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Character Sheets.

Posted by JhaelFor group 0
GM, 182 posts
Sun 11 Apr 2004
at 11:03
  • msg #1

Character Sheets

Character sheets - various systems

See here for index: link to a message in this game
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:26, Sat 14 Mar 2015.
GM, 183 posts
Sun 11 Apr 2004
at 11:05
  • msg #2

D&D 3.0

Name  :                           | Race  :             | Height:
Player:                           | Gender:             | Weight:
Update:                           | Age   :             | Eyes  :
Align :                           | Size  :             | Hair  :
Deity :                           | Speed :             | Hand  :
       Ability    |   Temporary   | Class                 Level
     Score   Mod  |  Score   Mod  |
STR               |               |
DEX               |               |
CON               |               |
INT               |               |
WIS               |               |
CHA               |               | XP:                   Char Level:
        Total   Current   Subdual |         Total   Dex   Misc
HP    :                           | Init  :       =     +
        Total         Armour   Shield   Dex   Size   Misc
AC    :       =  10 +        +        +     +      +
        Total   Base   Str   Size |         Total   Base   Dex   Size
Melee :       =      +     +      | Range :       =      +     +
SAVES      Key                  Ability
         Ability   Bonus   Base   Mod   Magic   Misc
Fort  :    Con           =      +     +       +
Ref   :    Dex           =      +     +       +
Will  :    Wis           =      +     +       +



SKILLS                    Max Ranks (3 + Level):     CC Max Ranks (/2):

                            Key    Skill   Ability           Misc
TRAINED                   Ability   Mod      Mod     Ranks   Mod
                                         =         +       +

                            Key    Skill   Ability    Misc
UNTRAINED                 Ability   Mod      Mod      Mod

Appraise                    Int          =         +
Balance                     Dex*         =         +
Bluff                       Cha          =         +
Climb                       Str*         =         +
Concentration               Con          =         +
Craft                       Int          =         +
Diplomacy                   Cha          =         +
Disguise                    Cha          =         +
Escape Artist               Dex*         =         +
Forgery                     Int          =         +
Gather Information          Cha          =         +
Heal                        Wis          =         +
Hide                        Dex*         =         +
Intimidate                  Cha          =         +
Jump                        Str*         =         +
Listen                      Wis          =         +
Move Silently               Dex*         =         +
Perform                     Cha          =         +
Ride                        Dex          =         +
Scry (Brd/Clr/Drd/Sor/Wiz)  Int          =         +
Search                      Int          =         +
Sense Motive                Wis          =         +
Spot                        Wis          =         +
Swim                        Str**        =         +
Use Rope                    Dex          =         +
Wilderness Lore             Wis          =         +
WEAPON        TAB  Misc  DMG  Crit Range Weight Size Type Notes
                                       '     lb
                   Armour  Max   Check   Spell
ARMOUR       Type  Bonus   Dex  Penalty  Fail   Speed  Weight  Notes
SPELLS KNOWN:  0:    1:    2:    3:    4:    5:    6:    7:    8:    9:
                          Total        Ability Mod
SPELL SAVE: Spell Level +       = 10 +

GEAR (Weight):

LOAD:  Light   Medium (-3) Heavy/Max (-6)  Lift (x 2)  Push/Drag (x 5)
          lb         lb           lb             lb            lb



GM, 184 posts
Sun 11 Apr 2004
at 11:06
  • msg #3

D&D 3.5

Name  :                     | Race  :                   | Height:
Player:                     | Gender:                   | Weight:
Update:                     | Age   :                   | Eyes  :
Align :                     | Size  :                   | Hair  :
Deity :                     | Speed :                   | Hand  :
       Ability    |   Temporary   | Class                 Level
     Score   Mod  |  Score   Mod  |
STR               |               |
DEX               |               |
CON               |               |
INT               |               |
WIS               |               |XP  :                  Char Level:
CHA               |               |Need:                  ECL       :
        Total   Current   Subdual |         Total   Dex   Misc
HP    :                           | Init  :       =     +
        Total         Armour   Shield   Dex   Size   Natural   Defl   Misc
AC    :       =     +        +        +     +      +         +      +
        Total   Base   Str   Size |         Total   Base   Dex   Size
Melee :       =      +     +      | Range :       =      +     +
SAVES      Key                    Ability
         Ability   Bonus     Base   Mod   Magic   Misc
Fort  :    Con             =      +     +       +
Ref   :    Dex             =      +     +       +
Will  :    Wis             =      +     +       +
RACE/CLASS ABILITIES & FEATS                                GAINED


SKILLS                    Max Ranks (3 + Level):     CC Max Ranks (/2):

                           Key    Skill Ability                    Misc
CC TRAINED               Ability   Mod    Mod     Ranks    Synergy  Mod
X  Bluff                   Cha         =  +0        0       +0      +0
X  Craft:                  Int         =  +0        0       +0      +0
   Concentration           Con         =  +0        0       +0      +0
   Diplomacy               Cha         =  +0        0       +0      +0
   Decipher Script         Int         =  +0        0       +0      +0
   Heal                    Wis         =  +0        0       +0      +0
   Hide                    Dex         =  +0        0       +0      +0
   Knowledge:              Int         =  +0        0       +0      +0
   Knowledge:              Int         =  +0        0       +0      +0
   Knowledge:              Int         =  +0        0       +0      +0
   Knowledge:              Int         =  +0        0       +0      +0
   Listen                  Wis         =  +0        0       +0      +0
   Speak Language:                                  0
   Spellcraft              Int         =  +0        0       +0      +0
   Spot                    Wis         =  +0        0       +0      +0
   Search                  Int         =  +0        0       +0      +0
   Sense Motive            Wis         =  +0        0       +0      +0

                           Key    Skill Ability            Misc
CC UNTRAINED              Ability  Mod    Mod     Synergy   Mod
X  Appraise                Int         =  +0       +0       +0
X  Balance                 Dex         =  +0       +0       +0
X  Climb                   Str         =  +0       +0       +0
   Disguise                Cha         =  +0       +0       +0
X  Escape Artist           Dex         =  +0       +0       +0
X  Forgery                 Int         =  +0       +0       +0
X  Gather Information      Cha         =  +0       +0       +0
X  Intimidate              Cha         =  +0       +0       +0
X  Jump                    Str         =  +0       +0       +0
X  Move Silently           Dex         =  +0       +0       +0
X  Perform                 Cha         =  +0       +0       +0
X  Ride                    Dex         =  +0       +0       +0
X  Survival                Wis         =  +0       +0       +0
X  Swim                    Str         =  +0       +0       +0
X  Tumble                  Dex         =  +0       +0       +0
   Use Rope                Dex         =  +0       +0       +0

(Above is an example of skill layout CC denotes Cross Class skills.)

                                                  TOTAL WEIGHT:        LB
                        ARMOUR CHECK    MAX  SPELL

                                                  TOTAL WEIGHT:        LB

WIZARD                    Total        Ability Mod    Misc
SPELL SAVE: Spell Level +       = 10 +              +

CLERIC                    Total        Ability Mod    Misc
SPELL SAVE: Spell Level +       = 10 +              +
(Below is an example of spell layout, mix, match and add as required.)


LEVEL     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
Known:    -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Per Day:  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0


LEVEL 0 (DC: )

LEVEL 1 (DC: )

LEVEL 2 (DC: )

LEVEL 3 (DC: )


LEVEL 0 (DC: )

LEVEL 1 (DC: )

LEVEL 2 (DC: )

LEVEL 3 (DC: )


LEVEL     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
Known:    -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Per Day:  0  0+0 0+0 0+0 0+0 0+0 0+0 0+0 0+0 0+0


LEVEL 0 (DC: )

LEVEL 1 (DC: )

LEVEL 2 (DC: )

LEVEL 3 (DC: )

COIN:    PP:    GP:     SP:     CP:

                                                  TOTAL WEIGHT:        LB
GEAR                                                            WEIGHT LB

                                                  TOTAL WEIGHT:        LB
           LB      LB           /    LB        LB           LB




GM, 198 posts
Sat 2 Jul 2005
at 15:50
  • msg #4


Character sheets for various systems.
GM, 205 posts
RPoL Moderator
Wed 30 May 2007
at 07:25
  • msg #5

Call of Cthulu 1890

CoC 1890

Player Name:
Character Name:
Place of Birth:           Age:
Height:        Weight:           Hair:             Eyes:
Colleges, Degrees:
Mental Disorders:

Characteristics & Rolls
STR       DEX       INT      Idea (Int*5) %
CON       APP       POW      Luck (Pow*5) %
SIZ       SAN       EDU      Know (Edu*5) %
99-Cthulhu Mythos: 99              Damage Bonus:

Sanity Points equal to POW*5 (blue for basis, red for current)
Insane 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

Magic Points equal to POW (blue for basis, red for current)
Unconscious 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

Hit Points equal to (CON + SIZ)/2 (blue for basis, red for current)
Dead -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

Investigator Skills
[ ] Accounting (10%):
[ ] Anthropology (01%):
[ ] Archaeology (01%):
    Art (05%):
[ ]
[ ] Astronomy (01%):
[ ] Bargain (05%):
[ ] Biology (01%):
[ ] Chemistry (01%):
[ ] Climb (40%):
[ ] Conceal (15%):
    Craft (05%):
[ ]
[ ] Credit Rating (15%):
[ ] Cthulhu Mythos (00):
[ ] Disguise (01%):
[ ] Dodge (DEX*2%):
[ ] Drive Carriage (20%):
[ ] Electr. Repair (10%):
[ ] Fast Talk (05%):
[ ] First Aid (30%):
[ ] Geology (01%):
[ ] Hide (10%):
[ ] History (20%):
[ ] Jump (25%):
[ ] Law (05%):
[ ] Library Use (25%):
[ ] Listen (25%):
[ ] Locksmith (01%):
[ ] Martial Arts (01%):
[ ] Mech. Repair (20%):
[ ] Medicine (05%):
[ ] Natural History (10%):
[ ] Navigate (10%):
[ ] Occult (05%):
[ ] Opr. Hvy. Mch.(01%):
    Other Language (1%)
[ ]
    Own Language (EDUx5%)
[ ]
[ ] Persuade (15%):
[ ] Pharmacy (01%):
[ ] Photography (10%):
[ ] Physics (01%):
[ ] Pilot Balloon (01%):
[ ] Pilot Boat (01%):
[ ] Psychology (05%):
[ ] Ride (05%):
[ ] Sneak (10%):
[ ] Spot Hidden (25%):
[ ] Swim (25%):
[ ] Throw (25%):
[ ] Track (10%):

[ ] Handgun (20%):
[ ] Machine Gun (15%):
[ ] Rifle (25%):
[ ] Shotgun (30%):

    melee           %     damage    hnd  rng     #att  hp
[ ] Fist (50%)      50%   1D3        1   touch    1    n/a
[ ] Grapple (25%)   25%   special    2   touch    1    n/a
[ ] Head (10%)      10%   1D4        0   touch    1    n/a
[ ] Kick (25%)      25%   1D6        0   touch    1    n/a
[ ] ________       ____  ______    __  _____   ____  ____
[ ] ________       ____  ______    __  _____   ____  ____

    firearm        %     damage  malf    rng    #att   shots hp
[ ]
[ ] ________       ____  ______  ______  _____   ____  ____ ____
[ ] ________       ____  ______  ______  _____   ____  ____ ____

