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21:52, 11th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Ch. 7: The Bridge at Szczucin.

Posted by Cap'n RaeFor group archive 0
Cap'n Rae
GM, 458 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Wed 12 Dec 2007
at 23:39
  • msg #1

Ch. 7: The Bridge at Szczucin

"I'm just trying to find the bridge. Has anybody seen the bridge? Where's that confounded bridge?"

Led Zeppelin, The Crunge
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:58, Wed 12 Dec 2007.
Cap'n Rae
GM, 459 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Wed 12 Dec 2007
at 23:41
  • msg #2

Re: Ch. 7: The Bridge at Szczucin

Thursday, October 5th, 2000
1100 hrs.
Vistula river, approx. 5 km upriver from the damaged road bridge west of Szczucin, Poland
50 F
Scattered Clouds

The Visla Krolowa drops anchor on the northern side of the Vistula river, approximately 5km upstream from, and out of the direct line of sight of, the bridge. The tug is not moored close enough to the bank to transfer the motorbike directly to the shore, but the assault boat can easily accomodate it. Walter assures you that the operation is a simple one. He's had his hands full the last hour or so. Tadeuz is rip-roaring drunk. He's spent much of that time shouting slurred Polish obsenities and accosting security team members (you can't understand a word he's saying) but the last straw was when he began to disrobe on deck, throwing his clothes into the river, and fully intending, you suspect, on following them over the side. Walter had to get Grzyech from below decks to help restrain the beligerent chief deckhand. He's been handcuffed to his bunk ever since. Until he sleeps it off, the tug crew will be without another pair of hands.

Milk finds Konrad and reports the result of the last contact with the Polish partisan troup with whom he's been trying to coordinate a bridge scouting operation. They are still at least two hours from the bridge and one of their number has managed to get himself injured, although Clarence does not know how.

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:01, Thu 13 Dec 2007.
Anneka Soleblume
player, 275 posts
Israeli Medic
Thu 13 Dec 2007
at 00:16
  • msg #3

Re: Ch. 7: The Bridge at Szczucin

"Looks like we've got some time to kill. Why don't you take the bridge team through a couple of nearby farms in the meantime and see if you can't scrounge up anything useful?" she commented to Konrad after Milk's report.
From the little she'd be told, the partisans should be scouting the area for them and they would simply be providing the skills and materials to clear the way. If that was so, then it would be in their best interest not to arrive first on the scene although Yazzie could certainly manage to keep himself concealed if he chose to.
Another necessary task weighed heavily on her mind as she thought about their options.
"Or maybe we should just bury our dead?"
Clarence Milk
NPC, 105 posts
Chief Warrant Officer 2
U.S. Army Special Forces
Thu 13 Dec 2007
at 00:55
  • msg #4

Re: Ch. 7: The Bridge at Szczucin

Addressing both of the officers present, Milk offers the following for consideration,

"About that chopper, sir. Our wannabe pimp friend said he saw it up around the last town- the biohazzard town. A few hours later, we get hit by an ambush near there. Then an hour after we shoot our way through that, we see what's gotta be the same chopper goin' back and forth, finally headin' the same way we are. I think they're gonna be waiting for us again, up ahead. And the bridge is the likeliest spot for them to set up. My team is only four guys and one of them is hurt. I don't know what kind of soldiers they is neither. We need to think this through real good before we make a move; maybe ask for the mens' thoughts. I don't want to send anyone into no deathtrap."
Anneka Soleblume
player, 277 posts
Israeli Medic
Thu 13 Dec 2007
at 01:18
  • msg #5

Re: Ch. 7: The Bridge at Szczucin

"I hadn't thought of it like that," she said with a worried frown creasing her forehead.
"Can you make contact with the team again?" she asked Milk. "Maybe it's best to link up with them short of the bridge and scout it out in force?"
If there were enemy set up in ambush there, it would probably require a radical rethink about who stayed with the tug and who went. More than likely an assault of the position would be required to deal with the enemy once and for all. If that was the case, then the mortar would almost certainly be needed.
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 439 posts
Polish Artillerist
Thu 13 Dec 2007
at 03:27
  • msg #6

Re: Ch. 7: The Bridge at Szczucin

Strictly speaking, Dawid of course couldn't understand what Tadeusz was saying any more than anyone else. He could guess what was going on. As the man started to get out of control he took him aside and tried to calm him down.

"Look, why are you doing this? We've all lost family, friends. The Captain isn't dead you know, he's hurt. You need to be strong for him, not act like some drunken fool!"

Once he was calmed down, he helped put him to bed.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:02, Fri 14 Dec 2007.
Konrad Bayer
player, 346 posts
Thu 13 Dec 2007
at 03:56
  • msg #7


Anneka Soleblume:
"I hadn't thought of it like that," she said with a worried frown creasing her forehead.
"Can you make contact with the team again?" she asked Milk. "Maybe it's best to link up with them short of the bridge and scout it out in force?"
If there were enemy set up in ambush there, it would probably require a radical rethink about who stayed with the tug and who went. More than likely an assault of the position would be required to deal with the enemy once and for all. If that was the case, then the mortar would almost certainly be needed.

"Ja. As it stands the shore party wasn't intending to go looking for a fight. The partisans were to secure the bridge, andz we reinforce them immediately following. If there are enemy confirmed near das bridge we shall have to rethink our strategy... additional info from them is important. Milk, as Anneka said, can you contact them again and request more?"

Thinking about what Milk said he collects the team and assembles them for a meeting to let each one share their ideas and opinions. Parks hasn't had any interest in the past in voicing his thoughts so he appoints him as security.

In the galley... Bayer explains the situation and then highlights, "We need to make a decision now. We can't advance the tug further and while stationary in daylight we are most vulnerable. So, factors to think about... distance to the bridge ist five kilometers, partisans are two hours away, limited manpower for each us and them, potential enemy is in this area, we have the option of using the motorcycle, and time is against us."

Bayer hoped for some quick and productive feedback from rest of the team. Anneka had suggested a joint recon in force, but as Milk suggested the others should have a say as well.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:02, Thu 13 Dec 2007.
John Yazzie
player, 207 posts
Thu 13 Dec 2007
at 04:04
  • msg #8

On deck

John will apear behind Ann.And speak.

"Yes I perfer to be on my own ANN. I can trust myself.Herr Hauptmann, I would like to speak here? I think I should go on the North side of the river the next 5 klicks and do a R and S? Once I get into view of the bridge I will report in a SALUTE report and keep an eyes on for you. I could (on order) call in for fire and bust the ambush. This would allow you the time to gather your forces here and make a raid at full strenght. Not 4, But 4 and any forces you recieve. I would want to go on the north side because the force have been on the south the last few times and my bet is they are on the south again and this would allow me to get into place. I will be on the gun deck doing pushup's. If you want me i will be there. Thanks for you time Herr Hauptmann have a good day."

Doing pushup's
Clarence Milk
NPC, 106 posts
Chief Warrant Officer 2
U.S. Army Special Forces
Fri 14 Dec 2007
at 00:04
  • msg #9

Re: Galley

Konrad Bayer:
"Ja. As it stands the shore party wasn't intending to go looking for a fight. The partisans were to secure the bridge, andz we reinforce them immediately following. If there are enemy confirmed near das bridge we shall have to rethink our strategy... additional info from them is important. Milk, as Anneka said, can you contact them again and request more?"

"Sure. Their battery aint likely to hold out much longer but I can still get a hold of 'em. What do you want to know, sir?"

[Private to Anneka Soleblume; Konrad Bayer: I'm not trying to be daft here; I just want to make sure I ask the right questions to try and get the info you want. And I'm not sure what you're looking for.]
Konrad Bayer
player, 348 posts
Fri 14 Dec 2007
at 00:23
  • msg #10

Re: Galley

Clarence Milk:
"Sure. Their battery aint likely to hold out much longer but I can still get a hold of 'em. What do you want to know, sir?"

"Well, I think the most important thing is what they can tell us about the enemy. Where, how many and what they have been doing. Then perhaps when... when can they get to the bridge. I can work with this info at the least." Bayer informs Milk.

