Character Creation and Optional/House Rules

In terms of House Rules, none so far. But going through the Optional Rules suggested in the book... red is in use, blue is not, and purple, as you might expect then, is sort of in between.
Hidden and Surface Traits (p72) - I mean, if you find them helpful to think about, they sure can be, but I don't think we need them as a rule.
Racial Restrictions (p82) - Abandoned over time with good reason; really it just encourages people to challenge it.
Riposting Longer Weapons (p165) - Not sure anyone has this anyway, but... OK, it feels like a lot to keep track of, but, while I know technically this is just adding another layer of things to keep track of, my inclination is to apply this to Riposte-as-a-Skill, but not to Riposte-as-a-Talent.
Practical Knowledge (p187) - I like that one. It makes sense. It doesn't come up that often, but it's something I'd have done anyway if it did, so yes.
Unweaving Threads (p232) - Sure? I'm not sure why not, since you can just displace them anyway. I won't promise it will work on something Horror Marked or Cursed, though, even though those are specifically listed as reasons you might want to.
Additional Threads (p256) - As noted, this isn't actually an optional rule, but since it is suggested as something you might want to build up to I wanted to confirm that this is allowed.
Take the Initiative (p372) - I don't know if we'll have such big combats as to require this, but I really do like the variability in Initiative and for some characters it's really critical. I suppose I should reserve the right to do this should it feel necessary, but I'd be reluctant.
Long Falls (p399) - Um? This seems to require more advanced physics knowledge than I bring to the table. If someone is really falling from Very High Up I'm sure it'll make sense that they take more than one round to fall and I'm not opposed to some chance to recover on the way, but in most generally-ground-based situations I'd rather not deal with it.
Circle-Based Attribute Improvement (p448) - Nah. I'll be honest, I kind of like it as a legacy rule; it did make Circles a little more special. But Circles are special anyway and Attribute Improvement is pretty sharply limited without this.
Using All Talents to Advance (p453) - I'm good with this. If it matters to you, go for it. Assuming we do reach such lofty heights, I'll have to think about their warning on LP as we get to high Circles, but that's a long way off. I wasn't going to, largely because of that, but then we got a Windling Scout and.. while I can see reasons a Windling might need to Climb, I'm hard pressed to say they need to keep it maximized.
Specific Training for Talent Options (p454) - Bleh. Honestly I'd rather scale back the need for trainers; especially in PbP it just slows things down. Generally speaking, if you want to learn a Talent we shall assume you can find a trainer for it, at least in downtime. If you have a spot open and need one in a hurry, of course, in game time, things might be different. Likewise for Circle Training, at least at lower levels; even fairly remote towns seem to have someone from every Discipline hanging around. (This is actually part of my view of Earthdawn. The Disciplines are really, really big Great Patterns; they make themselves happen.)
...And that seems to be all of them!
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:06, Mon 30 Sept 2019.