Income & Savings
Annual Income:
Cash on Hand:
Savings in stocks, bonds etc. (convertible in no less than 30 days):
Personal Property:
Real Estate:

Mythos Tomes Read

Magical Artifacts

Spells Known

Entities Encountered
Entity:                Sanity lost:



*courtesy of MissScarlet
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:28, Wed 30 May 2007.
GM, 206 posts
RPoL Moderator
Wed 30 May 2007
at 07:26
  • msg #6

Call of Cthulu 1920

CoC 1920

Player Name:
Character Name:
Place of Birth:           Age:
Height:        Weight:           Hair:             Eyes:
Colleges, Degrees:
Mental Disorders:

Characteristics & Rolls
STR       DEX       INT      Idea (Int*5) %
CON       APP       POW      Luck (Pow*5) %
SIZ       SAN       EDU      Know (Edu*5) %
99-Cthulhu Mythos: 99              Damage Bonus:

Sanity Points equal to POW*5 (blue for basis, red for current)
Insane 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

Magic Points equal to POW (blue for basis, red for current)
Unconscious 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

Hit Points equal to (CON + SIZ)/2 (blue for basis, red for current)
Dead -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

Investigator Skills
[ ] Accounting (10%):
[ ] Anthropology (01%):
[ ] Archaeology (01%):
    Art (05%):
[ ]
[ ] Astronomy (01%):
[ ] Bargain (05%):
[ ] Biology (01%):
[ ] Chemistry (01%):
[ ] Climb (40%):
[ ] Conceal (15%):
    Craft (05%):
[ ]
[ ] Credit Rating (15%):
[ ] Cthulhu Mythos (00):
[ ] Disguise (01%):
[ ] Dodge (DEX*2%):
[ ] Drive Auto (20%):
[ ] Electr. Repair (10%):
[ ] Fast Talk (05%):
[ ] First Aid (30%):
[ ] Geology (01%):
[ ] Hide (10%):
[ ] History (20%):
[ ] Jump (25%):
[ ] Law (05%):
[ ] Library Use (25%):
[ ] Listen (25%):
[ ] Locksmith (01%):
[ ] Martial Arts (01%):
[ ] Mech. Repair (20%):
[ ] Medicine (05%):
[ ] Natural History (10%):
[ ] Navigate (10%):
[ ] Occult (05%):
[ ] Opr. Hvy. Mch.(01%):
    Other Language (1%)
[ ]
    Own Language (EDUx5%)
[ ]
[ ] Persuade (15%):
[ ] Pharmacy (01%):
[ ] Photography (10%):
[ ] Physics (01%):
    Pilot (01%):
[ ]
[ ] Psychoanalysis (01%)
[ ] Psychology (05%):
[ ] Ride (05%):
[ ] Sneak (10%):
[ ] Spot Hidden (25%):
[ ] Swim (25%):
[ ] Throw (25%):
[ ] Track (10%):

[ ] Handgun (20%):
[ ] Machine Gun (15%):
[ ] Rifle (25%):
[ ] Shotgun (30%):
[ ] SMG (15%):

    melee           %     damage    hnd  rng     #att  hp
[ ] Fist (50%)      50%   1D3        1   touch    1    n/a
[ ] Grapple (25%)   25%   special    2   touch    1    n/a
[ ] Head (10%)      10%   1D4        0   touch    1    n/a
[ ] Kick (25%)      25%   1D6        0   touch    1    n/a
[ ] ________       ____  ______    __  _____   ____  ____
[ ] ________       ____  ______    __  _____   ____  ____

    firearm        %     damage  malf    rng    #att   shots hp
[ ]
[ ] ________       ____  ______  ______  _____   ____  ____ ____
[ ] ________       ____  ______  ______  _____   ____  ____ ____

Income & Savings
Annual Income:
Cash on Hand:
Savings in stocks, bonds etc. (convertible in no less than 30 days):
Personal Property:
Real Estate:

Mythos Tomes Read

Magical Artifacts

Spells Known

Entities Encountered
Entity:                Sanity lost:



*courtesy of MissScarlet
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:28, Wed 30 May 2007.
GM, 207 posts
RPoL Moderator
Wed 30 May 2007
at 07:28
  • msg #7

Call of Cthulu (present)

CoC present

Player Name:
Character Name:
Place of Birth:           Age:
Height:        Weight:           Hair:             Eyes:
Colleges, Degrees:
Mental Disorders:

Characteristics & Rolls
STR       DEX       INT      Idea (Int*5) %
CON       APP       POW      Luck (Pow*5) %
SIZ       SAN       EDU      Know (Edu*5) %
99-Cthulhu Mythos: 99              Damage Bonus:

Sanity Points equal to POW*5 (blue for basis, red for current)
Insane 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

Magic Points equal to POW (blue for basis, red for current)
Unconscious 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

Hit Points equal to (CON + SIZ)/2 (blue for basis, red for current)
Dead -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

Investigator Skills
[ ] Accounting (10%):
[ ] Anthropology (01%):
[ ] Archaeology (01%):
    Art (05%):
[ ]
[ ] Astronomy (01%):
[ ] Bargain (05%):
[ ] Biology (01%):
[ ] Chemistry (01%):
[ ] Climb (40%):
[ ] Computer Use (01%):
[ ] Conceal (15%):
    Craft (05%):
[ ]
[ ] Credit Rating (15%):
[ ] Cthulhu Mythos (00):
[ ] Disguise (01%):
[ ] Dodge (DEX*2%):
[ ] Drive Auto (20%):
[ ] Electr. Repair (10%):
[ ] Eletronics (01%):
[ ] Fast Talk (05%):
[ ] First Aid (30%):
[ ] Geology (01%):
[ ] Hide (10%):
[ ] History (20%):
[ ] Jump (25%):
[ ] Law (05%):
[ ] Library Use (25%):
[ ] Listen (25%):
[ ] Locksmith (01%):
[ ] Martial Arts (01%):
[ ] Mech. Repair (20%):
[ ] Medicine (05%):
[ ] Natural History (10%):
[ ] Navigate (10%):
[ ] Occult (05%):
[ ] Opr. Hvy. Mch.(01%):
    Other Language (1%)
[ ]
    Own Language (EDUx5%)
[ ]
[ ] Persuade (15%):
[ ] Pharmacy (01%):
[ ] Photography (10%):
[ ] Physics (01%):
    Pilot (01%):
[ ]
[ ] Psychoanalysis (01%)
[ ] Psychology (05%):
[ ] Ride (05%):
[ ] Sneak (10%):
[ ] Spot Hidden (25%):
[ ] Swim (25%):
[ ] Throw (25%):
[ ] Track (10%):

[ ] Handgun (20%):
[ ] Machine Gun (15%):
[ ] Rifle (25%):
[ ] Shotgun (30%):
[ ] SMG (15%):

    melee           %     damage    hnd  rng     #att  hp
[ ] Fist (50%)      50%   1D3        1   touch    1    n/a
[ ] Grapple (25%)   25%   special    2   touch    1    n/a
[ ] Head (10%)      10%   1D4        0   touch    1    n/a
[ ] Kick (25%)      25%   1D6        0   touch    1    n/a
[ ] ________       ____  ______    __  _____   ____  ____
[ ] ________       ____  ______    __  _____   ____  ____

    firearm        %     damage  malf    rng    #att   shots hp
[ ]
[ ] ________       ____  ______  ______  _____   ____  ____ ____
[ ] ________       ____  ______  ______  _____   ____  ____ ____

Income & Savings
Annual Income:
Cash on Hand:
Savings in stocks, bonds etc. (convertible in no less than 30 days):
Personal Property:
Real Estate:

Mythos Tomes Read

Magical Artifacts

Spells Known

Entities Encountered
Entity:                Sanity lost:



*courtesy of MissScarlet
GM, 208 posts
RPoL Moderator
Sun 3 Jun 2007
at 20:23
  • msg #8

Call of Cthulu (generic)

Name:               Profession:
Level ?             XP: ?????      Next: ?????
Height:             Weight:        Hair Color:
Eye Color:          Skin:          Age:

Abilities               Modifier        AC = ??      HP = ?? (1d6/level + CON)
Strength     (STR) = ??  +/-?
Constitution (CON) = ??  +/-?           Current Sanity = ??  (WIS x 5)
Wisdom       (WIS) = ??  +/-?               20% Sanity = ??
Dexterity    (DEX) = ??  +/-?           Maximum Sanity = 99
Intelligence (INT) = ??  +/-?
Charisma     (CHA) = ??  +/-?

Mod = Base Abil Magc Misc| Saves
 ?  =   0   +?   +0   +0 | Fortitude (CON)
 ?  =   0   +?   +0   +0 | Reflex (DEX)
 ?  =   0   +?   +0   +0 | Will (WIS)

Mod = Base Abil Temp Misc| Combat
 ?  =   0   +?   +0   +0 | Initiative (DEX)
 ?  =   0   +?   +0   +0 | Melee Attack Bonus (STR)
 ?  =   0   +?   +0   +0 | Ranged Attack Bonus (DEX)
 ?  =   0   +?   +0   +0  +10 | Armor Class (DEX) | Armor Check Penalty = 0

Feats (2):

Mod = Rnk Abl Msc | Skills:                 Ablty  Untrained?
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Animal Empathy          (CHA)      No
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Appraise                (INT)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0! | Balance                 (DEX)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Bluff                   (CHA)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0! | Climb                   (STR)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Computer Use            (INT)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Concentration           (CON)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | * Craft                 (INT)      No --> GM's discression
 +0 =  0  na  +0  | ** Cthulhu Mythos       (---)      No
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Demolitions             (INT)      No
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Diplomacy               (CHA)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Disable Device          {INT)      No
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Disguise                (CHA)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Drive                   (DEX)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0! | Escape Artist           (DEX)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Forgery                 (INT)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Gather Information      (CHA)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Handle Animal           (CHA)      No
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Heal                    (WIS)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0! | Hide                    (DEX)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Innuendo                (WIS)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Intimidate              (CHA)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0! | Jump                    (STR)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | * Knowledge             (INT)      No
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Listen                  (WIS)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0! | Move Silently           (DEX)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Open Lock               (DEX)      No
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Operate Heavy Machinery (DEX)      No
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | * Performance           (CHA)      No --> GM's Discression
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Pilot                   (DEX)      No
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Psychic Focus           (WIS)      No
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Psychoanalysis          (WIS)      No
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Read Lips               (INT)      No
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Repair                  (INT)      No
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Research                (INT)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Ride                    (DEX)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Search                  (INT)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Sense Motive            (WIS)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Slight of Hand          (DEX)      No
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | * Speak Other Language  (INT)      No
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Spellcraft              (INT)      No
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Spot                    (WIS)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0! | Swim                    (STR)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0! | Tumble                  (DEX)      No
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Use Rope                (DEX)      Yes
 +? =  0  +?  +0  | Wilderness Lore         (WIS)      Yes
                ! = Armor Check Penalty applies
                    * = Requires specialization
                    ** = Cannot be taken at Character Creation

Salary = $?????