OOC - Rae, I respect both Snowy and Dawid's comments about ferrying the motorbike but we are all subject to the world you create. Can let us know about the potential for this task? Can it be transported on the assault boat and unloaded by hand on shore?
This message was last edited by the player at 00:24, Fri 14 Dec 2007.
Minh Quyen
player, 75 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Fri 14 Dec 2007
at 00:56
  • msg #11

Re: Galley

Minh attends the meeting in the galley as instructed but speaks up only a little, "At the moment, I think the original plan is suitable or just slightly modified is fine too. For one, Yazzie leaving a little early is ok... he was going to be detached anyways. Other than that, how I see it, only whether we move by foot or bike needs to be determined."

"Of course if we get some unexpected news about the enemy from the partisans then we may have to make adjustments."
but until then, Minh is fine with it.
Anneka Soleblume
player, 279 posts
Israeli Medic
Fri 14 Dec 2007
at 02:09
  • msg #12

Re: Galley

"Where were the two groups supposed to link up? If it's the bridge then I would suggest a point a mile or two further back just in case there's a problem."
If the "enemy" were waiting in ambush, then the chances of the first team to arrive were too horrible to contemplate. As nobody had any idea of what the others looked liked it would be far to easy to mistake the "enemy" as friendly - right up until they were being shot up.
If if the "enemy" weren't mistaken as friends, then there was a huge risk that friendly fire would be inflicted upon their unrecognised allies.
"Do you know anything of the combat capabilites of your partisans? What weapons do they have, ammunition supply and so forth."
"You also mentioned they had somebody wounded. Do they require attention?"

If they did then it would be up to either Yazzie or White to administer it. Anneka herself was in no condition to be leaving the tug. In better times she'd be resting comfortably in a hospital bed for at least the rest of the week...
This message was last edited by the player at 05:53, Fri 14 Dec 2007.
Konrad Bayer
player, 349 posts
Fri 14 Dec 2007
at 03:30
  • msg #13

Re: Galley

Anneka Soleblume:
"Where were the two groups supposed to link up? If it's the bridge then I would suggest a point a mile or two further back just in case there's a problem."

"Originally, they were supposed to scout out and secure the bridge for us, and we arrive afterwards. Which was good because we have a manpower issue right now. However, as it seems they have wounded and may not be as... ah, capable of this task as we may have assumed."

Bayer lays out his map on the galley table and indicates with his finger the location, "We'll go with your suggestion Major. 1500 meters north of the bridge. That puts us on the left bank, same as Yazzie, is a closer trek for us, and closer to the boat for assistance if trouble occurs. It has to be north otherwise we'd be walking past the bridge. We can switch riverbanks though if the partisans are not on my intended side. Add that to the list of things to ask when you get comms with them Milk, which side of the river they are on."

"Yazzie will detach early, asap actually. As Minh said, he was going to anyways, but if we take the motorcycle he needs to leave first to give him time to get there and into position. Tuck, you mind going topside, tell him to get a radio and whatever else he needs to get moving?"

"Once we linkup, we will move together and secure the bridge. Yazzie should have had eyes on the objective by then. If its defended by more than a section or so of enemy, we won't attempt to take it. We will adjust ourselves and utilize the firepower of the tug and other team members. Otherwise Minh will get right to work covered by the bridge demo guard. I'll radio the tug to advance so that it arrives when she is ready to clear it. The tug's crane may be needed to remove collapsed debris."

"Major, I know you can't hold a weapon, but can you operate one of the mounted machineguns on the tug?"

"Snowy? Anything you want to add?"

OOC - If the partisans report back anything serious about the enemy this plan is scrapped and we'll organize an actual attack plan. The use of the motorcycle is still unsure since it hasn't been determined if its possible.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:34, Fri 14 Dec 2007.
Trevor 'Snowy' White
player, 242 posts
Customs Service
Fri 14 Dec 2007
at 04:59
  • msg #14

Re: Galley

Konrad Bayer:
"Snowy? Anything you want to add?"

"Yeah," says Snowy, looking at the map. "I've never done any indirect fire, so I won't be able to help you with supporting fires unless we bring the vessel up to engagement ranges. I'll designate two positions on the map, one at extreme range and one at long range, to come up if things go south and you need heavy supporting direct fires. This will be your primary combat positions for the tug, we can call them Gold and Silver. This gives you an idea of where we are if you need us in a hurry. If we have to manouevre close into the bridge I'll rely on your or Yazzie's control as you'll have a better handle on the situation than I will. The recognition word will be 'Golf Course' for unknown friendlies to approach the tug for pick up, don't use it over the radio. If you have to approach through cover start yelling it out so we don't dose the area with 12.7mm, we're not mind readers. If you need an emergency pick up under fire, the code word will be 'Cadillac', we'll use the bridge as a baseline so just calculate your position relative to the centre of the bridge and we'll go to that offset position. In this case, your call would be 'Cadillac. South two hundred, East one hundred and fifty' for example. So we have two positions, Gold and Silver, and Golf Course for recognition and Cadillac for pick up."
Konrad Bayer
player, 350 posts
Fri 14 Dec 2007
at 05:13
  • msg #15

Re: Galley

"I don't anticipate indirect fire. We won't be looking for a fight but if we find ourselves in a bad one, Milk can provide something I'm sure... at least until you maneuver into line of sight. I know ammo is low, so we'll only request mortar fire if necessary."

When Snowy begins outlining the nautical element to the plan, Bayer quickly copies down the codewords and other important information. He studies the map where Snowy indicates and nods that he understands. He'll look his notes over again later to make sure he can remember it, and then trash the paper before heading out.

"Thanks for your input Snowy. If things go as planned you won't be waiting long here. Once Quyen begins rigging the bridge I'm going to call you up."

[Private to Trevor 'Snowy' White: Nice work Snowy. Thanks for being so detailed. I hope you are still ok with being onboard, for the moment.]

OOC - Motorcycle it is then. Dawid drives, Quyen on back and Bayer in sidecar. Thats do-able right? We'll be going slow and not motorcrossing over Poland.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:16, Fri 14 Dec 2007.
Anneka Soleblume
player, 281 posts
Israeli Medic
Fri 14 Dec 2007
at 05:26
  • msg #16

Re: Galley

Anneka looked at Konrad as if he'd suddenly grown a second head. As if her slung arm wasn't enough to show her unfitness for duty, the fact that she could barely stay on her feet more than five minutes at a time should have.
"I might be able to manage the RPD, but not a chance with the heavies."
Weapons that size required somebody fully fit and able, neither of which Anneka could be described as being. To be truthful, the only real difference between the severity of her wounds and Griets, was that she could still walk.
"I'm better employed at the moment looking after the radio and co-ordinating everything."
This message was last edited by the player at 10:50, Fri 14 Dec 2007.
Konrad Bayer
player, 351 posts
Fri 14 Dec 2007
at 06:53
  • msg #17

Re: Galley

Bayer holds up two hands in a defensive posture, "Just asking." he says trying not to laugh.

[Private to Trevor 'Snowy' White: Thanks for the reply and support.]
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 442 posts
Polish Artillerist
Fri 14 Dec 2007
at 11:22
  • msg #18

Re: Galley

Dawid thought a bit as he smoked.

"Before the war, Solidarność, or "Solidarity" were known to be CIA stooges. I mean, CIA supported. Still are, I guess. They are no longer a trade union but are civilian partisans now, workers and intelligentsia both. For recognition they wear white-over-red arm bands, those being our national colours and flag. No uniforms, usually."

"They hit us everywhere, it seems like every other fucking countryman of mine was a Solidarność sympathiser! They are like, ah, Viet Cong, during the American War of aggression against the Vietnamese people."

"If Warrant Milk is on a CIA mission, these are likely his friends.

"Military turncoats, like the ones who guided your 5th American Division to its destruction in Kalisz, are part of the Armia Krajowa, or "Home Army" that support the traitor Polish government-in-exile. There are 2 former Border Guard Brigades of these renegades, calling themselves the 1st and 2nd Free Legions. They wear uniforms, NATO or Polish, and also wear red-and-white armbands. They would be professional soldiers like Vietnam People's Army."

He sipped his mug of tea.

[Private to Anneka Soleblume; Cap'n Rae; Konrad Bayer: He said in a low voice to Konrad and Anneka, "I don't think Yazzie is as good an artillery spotter as he thinks. The strike he called in was just damn lucky, that's all."]
This message was last edited by the player at 11:25, Fri 14 Dec 2007.
Konrad Bayer
player, 352 posts
Fri 14 Dec 2007
at 13:15
  • msg #19

Re: Galley

"Good to know Dawid."

