Dec 2021
at 19:51
  • msg #882

Re: OOC V for Vicuna


Definitely Here and interested.
player, 129 posts
Damage: 3 (1W)
PD: 8 | MD: 9 | SD: 7
Thu 23 Dec 2021
at 02:25
  • msg #883

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

Arbitrary symbology but also a long weekend for most folks, so that helps.

I will definitely stick around if the game is resuming.
GM, 952 posts
Thu 23 Dec 2021
at 05:40
  • msg #884

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

Always here for you sweetie. ^_^

Aww! blush

Do we get to keep the characters? :D

Hm?  Yes, of course!  This isn't totally starting over, it's just... picking up the pieces and moving things through a little.  Though I do suppose if anyone wants to change characters this might not be a bad time for it.  Come to think of it I know someone who was asking about any PbP games with openings... I might suggest this could be a good time for someone to join.  Hm.

Thank you, Trilarigas, Kathkar, and Bueller!

...Wait.  Bueller?  ...Bueller?
Korentin Black
player, 1637 posts
He feels like a
sprig of Holly.
Thu 23 Dec 2021
at 21:47
  • msg #885

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

 As if I ever go anywhere. ^_^
player, 130 posts
Damage: 3 (1W)
PD: 8 | MD: 9 | SD: 7
Fri 24 Dec 2021
at 03:16
  • msg #886

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

...Wait.  Bueller?  ...Bueller?

He got banned for hacking the dice roller.  You wouldn't believe the crap Jase had to go through to track him down.
player, 216 posts
Ahoy Mateys!
Fri 24 Dec 2021
at 05:20
  • msg #887

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

...Wait.  Bueller?  ...Bueller?

He got banned for hacking the dice roller.  You wouldn't believe the crap Jase had to go through to track him down.

First time I see his name.
How did he come up in conversation?
player, 1174 posts
Theran Horse Pirate
Sat 25 Dec 2021
at 19:39
  • msg #888

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

Oh, I'm still here just not checking in as much as this is my one RPOL game at the moment and things had gotten quiet.

After... hmm... 10 some years not playing Talia... I suppose I've now made a pretty firm commitment to reprise her participation in this game in a more permanent way. So, no, not going anywhere, but if I'm missing checking in, please feel free to poke me outside of game as well, Garlen.
player, 217 posts
Ahoy Mateys!
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 16:54
  • msg #889

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

Am I the only one who got a strong Earthdawn vibe from the Ukraine crisis?
player, 1175 posts
Theran Horse Pirate
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 00:57
  • msg #890

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

I mean, it is roughly the same geographic area....
player, 218 posts
Ahoy Mateys!
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 03:58
  • msg #891

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

And Ukraine is Europes Nr. 1 in rare metals, Nr. 2 in Natural Gas, has a tainted area (Chernobyl). Now an deranged autocrat is invading the country while escalating the Cyberwar they have been running on everybody...
player, 131 posts
Damage: 3 (1W)
PD: 8 | MD: 9 | SD: 7
Sat 26 Feb 2022
at 02:53
  • msg #892

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

Excited to find out who's playing the Invae...
GM, 953 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 04:57
  • msg #893

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

Um, right, so... I don't know if anybody noticed, but the beginning of the year didn't happen.

And... I'm getting ready for an absurdly big move in a couple of months and I really don't know what life is going to be like on the other side of it?  So it seems like probably a bad time to dive in and commit to Totally Getting This Going because I'm very likely to drop the ball again in somewhere around six weeks.

I don't know, this is probably time to just call it and admit it's not going to happen, but given that "no idea" thing it possibly also makes sense, for my part at least, to wait and see how things do go and... maybe later in the year if I find things have settled into a place where I have time to work on this, I will check in and see if people are still around?  (Because I've never done that before...  *sigh*  I'm sorry, everyone, really I am.)

Am I the only one who got a strong Earthdawn vibe from the Ukraine crisis?

And... no.  I feel so... I don't know.  It feels ridiculous to think that a lot of my personal emotional investment in this situation is that it has this correlation to my favorite fantasy game?  Like, "The US should be supporting Barsaive, darnit!"  I know someone who actually grew up in Ukraine and has freaking family there, and I'm upset that they took the Bloodwood.  But, like, really it's much more that there hasn't been an invasion of another country like this in... apparently since WWII?  Definitely not in my lifetime.  Honestly I'd kind of thought the world had outgrown this kind of nonsense.  Like, I get that morality hasn't really changed and people are still often jerks, especially the kinds of people who get to be "in charge" like that, but just, like, our communications and economics and all that have gotten so entwined and this sort of behavior doesn't seem feasible like it used to, does it?