Your Abilities: Strength [STR], Dexterity [DEX], Constitution[CON], Intelligence[INT], Wisdom [WIS] and Charisma [CHA].  Does anyone not know what any of these are?  To determine your starting skills, you roll 4d6 and drop the lowest die, 6 times - then arrange the scores to your satisfaction.

Each Ability will have a modifier, ranging from -4 to +4 for starting characters.  The modifier is the number you add to a die roll when your character tries tot do something related to that ability.  For instance, you add your Strength modifier to your roll when you try to break down a door or hit someone with a chair.
Score   Modifier
  1       -5
 2-3      -4
 4-5      -3
 6-7      -2
 8-9      -1
10-11      0
12-13     +1
14-15     +2
16-17     +3
18-19     +4
20-21     +5

After your abilities are determined, you might as well pick some feats.  Hopefully you have a character concept working and bouncing about in your mind which may help guide you to the right feats to pick.  The beginning player starts with 2 feats.  You get to choose more as you rise in levels.  Some feats require other feats to be taken first, or Abilities of a certain score or better.  These are called "Preriquisites".
General Feats:
Feat                 Prerequisite
Acrobatic            --
Alertness            --
Ambidexterity        DEX 15+
Animal Affinity      --
Athletic             --
Blind-Fight          --
Cautious             --
Combat Casting       --
Dodge                DEX 13+
  Mobility           Dex 13+, Dodge
  Spring Attack      Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility, base attack bonus +4 or higher
Drive-By Attack      --
Endurance            --
Expertise            INT 13+
Gearhead             --
Great Fortitude      --
Improved Critical  * Proficient with weapon, base attack bonus +8 or higher
Improved Initiative  --
Iron Will            --
Lightning Reflexes   --
Martial Artist       --
Nimble               --
Persuasive           --
Point Blank Shot     --
  Far Shot           Point Blank Shot
  Precise Shot       Point Blank Shot
  Rapid Shot         DEX 13+, Point Blank Shot
  Multishot          DEX 13+, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot
  Shot on the Run    DEX 13+, Point Blank Shot, Dodge, Mobility
  Rolling Shot       DEX 13+, Point Blank Shot, Shot on the Run, Dodge, Mobility
Power Attack         STR 13+
  Cleave             STR 13+, Power Attack
Quick Draw           Base attack bonus +1 or higher
Run                  --
Sharp-Eyed           --
Skill Emphasis     * --
Stealthy             --
Toughness         ** --
Track                --
Trustworthy          --
Two-Weapon Fighting  --
Wealth            ** --
Weapon Finesse     * Weapon Proficiency (for that weapon), base attack +1
                         or higher
Weapon Focus       * Weapon Proficiency (for that weapon), base attack +1
                         or higher
Weapon Proficiency * --
                   * = You can gain this feat multiple times.  Its effects do
                        not stack.  Each tiem you take the feat, it applies to
                          a new skill or weapon.
                  ** = You can gain this feat multiple times.  Its effects stack

Psychic Feats:
Feat                 Prerequisite
Sensitive            CHA 15+
Biofeedback Trance   CHA 15+, Sensitive
  Remote Viewing     CHA 15+, Sensitive, Biofeedback Trance
Dowsing              CHA 15+, Sensitive
Mind Reading         CHA 15+, Sensitive
  Mind Probe         CHA 15+, Sensitive, Mind Reading
Psychokinesis        CHA 15+, Sensitive
Psychometry          CHA 15+, Sensitive
Second Sight         CHA 15+, Sensitive
Telepathy            CHA 15+, Sensitive

Description of Feats
</b>General Feats: </b>
Acrobatic - You are very agile.
Alertness - You are keenly aware of your surroundings.
Ambidexterity - You are equally adept at using either hand.
Animal Affinity - You are good with animals.
Athletic - You have a knack for athletic endeavors.
Blind-Fight - You know how to fight in melee without being able to see your
Cautious - You are especially careful with tasks that may yield catastrophic
Cleave - You can follow through with a powerful melee attack.
Combat Casting - You are adept at casting spells in combat.
Dodge - You are adept at dodging attacks.
Drive-By Attack - You are especially skilled at attacking from a moving vehicle.
Endurance - You are capable of amazing feats of stamina.
Expertise - You are trained at using your combat skill for defense as well as
Far Shot - You can get greater distance out of a ranged weapon.
Gearhead - You have a way with machines.
Great Fortitude - You are tougher than normal.
Improved Critical - Chose one specific weapon, such as a baseball bat, or an
          M-16.  With a melee weapon, you know how to hit where it hurts; with
          a ranged weapon, you have deadly accuracy.
Improved Initiative - You can react more quickly than normal in a fight.
Iron Will - You have a stronger will than normal.
Lightning Reflexes - You have faster than normal reflexes.
Martial Artist - You are skilled at fighting while unarmed and deal more damage
          with unarmed strikes.  You are also capable of dealing normal damage
          with unarmed attacks at no penalty (as opposed to subdual damage).
Mobility - You are skilled at dodging past opponents and avoiding attacks they
          make against you.
Multishot - You can use the autofire or multifire option on guns with
          exceptional accuracy.
Nimble - You have exceptional flexibility and manual dexterity.
Persuasive - You have a way with words and body language.
Point Blank Shot - You are skilled at making well-placed shots with ranged
          weapons at close range.
Power Attack - You can make exceptionally powerful melee attacks.
Precise Shot - You are skilled at timing and aiming ranged attacks.
Quick Draw - You can draw weapons with startling speed.
Rapid Shot - You can use ranged weapons with exceptional speed.
Rolling Shot - You are highly trained in acrobatic, defensive ranged weapon
Run - You are fleet of foot.
Sharp-Eyed - You have an eye for detail.
Shot on the Run - You are highly trained in ranged weapon tactics.
Skill Emphasis - Choose a skill, such as Spot.  You have a special knack with
          that skill.
Spring Attack - You are trained in fast melee attacks and fancy footwork.
Stealthy - You are particularly good at avoiding notice.
Toughness - You are tougher than normal.
Track - You can follow the trails of creatures and characters across most types
          of terrain.
Trustworthy - You have a friendly demeanor.
Two-Weapon Fighting - You can fight with a weapon in each hand, making one extra
          attack each round with the second weapon.
Wealth - You have more money than others, either due to inheritance, a trust
          fund, stock options, smart investments, salary bonuses, or other
Weapon Finesse - You are especially skilled at using a certain melee weapon, one
          that can benefit as much from Dexterity as from Strength.
          Investigators can choose one weapon from this list: knife(any),
          rapier/foil, hatchet, brass knuckles, or unarmed strike.
Weapon Focus - Choose a specific weapon (a single entry in the Equipment list),
          such as a straight razor or a Colt New Service Revolver.  You are
          especially good at using this weapon.  You can choose unarmed strike
          or grapple for your specific weapon for purposes of this feat.
Weapon Proficiency - You understand how to use a particular type of weapon in
          combat.  Each time you take this feat, you may choose one of the
          following weapon categories: melee weapon, thrown weapon, pistol,
          rifle (includes automatic rifles), shotgun, or submachine gun.  Melee
          weapons include weapons such as clubs, nightsticks, baseball bats,
          and even shovels.  Thrown weapons include throwing knives and

Psychic Feats: 
Biofeedback Trance - You can access your inner psychic strength, using it to
          better use the powers of your own body.
Dowsing - You can sense energy patterns invisible to others.
Mind Probe - You can delve into someone's mind to learn information stored
Mind Reading - You can read someone else's current thoughts.  Characters with
          this ability are sometimes called "receivers".
Psychokinesis - With a talent of mind over matter, you can manipulate physical
          objects by thought alone.  This ability does not work on living
Psychometry - You can handle an object and gain a vision, either of the person
          who created it or someone who has touched it in the past.
Remote Viewing - You can see events occuring far away from you.
Second Sight - You can see thigns that others cannot.  Sometimes ghosts or
          horrible alien monsters can render themselves invisible, but not to
Sensitive - You are aware that there is more than meets the eye - an almost
          imperceptible world of psychic phenomena.
Telepathy - You can communicate with someone by sending mental messages.
          Characters with this ability are sometimes called "senders".

After picking your feats, you will probably want to move into Skill selection.  For each character concept, you have a profession in mind.  Here are some basic and common Profession Templates to use for deciding which are your core skills:

The ability score to which each skill is keyed [in brackets].
Agent                             Antiquarian
Bluff [CHA]                       Appraise[INT]
Computer Use [INT]                Forgery[INT]
Forgery [INT]                     Gather Information [CHA]
Gather Information [CHA]          Knowledge(history) [INT]
Hide [DEX]                        Knowledge(any one} [INT]
Innuendo [WIS]                    Knowledge(any one) [INT]
Move Silently [DEX]               Knowledge(any one) [INT]
Open Lock [DEX]                   Research [INT]
Sense Motive [WIS]                Speak Other Language [INT]
+3 more of players choice         +3 more of players choice

Archaeologist                    Artist/Musician
Appraise [INT]                    Bluff [CHA]
Climb [STR]                       Craft(any one) [INT]
Knowledge(archaeology) [INT]      Diplomacy [CHA]
Knowledge(history) [INT]          Innuendo [WIS]
Knowledge(any one) [INT]          Knowledge(art) [INT]
Research [INT]                    Listen [WIS]
Search [INT]                      Performance [CHA]
Speak Other Language [INT]        Sense Motive [WIS]
Spot [WIS]                        Spot [WIS]
+3 more of players choice         +3 more of players choice

Blue-Collar Worker               Criminal
Climb [STR]                       Bluff [CHA]
Craft(any one) [INT]              Disable Device [INT]
Disable Device [INT]              Escape Artist [DEX]
Drive [DEX]                       Forgery [INT]
Gather Information [CHA]          Hide [DEX]
Operate Heavy Machinery [DEX]     Innuendo [WIS]
Repair [INT]                      Move Silently [DEX]
Spot [WIS]                        Open Lock [DEX]
Use Rope [DEX]                    Sleight of Hand [DEX]
+3 more of players choice         +3 more of players choice

Detective (Police or P.I.)       Dilettante
Gather Information [CHA]          Diplomacy [CHA]
Hide [DEX]                        Drive [DEX]
Intimidate [CHA]                  Gather Information [CHA]
Listen [WIS]                      Innuendno [WIS]
Move Silently [DEX]               Knowledge(art) [INT]
Open Lock [DEX]                   Knowledge(local*) [INT]
Search [INT]                      Pilot [DEX]
Sense Motive [WIS]                Ride [DEX]
Spot [WIS]                        Speak Other Language [INT]
+3 more of players choice         +3 more of players choice

Doctor/Nurse                     Parapsychologist
Computer Use [INT]                Bluff [CHA]
Diplomacy [CHA]                   Gather Information [CHA]
Heal [WIS]                        Knowledge(history) [INT]
Knowledge(biology) [INT]          Knowledge(occult) [INT]
Knowledge(medicine) [INT]         Knowledge(religion) [INT]
Knowledge(any one) [INT]          Listen [WIS]
Listen [WIS]                      Search [INT]
Research [INT]                    Sense Motive [WIS]
Spot [WIS]                        Spot [WIS]
+3 more of players choice         +3 more of players choice