[Private to Dawid Waldus Piotrowski; Anneka Soleblume; Cap'n Rae: "My artillery spotting skills are pretty good."]
Clarence Milk
NPC, 107 posts
Chief Warrant Officer 2
U.S. Army Special Forces
Sat 15 Dec 2007
at 19:39
  • msg #20

Re: Galley

"The partisan team is on the east bank, sir. They said the enemy cleared out of Szczucin and abandoned the bridge a while back since it was damaged too badly to use any more. I'll go find out what kind of arms they've got and how long it'll take 'em to get eyes-on the bridge. And I better tell 'em to look out for a pissed-off Indian too in American BDUs, eh?"

Milk leaves for a few minutes before returning with the information requested by the officers.

"OK, they've got small arms only, and one RPG with two rockets. Not much. Their injured is mobile and can fight, though. They're about five clicks from the east side of bridge right now. Szczucin looks empty- a ghost town like the last one. More plague I guess. If you don't need me sir, I'd like to get a refresher on indirect firing of the Vasilek from Dawid before the shore party takes off. I have a feeling we're going to need it."

If that's all, Clarence finds Dawid and asks,

"You mind walkin' me through indirect fire proceedures one last time?"
This message was last edited by the player at 22:28, Sat 15 Dec 2007.
Cap'n Rae
GM, 463 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Sat 15 Dec 2007
at 19:43
  • msg #21

On to the Bridge

With Tadeuz passed out, Walter is freed up to ferry Yazzie to shore in one of the zodiacs. Using the last bend in the river short of the bridge as concealment, Walter drops the Pima Indian scout off about 3km from the span.
Yazzie moves as quickly towards the north end of the bridge as possible while still maintaining his tribal stealth.

The remainder of the team, meanwhile, manhandles the motorcycle into the assault boat, which is secured tightly to the tug's aft railing. It's an awkward job but one that's accomplished in under 10 minutes. The bike and the assault boat are ready to go as soon as the shore team is.

OOC: If you're ready to go, so am I. Oh, you may want to consider the mortar's max range.

Konrad Bayer
player, 353 posts
Sun 16 Dec 2007
at 07:53
  • msg #22

Re: On to the Bridge

Bayer watches from the upper deck Yazzie's departure. He replaces his batteries in his radio with a fresh set that had been recharging and goes down to watch over the loading and preparations of the assault boat. He helps handle the motorcycle but keeps out of Snowy's way so that the Australian can oversee the task.

Once it is complete he asks, "Ok. Based on Milk's information, we will keep with the original concept of this mission. The partisans say the enemy has abandoned the bridge." Bayer then summarizes things just to make sure everyone is clear. "Dawid, Quyen and myself deploy with the motorcycle and move to the meeting point which is 1500 meters north of the bridge. There we will meet Milk's contacts. Then we will move south together to the bridge and Yazzie will have had eyes on the objective by then. If it is secure-able we will move on it. If not, we will return and adjust the plan and utilize the boat's assets for a deliberate attack which means a change in teams and weapons. Once we are in position on the bridge I will call the tug forward. I may also call the tug to come up in increments as well, just to keep them not too far from us in case we need an extraction or mortar fire."

Bayer then looks one more time at Snowy's addition to the plan he wrote down earlier and then trashes it.

"Anneka can monitor the tug's radio and co-ordinate things here with the ground elements. I have mine and Yazzie also has comms."

"Dawid, I can carry a belt of ammo if you are loaded down too much. Quyen has all that demo so its only me to help out."

Looking at Anneka, Snowy, and Tucker Bayer adds, "Keep and eye on that Pole... the drunk. Don't need him making any stupid moves ja?"

If the rest are ready, Bayer is.
Minh Quyen
player, 77 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Sun 16 Dec 2007
at 10:08
  • msg #23

Rear Deck

Dropping her backpack in the assault boat, she replies to Bayer - "Plan is understood. I'm ready boss."

"Since Dawid is driving the bike, and I'm on back with the demo, maybe you should hold his machinegun." she suggests.

Quyen thinks for a moment how to put what she wants to say - "We ought to be careful how we deal with these guys. I trust Milk, but I dunno... CIA and a couple partisans? Who knows what they've been up to, or where their loyalty lies. Just saying thats all."

Next to boats
Ready to go

This message was last edited by the player at 10:09, Sun 16 Dec 2007.
Konrad Bayer
player, 355 posts
Sun 16 Dec 2007
at 10:41
  • msg #24

Re: Rear Deck

Minh Quyen:
"Since Dawid is driving the bike, and I'm on back with the demo, maybe you should hold his machinegun." she suggests.

"Hmm, yeah its probably best isn't it."

Minh Quyen:
"We ought to be careful how we deal with these guys. I trust Milk, but I dunno... CIA and a couple partisans? Who knows what they've been up to, or where their loyalty lies. Just saying thats all."

Bayer shakes his head in agreement. "Ja, you are not the only one to cast doubt over trusting them. I've heard it from others. But as you said, most of us trust Milk. We will be careful what info we tell them, and remain careful around them."
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 445 posts
Polish Artillerist
Sun 16 Dec 2007
at 12:30
  • msg #25

Re: Rear Deck

Clarence Milk:
If that's all, Clarence finds Dawid and asks,

"You mind walkin' me through indirect fire procedures one last time?"

"It might be better for me to learn your procedure. You are the radio operator, I am only somewhat knowledgeable when it comes to communications."

Konrad Bayer:
Minh Quyen:
"Since Dawid is driving the bike, and I'm on back with the demo, maybe you should hold his machinegun." she suggests.

"Hmm, yeah its probably best isn't it."

Minh Quyen:
"We ought to be careful how we deal with these guys. I trust Milk, but I dunno... CIA and a couple partisans? Who knows what they've been up to, or where their loyalty lies. Just saying thats all."

Bayer shakes his head in agreement. "Ja, you are not the only one to cast doubt over trusting them. I've heard it from others. But as you said, most of us trust Milk. We will be careful what info we tell them, and remain careful around them."

"Some would say these partisans are consorting with Poland's invaders. After all, NATO invaded us, not the other way around." He spread his hands and shrugged. "Who can say where their loyalties are, any more? If they ever could. If you were to ask, they would say, "Poland!", no doubt."

"Bear in mind, unlike you the CIA are not supporters of the American military regime."

"Regarding the machine gun, the sidecar has a mount for it. So it can be fired by the passenger on the move, although this is very inaccurate."

"I will be happy to carry both spare ammo cans for the machine gun, Herr Bayer. That will be no trouble at all, now that I have a lighter vest!"

He made sure his personal kit was ready to go. The salvaged Kevlar vest was still soaking wet from washing, although the camouflage was still marred with dark stains from where Mad had bled out. Maybe he would take the outer cover off, like Mad's helmet.

Dawid also scavenged the last 11 cartridges of 9x11mm Makarov for the Stechkin, should he need it. They were wrapped in cloth to keep the loose rounds from jingling, and then placed in a waterproof bag to keep them dry.

One thing was for sure, he was looking forward to riding the Ural they'd picked up.

He commented to Mi, "We'll make good time, but people will hear us coming."

Dawid Piotrowski
PKM GPMG (100 rds + 2x ammo cans) Stechkin (21rds + 11 loose)
2 RGD-5 fragmentation grenades (pockets of Kevlar vest).
This message was last edited by the player at 03:08, Wed 19 Dec 2007.
Konrad Bayer
player, 356 posts
Sun 16 Dec 2007
at 15:29
  • msg #26

Re: Rear Deck

Dawid Waldus Piotrowski:
"We'll make good time, but people will hear us coming."

"Ja. With Yazzie out in front ahead of us, we'd best hope he finds any enemy before then."