I guess we'll see.  So far I'm afraid it's looking pretty good for, "No, no, this is still totally a thing," but there's still hope.
player, 127 posts
Once a promising jeweler
Now a driven hunter
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 05:09
  • msg #894

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

I am willing to wait and see on this game.

And I hear...interesting...things that give me reasons to believe in Ukraine's future. I understand a former beauty queen has joined their army, practically guaranteeing the win. (This is meant in seriousness. As far as I know, no army with a beauty queen has ever lost.)
player, 132 posts
Damage: 3 (1W)
PD: 8 | MD: 9 | SD: 7
Wed 2 Mar 2022
at 03:11
  • msg #895

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

I'll be here if things do pick up again at some point.
Korentin Black
player, 1638 posts
He feels like a
sprig of Holly.
Thu 3 Mar 2022
at 02:49
  • msg #896

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

In reply to Garlen (msg # 893):

 Uhm... You remember Iraq, right? Illegal invasion of a country which hadn't attacked the folks invading it and which didn't have the WMDs that were the pretext for said invasion?

 I mean sure, Sadam and his cronies could go suck a big bag of dicks and the comparisons don't go much further than that given how legitimately blameless Ukraine seems to be in the midst of this and how much of an asshole Putin is, but... Yeah, invasions have happened, it's just that western media has a tendency to be extremely forgiving when it's 'us' that's doing it (Just as, right now Russian media is being extremely forgiving of their actions).

 But Earthdawn-wise? Hell yes, I'll be here, you know that.
player, 1176 posts
Theran Horse Pirate
Thu 3 Mar 2022
at 05:27
  • msg #897

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

Definitely will be around should this pick back up again. Just yanno, poke me if need be in a direct sort of way. Good luck on the moving planning!
player, 219 posts
Ahoy Mateys!
Thu 3 Mar 2022
at 07:32
  • msg #898

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

What reply do you expect me to give? (^_~)
player, 133 posts
Damage: 3 (1W)
PD: 8 | MD: 9 | SD: 7
Fri 4 Mar 2022
at 00:38
  • msg #899

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

Korentin Black:
Uhm... You remember Iraq, right? Illegal invasion of a country which hadn't attacked the folks invading it and which didn't have the WMDs that were the pretext for said invasion?

A while back I discovered the podcast I Spy, which features interviews with various people from the intelligence world.  One episode was an interview with the CIA interrogator who was assigned to Saddam Hussein after he had been captured.  Among other things, he mentioned that Saddam told him the Iraqis had intentionally put out false information about their WMD capabilities because they needed to look tough in front of Iran; when America used this as part of the pretext for war it wasn't that our government was lying about it so much as that they had bought into the phony intel.  Granted, a CIA guy who is under political pressure to justify a war may not be the most reliable source of info, but that's what I've got (and of course there's the whole other debate of whether or not that would have been sufficient justification even if it was true, but I'm not touching that one).
This message was last edited by the player at 00:39, Fri 04 Mar 2022.
Korentin Black
player, 1639 posts
He feels like a
sprig of Holly.
Fri 4 Mar 2022
at 01:17
  • msg #900

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

 That could easily be true, but we also know that Colin Powell flat-out lied to the UNSC about their presence, despite extensive evidence to the contrary.
player, 128 posts
Once a promising jeweler
Now a driven hunter
Fri 4 Mar 2022
at 04:10
  • msg #901

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

We (the US) know that Saddam had WMDs, because we gave them to him to use against Russia (and other communists). The fact that we didn't find those still bothers me.

Of course, GWB couldn't very well say, "I know he had them 'cause my daddy gave them to him."
player, 220 posts
Ahoy Mateys!
Fri 4 Mar 2022
at 04:38
  • msg #902

Re: OOC V for Vicuna

I hate discussing rumours. Truth is that we will never know.

Whether Saddam destroyed the WMD to reduce risk of a US invasion and expected the US to be fully up-to-date on intel, or the Great Orator and Leader of the Free World at the time would have invaded no matter what intel he had we will never know.

Personally I think the main motivation was the oil and a new concept of privately funded armies they had to get fieldtestet.

No matter what it is a what-if scenario and we have no way to reliably validate them.
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