Priest/Clergyman                 Professor
Concentration [CON]               Concentration [CON]
Diplomacy [CHA]                   Diplomacy [CHA]
Knowledge(releigion) [INT]        Gather Information [CHA]
Knowledge(any one) [INT]          Knowledge(any one) [INT]
Knowledge(any one) [INT]          Knowledge(any one) [INT]
Listen [WIS]                      Knowledge(any one) [INT]
Sense Motive [WIS]                Research [INT]
Speak Other Language [INT]        Speak Other Language [INT]
Spot [WIS]                        spot [WIS]
+3 more of players choice         +3 more of players choice

Psychologist                     Soldier
Bluff [CHA]                       Climb [STR]
Diplomacy [CHA]                   Hide [DEX]
Gather Information [CHA]          Jump [STR]
Heal [WIS]                        Listen [WIS]
Knowledge(medicine) [INT]         Move Silently [DEX]
Knowledge(psychology) [INT]       Spot [WIS]
Psychoanalysis [WIS]              Swim [STR]
Research [INT]                    Use Rope [DEX]
Sense Motive [WIS]                Wilderness Lore [WIS]
+3 more of players choice         +3 more of players choice

Technician                       White-Collar Worker/Businessman
Computer Use [INT]                Bluff [CHA]
Craft(any one) [INT]              Computer Use [INT]
Disable Device [INT]              Diplomacy [CHA]
Knowledge(any one) [INT]          Forgery [INT]
Open Lock [DEX]                   Intimidate [CHA]
Operate Heavy Machinery [DEX]     Knowledge(any one) [INT]
Repair [INT]                      Listen [WIS]
Research [INT]                    Sense Motive [WIS]
Search [INT]                      Spot [WIS]
+3 more of players choice         +3 more of players choice

Craft(photography) [INT]
Craft(writing) [INT]
Diplomacy [CHA]
Gather Information [CHA]
Innuendo [WIS]
Knowledge(any one) [INT]
Knowledge(any one) [INT]
Research [INT]
Sense Motive [WIS]
+3 more of players choice

For these core skills, each rank of the skill can be purchased at one rank per one skill point.  If a non-core skill is to be purchased, it is at one rank per two skill points.

Starting character skill points to be distributed are (8 + INT Mod) x 4.  Each additional level gives (8 + INT Mod) skill points to distribute.  Skill points cannot be stored, they must be spent completely or lost.

(EX. Leo has a 13 Intelligence.  This gives him a +1 modifier.  He will have (8 + 1) x 4 skill points to distribute.  That's 9x4=36.  For every level he goes up, he'll get 8+1=9 more skill points to distribute.)


Some skills you have to chose a specialty.  These are like Knowledge(Local) where you have to pick a specific city, Pilot, other Knowledges, Crafts or methods of Performance.  Here are some of the common choices in these categories:

Most common of the Craft List:
* Carpentry (woodwork)
* Chemistry (analysis, forensics, mortuary science)
* Clockwork (gears, watches, timers)
* Electronics (computers, surveilance "bugs")
* Gunsmith (repairing and modifying firearms)
* Photography (digital, video)
* Sculpting (pottery, ceramics)
* Songwriting (melody, lyrics, ballads)
* Writing (fiction, nonfiction, journalism, poetry)

Standard fields of study for Knowledge:
* Accounting
* Anthropology
* Archaeology
* Architecture
* Art (painting, literature, music)
* Astronomy
* Biology
* Chemistry
* Electronics
* Engineering (buildings, bridges)
* Geography (lands, terrain, climate, people, customs)
* Geology (earth science, seismology, volcanism)
* History (royalty, wars, migration, founding of cities)
* Law (criminal, civil, contract)
* Local - of one city (legends, personalities, inhabitants, laws, traditions)
* Mathematics (theory, geometry)
* Medicine (performing diagnosis, prescribing medication)
* Meteorology (seasons and cycles, weather)
* Occult (ancient mysteries, magic traditions, arcane symbols, cryptozoology)
* Philosphy (human nature, psychoses, dreams)
* Religion (dogma, ecclesiastic tradition, holy symbols)
* Streetwise (basic criminology, street life)

Different forms of Performance arts
* Singing
* Dancing
* Acting
* Stage Magic
* Storytelling
* Performance Art
* Specific musical instrument.

Piloted Craft List
* Small aircraft
* Hot air balloon
* Hang glider
* Helicopter
* Motorboat
* Large/jet aircraft
* Dirigible
* Cable car
* Sailboat/sailing ship


Now you have to determine whether your character will be primarily Defensive or Offensive.  This is a balancing factor to keep the characters from being too overpowering.

A Defense Option character begins play with two "good" saves (starting at +2) and one "bad" save (starting at +0).  The three saving throw progressions are assigned (in any order) to Fortitude, Reflex and Will during character creation.  Base attack bonus begins at +0.

       Base Save   Base Save   Base Save   Base Attack
Level   Bonus 1     Bonus 2     Bonus 3       Bonus
1st       +0          +2          +2           +0
2nd       +0          +3          +3           +1
3rd       +1          +3          +3           +1
4th       +1          +4          +4           +2
5th       +1          +4          +4           +2
6th       +2          +5          +5           +3
7th       +2          +5          +5           +3
8th       +2          +6          +6           +4
9th       +3          +6          +6           +4
An Offense Option character begins play with one "good" save (starting at +2) and two "bad" saves (starting at +0).  The three saving throw progressions are assigned (in any order) to Fortitude, Reflex and Will during character creation.  Base attack bonus begins at +1.
       Base Save   Base Save   Base Save   Base Attack
Level   Bonus 1     Bonus 2     Bonus 3       Bonus
1st       +0          +0          +2           +1
2nd       +0          +0          +3           +2
3rd       +1          +1          +3           +3
4th       +1          +1          +4           +3
5th       +1          +1          +4           +4
6th       +2          +2          +5           +5
7th       +2          +2          +5          +6/+1
8th       +2          +2          +6          +6/+1
9th       +3          +3          +6          +7/+2
So once you decide you want an Offensive or Defensive Option for your character, then you should assign Fortitude, Reflex and Will as Base Save Bonus 1, 2 and 3.


The only parts left is to determine your characters income and starting cash then go buy a bunch of equipment and you're ready to go.

Profession        1d6 modifier
Agent                 -1
Antiquarian           -1
Archaeologist          0
Artist                -2
Blue-Collar Worker    -1
Criminal              -1
Detective             -1
Dilettante            +1
Doctor                +2
Technician            +2
Parapsychologist      -2
Priest                -1
Professor              0
psychologist           0
Soldier               -2
White-Collar Worker   +1
Writer                -1

</b>Starting Money and Income:</b>

Era           Savings   Yearly Income
1901-1920     $1,000        $500
1921-1940     $2,000       $1,000
1941-1960     $4,000       $4,000
1961-1980     $4,000       $8,000
1981-2000+    $6,000      $10,000

So 1d6 is rolled.  You add or subtract your profession modifier.  Then multiply that number by the dollar ammounts for your given era.

(EX. Leo is a criminal in 1975.  He rolls a 5 on a 1d6, then subtracts 1 due to his profession modifier, giving him a resulting roll of 4.  His savings would be (4 x $4000)$16,000, and his Yearly Income would be (4 x $8000)$32,000.)



You roll d20, then add your INIT modifiers to the roll.  The list of results determines who goes first from top to bottom, highest first, lowest last.

The act actually takes your character the full round to perform one round of action, but for simplicities sake it's considered to have been done at that count.  The only exception is with spells.

A spell normally is considered complete at the intiative count directly before the spell-caster's next turn.  So if he had an initiative count of 18, the spell would be completely cast and go off on initiative count 19 of the next round, then the spell-caster could do something for the next round at count 18.

There are three ways a player can change his iniative.

1) Delay an Action - Which is basically foregoing an action while you wait and see what others do. This results in your initiative score being lowered to the point at which you choose to act.

2) Ready an Action - You can ready a pre-declared partial action, as part of a standard action, which you will take on a specified condition eg attacking a spell caster if he tries to cast a spell. Your declared partial action takes place just before the action which triggers it, and lowers your iniative to the point in time when the trigger action takes place. If the trigger does not occur, you lose your partial action and your initiative stays the same.

3) Refocus - You can forgoe all actions for a round, and instead refocus yourself. At the start of the next round, your iniative score is repositioned to what it would have been if you have rolled a 20 plus your iniative modifiers.

(stolen from the D&D 3rd Ed. section - thanks to IronSite!)


An action's type essentially tells you how long it takes to perform within the framework of a 6-second round.  There are four types of actions:  free actions, move actions, attack actions, and full-round actions.

During a around, you can attempt:
- a move action and an attack action
- an attack action and a move action
- two move actions
- or, a full-round action.

You can also perform free actions as the GM allows.

Free Action:
Free actions consume a very small amount of time and effort.  Over the span of the round, their impact is so minor that they are considered free.  You can perform one or more free actions while taking another action normally.  However, the GM puuts reasonable limits on what you can do for free.  For instance, calling out several pages of text from the Necronomicon takes longer.

Move Action:
Move actions either involve moving or take the place of movement.  As a move action, you can move up to your speed.  Other move actions include (but aren't limited to) drawing a weapon, standing up from a prone position, and picking up an item.
  If you move no actual distance in a round (that is, you use your actions to do something other than moving actual distance), you can take one 5-foot step before, during, or after the action.

Attack Action:
During a combat round, you can take an attack action and a move action in the same round.  Making a single attack is an attack action; so is anything you might do instead of attackinig that doesn't involve movement.  Examples include dismissing a spell, striking a weapon, and using the Heal skill to stabilize a dying character.

Full-Round Action:
A full-round action consumes all your effort during a round.  Examples include casting a 1-round spell, reloading a gun, and running up to quadruple your speed (likely fleeing for your life).  If you can attack more than once in a round, doing so is a full-round action.
  The only movement you can take with a full-round action is a 5-foot step before, during or after the action.  Some full-round actions do not talalow you to take a 5-foot step, including those that involve moving (such as running).

No Action                            Free Actions
Delay                                Speak
                                     Cease concentration on a spell
Move Actions                         Drop an item
Move your speed                      Drop to the floor
Climb (1/4 your speed)               Draw a weapon (if you're moving that round)
Sheathe or holster a weapon
Open a door                          Attack Actions
Pick up an item                      Make a single attack
Retrieve a stored item               Ready (triggers a move or attack action)
Move a heavy object                  Concentrate to maintain or redirect spell
Stand up from prone                  Dismiss a spell
Click on a flashlight                Bum's Rush (as an attack)
Draw a weapon (if not moving)        Change form (for a shapeshifter)
                                     Use touch spell on self
Full-Round Actions                   Escape a grapple
Climb (1/2 your speed)               Feint
Use a skill that takes 1 round       Heal a dying friend
Coup de grace                        Light a candle with a match
Bum's rush (as a charge)             Use a skill that takes 1 action
Extinguish flames                    Strike a weapon (attack)
Load a firearm                       Strike an object (attack)
Use touch spell on up to 6 friends   Total defense
Refocus (no move)
Escape from a net or similar trap    Action Type Varies (Unarmed Attacks)
Withdraw from melee                  Disarm
                                     Trip ana opponent

The Action Type Variance for Unarmed Attacks forms a substitute for a melee attack, not an action.  As melee attacks, they can be used once as an attack action, once during a charge, or one or more times in a full attack.