Konrad Bayer
G36/HK69 (6X Full Mags/20X Mixed 40mm)
2 Smoke Grenades

This message was last edited by the player at 15:34, Sun 16 Dec 2007.
Anneka Soleblume
player, 285 posts
Israeli Medic
Mon 17 Dec 2007
at 04:31
  • msg #27

Re: Rear Deck

Anneka considered the new information supplied by Milk.
"Hauptman, I feel that a stronger force needs to secure the bridge area before charges can be laid. Up until now I had thought the Partizans were much stronger than just four lightly armed men and would be quite capable of clearing any opposition before we sent in our demolition team."
It was never a good thing to change a plan after it had begun, but then what plan didn't need adjustment after contact with reality?
"I would suggest reorganising the teams something like this..." Pulling her notepad from her breast pocket, she awkwardly retrieved a pen and began jotting down notes.
A few minutes of quiet discussion with Konrad later and she thought they'd covered everything.
"Only thing is that since Yazzie has already left* then somebody will need to carry that weapon as well as their own."
[Private to Konrad Bayer: Same plan as outlined a few days back. Should work I think. Walter should be able (I hope) to pilot the tug a little closer and into mortar range]
* assuming he has.
Konrad Bayer
player, 359 posts
Mon 17 Dec 2007
at 05:21
  • msg #28

Re: Rear Deck

Bayer nods his head. It seems he understanding of the situation was not as clear as he first thought. The threat of combat seemed more possible now... no... imminent. A reorganization of the ground team for a move 'heavy' layout would be as they say, safer than sorry.

"Ja. I believe I may have misunderstood the information given. Stand down."

He looks over the notes Soleblume had offered him. "Ok. I am happy with this. Let Yazzie go though, he'll be fine with his rifle."

After moments more thought he addresses the members next to him. "The possibility of enemy located at the objective has not yet been confirmed by our scout. However, we will organize for a deliberate attack to assault and hold the bridge."

Glancing down at the list he reads out a new updated warning order.

"Myself, Tucker, Snowy, and Milk will be the assault element. We will deploy and link up with the partisans as previous planned, and attack together. Snowy, please draw the PKM machinegun and sufficient ammo. Milk, draw an LMG, perhaps the L86 or the RPK. Tucker, keep you rifle but also draw that disposable rocket."

He hands back the organization and weapons plan to Anneka, and addresses the boat team.

"Dawid. I know you were looking forward to driving the bike, but it'll have to be next time. We need you where you are best, on the heavy weapons. Mortar, perhaps move up the AGS to use as a secondary... so we don't expend too much 82mm?"

"Quyen. You'll still clear the bridge. But you won't deploy until the occupation phase of the operation. I need you to assist Dawid and use a DSHK as a secondary."

"Parks is topside for usual precision fire."

"Major Soleblume is in command of the support element. She will man the radio and coordinate between myself and the tug for support fire and with the helm."

"I don't like last minute changes like this, so I apologize. Lets focus on the new plan and prepare. I would have preferred that H-hour is at night but I don't think Walter can maneuver up the river in blackout conditions safely. Without him moving the boat we wont have the fire support I'd like to have. That means lets get ready quickly. We leave in 45 minutes."

OOC - Is this okay with everyone. Please consider your IC to reflect on the changes not being Bayer's fault. I made the mistake IRL ok? Regardless, let me know if you are fine with you position in the attack.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:07, Mon 17 Dec 2007.
Minh Quyen
player, 78 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Mon 17 Dec 2007
at 05:57
  • msg #29

Re: Rear Deck

Quyen sits down on the deck as Hauptmann Bayer alters the plan. She isn't discouraged by the changes, and the more she thought about it, the more she was glad he made the decision to. Perhaps it was a little of combat stress or fatigue... they could all probably do with some lengthy rest, well except Yazzie.

"Understood sir. I'm weapons on the tug and go ashore once you secure the bridge and call us up to the position. Set."

Pointing at the boats she adds - "Snowy is on the ground. But I can handle a boat like these. Do I ferry myself across?"
Anneka Soleblume
player, 287 posts
Israeli Medic
Mon 17 Dec 2007
at 06:40
  • msg #30

Re: Rear Deck

"Once the bridge is secure, I think we should move the tug up to it. Ferrying and so on can be worked out once there."
Konrad Bayer
player, 360 posts
Mon 17 Dec 2007
at 06:54
  • msg #31

Re: Rear Deck

Anneka Soleblume:
"Once the bridge is secure, I think we should move the tug up to it. Ferrying and so on can be worked out once there."

"Yes. That part of the original plan remains unchanged. I will radio the tug to advance in increments as we advance. This means one side, the left, will be clear of enemy if you are not too far behind. Keeping the tug a set distance behind us also allows the mortar to be in range, as well as having it close for extraction if absolutely necessary."

"Ja, once the tug is brought up completely to the objective. We can sort out things then. We may have casualties to ferry as well."

Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 446 posts
Polish Artillerist
Mon 17 Dec 2007
at 12:31
  • msg #32

Re: Rear Deck

Konrad Bayer:
Glancing down at the list he reads out a new updated warning order.

"Myself, Tucker, Snowy, and Milk will be the assault element. We will deploy and link up with the partisans as previous planned, and attack together. Snowy, please draw the PKM machinegun and sufficient ammo. Milk, draw an LMG, perhaps the L86 or the RPK. Tucker, keep you rifle but also draw that disposable rocket."

He hands back the organization and weapons plan to Anneka, and addresses the boat team.

"Dawid. I know you were looking forward to driving the bike, but it'll have to be next time. We need you where you are best, on the heavy weapons. Mortar, perhaps move up the AGS to use as a secondary... so we don't expend too much 82mm?"

"Quyen. You'll still clear the bridge. But you won't deploy until the occupation phase of the operation. I need you to assist Dawid and use a DSHK as a secondary."

Dawid nodded. "I understand. It makes the best sense to have me here. Plus, I can instruct Minh a little bit while I'm at it."

"The Mortar's range firing from defilade is four kilometres. The grenade launcher's range is less than one kilometre."

"Therefore I suggest we rely on the mortar for indirect fire support. Especially as we have a high degree of certainty we might have heavy contact. This is as good a reason as any to expend some munitions!"

"This time, if we come across any 82mm ammunition, we may be able to recover it. That would be of great aid!

Cap'n Rae
GM, 465 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Mon 17 Dec 2007
at 23:30
  • msg #33

Executing the Plan

Still awaiting Yazzie's first report, the assault element of Konrad, Tucker, Snowy, and Milk are ferried to shore by the recently ubiquitous Walter. The man's never had so much responsibility before, but he seems to be taking it all in stride. As soon as he returns to the tug, he will steer it to within maximum mortar range of the bridge (approx. 4km), from where indirect fire support can be provided should it be needed.

As the shore party begins moving along the east bank towards the bridge, the tug follows along just behind it. If the enemy can see its smoke from their [suspected] positions, they will no doubt be expecting contact...

Anneka Soleblume
player, 289 posts
Israeli Medic
Tue 18 Dec 2007
at 01:59
  • msg #34

Forward deck

With little else to do, or capable of actually doing in her wounded state, Anneka kept vigil over the opposing bank to the assault group. The tear gas launcher dangled from her good hand, and MP-5 drawn from their weapon stores hung by her side. Although she knew she had little hope of hitting much with only one hand, grenades didn't need to be accurate, tear gas even less so, and she would have felt naked without some sort of firearm hanging by her side.

Strolling casually about the deck as she watched the shoreline drift past, she found herself on the foreward deck with Minh and Dawid.
"Dawid, when either White or Yazzie are back aboard, would you please get them to transfer the BG-1 to your rifle?" She'd meant to ask them to do if before they'd left but in the rush to re-requip and deploy, it had completely slipped her mind.
John Yazzie
player, 211 posts
Tue 18 Dec 2007
at 03:02
  • msg #35


Once John swims to shore, he Unasses his gear and cammo's himself,weapon and gear with fresh foilage from the area. He will then move out to a position 1 kilometer away from the bridge and wait 30 some miniutes to make sure he was not followed and to detirmine the best route to his hide position. Once he figures the route. He will move very slow in to the hide position. 400 some meters from the bridge.The hide will afford good observation and fields of fire and wiil make sure he is not seen from any angle. He will then scan the area with the gunny's spotting scope and start the repot on the radio.

Hide position
This message was last edited by the player at 12:58, Tue 18 Dec 2007.
Konrad Bayer
player, 363 posts
Tue 18 Dec 2007
at 03:41
  • msg #36


On the shore Bayer takes his compass out of its pouch and sets the bearing to get them to the meeting point north of the bridge. Next he does a quick comms check with Soleblume back aboard the tug. "Everyone ready?" he asks after they help shove Walter's boat back into the river.

