Constructs are similar to Items of Power (as described earlier), but are an entirely different order of magnitude. At it's most basic, a Construct consists of an Item and a power source out in Shadow that drives it.
Examples of Constructs from the
Amber novels include:-
Ghostwheel - Merlin's sentient Trump computer. Merlin selected a Shadow where the Laws of Physics were very different from our own, and then built a machine that could never have worked on Shadow Earth.
The Fount of Power - Located in the Keep of Four Worlds, and drawing its energy from the four surrounding Shadows, the Fount could basically charge up any person with vast amounts of Power in a very short time.
Spikards - These are rings which are connected to countless sources of energy in numerous Shadows, and may have Power almost as great as the Logrus or the Pattern.
When designing a Construct, you must remember the following two rules:-
Construct Rule #1: Construct Powers are limited to Character Powers. In other words, if you want a Construct that uses Trump in some way, then you must be a Trump Artist.
Construct Rule #2: All Constructs are controlled by the GM. Constructs are treated as NPCs. So why spend the Points? Because a Construct is enormously powerful, and investing the Points means you make it less likely that it will be taken over by somebody else. As with Artifacts and Creatures, it is possible to obtain a Construct for free, by riding out into Shadow and simply finding it. Trouble with that is, it'll probably belong to somebody else.
So how do I build a Construct?
1. Imagine the Construct.
2. Build the Basic Shadow(s).
3. Build the Basic Manifestation.(s)
4. Decide on the Connections.
5. Select the Construct Psyche.
6. Sit Back, Enjoy Your Construct.
Okay, so let's look at that in more detail.
1. Imagine the Construct: First of all, think about it for a while. Decide what you want the Construct to do. Subject to Rule #1, a Construct can do just about anything. Decide where it draws its energy from. Decide if you need to use it from the location where it is, or can it manifest itself in other locations? How smart is it?
Some examples of Construct Powers follow. The
Shadow Requirement note indicates the minimum requirement for the Shadow which will house the Construct, if the Construct uses multiple Shadows only one of them needs to meet the requirement. The
Creator Requirement shows which Powers the creator of the Construct must have to build it. A named Power also includes the Advanced version.
Pattern: The Construct contains a part of the Pattern. It has the potential to enhance itself infinitely and can absorb other versions of the Pattern. Such a Construct would be able to manipulate Shadow.
Shadow Requirement: Shadow of the Realm (Amber). Creator Requirement: Pattern.
Broken Pattern: Similar to the Pattern-based Construct, but somewhat less powerful. One interesting idea would be to build the Construct on the site of the Broken Pattern itself, allowing it to tap the Power directly.
Shadow Requirement: Primal Plane. Creator Requirement: Pattern or Broken Pattern.
Jewel of Judgement: Any Pattern-based Construct which comes into contact with the Jewel will have its abilities greatly enhanced. If you are attuned to the Jewel (it
could happen during a campaign, but don't hold your breath) then you can build a Construct that uses the Jewel of Judgement as its Power.
Logrus: It is possible to trap a Logrus tendril in a Construct, giving it a little bit of Logrus power. A Construct can also be built to summon an image of the Logrus, but such Constructs are prone to bouts of madness.
Sometimes an existing Construct will gain access to the Logrus, but this is dangerous for the Construct, and may require some intervention from powerful allies.
Shadow Requirement: Shadow of the Realm (Chaos). Creator Requirement: Logrus.
Trump: The Construct contains a Trump image, or is capable of creating them for itself. Trump is a natural for Construct building, since the Power itself is based on an Artifact (the Trump deck).
Shadow Requirement: Personal Shadow. Creator Requirement: Trump Artistry.
Shape Shifting: The simplest example of a Shape Shifting Construct is when a character creates a creature from his own blood. Such a creature placed in the correct Shadow would be capable of potentially unlimited development.
Shape Shift based Constructs are very adaptable within their own Shadow, and can readily alter themselves to take advantage of new Powers that they discover.
Shadow Requirement: Personal Shadow. Creator Requirements: Advanced Shape Shift.
Magic: The Construct can use Conjuration, Sorcery, and/or Power Words. While there is no real requirement for the Shadow, obviously it'd be best to use one where the general background level of magic in the environment is high.
Constructs with Conjuration can do anything that a character can do with it.
Constructs with Sorcery can rack spells, and if given Psyche can use spells, and even create new ones.
If the creator also has Power Words, then they can be installed in the Construct.
Shadow Requirement: Personal Shadow. Creator Requirements: Conjuration or Sorcery.
Innate Shadow Power: The Construct is designed to use local sources of Power within the Shadow. Such Powers are usually restricted to their own Shadow, but may have unlimited scope within that Shadow. They also tend to be similar to Constructs in their hunger for expansion and augmentation.
The exact nature and scope of such Powers is limited only by the imagination of the player who runs the creating character, subject to GM approval.
Shadow Requirement: Personal Shadow. Creator Requirements: None.
Innate Shadow Technology: The Construct is built in a Shadow which supports high technology levels. Such Constructs could include super-computers, nanotech, high energy generators, AIs, and similar oddities.
The exact nature and scope of such Constructs is limited only by the imagination of the player who runs the creating character, subject to GM approval.
Shadow Requirement: Personal Shadow. Creator Requirements: None.
Innate Shadow Magic: In some Shadows there are practioners of Magic which do not fit into the standard Conjuration/Sorcery/Power Words framework. Constructs which tap into these strange Magics are often very powerful within their own Shadow, but their influence is usually limited beyond that Shadow.
The exact nature and scope of such Constructs is limited only by the imagination of the player who runs the creating character, subject to GM approval, and the very strangeness of their abilities can often provide an advantage big enough to offset their restricted abilities outside their own Shadow.