The standard rules for Call of Cthulhu assume that combatants are actively avoiding attacks.  A player doesn't have to declare annything special for his character to defend himself.  Sometimes, however, a combatant in a melee lets his guard down, and he's not on the defensive as usual.  In theese cases, combaatants near him can take advantage of his lapse in defense to attack him for free.  These free attacks are called attacks of opportunity.

Threatened Areas:
Each combatant threatens a 5-foot area around himself (the araea into which he can make melee attacks).  If you're within 5 feet of an opponnent, you're in his threatened area, and some of your actions might provoke opportunity attacks.  Likewise, any opponent within 5 feet of you is in your threatened area.  A flat-footed* character doesn't threaten the area around him.

Provoking an Opportunity Attack:
Three types of actions can provoke opportunity attacks while you're in a threatened area:  moving more than 5 feet, taking an action that distracts you from defending yourself, and certain unarmed attacks.

Moving within a Threatened Area:
When you enter a threatened area, you must immediately stop moving; if you don't, you provoke an opportunity attack.  However, if you start your movement within a threatened area, you can move up to 5 feet without provoking one.

Taking an Action that Distracts You:
Some actions themselves provoke opportunity attacks because they require you to divert attention from the fight at hand.  Common examples innclude casting a spell and holstering (or sheathing) a weapon.  Firing a gun does not incur an opportunity attack.

Unarmed Attacks:
Certain unarmed attacks draw opportunity attacks.  If you attempt to disarm, grapple, trip, or bum's rush your opponent, he can respond with an opportunity attack.  Touch attacks and regular unarmed strikes don't provoke opportunity attacks.

Casting on the Defensive:
You can cast a spell from a threatened area without drawing an opportunity attack by making a Concentration check (DC 15).  If the check fails, the spell and the action are lost, and the subject threatening you can make an opportunity attack.

Withdrawing from Combat:
You can withdraw from combat with an opponent by leaving his threatened area.  You can do this either by moving 5 feet (perhaps with your 5-foot step) or by withdrawing as a full-round action.  If you take this second option, you can move up to double your speed.

Making an Opportunity Attack
An opportunity attack is a single melee attack, and you can only make one per rouund.  You do not have to make an opportunity attack if you don't want to do so.  If you make an opportunity attack, you do so at your normal attack bonus - even if you have already attacked that round.

*Flat-footed characters - a character who has not yet acted during a combat is flat-footed, not yet reacting normally to the situation.  A flat-footed character loses his Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any).
GM, 211 posts
RPoL Moderator
Mon 11 Feb 2008
at 20:53
  • msg #9

D&D 3.5

Note that the following character sheet contains a good deal of RuBB code for its layout.  Scroll down beneath the sheet to copy the code.


Character Name
Class: ?  Level: ?
Race: Human (Humanoid)
Align: ?
Deity: ?
Size: Medium
Age: ?
Gender: ?
Height: 5' 1"  Weight: 150 lb.
Eyes: ?
Hair: ?
Skin: ?
Description: ??

: 10/10 {+0}     HP: 0    0 HP Damage
DEX: 10/10 {+0}
CON: 10/10 {+0}     AC: 10 = 10 + Armor (0) + Shield (0) + Dex Mod (0) + Size (0) + Nat Armor (0) + Deflection (0) + Misc (0)
INT: 10/10 {+0}     Touch: 10     Flat-Footed: 10
WIS: 10/10 {+0}     SPEED: 30 ft./x4
CHA: 10/10 {+0}     Initiative: +0 = Dex Mod (0) + Misc Mod (0)

TOTALBaseAbility ModMagic ModTemp Mod

Base Attack Bonus: +0
Spell Resistance: 0
Grapple: +0 = Base Attack (0) + Str Mod (0) + Size Mod (0) + Misc Mod (0)

WeaponAttack BonusDamageCriticalRangeTypeNotes

Skills | 0 points | 0/0
CCSkill NameKey AbilitySkill ModAbility ModRanksSynergy ModMisc Mod
XAppraise ■INT+00000
XBalance ■DEX*+00000
XBluff ■CHA+00000
Climb ■STR*+00000
Concentration ■CON+00000
Craft (any) ■INT+00000
Diplomacy ■CHA+00000
Disable DeviceINT+00000
XDisguise ■CHA+00000
XEscape Artist ■DEX*+00000
XForgery ■INT+00000
XGather Information ■CHA+00000
Heal ■WIS+00000
XHide ■DEX*+00000
Intimidate ■CHA+00000
Jump ■STR*+00000
Knowledge (arcana)INT+00000
Knowledge (architecture & engineering)INT+00000
Knowledge (dungeoneering)INT+00000
Knowledge (geography)INT+00000
Knowledge (history)INT+00000
Knowledge (nature)INT+00000
Knowledge (nobility & royalty)INT+00000
Knowledge (religion)INT+00000
Knowledge (the planes)INT+00000
XListen ■WIS+00000
XMove Silently ■DEX*+00000
Open LockDEX+00000
XPerform (any)■CHA+00000
Profession (any)WIS+00000
Ride ■DEX+00000
XSearch ■INT+00000
XSense Motive ■WIS+00000
Sleight Of HandDEX*+00000
XSpot ■WIS+00000
XSurvival ■WIS+00000
Swim ■STR*+00000
Use Magic DeviceCHA+00000
XUse Rope ■DEX+00000

■ Denotes a skill that can be used untrained.
* Armor check penalty, if any, applies.  (Double penalty for Swim.)



Class Features
Proficient in all armor, and all shields

Racial Abilities
Extra Feat
4 extra skill points at 1st level
1 extra skill point each level after 1st
Favored Class: Any

Spells Caster Level 0
0th level 6/day | Save DC 12

ArmorTypeAC BonusMax DexCheck PenaltySpell FailureSpeedWeightSpecial Properties
LeatherLight+2+6010%30 ft.15 lb.

ItemAC BonusWeightSpecial Properties
Ring of Protection +1+1-deflection bonus

1WaterskinBelt4 lb.1g
TOTAL4 lb.

REMAINING FUNDS: 0p, 0g, 0s, 0c

Light Load: 100 lb.
Medium Load (-3): 101-200 lb.
Heavy Load (-6): 201-300 lb.
Lift over Head: 300 lb.
Lift off Ground (x2): 600 lb.
Push or Drag (x5): 1,500 lb.

Experience: 0


[background text here]

Personality: ?

The Code:


<DarkBlue><b>Character Name</DarkBlue></b>
<Brown><u>Class</u></Brown>: ?  <Brown><u>Level</u></Brown>: ?
<b>Race</b>: Human (Humanoid)
<b>Align</b>: ?
<b>Deity</b>: ?
<b>Size</b>: Medium
<b>Age</b>: ?
<b>Gender</b>: ?
<b>Height</b>: 5' 1"  <b>Weight</b>: 150 lb.
<b>Eyes</b>: ?
<b>Hair</b>: ?
<b>Skin</b>: ?
<b>Description</b>: ??

<Blue>STR</b>: 10/<b>10</b> {+0}     <b>HP</b>: 0 </Blue>   <Red>0 HP Damage</Red>
<Blue><b>DEX</b>: 10/<b>10</b> {+0}
<b>CON</b>: 10/<b>10</b> {+0}     <b>AC</b>: 10 = 10 + Armor (0) + Shield (0) + Dex Mod (0) + Size (0) + Nat Armor (0) + Deflection (0) + Misc (0)
<b>INT</b>: 10/<b>10</b> {+0}     <b>Touch</b>: 10     <b>Flat-Footed</b>: 10
<b>WIS</b>: 10/<b>10</b> {+0}     <b>SPEED</b>: 30 ft./x4
<b>CHA</b>: 10/<b>10</b> {+0}     <b>Initiative</b>: +0 = Dex Mod (0) + Misc Mod (0)</Blue>

<table><tr><th></th><th>TOTAL</th><th></th><th>Base</th><th></th><th>Ability Mod</th><th></th><th>Magic Mod</th><th></th><th>Temp Mod</th></tr>

<Brown><b>Base Attack Bonus</b>: +0
<b>Spell Resistance</b>: 0
<b>Grapple</b>: +0 = Base Attack (0) + Str Mod (0) + Size Mod (0) + Misc Mod (0)</Brown>

<table><tr><th>Weapon</th><th>Attack Bonus</th><th>Damage</th><th>Critical</th><th>Range</th><th>Type</th><th>Notes</th></tr>

<Purple><b>Skills</b> | 0 points | 0/0</Purple>
<table><tr><th>CC</th><th>Skill Name</th><th>Key Ability</th><th>Skill Mod</th><th>Ability Mod</th><th>Ranks</th><th>Synergy Mod</th><th>Misc Mod</th></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Appraise &#9632;</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Balance &#9632;</td><td>DEX*</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Bluff &#9632;</td><td>CHA</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Climb &#9632;</td><td>STR*</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Concentration &#9632;</td><td>CON</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Craft (any) &#9632;</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Diplomacy &#9632;</td><td>CHA</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Disable Device</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Disguise &#9632;</td><td>CHA</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Escape Artist &#9632;</td><td>DEX*</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Forgery &#9632;</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Gather Information &#9632;</td><td>CHA</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Heal &#9632;</td><td>WIS</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Hide &#9632;</td><td>DEX*</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Intimidate &#9632;</td><td>CHA</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Jump &#9632;</td><td>STR*</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Knowledge (arcana)</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Knowledge (architecture & engineering)</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Knowledge (dungeoneering)</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Knowledge (geography)</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Knowledge (history)</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Knowledge (nature)</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Knowledge (nobility & royalty)</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Knowledge (religion)</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Knowledge (the planes)</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Listen &#9632;</td><td>WIS</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Move Silently &#9632;</td><td>DEX*</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Open Lock</td><td>DEX</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Perform (any)&#9632;</td><td>CHA</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Profession (any)</td><td>WIS</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Ride &#9632;</td><td>DEX</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Search &#9632;</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Sense Motive &#9632;</td><td>WIS</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Sleight Of Hand</td><td>DEX*</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Spot &#9632;</td><td>WIS</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Survival &#9632;</td><td>WIS</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Swim &#9632;</td><td>STR*</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Use Magic Device</td><td>CHA</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Use Rope &#9632;</td><td>DEX</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr></table>
&#9632; Denotes a skill that can be used untrained.
* Armor check penalty, if any, applies.  (Double penalty for Swim.)