As they head south he periodically calls Anneka on his radio to have the tug advance slowly, still a few hundred meters behind them (it only needs to be in mortar range of the team).

Shore Party
Advancing slowly to the meeting point

This message was last edited by the player at 03:42, Tue 18 Dec 2007.
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 447 posts
Polish Artillerist
Tue 18 Dec 2007
at 04:10
  • msg #37

Re: Forward deck

Anneka Soleblume:
Strolling casually about the deck as she watched the shoreline drift past, she found herself on the foreward deck with Minh and Dawid.
"Dawid, when either White or Yazzie are back aboard, would you please get them to transfer the BG-1 to your rifle?" She'd meant to ask them to do if before they'd left but in the rush to re-requip and deploy, it had completely slipped her mind.

Dawid loaded the mortar with a clip of 82mm HE, and got a second on deck. Beside that he placed a third clip, this one loaded with WP (in case a smoke screen was needed). He showed Minh how to safely load the weapon and make sure a round was in the chamber. The 82mm auto-mortar's barrel was cranked up high, so that it could fire indirect.

"We will fire the Vasilek from the magazine, like an autocannon. However, it can also be fired by dropping a shell down the tube, like other mortars. Please make sure there is no shell already in the barrel when you drop another down, it will be very uncomfortable! There is a safety lever here that should prevent this from happening, but one never knows."

Annkea suggested attaching a grenade-launcher to his rifle. "Hmmm... it should work. I never thought of myself as being a grenadier, but why not? Be reminded, I have little skill and less practice. I will remember to ask Mr. Yazzie to accomplish this when he returns."

"I have a suggestion of my own: you might want to go back to your Uzi. The Machinepistole-5 only has one magazine available, while your other weapon looks like it can be used one-handed. Also, with the Uzi we can weld a couple of magazines together in an "L" shape so you can reload one-handed.

"Be that as it may, I realise that we should be a lot closer, 2000m from the target as opposed to 4000m. Our accuracy will suffer at this range, and at any rate standard practice would be to position ourselves 2000m away when using Vasileks." (OOC: See OOC thread for reasons why we should do this.)

Dawid Piotrowski
82mm Vasilek (5 HE loaded, 5 HE + 5 WP on deck)

This message was last edited by the player at 04:25, Tue 18 Dec 2007.
Minh Quyen
player, 80 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Tue 18 Dec 2007
at 08:11
  • msg #38

Re: Forward deck

Minh gives a wave to the shore party as they motor across to the riverbank. She watches them unload and head off. Once they are out of sight she makes her way forward to the mortar.

As Dawid prep'ed the mortar for action she listened as he talked her through the loading procedure. It seemed simple enough that with Dawid operating it, she would have no trouble standing in as the no.2 crewman.

"I would like to have been on the ground for this, but I know the boss is right to have me stationed here. I hope things work out well for them." she says offhandedly.

While Anneka started talking to Dawid, Minh put her attention towards watching the right hand river bank. If they got hit, she figured it be on the uncleared side. She glanced down at her AK74 which she had placed on the deck, out of the way of the mortar's operating space, but close at hand.
Clarence Milk
NPC, 108 posts
Chief Warrant Officer 2
U.S. Army Special Forces
Tue 18 Dec 2007
at 23:21
  • msg #39

On Shore

Clarence signals the others to halt while he answers an incoming call on the radio. He presses the handset to his hear and listens intently before whispering addressing the rest of the team.

"The rebels are proposing a night-time, back-door approach to the bridge. If there's Reds up there, they're likely to be waiting for an approach from this side. If they're starin' at our smoke, the partisans may be able to sneak up on 'em. We could hit 'em from both sides. On the other hand, with our elements separated, it's gonna be risky to call in any indirect fire. You want to swing inland and try to link up with the partisans on the other side, or do you want us makin' pincers and comin' at it from both sides?"

OOC: Snow and Tuck, feel free to pipe in too. Do all of you guys have NVGs? Milk doesn't.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:27, Tue 18 Dec 2007.
Konrad Bayer
player, 367 posts
Wed 19 Dec 2007
at 00:33
  • msg #40

Re: On Shore

In response to Clarence's call for a halt, Bayer places Snowy covering forward and Tucker to the rear. He moves into the center where Milk is. All are close enough for quiet discussion.

Bayer wasn't very happy with the news. "I'm for a night attack if the tug is close enough for support... but not without getting a view of the position by light first. I don't support a separated attack at this point... we haven't even met them, seen them, or anything... too much chance of battlefield confusion and us killing each other attacking from different sides, especially at night. We also have Yazzie out there too."

He shakes his head. A couple of the team members had expressed their distrust in these guys, and now they were trying to dictate or manipulate the plan. "If they didn't like the meet point why didn't they tell us when you first radioed them?" he asks... but more of a statement than a question.

Bayer checks his radio and calls a SITREP to Soleblume. "Boys? Anything?" he asks Tucker and Snowy.

OOC - Bayer has NVGs and Illum
This message was last edited by the player at 00:35, Wed 19 Dec 2007.
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 451 posts
Polish Artillerist
Wed 19 Dec 2007
at 03:12
  • msg #41

Re: On Shore

Konrad Bayer:
Bayer checks his radio and calls a SITREP to Soleblume. "Boys? Anything?" he asks Tucker and Snowy.

The radio crackled with the incoming transmission. Dawid took down the information, then passed it on to MAJ Soleblum.

"Another change in plans... this time a proposal for a night attack. We could use the time to reposition the Queen. Anyways, CPT Bayer is waiting for your reply, yes?"

Minh Quyen
player, 81 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Wed 19 Dec 2007
at 08:30
  • msg #42

Re: On Shore

Quyen, watching the shore pass by, overhears Dawid report to the doctor. She gives an unfriendly grunt and mutters with obvious displeasure - "CIA."
Anneka Soleblume
player, 291 posts
Israeli Medic
Wed 19 Dec 2007
at 12:55
  • msg #43

Re: On Shore

Dawid Waldus Piotrowski:
"I have a suggestion of my own: you might want to go back to your Uzi.

"I would, but I'm not really capable at the moment of handling such a heavy weapon. Besides, this has less of a kick."
She would have selected one of the pistols in the armoury however all the magazines had already dissappeared into other peoples kit.
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski:
"...we should be a lot closer, 2000m from the target as opposed to 4000m."

"You're the expert on that Dawid. I'll bring it up with Hauptman Bayer."
She had a vague understanding of what Dawid was saying, but artillery wasn't something she'd had a lot to do with, except for treating the after effects or that one time a while back she'd called in a strike almost in a panic. Good thing the artillery officer had managed to decypher her ramblings before her small unit had been overrun.
Konrad Bayer:
Bayer checks his radio and calls a SITREP to Soleblume.

"Sunray this is Starlight. Suggest link with friendlies as a priority."
That would allow them to properly plan the attack with full knowledge of the partisans abilities and weapons. It would also allow them to familiarise themselves with the other unit so that mistakes during the attack could be minimised.
"Shelldrake advises optimium range to be two K. Suggest relocation."
It was difficult communicating between nationalities by radio. Each seemed to have a different set of callsigns with little regard for the conventions used by others.
Anneka hoped that everyone had enough experience to understand that she was refering to herself as Starlight, Konrad as Sunray and Dawid as Shelldrake. It was an old system, but one she was confident most had at least passing familiarity with.
Konrad Bayer
player, 369 posts
Wed 19 Dec 2007
at 15:23
  • msg #44

Re: On Shore

Bayer depresses the radio, "Roger. Acknowledged on distance to target. Will keep tug within two thousand meters of potential targets*. Vait, over."

*OOC - Along the way Bayer will routinely radio to the tug to move up in increments of set distances... keeping the tug around the said distance of around 2000m.

He whispers over to Milk as he pulls his map out of his webbing, "Tell them if the original meet point is too far, we can meet closer to them... east of the bridge, instead of north of it... ah... grid 223 624. But as said... no separate attack at this point, we must linkup first."

"Sunray. Message continues. Adjusting meet point closer to them. Relayed must meet first... no seperate attack. Out."