Shadow Requirement: Personal Shadow. Creator Requirements: None.
Shadow Convergence: Some Constructs (such as the Fount of Power) are designed to tap into several Shadows, and gain their Power from the intermixing of those Shadows. Only multi-Shadow Constructs can take advantage of Shadow Convergence.
Shadow Requirement: Multiple Personal Shadows. Creator Requirements: None.
2. Build the Basic Shadow(s): Use the system given earlier to design the Shadow or Shadows that will house and drive your Construct. Specify the type of Shadow, the Degree of Control, and any Shadow Barriers.
If you use more than one Shadow, use the following method to figure the cost:
If the Shadows are not all identical (in game terms, not in their specific features), then apply the Cost Multiplier to the most expensive one. If two or more of the different Shadows have the same Points value, but different features, then calculate the cost of a Shadow that has all the required features, and apply the Multiplier to that.
Cost Multiplier: After calculating the basic cost, multiply it as follows to determine the total cost of the Shadows used:
Unique (x1 Points): The Construct only uses a single Shadow.
Named and Numbered (x2 Points): The Construct is distributed over a few specific Shadows, or is located in a central Shadow and draws on sources in neighboring Shadows. Each Shadow must be described individually. An example would be the group of Shadows that contribute to the Keep of the Four Worlds.
Countless (x3 Points): The Construct draws on numerous Shadows, all of which are defined by some common characteristic. For instance, Countless Shadows might be all those that contain variations of a particular Power source.
3. Build the Basic Manifestation(s): Use the rules for creating Artifacts and Creatures to design the Manifestation. The Manifestation is the part of the Construct that moves in Shadow, a remote terminal if you like. This could be a ring, an animal, a circle of golden light... It depends on what you want it to look like.
As long as there is an active link, the Manifestation can use any Power that the Construct has access to, so you don't have to pay to put them in the Manifestation. Usually it's a good idea to put some defensive abilities into the Manifestation, just in case the link gets broken, and have it rely on the Consruct for most of its functions
A Construct does not always have a Manifestation, sometimes you have to travel to it to use it, or access it using a Trump or some other means.
4. Decide on the Connections: If a Construct has one or more Manifestations, you will need to think about what sort of link it has to them. This acts as a Cost Multiplier to the Manifestation. You can also set up links between different Manifestations of the same Construct (like the blue crystal Tragoliths, which were all connected to each other).
Connection Multiplier: This applies only to the cost of the Manifestation:
Innate Connection (x1 Points): The Construct has a permanently open link to its Manifestation. Such a link, while cheap, can also be easilt traced back to the Construct. If broken by some force, then the Manifestation might need to be brought back to the Construct's Shadow to reestablish the link.
Shadow Conduit (x2 Points): This is usually based on the Construct Power, so that a Trump Construct would use a Trump link. The link can still be traced when active, but can be switched off. Either end can attempt to reopen the link.
Flux Pin Connection (x3 Points): This is a sophisticated link that can be switched on and off instantly, and is very difficult to trace.
5. Select the Construct Psyche: Every Construct has the ability to develop into a fully independent personality. The initial Psyche determines how far up the development ladder it starts. The Psyche basically gives a measure of intelligence to the Construct:
No Psyche - 0 Points: The Construct is basically a non-sentient machine. The one big drawback of a No Psyche Construct is that it will have no loyalty to its creator. There is nothing to stop a No Psyche Construct developing a Psyche.
Psychic Sensitive - 1 Point: The Construct has a minimal personality, knows its creator, and can exercise a certain degree of autonomy.
Power Driven Psyche - 2 Points: The Construct can use its own Power to increase its Psyche. This can result in incredibly high Psyche levels for such Constructs, making them effectively immune to many attacks, and able to perform truly amazing feats.
They can however, especially when immature, be very dangerous (imagine a grumpy two year old child with all the strength of the Pattern backing up his tantrums - scary thought!).
6. Sit Back, Enjoy Your Construct: The easy part. Use the Construct as much as you can. If you lose it you might get the Points back eventually, if you don't use it then the Points are all tied up for nothing. ALL Constructs eventually decide they're better than their builders. You're going to lose it one day, maybe tomorrow, maybe in a hundred years. Make sure you use the thing lots, so that you get plenty of value for your Points.
The total Points Cost for your Construct is:-
(Basic Shadow Cost x Quantity Multiplier) + (Manifestation Cost x Connection Multiplier) + Psyche Cost.
Now the smarter ones among you will notice that if you choose a single Personal Shadow, no Manifestation, and No Psyche, you can get a Construct for 1 Point! Of course, later on the Construct might develop some Psyche and build its own Manifestation, and it
might decide that it owes you nothing...
Example Construct: Trump Observatory -
a device capable of generating and using Trumps to view locations in Shadow.
Basic Shadow - Personal Shadow (1 Point)
Control of Time Flow (2 Points)
Communication Barrier (1 Point)
Unique (x1) = 4 Points.
Manifestation - None.
Psyche - Power Driven Psyche (3 Points).
Total Cost = 7 Points.
So this Construct stands in a single Shadow, selected for the fact that it's out of the way. The Control of Time Flow allows the Construct to undertake complex tasks in a very short time (as measured outside the Shadow). The Communication Barrier is set up so that the Shadow can only be communicated with via Trump. This is reasonably safe, since it is unlikely that anybody will discover the Construct by accident using a Trump.
The owner can either travel to the Shadow to use the Observatory, or contact it via Trump, so no Manifestation is required.
The Construct's Psyche can effectivly surpass anybody's, and allows the Construct to look into places that would be barred to anything with a lower Psyche. It can also force a contact with an unwilling subject if it needs to.
So that's it for Constructs, next thing is Allies...