<Blue><b>Class Features</b>
Proficient in all armor, and all shields</Blue>

<Blue><b>Racial Abilities</b>
Extra Feat
4 extra skill points at 1st level
1 extra skill point each level after 1st
Favored Class: Any</Blue>

<Orange><b>Spells</b> <i>Caster Level 0</i>
<u>0th level</u> 6/day | Save DC 12</Orange>

<table><tr><th>Armor</th><th>Type</th><th>AC Bonus</th><th>Max Dex</th><th>Check Penalty</th><th>Spell Failure</th><th>Speed</th><th>Weight</th><th>Special Properties</th></tr>
<tr><td>Leather</td><td>Light</td><td>+2</td><td>+6</td><td>0</td><td>10%</td><td>30 ft.</td><td>15 lb.</td><td></td></tr></table>

<table><tr><th>Item</th><th>AC Bonus</th><th>Weight</th><th>Special Properties</th></tr>
<tr><td>Ring of Protection +1</td><td>+1</td><td>-</td><td>deflection bonus</td></tr></table>

<tr><td>1</td><td>Waterskin</td><td>Belt</td><td>4 lb.</td><td>1g</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td><b>TOTAL</b></td><td></td><td><b>4 lb.</b></td><td></td></tr>
<Red>REMAINING FUNDS: 0p, 0g, 0s, 0c</Red>

<Brown>Light Load: 100 lb.
<b>Medium Load (-3): 101-200 lb.</b>
Heavy Load (-6): 201-300 lb.
Lift over Head: 300 lb.
Lift off Ground (x2): 600 lb.
Push or Drag (x5): 1,500 lb.</Brown>

<Purple><b>Experience</b>: 0</Purple>


[background text here]

<u>Personality</u>: ?
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:45, Fri 17 Oct 2008.
GM, 212 posts
RPoL Moderator
Thu 17 Jul 2008
at 15:51
  • msg #10

Re: D&D 4.0

CHARACTER NAME:                          | EXPERIENCE POINTS:
PLAYER NAME:                             | XP NEEDED TO LEVEL:
RACE:                                    | SIZE:
CLASS:                                   | HEIGHT:
LEVEL:                                   | WEIGHT:
PARAGON PATH:                            | GENDER:
EPIC DESTINY:                            | HAIR:
DEITY:                                   | EYES:
ALIGNMENT:                               | HANDEDNESS:
    Base  Racial  Misc  Ability / Mod
          Bonus             Score              Modifier + 1/2 Level

STR:     +      +      +   00 / +0                      +0
CON:     +      +      +   00 / +0                      +0
DEX:     +      +      +   00 / +0                      +0
INT:     +      +      +   00 / +0                      +0
WIS:     +      +      +   00 / +0                      +0
CHA:     +      +      +   00 / +0                      +0

+1 Ability Increases gained through levels are added to Base number.
INITIATIVE                           | MOVEMENT
Total   Dex   1/2 Lvl   Misc.        | Total   Base   Armor   Item   Misc.
 +    =     +         +              |       =      -       +      +
HIT POINTS                           | HEALING SURGES
Current HP/Max HP:                   | Surge Value (1/4 HP):
Bloodied (1/2 HP):                   | Surges Used/Per Day:
Used:  ___                           | ___  ___  ___
Temporary HP:                        | SAVING THROW MODS:
                                     | Resistances:
                                     | Current Conditions and Effects:
ACTION POINTS:                       |
              Total        1/2 Lvl   Ability   Class   Feat   ENH   MISC   MISC
AC Defense     +    = 10 +         +         +       +      +     +      +
Fort Defense   +    = 10 +         +         +       +      +     +      +
Ref Defense    +    = 10 +         +         +       +      +     +      +
Will Defense   +    = 10 +         +         +       +      +     +      +
SENSES                        Skill                                         Skill
                Total         Bonus                             Total       Bonus
Passive Insight   +    = 10 +               Passive Perception   +    = 10 +


Atk Bns   1/2 Lvl   Abl   Class   Prof   Feat   ENH   Misc
  +     =         +     +       +      +      +     +


Atk Bns   1/2 Lvl   Abl   Class   Prof   Feat   ENH   Misc
  +     =         +     +       +      +      +     +


Damage   Abl   Feat   ENH   Misc   Misc
 +     =     +      +     +      +


Damage   Abl   Feat   ENH   Misc   Misc
 +     =     +      +     +      +

Attack     Defense   Weapon or Power         Damage
       vs.         |                       |
       vs.         |                       |
       vs.         |                       |
       vs.         |                       |

CLASS / PATH / DESTINY FEATURES             Indicate for level, class, race, etc.



SKILLS                                                 Armor
              Total = 1/2CL + Ability Mod + Trained - Penalty + Misc
Acrobatics          =       +         Dex +         -         +
Arcana              =       +         Int +         -         +
Athletics           =       +         Str +         -         +
Bluff               =       +         Cha +         -         +
Diplomacy           =       +         Cha +         -         +
Dungeoneering       =       +         Wis +         -         +
Endurance           =       +         Con +         -         +
Heal                =       +         Wis +         -         +
History             =       +         Int +         -         +
Insight             =       +         Wis +         -         +
Intimidate          =       +         Cha +         -         +
Nature              =       +         Wis +         -         +
Perception          =       +         Wis +         -         +
Religion            =       +         Int +         -         +
Stealth             =       +         Dex +         -         +
Streetwise          =       +         Cha +         -         +
Thievery            =       +         Dex +         -         +
POWER INDEX (Mark powers used with an asterisk.)

Used | Power Name        | Description
     |                   |
     |                   |
     |                   |
     |                   |

Used | Power Name        | Description
     |                   |
     |                   |
     |                   |
     |                   |

Used | Power Name        | Description
     |                   |
     |                   |
     |                   |
     |                   |

Used | Power Name        | Description
     |                   |
     |                   |
     |                   |
     |                   |

Daily Item Powers Per Day (Mark with an asterisk when used.)

Heroic (1-10):   ___     Milestone: ___ ___ ___ ___
Paragon (11-20): ___     Milestone: ___ ___ ___ ___
Epic (21-30):    ___     Milestone: ___ ___ ___ ___







This message was last edited by the GM at 15:52, Thu 17 July 2008.
GM, 213 posts
RPoL Moderator
Thu 17 Jul 2008
at 15:52
  • msg #11

Re: D&D 4.0

Name  :                           Gender: -           HP:
Player:                           Height: 0'0"        Blooded:
Race  :                           Weight: 000 lbs.    Surge Value:
Class :                           Age   : 00          Surge/Day
Level :                           Hair  :
Align :                           Eyes  :
Deity :                           Hand  :             XP:
Size  :                           Speed : 00          NEXT LVL:
       Base   Racial   Level   Final
       Roll    Bonus   Bonus   Ability
STR  :  00      +0      +0      00/+0
CON  :  00      +0      +0      00/+0

DEX  :  00      +0      +0      00/+0
INT  :  00      +0      +0      00/+0

WIS  :  00      +0      +0      00/+0
CHA  :  00      +0      +0      00/+0
     Total | 10+    | Abil. | Class | Race | Feat | Misc |
           | 1/2lvl | Armor |       |      |      |      |
AC  :      |        |       |       |      |      |      |
           |        |       |       |      |      |      |
FORT:      |        |       |       |      |      |      |
           |        |       |       |      |      |      |
REF :      |        |       |       |      |      |      |
           |        |       |       |      |      |      |
WILL:      |        |       |       |      |      |      |






                   Score          Skill
Passive Insight    ( 00 ) = 10 + ( 00 )
Passive Perception ( 00 ) = 10 + ( 00 )


Bonus | Skill Name     | Abil.     | TRND (+5) | AP. | Misc
      |                | +1/2 lvl  |           |     |
      | Acrobatics     |      (Dex)|           |     |
      | Arcana         |      (Int)|           | N/A |
      | Athletics      |      (Str)|           |     |
      | Bluff          |      (Cha)|           | N/A |
      | Diplomacy      |      (Cha)|           | N/A |
      | Dungeoneering  |      (Wis)|           | N/A |
      | Endurance      |      (Con)|           |     |
      | Heal           |      (Wis)|           | N/A |
      | History        |      (Int)|           | N/A |
      | Insight        |      (Wis)|           | N/A |
      | Intimidate     |      (Cha)|           | N/A |
      | Nature         |      (Wis)|           | N/A |
      | Perception     |      (Wis)|           | N/A |
      | Religion       |      (Int)|           | N/A |
      | Stealth        |      (Dex)|           |     |
      | Streetwise     |      (Cha)|           | N/A |
      | Thievery       |      (Dex)|           |     |






















GM, 214 posts
RPoL Moderator
Thu 17 Jul 2008
at 15:54
  • msg #12





Name      :
God       :
Calling   :
Nature    :
[X] = favoured

[ ]Strength : - (-)      [ ]Charisma    : - (-)      [ ]Perception  : - (-)
[ ]Dexterity: - (-)      [ ]Manipulation: - (-)      [ ]Intelligence: - (-)
[ ]Stamina  : - (-)      [ ]Appearance  : - (-)      [ ]Wits        : - (-)
[X] = favoured

[ ]Academics     : -
[ ]Animal Ken    : -
[ ]Art
        : -
        : -
[ ]Athletics     : -
[ ]Awareness     : -
[ ]Brawl         : -
[ ]Command       : -
[ ]Control
        : -
        : -
[ ]Craft
        : -
        : -
[ ]Empathy       : -
[ ]Fortitude     : -
[ ]Integrity     : -
[ ]Investigation : -
[ ]Larceny       : -
[ ]Marksmanship  : -
[ ]Medicine      : -
[ ]Melee         : -
[ ]Occult        : -
[ ]Politics      : -
[ ]Presence      : -
[ ]Science
        : -
        : -
[ ]Stealth       : -
[ ]Survival      : -
[ ]Thrown        : -


Virtues                  Willpower: -/-            Legend: -
Name: -                                          Legend Points: --/--
Name: -
Name: -
Name: -

Speed: -   Accuracy: +   Damage: +L   Defence: +

Speed: -   Accuracy: +   Damage: +L   Range: -    Clip: -


Soak: +B/+L   Mobility: -0   Fatigue: -

Dodge DV: -
Parry DV: -
Join Battle: -
Soak: -B/-L/-A (-/- natural, -/- armour)


-0 (Bruised) : [ ]
-1 (Hurt)    : [ ]
               [ ]
-2 (Wounded) : [ ]
               [ ]
-4 (Crippled): [ ]
Incapacitated: [ ]

   Cost: -L, -Wp    Pool: +     Duration:

   Cost: -L, -Wp    Pool: +     Duration:

Total: 0                                        Total Spent: 0

Name (***)


Armour: -   Mass: -   Man.: -   Health Levels: -

Attributes/Epic Attributes: -
Abilities: -
Advantages: -
Knacks/Boons/Spells: -
Birthrights: -
GM, 215 posts
RPoL Moderator
Tue 12 Aug 2008
at 19:13
  • msg #13

Savage Worlds

Character Name:                          Character Rank    :
Character Race:                          Total Experience  :
Concept       :                          Unspent Experience:
Player Name   :

Charisma (Base/Mod) | Pace (Base/Mod) | Parry (Base/Mod) | Toughness (Base/Mod)

Agility     Dx | Smarts        Dx | Strength  Dx | Spirit       Dx | Vigor  Dx

Boating     Dx | Gambling      Dx | Climbing  Dx | Guts         Dx | Skill  Dx
Driving     Dx | Healing       Dx | Skill     Dx | Intimidation Dx |
Fighting    Dx | Investigation Dx |              | Persuasion   Dx |
Lockpicking Dx | Knowledge     Dx |              | Skill        Dx |
Piloting    Dx | Notice        Dx |              |                 |
Riding      Dx | Repair        Dx |              |                 |
Shooting    Dx | Streetwise    Dx |              |                 |
Stealth     Dx | Survival      Dx |              |                 |
Swimming    Dx | Taunt         Dx |              |                 |
Throwing    Dx | Tracking      Dx |              |                 |
Skill       Dx | Skill         Dx |              |                 |

+List any edges here

-List any flaws here

Name           Locations Covered   Protection   Notes

Name                 Range     Dam RoF   Ammo  Weight Shots Notes

Other gear

Looks and etc.