Bayer watches and listens as Milk relays the team's response to the partisans suggestion.

OOC - I just made up the grid obviously, but without us actually having to completely pass the bridge means meeting east of it. Between it and Szczucin.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:27, Wed 19 Dec 2007.
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 452 posts
Polish Artillerist
Wed 19 Dec 2007
at 15:58
  • msg #45

Re: On Shore

Anneka Soleblume:
"I would, but I'm not really capable at the moment of handling such a heavy weapon. Besides, this has less of a kick."

"Really? I would think by looking at them the Uzi has better balance, and is more easy to control with one hand. Well, set it to single-shot and I guess it won't matter either way."

Anneka Soleblume:
"You're the expert on that Dawid. I'll bring it up with Hauptman Bayer."

"Sunray this is Starlight. Suggest link with friendlies as a priority."
"Shelldrake advises optimium range to be two K. Suggest relocation."

Dawid was puzzled. "Shelldrake? Sunray? Starlight? I guess these are call signs. In my old unit, the signaller would decide on what these would be, but I guess this works."

Konrad Bayer:
"Roger. Acknowledged on distance to target. Will keep tug within two thousand meters of potential targets*. Vait, over."

"Excellent!" He grinned, looking boyish.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:46, Wed 19 Dec 2007.
Trevor 'Snowy' White
player, 245 posts
Customs Service
Wed 19 Dec 2007
at 20:04
  • msg #46

Re: On Shore

Snowy, still quiet after Bluey's and Max's death, stares out into the flat ground of the riverbanks deep in his thoughts. He struggles to stay focussed, but in the aftermath of the latest ambush he's just starting to get time to think about the reality of what's happened. Clearing his thoughts, he resumes watching his arc.
He's happy with the big PKM. It's a good weapon in his estimation, and he's rightly come to fear it in the hands of the enemy. He'd prefer the MAG58 that he trained with all those years ago and used right across Europe, mainly because he's not sure how fast he can change barrels with this make and model, but the heft of the big gun feels reassuring. He's starting to regret bringing his shotgun, but he's not ruling close quarters combat out. Unlike British soldiers, Snowy is carrying his weapon horizontal with the ground which marks him out as a machine gunner to a distant observer, but it's a habit he never got out of.
He feels a bit burdened, he has his entry gear in it's back rig with the shotgun slung vertically as well, along with the extra machinegun ammo he feels heavy and not overly mobile. He settles his flash goggles on his helmet and swings the NVG pouch back and out of the way.
He quietly listens to the radio calls on his earpiece, letting the Hauptman run the show and wondering how Yazssie's getting on by himself.
Cap'n Rae
GM, 467 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Thu 20 Dec 2007
at 00:17
  • msg #47

Inching Closer

Bridge Assault Team:

Milk relays the Hauptman's instructions to the partisan team, coordinating a link-up approximately 2000 meters east of the bridge on the road to Szczucin proper. Hefting his borrowed L86A2, Clarence gives the tumbs-up to Konrad and the team moves out, away from the river. Sacrificing time for stealth and safety, their course will take them in a wide arc intended to avoid detection by any hostile elements holding the north side of the damaged bridge.

OOC: Clarence has arranged visual and audible recognition signals for the meeting with the partisans. The visual is a rifle held away from the body in the left hand, perpendicular to the ground. The audible is a call of "Potato" answered by the response, "Pancake".

Tug Team

Meanwhile, Walter moves the tug forward in increments, as directed by Bayer via Anneka. The medic is beginning to feel extremely fatigued. Her plucky determination to continue contributing as a member of the security force is admirable, to be sure, but she seems to be deliberately overlooking the physical limitations imposed by the serious gunshot wound she received not quite four hours earlier.

The Vasilek is primed and ready to fire. Dawid and Minh scan the banks for signs of an early ambush while they await orders for a fire mission. Parks continues to provide overwatch, with extra attention devoted to the south bank (from which you were ambushed earlier).

Recon "Team"

[As the assault team approaches to within a kilometer of the Sczcucin road...]

Yazzie settles into his hide, roughly 400 meters from the north end of the bridge. The road mounts the bridge after running up along a raised causeway, about ten meters above the surrounding terrain at its highest point. The causeway's sides slope gently upward, several holes gouged in its grassy sides by past shellfire. Through his scope he sees a large sandbagged checkpoint atop the apex of the causeway. It does not appear occupied. Strewn about below are several rusted out husks of Soviet Military vehicles, trucks mostly. A burned out MTLB AFV sits silently at the causeway's lowest point. Shreds of concertina wire lay tangled about as well. It is all very untidy.

For several long minutes, Yazzie does not see any signs of life. A blur of movement out of the corner of his left eye catches his attention. He looks just in time to see two men go to ground, about 400m to his front-left. A few seconds later, a stream of tracers pass over his head, 5 meters too high and a few meters to his right. Another burst follows, still high, but this time to his left. The flankers make another dash, covering another 20 meters or so before disappearing behind a slight fold in the ground. It seems the hunter's become the hunted...

[Private to John Yazzie: OK, now... please don't PM me saying John would never be seen ya-da-ya-da. I rolled his stealth verses the enemy's observation and the dice came up in their favor. The stage is set and it's not going to change. Your move...]

OOC: The river is on Yazzie's right. The North end of the bridge dead ahead. The flankers are moving around Yazzie's left.

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:49, Thu 20 Dec 2007.
John Yazzie
player, 212 posts
Thu 20 Dec 2007
at 01:49
  • msg #48


"Tug this is Knife contact at bridge 2 flankers and 1 MG team. I will E and E at this time. Fire five rounds of WP on north side of the bridge to cover me tug.Wide spread I will not be able to adjust. Knife out"

John smiles as the rounds fly over his head. Well I had to get caught sometime he thinks to himself. Well fuck them, I have some moves yet. John staying close to the groud pulls out his HC smoke grenade. Thank god for this he thinks. 4 miniutes of the most concentrated smoke ever made. White thick and full of life. John pulls the pin and puts the grenade 2 feet in front of his face and hears the small pop as the grenade cooks off and starts to billow out. Thick white smoke.Once the cloud covers him he moves on his belly at the low crawl as fast as his body will take him. He will move back into the heavy trees covering his rear.  He will move direct to his rear for 100 meters on his belly or until he hits heavy cover and concealment. Then he will get to his feet and start to run/recon shuffle for the next mile or so . He will then do a 90 degree offset with his compass and move back to the river, make a hide and then make a communications check with higher.

E and E
This message was last edited by the player at 00:27, Fri 21 Dec 2007.
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 453 posts
Polish Artillerist
Thu 20 Dec 2007
at 12:38
  • msg #49

Bow Gun Position

Leaving Anneka and the radio Dawid returned from the bridge. He manned the mortar again as they moved up into position.

Dawid looked around, making sure his rifle was handy and the spare ammo was out of the way but accessible. "There is so little left, we must make every shot count!"

There was a clip of 5 HE loaded in the mortar's magazine, and the last 3 rounds of HE were in the hold. Also, the last 5 rounds of WP were in their clip on the deck, ready to go.

Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
82mm Vasilek (5/5 HE, + 5 WP)
Waiting for a Fire Mission

This message was last edited by the player at 12:39, Thu 20 Dec 2007.
Konrad Bayer
player, 371 posts
Thu 20 Dec 2007
at 13:17
  • msg #50

Re: Bow Gun Position

When gunfire is heard the shore team halts and quickly adopts an all around defense. Moments later Bayer hears Yazzie's voice explaining the situation.

"Yazzie is compromised." Bayer whispers harshly to the those without a radio.

Keying the send button, Bayer speaks quickly "Knife, Sunray. Watch for friendlies ons your extraction route. Out."

"Ok, he is withdrawing under pursuit. If we are quick enough we can use surprise to eliminate some of our enemy. Milk, lead us to intercept. I want to set up a hasty ambush against the enemies moving. Even a long distance ambush will be  sufficient if thats all we can do in time."

OOC - I am going to leave this to Milk since I don't really know the locations in relation to each other or the details of the ground layout.
Minh Quyen
player, 82 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Thu 20 Dec 2007
at 14:57
  • msg #51

Re: Bow Gun Position

Minh continues to scan the right side riverbank.
Anneka Soleblume
player, 294 posts
Israeli Medic
Thu 20 Dec 2007
at 22:44
  • msg #52

Upper deck forward

John Yazzie:
"tug this is Knife contact at bridge 2 flankers and 1 MG team. I will E and E at this time. Fire five rounds of WP on north side of the bridge to cover me tug.Wide spread I will not be able to adjust. Knife out"

"Starlight to Knife. Fire-mission denied. Withdraw using own resources. Sunray moving to assist. Out"

She knew he wouldn't be happy but did three reported enemy warrant using up all of their rarest ammunition just to provide smoke coverage for one person? Hand thrown smoke grenades could do that and possible with better effect.

Slumping down against the front of what was left of the bridge, she rested he head for a moment on her good hand. The activity she'd driven herself to do since her injury was taking it's toll. She hoped fervently that the bridge could be secured quickly, and the enemy dealt with permanently. Only then could she finally take the rest she desperately needed.

"Parks!" her voice barked upwards after a few moments.
"Can you see what's happening?" With luck, the sniper might be able to make out any enemy moving near the bridge through his scope. Although with their luck so far, they'd probably stopped the tug with a tree or something in the way...
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:49, Fri 21 Dec 2007.
Robert 'Tuck' Tucker
player, 275 posts
Platoon Sergeant
10th Mountain Division
Thu 20 Dec 2007
at 23:58
  • msg #53

Re: Upper deck forward

Tucker nods to Bayer from his kneeling postion covering the rear of the group.  "Let's go get 'em!"

M-16A2 [27/30]/M-203 [1] HE
Covering rear of group and waiting to move out

Cap'n Rae
GM, 470 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Fri 21 Dec 2007
at 00:27
  • msg #54

Ground Truth (Supplemental)

Assault Team:

Looking to your right you can make out a cloud of thick, white smoke blooming from about 1000m distant. From the same general direction, you can hear bursts of what sounds like PKM fire. You are only about 500m from the road and your rendezvous with the partisan team. Based on Yazzie's description of the situation, setting a hasty ambush for his pursuers will require moving to contact across relatively open terrain. If the PKM gunner spots you on your approach...

Milk responds to Konrad's instructions with a clarifying question,

"You want me to tell the partisans to hold in place?"

Recon "Team":

You shuffle backwards, behind the opaque cloud generated by your smoke grenade. The thick smoke prevents the machine gunner from seeing you, but the smoke also presents him with a target, and a reference point that the flankers can use to manouver. MG bullets start tearing up the wet turf around you. A blur of movement to your left indicates the flankers are using the cover fire to continue to try and get between Yazzie and the boat. There is little concealment other than the long grass and a few clumps of bushes scattered hither and yon, and no real cover save for a few folds in the relatively flat ground. The only true cover is offered by the steep riverbank, two hundred meters or so to Yazzie's right.


You can hear the distant crackle of automatic weapon's fire, probably a light machine gun of some kind, over the low thrum of tug's engines. The Krolowa is now approaching to within 2000m of the bridge and you can all see the sagging span straddling the river up ahead. From the roof, Parks shouts,

"I've got eyes on the bridge. Can't see much. Maybe an occasional muzzle flash and some tracers from the north end. They're way outside my range, though."

From the tug's current position, the mortar crew could adjust it's own high angle fire against the suspected enemy position.

John Yazzie
player, 213 posts
Fri 21 Dec 2007
at 01:37
  • msg #55


John smiles as his fire mission is denied. He is to busy to radio back so he continues to move. In keeping the smoke between himself and the machinegun his movement is now masked. He's happy that they waste there rounds on the smoke pile while he moves away. With the motion to the left he knows his prey are still there. He thinks "Now I devide and destroy". He will move into one of the folds in the earth.He will do his imeadate action drill of placing his pack in front of himself and use it as a rest for his rifle to make a more stable platform and provide some cover from incoming rounds.He knows being in the prone makes a smaller target. Once there he will sight in with his rifle and take an aimed shot at the first Man. He will shot center mass so he has the most impact media for the easiest shot. Once he takes the shot if the man drops he will take another aimed shot at the next man. If he does not drop he will take another at the same target.

Konrad Bayer
player, 373 posts
Fri 21 Dec 2007
at 03:30
  • msg #56

Re: Action

"Halt! Extended line." Bayer calls quietly as they team reaches the edge of the large open space ahead of them. He gives a quick scan of the area ahead, but despite the sporadic small arms fire, cannot see anybody.

"Milk, nien. Tell them to continue to the meet point. Have them watch and harass anyone coming from the town." It crossed Bayer's mind that the bridge defenders may be only a small part of a larger garrison. The town would be the most suitable, or comfortable place for the main body.

He scans the open ground ahead of him. In days past his company could cover the distance easily in their Marders. Toggling the send button he calls Yazzie, "Knife, Sunray. Cannot give immediate support. Send SITREP. Over." He looks at the faces of the other three men. Surely they didn't want to cross the ground towards a machinegun armed enemy.

"Options?" he says as he waits for a response from Yazzie. "I want to continue moving to the meet. But not without knowing if Yazzie is alright. He may not be in a position to respond though."

OOC - Heading south we might put Yazzie in our fire as well.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:38, Fri 21 Dec 2007.
Trevor 'Snowy' White
player, 246 posts
Customs Service
Fri 21 Dec 2007
at 03:47
  • msg #57

Re: Action

Snowy nods and opens the bipod on the machinegun, gratefully lowering himself to the ground with a soft grunt. He snuggles into a bit of cover to make the job easier on his bunnycams and brings up his binoculars to look for targets.
"Perhaps we'd best set up a rounded defence boss, even though there's only a few of us. If anyone's looking after that bridge they'll have OPs out and possibly a patrol. If you want to help out Yaz, we could set up a blocking position for him to fall back on, so anyone following him up gets eaten by this beastie." He pats the PKM. "We could do a lazy-L ambush position."
Anneka Soleblume
player, 296 posts
Israeli Medic
Fri 21 Dec 2007
at 04:04
  • msg #58

Re: Action

"Sunray, this is Starlight. MG located at west end of bridge. Suggest staying in dead ground to location or neutralisation with mortar once you have visual. Over."
There, a definate target. According to her recent interviews, Konrad certainly had the skill to call in a strike on the machinegun and with Dawid's talent on the mortar it might only take the one round. Still, if it had been at all possible, she'd have much prefered to use the AGS simply due to the available ammo.
"Thanks Parks. Keep watch in that arc please and inform us if anything "Interesting" shows up." All they needed now was for a tank to appear from over the built up roadway!
"Minh, I need you to assist Griet onto the rear deck. I know she's wounded, but she's all we've got to watch behind us."
"Dawid, can you manage for a few minutes without her?"

Anneka knew she should have thought of it before and mentally kicked herself. Of course Parks would be needed to watch over the battlefield! He was the only one of them with the elevation and the optics to see so far.
"Tell her just to yell if she sees anything. I don't expect her to fight." Unless her life was in danger...
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 455 posts
Polish Artillerist
Fri 21 Dec 2007
at 06:38
  • msg #60

Re: Action

Anneka Soleblume:
"Minh, I need you to assist Griet onto the rear deck. I know she's wounded, but she's all we've got to watch behind us."
"Dawid, can you manage for a few minutes without her?"

"Tell her just to yell if she sees anything. I don't expect her to fight." Unless her life was in danger...

Dawid gave a "thumb's up". "Of course, Major!" He looked at the other woman. "Minh, I shall be all right."

Dawid Piotrowski
82mm Vasilek (5/5 HE loaded, + 5 WP on deck) Tantal (30/30 + 6 mags)
Waiting for fire mission

Minh Quyen
player, 84 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Fri 21 Dec 2007
at 08:36
  • msg #61


Anneka Soleblume:
"Minh, I need you to assist Griet onto the rear deck. I know she's wounded, but she's all we've got to watch behind us."
"Dawid, can you manage for a few minutes without her?"

Anneka knew she should have thought of it before and mentally kicked herself. Of course Parks would be needed to watch over the battlefield! He was the only one of them with the elevation and the optics to see so far.
"Tell her just to yell if she sees anything. I don't expect her to fight." Unless her life was in danger...