What happened before now?
GM, 217 posts
RPoL Moderator
Tue 17 Feb 2009
at 06:43
  • msg #14


Character Name:
Hit Points: /
Magic Points: /


Strength Dice:
Magic Dice:
Attack Power:
Magic Power:
Magic Accuracy:

AP Bonus:
Weapon Type:

Armor Type:
HP Bonus:
MP Bonus:
Relic (and effect):
Relic (and effect):


Minor Ability

Adventure Skills

Skill              Points
Acrobatics           0
Alchemy (*)          0
Appraising           0
Armorer (*)          0
Climbing             0
Cooking              0
Craft Item(*)        0
Dancing(*)           0
Direction Sense      0
Disarm               0
Disguise             0
Find/Remove Trap(*)  0
Forgery              0
Healing(*)           0
Herbalism(*)         0
Hide                 0
History(*)           0
Jumping              0
Language(*)          0
Musical Instrument   0
Pick Pocket          0
Riding               0
Set Trap(*)          0
Singing              0
Sneak                0
Survival(*)          0
Swim                 0
Trade(*)             0
Training(*)          0
Weaponsmithing(*)    0
Weather Sense(*)     0
Weapon Skill (*)     0

Next Level:
Tech Points:
HP Per Level:
MP Per Level:
Tech Points Per Level:
HP Per Vitality:
MP Per Spirit:
Tech Bonus

Tech Name:
Tech Level:
MP Cost:
Tech Point Cost:
Elemental Alignment:
Primary Effect:
Secondary Effect:
Secondary Effect:

Tech Name:
Tech Level:
MP Cost:
Tech Point Cost:
Elemental Alignment:
Primary Effect:
Secondary Effect:
Secondary Effect:

Tech Name:
Tech Level:
MP Cost:
Tech Point Cost:
Elemental Alignment:
Primary Effect:
Secondary Effect:
Secondary Effect:
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:45, Tue 17 Feb 2009.
GM, 218 posts
RPoL Moderator
Sat 22 Aug 2009
at 07:51
  • msg #15

Mutants and Masterminds

Mutants and Masterminds Character Sheet

Character Name:                 Group Affiliation:

Alternative ID:                 Identity Secret?: Yes  No

Base of Operations:             First Appearance:

Power Level:                    Power Point Total:


Gender:         Age:            Eyes:           Hair:


Strength         +x             xx           xx            xx
Dexterity        +x             xx           xx            xx
Constitution     +x             xx           xx            xx
Intelligence     +x             xx           xx            xx
Wisdom           +x             xx           xx            xx
Charisma         +x             xx           xx            xx


Toughness                    xx              xx            xx           xx
Fortitude                    xx              xx            xx           xx
Reflex                       xx              xx            xx           xx
Will                         xx              xx            xx           xx


Defense: Total [xx] = DEF BONUS [xx] + MISC MOD [xx] + SIZE MoD [xx]     FLAT FOOTED = [xx]
Initiative: Total [xx] = DEX MOD [xx] + POWER MOD [xx] + FEAT MOD [xx]
Hero Points: xx


Attack Bonus [xx]  Ranged [xx]   Melee [xx]

DAMAGE CONDITIONS                                  |  FATIUGE CONDITIONS
    Bruised        Staggered          Unconscious  |       Fatigued        Exhausted        Unconscious
    Injured        Disabled           Dying        |



Name:                        Rank:          Action:         Range:           Duration:

Name:                        Rank:          Action:         Range:           Duration:

Name:                        Rank:          Action:         Range:           Duration:

Name:                        Rank:          Action:         Range:           Duration:

Name:                        Rank:          Action:         Range:           Duration:

Name:                        Rank:          Action:         Range:           Duration:

Name:                        Rank:          Action:         Range:           Duration:



[10 blank lines suppressed]


SKILLS                                                    MAX RANKS:
 xx  Acrobatics* = [ranks]+[DEX]+[misc]
 xx  Bluff = [ranks]+[CHA]+[misc]
 xx  Climb = [ranks]+[STR]+[misc]
 xx  Computers* = [ranks]+[INT]+[misc]
 xx  Concentration = [ranks]+[WIS]+[misc]
 xx  Craft*(             ) = [ranks]+[INT]+[misc]
 xx  Craft*(             ) = [ranks]+[DEX]+[misc]
 xx  Diplomacy = [ranks]+[CHA]+[misc]
 xx  Disable Device* = [ranks]+[INT]+[misc]
 xx  Disguise = [ranks]+[CHA]+[misc]
 xx  Drive* = [ranks]+[DEX]+[misc]
 xx  Escape Artist = [ranks]+[DEX]+[misc]
 xx  Gather Information = [ranks]+[CHA]+[misc]
 xx  Handle Animal = [ranks]+[CHA]+[misc]
 xx  Intimidate = [ranks]+[CHA]+[misc]
 xx  Investigate = [ranks]+[INT]+[misc]
 xx  Knowledge*(           ) = [ranks]+[INT]+[misc]
 xx  Knowledge*(           ) = [ranks]+[INT]+[misc]
 xx  Knowledge*(           ) = [ranks]+[INT]+[misc]
 xx  Knowledge*(           ) = [ranks]+[INT]+[misc]
 xx  Language*
 xx  Medicine = [ranks]+[WIS]+[misc]
 xx  Notice = [ranks]+[WIS]+[misc]
 xx  Perform*(             ) = [ranks]+[CHA]+[misc]
 xx  Perform*(             ) = [ranks]+[CHA]+[misc]
 xx  Pilot* = [ranks]+[DEX]+[misc]
 xx  Profession* = [ranks]+[WIS]+[misc]
 xx  Ride* = [ranks]+[DEX]+[misc]
 xx  Search = [ranks]+[INT]+[misc]
 xx  Sense Motive = [ranks]+[WIS]+[misc]
 xx  Sleight of Hand* = [ranks]+[DEX]+[misc]
 xx  Stealth = [ranks]+[DEX]+[misc]
 xx  Survival = [ranks]+[WIS]+[misc]
 xx  Swim = [ranks]+[STR]+[misc]


EQUIPMENT                          LIGHT LOAD:               MEDIUM LOAD:             HEAVY LOAD:

[5 blank lines suppressed]



[9 blank lines suppressed]




This message was last edited by the GM at 14:58, Sat 22 Aug 2009.
GM, 219 posts
RPoL Moderator
Sat 22 Aug 2009
at 15:00
  • msg #16

Re: Mutants and Masterminds

Power Level  –  PP

Real Name:
Base of Operations:
Height: ‘ “
Weight:  lbs.
Date of Birth:

Str  []
Dex  []
Con  []
Int  []
Wis  []
Cha  []

Tough +
Fort  +
Ref   +
Will  +








Combat: Attack +, Grapple +, Damage + (), Defense +, Knockback -, Initiative +

Abilities  + Skills  ( ranks) + Feats  + Powers  + Combat  + Saves  =  PP

Quote: “”

Background and History:


GM, 220 posts
RPoL Moderator
Sun 23 Aug 2009
at 01:10
  • msg #17

New World of Darkness

Name:                     Concept:                        Chronicle:
Age:                      Virtue:                         Faction:
Player:                   Vice:                           Group Name:

Power:      Intelligence:  XOOOO     Strength:  XOOOO      Presence:      XOOOO
Finesse:    Wits:          XOOOO     Dexterity: XOOOO      Manipulation:  XOOOO
Resistance: Resolve:       XOOOO     Stamina:   XOOOO      Composure:     XOOOO

Mental    (-3 Unskilled)  Physical    (-1 Unskilled) Social    (-1 Unskilled)
Academics:     OOOOO      Athletics:       OOOOO     Animal Ken:    OOOOO
Computers:     OOOOO      Brawl:           OOOOO     Empathy:       OOOOO
Crafts:        OOOOO      Drive:           OOOOO     Expression:    OOOOO
Investigation: OOOOO      Firearms:        OOOOO     Intimidation:  OOOOO
Medicine:      OOOOO      Larceny:         OOOOO     Persuasion:    OOOOO
Occult:        OOOOO      Stealth:         OOOOO     Socialize:     OOOOO
Politics:      OOOOO      Survival:        OOOOO     Streetwise:    OOOOO
Science:       OOOOO      Weaponry:        OOOOO     Subterfuge:    OOOOO

Skill Specialties

Merits                    Flaws

Morality:O O O O O O O O O O     Health:O O O O O O O O O O O O

Willpower:O O O O O O O O O O

Defense:                       Experience:

Weapons                        Dice Mod

Equipment                      Dice Mod

GM, 221 posts
RPoL Moderator
Fri 18 Sep 2009
at 05:24
  • msg #18


|           SR4 Character Sheet By: praguepride                              |
|Character Name:             |Metatype:              |Ethnicity:             |
|Role:                       |Height:                |Hair Color:            |
|Geneder:                    |Weight:                |Eye Color:             |
|Total Karma:                |Street Cred:           |Public Awareness:      |
|Current Karma:              |Noteriety:             |                       |
|ATTRIBUTES (BP)                           Record your attribute scores here.|
|                                           the format is A(B) / C (D) where |
|                                A = unmodified score     B= augmented score |
|                                  C = unmodified max       D= augmented max |
|                                 RES/MAG = Resonance or Magic if applicable.|
|BOD:  ( )  /  6 (9)     |STR:  ( )  /  6 (9)      |LOG:  ( )  /  6 (9)      |
|AGI:  ( )  /  6 (9)     |CHA:  ( )  /  6 (9)      |WIL:  ( )  /  6 (9)      |
|REA:  ( )  /  6 (9)     |INT:  ( )  /  6 (9)      |RES/MAG:  ( )  /  6      |
|Edge: (o)               |Initiative: REA+INT      |Matrix/Astral Init:      |
|Essence: 6              |Int Passes:              |Matrix/Astral Passes:    |
| Physical Track: [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]     |
| (8+(BOD/2))           -1       -2       -3       -4       -5       -6      |
| Stun Track:     [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]     |
| (8+(WIL/2))           -1       -2       -3       -4       -5       -6      |
|QUALITIES (BP)                                    Enter your qualities here.|
|                                                                C = BP Cost.|
|                                  |  |                                  |+  |
|                                  |  |                                  |+  |
|                                  |  |                                  |+  |
|                                  |  |                                  |+  |
|                                  |  |                                  |+  |
|                                  |  |                                  |+  |
|                                  |  |                                  |+  |
|SKILLS                                     Fill in skills you have ranks in.|
|                                           Rnk is the number of ranks skill.|
|                                           Abl is the related Ability Score.|
|                     Msc is for any misc. bonuses from gear, qualities, etc.|
|                Please note at the bottom where the bonuses are coming from.|
|                      Skill Groups are put into CAPS, Specializations use >.|
|ACTIVE SKILLS  (BP)                                                         |
|Skill Name (Ability)          | Pool = Rnk + Abl + Misc                     |
|GUNS (AGI)                    |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0 (example)             |
|Pistols (AGI)                 |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0 (example)             |
|>Ares Predator (AGI)          |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0 (example)             |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|KNOWLEDGE & LANGUAGE SKILLS                                                 |
|Skill Name (Ability)          | Pool = Rnk + Abl + Misc                     |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|                              |   ?  =  0  +  0  +  0                       |
|MAGIC (BP)                                            BP = Build Point Cost.|
|                           Type = Spell Type; RNG = Range; DV = Drain Value.|
|                                                        B/R = Bound/Unbound?|
|ADEPT POWERS / COMPLEX FORMS                                           | BP |
|                                                                       |    |
|                                                                       |    |
|SPELLS                                          Type|RNG|Duration|    DV    |
|                                                    |   |        |          |
|                                                    |   |        |          |
|                                                    |   |        |          |
|                                                    |   |        |          |
|                                                    |   |        |          |
|                                                    |   |        |          |
|                                                    |   |        |          |
|                                                    |   |        |          |
|                                                    |   |        |          |
|SPIRITS/SPRITES                                           Force|Services|B/R|
|Sample Bound Spirit (skills)                                #  |   #    | Y |
|Sample Unbound Spirit (skills)                              #  |   #    | N |
|CONTACTS                                            Enter you contacts here.|
|                                Enter in name. Type is what kind of contact |
|                                they are (fixer, doc, armorer, hacker, etc).|
|                                Then enter a description and how you met. If|
|                                the format's irritating you let me know and |
|                                I'll type it up and get it in proper format.|
|                                               L = Loyalty, C = Connections.|
| Contact Name  (Type) - Description                                 | L | C |
|Sample (Sample Type) - sample description explaining how            | # | # |
|                       you met this particular contact              |   |   |
|                                                                    |   |   |
|                                                                    |   |   |
|                                                                    |   |   |
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|GEAR (BP)                             List your gear here and expenses here.|
|             GENERAL -                A  = Availability, Cost = Nuyen price.|
|             CYBERWARE -              EsCo = Essence cost for cyber/bioware.|
|             WEAPON -            DAM = Damage Value; AP = Armor Penetration;|
|                                                   Mode = Mode; RC = Recoil;|
|                           Ammo = # left in current clip; Clip = # of clips.|
|             ARMOR -                          Bal = Ballistic; Imp = Impact.|
|             ID & LICENSE                     R = Rating of fake license/ID.|
|             COMMS -      F = Firewall; Res = Response; Sig = Signal Rating.|
|             VEHICLE -       H = Handling; Accel = Acceleration Spd = Speed;|
|                             Pl = Pilot; Bd = Body; Ar = Armor; Sn = Sensor.|
|Nuyen:                                                                      |
|                                                                            |
| Gear Name        Misc.                                                     |
|CYBER/BIOWARE (RATING)                                      |EsCo| A | Cost |
|                                                            |    |   |      |
|                                                            |    |   |      |
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|WEAPONS                               | DAM |AP|Mode|RC|Ammo|Clip| A | Cost |
|                                      |     |  |    |  |    |    |   |      |
|                                      |     |  |    |  |    |    |   |      |
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|SPECIAL AMMO/EXPLOSIVES                          | DAM |Ammo|Clip| A | Cost |
|                                                 |     |    |    |   |      |
|                                                 |     |    |    |   |      |
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|                                                 |     |    |    |   |      |
|ARMOR                                                    |Bal|Imp| A | Cost |
|                                                         |   |   |   |      |
|ID & LICENSES                                                  |R| A | Cost |
|                                                               | |   |      |
|                                                               | |   |      |
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|                                                               | |   |      |
|VEHICLE/DRONE (Type)                    |Hn|Accel|Spd|Pl|Bd|Ar|Sn| A | Cost |
|                                        |  |  /  |   |  |  |  |  |   |      |
|                                        |  |  /  |   |  |  |  |  |   |      |
|COMMS (OS)  / LIVING PERSONA                           |F|Res|Sig| A | Cost |
|                                                       | |   |   |   |      |
|SOFTWARE                                                         | A |      |
|                                                                 |   |      |
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|OTHER GEAR                                                       | A | Cost |
|                                                                 |   |      |
|                                                                 |   |      |
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|                                                                 |   |      |
|LIFESTYLE                                                                   |
|Location:                                  Total Cost (per month):          |
|Comfort:                  | Necessities:             |Security:             |
|Entertainment:            | Neighborhood:            |                      |
|Lifestyle Qualities - notes                                              |LP|
|                                                                         |  |
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|BACKGROUND                                                                  |
|                                                                            |
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|MOTIVATION & GOALS                                                          |
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This message was last edited by the GM at 14:28, Sat 18 Mar 2017.
GM, 1 post
RPoL Moderator
Wed 14 Oct 2009
at 12:03
  • msg #19

D&D 3rd Edition (RuBB)

<DarkBlue><b>CHARACTER NAME</DarkBlue></b>
<Brown><u>Class</u></Brown>: ? <Brown><u>Level (ECL)</u></Brown>: 1 (1)
<b>Size</b>: M
<b>Height</b>: 5' 5"  <b>Weight</b>: 150 lb.
    SCORE       TEMP       <u>CONDITION</u>: <blue>Normal</blue>
<Blue>STR: 10 {+0} | </Blue>-- {--}     <Blue><b>HP</b>: ?? </Blue>   <Red>0 HP Damage</Red>
<Blue>DEX: 10 {+0} | </Blue>-- {--}     <Purple>Nonlethal Damage</Purple>: 0/??
<Blue>CON: 10 {+0} | </Blue>-- {--}     <Blue><b>AC</b>: 10 = 10 + Armor (0) + Shield (0) + Dex Mod (0) + Size (0) + Nat Armor (0) + Deflection (0) + Misc (0)
INT: 10 {+0} | </Blue>-- {--}     <Blue><b>Touch</b>: 10     <b>Flat-Footed</b>: 10
WIS: 10 {+0} | </Blue>-- {--}     <Blue><b>SPEED</b>: 30 ft./x4
CHA: 10 {+0} | </Blue>-- {--}     <Blue><b>Initiative</b>: +0 = Dex Mod (0) + Misc Mod (0)</Blue></tt>

<table><tr><th></th><th>TOTAL</th><th></th><th>Base</th><th></th><th>Ability Mod</th><th></th><th>Magic Mod</th><th></th><th>Misc Mod</th></tr>

<Brown><b>Base Attack Bonus</b>: +0
<b>Spell Resistance</b>: 0
<b>Grapple</b>: +0 = Base Attack (0) + Str Mod (0) + Size Mod (0) + Misc Mod (0)</Brown>

<table><tr><th>Weapon</th><th>Attack Bonus</th><th>Damage</th><th>Critical</th><th>Range</th><th>Type</th><th>Notes</th></tr>

<Purple><b>Skills</b> | 0 points | 4/2</Purple>
<table><tr><th>CC</th><th>Skill Name</th><th>Key Ability</th><th>Skill Mod</th><th>Ability Mod</th><th>Ranks</th><th>Synergy Mod</th><th>Misc Mod</th></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Appraise &#9632;</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Balance &#9632;</td><td>DEX*</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Bluff &#9632;</td><td>CHA</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Climb &#9632;</td><td>STR*</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Concentration &#9632;</td><td>CON</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Craft (any) &#9632;</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Diplomacy &#9632;</td><td>CHA</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Disable Device</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Disguise &#9632;</td><td>CHA</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Escape Artist &#9632;</td><td>DEX*</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Forgery &#9632;</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Gather Information &#9632;</td><td>CHA</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Heal &#9632;</td><td>WIS</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Hide &#9632;</td><td>DEX*</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Intimidate &#9632;</td><td>CHA</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Jump &#9632;</td><td>STR*</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Knowledge (arcana)</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Knowledge (architecture & engineering)</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Knowledge (dungeoneering)</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Knowledge (geography)</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Knowledge (history)</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Knowledge (nature)</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Knowledge (nobility & royalty)</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Knowledge (religion)</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Knowledge (the planes)</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Listen &#9632;</td><td>WIS</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Move Silently &#9632;</td><td>DEX*</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Open Lock</td><td>DEX</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Perform (any)&#9632;</td><td>CHA</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Profession (any)</td><td>WIS</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Ride &#9632;</td><td>DEX</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Search &#9632;</td><td>INT</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Sense Motive &#9632;</td><td>WIS</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Sleight Of Hand</td><td>DEX*</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Spot &#9632;</td><td>WIS</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Survival &#9632;</td><td>WIS</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Swim &#9632;</td><td>STR*</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Use Magic Device</td><td>CHA</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>X</td><td>Use Rope &#9632;</td><td>DEX</td><td><b>+0</b></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr></table>
&#9632; Denotes a skill that can be used untrained.
* Armor check penalty, if any, applies.  (Double penalty for Swim.)



<Blue><b>Class Features</b>

<Blue><b>Racial Abilities</b>

<Orange><b>Spells</b> <i>Caster Level 1</i>
<u>0th level</u> 0/3 per day (all known) | Save DC 10*
[X] Detect Magic
[X] Light
[X] Read Magic

<u>1st level</u> 0/1 per day (3 known) | Save DC 11*
[X] Expeditious Retreat
[  ] Magic Missile
[  ] Reduce Person

* +1 DC Transmutation spells</Orange>

<table><tr><th>Armor</th><th>Type</th><th>AC Bonus</th><th>Max Dex</th><th>Check Penalty</th><th>Spell Failure</th><th>Speed</th><th>Weight</th><th>Special Properties</th></tr>
<tr><td>[none]</td><td>Light</td><td>+0</td><td>+0</td><td>-0</td><td>0%</td><td>30 ft.</td><td>0 lb.</td><td></td></tr></table>

<table><tr><th>Item</th><th>AC Bonus</th><th>Weight</th><th>Special Properties</th></tr>

<tr><td>1</td><td>ITEM</td><td>Wield (right hand)</td><td>0 lb.</td><td>0g</td></tr>

<tr><td>-</td><td><i>Coins</i></td><td><i>Coin Purse</i></td><td>-</td><td><i>0p, 0g, 0s, 0c</i></td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td><b>TOTAL</b></td><td></td><td><b>0 lb.</b></td><td><b><Red>0 gp value</Red></b></td></tr></table>
<Brown><b>Light Load: 33 lb.</b>
Medium Load (-3): 34-66 lb.
Heavy Load (-6): 67-100 lb.
Lift over Head: 100 lb.
Lift off Ground (x2): 200 lb.
Push or Drag (x5): 500 lb.</Brown>

<Purple><b>Experience</b>: 0/1,000</Purple>


<u>Personality & Motivations</u>:
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:04, Tue 08 Nov 2016.
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