Quyen reaches over and grabs her rifle - "Ok. What weapons do you want me to operate?" Whatever the doctor replies, Minh will go to and man.

Dawid Waldus Piotrowski:
"Minh, I shall be all right."

"Alright, good luck. I'll just be at the back of the boat in case you need me to protect you or you get scared or anything." she joked as she's leaving.

On her way to her new battle station, Quyen walks up to Griet. She pauses for a moment to size up the Pole's wounds. "Err... Doctor said I should come back and help watch behind us. I can handle the weapons, and you can spot for me, if you want. No reason why you can't take a break and sit for a while either."

Ak-74 (Slung)
Aft Weapons Station
Watching rear

This message was last edited by the player at 08:37, Fri 21 Dec 2007.
Anneka Soleblume
player, 299 posts
Israeli Medic
Fri 21 Dec 2007
at 11:43
  • msg #62

Upper deck

"Just help her back there and come back to the mortar for now thanks," she said to Minh.
"You and Dawid will both need to be ready to run to whatever weapon's needed if we're attacked though."
At the moment every weapon was unmanned except for the mortar. If somebody was to attack them now, they'd have little real chance to fight them off, not with only two soldiers and two barely trained crew fit and able. Sure Griet might manage to squeeze of a shot or two, and Anneka herself might get lucky, but if it came to it, they might just be better off simply surrendering...
"Better grab the RPK-74 for yourself before you head back too."
Clarence Milk
NPC, 109 posts
Chief Warrant Officer 2
U.S. Army Special Forces
Fri 21 Dec 2007
at 22:13
  • msg #63

Re: Action

Konrad Bayer:
"Milk, nien. Tell them to continue to the meet point. Have them watch and harass anyone coming from the town."

"Roger that, sir. They got a look at the town on the way in and they say it looks empty." Milk adds before relaying Konrad's instructions.

OO: Please note that the enemy flankers are between Yazzie and the assault party. Consequently, Yazzie's probably not going to be able to move to them.
Robert 'Tuck' Tucker
player, 277 posts
Platoon Sergeant
10th Mountain Division
Sat 22 Dec 2007
at 03:08
  • msg #64

Re: Action

"You want me to stay on the six Konrad?" Tucker asks bayer as he moves up with the rest of the group.
Konrad Bayer
player, 375 posts
Sat 22 Dec 2007
at 11:41
  • msg #65

Re: Action

"Ja Tucker. For the moment." Bayer replies, waiting for any word from Yazzie.

"Not sure he can move or communicate Snowy. With the open ground between us and him, I'm hoping he can withdraw on his own."
Cap'n Rae
GM, 476 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Sat 22 Dec 2007
at 17:20
  • msg #66

Lone Wolf

As incoming rounds continue to search for Yazzie, now prone and using a fold in the ground as cover, the two flankers pop up and break at an angle, trying to rush closer to, and further behind the Marine scout, cutting him off from any escape to the north or west.

Yazzie's ready for them. He quickly sights on the right-most flanker and fires a single shot. The man takes two more loping strides before dropping down into the long grass. His comrade does likewise. Yazzie realizes that he probably didn't hit his target, but he probably made the two flankers think twice about making any more upright runs. The smoke to Yazzie's right is starting to dissipate (it's been about 4 minutes since he first popped it). That, combined with his shot, has probably given the enemy a better idea of his current location.

OOC: Miss! Yazzie's single shot fails to hit its intended target.

Meanwhile, the assault team continue to await word from the sniper. Those on the tug watch the distant span, Parks continuing to report machine gun fire originating from the west end of the bridge.

Konrad Bayer
player, 376 posts
Sat 22 Dec 2007
at 21:08
  • msg #67

Re: Lone Wolf

Sliding a 40mm smoke round into the grenade launcher, Bayer curses quietly in German. Yazzie hadn't responded and gunfire could still be heard, he was clearly in too much trouble to radio back. Deciding on taking the risk, Bayer goes for the option he'd hoped to avoid.

"Nothing... He's in trouble. I'm go to try to find Yazzie. Milk come with me. Snowy and Tucker, cover us. I'll contact you to move up to us."

With that Bayer heads towards the firing. Because of the long distance, he'll mostly trot towards Yazzie. Only as he nears close to the firing will he switch to cover and movement bounds with Milk... taking more time to take cover and scan ahead. Bayer will signal to Snowy and Tucker to move up once he has reached about 200 meters away from the shooting.

G36/HK69 (SMK)
Assault Team
Moving within 200 meters of Yazzie

This message was last edited by the player at 21:11, Sat 22 Dec 2007.
Robert 'Tuck' Tucker
player, 279 posts
Platoon Sergeant
10th Mountain Division
Sun 23 Dec 2007
at 13:59
  • msg #68

Re: Lone Wolf

Konrad Bayer:
"Nothing... He's in trouble. I'm go to try to find Yazzie. Milk come with me. Snowy and Tucker, cover us. I'll contact you to move up to us."
"Roger that," Tucker nods and moves up to find a position of cover with Snowy.

M-16A2 [27/30]/M-203 [HE]
Covering Bayer and Milk
John Yazzie
player, 214 posts
Mon 24 Dec 2007
at 02:00
  • msg #69

Re: Lone Wolf

"tug this Yazzie where the fuck is my cover fire?"

"fire the fucking mission!"

"Still taking fire and have two coming at me. Any unit in area take out the MG team. Fire a 2 to 3 round 82mm mission and then assault the MG team. I can take care of my two attackers."

John will wait for them ( two man assault) to show there heads. He will fire at them until they die with single aimed shots. All shot will be center mass. He will not fire oppertunity shots here but well aimed, controlled shots.

Prone supported fire
This message was last edited by the player at 03:07, Tue 25 Dec 2007.
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 457 posts
Polish Artillerist
Mon 24 Dec 2007
at 05:40
  • msg #70

82mm Vasilek

At the mortar, Dawid scanned the shoreline while waiting for either a fire mission or a target to show itself. He oriented the Vasilek towards the faint echoing sound of gunfire.

Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
82mm Vasilek (5/5 HE) Tantal (30/30)
Aimed and ready for opportunity fire

OOC: for future notice, don't wait for me to post. Just assume his action is to Charlie Oscar ("Continue Observation") until something happens.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:24, Mon 24 Dec 2007.
Minh Quyen
player, 85 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Mon 24 Dec 2007
at 10:15
  • msg #71

Re: 82mm Vasilek

Minh continues to scan the rear 180 of the tug.
Anneka Soleblume
player, 300 posts
Israeli Medic
Mon 24 Dec 2007
at 14:55
  • msg #72

Upper deck forward

"Sunray, this is Starlight. Do you have eyes on the MG?
Although she'd heard Yazzie's call for mortar support, she was disinclined to deliver it unless they were assured of the best possible result or the entirity of what remained of the soviet army suddenly appeared.
[Private to Clarence Milk; Dawid Waldus Piotrowski; Konrad Bayer: Konrad and Clarence are hte only two who professed to having any forward observer skill whatsoever. Chances are that firing using Yazzie as FO would simply be a waste of ammo (unless we suddenly found another 50 rounds or so for corrections)]
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:46, Mon 24 Dec 2007.
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 458 posts
Polish Artillerist
Tue 25 Dec 2007
at 06:01
  • msg #73

Re: Upper deck forward

Anneka Soleblume:
"Sunray, this is Starlight. Do you have eyes on the MG?

Looking hard through his binoculars, Dawid scanned the causeway and bridge to the Northwest. He couldn't see the muzzle flash of the MG, but heard the long bursts like ripping cloth, echoing out in a string of pops off the Eastern shore behind him.

"Major! Can you see anything?"

OOC: lacking radio comms, Dawid doesn't know exactly what's going on or exactly where to look. He failed his Observation check so he did not see the gun flashes. However, he knows something is going on and is ready to rock.

Dawid Piotrowski
82mm Vasilek (5/5 HE, + 5 WP)
Aimed and ready for direct fire

This message was last edited by the player at 06:03, Tue 25 Dec 2007.
Konrad Bayer
player, 377 posts
Tue 25 Dec 2007
at 14:52
  • msg #74

On Shore

Anneka Soleblume:
"Sunray, this is Starlight. Do you have eyes on the MG?

Running, Bayer fumbles with the toggle switch and between breaths responds to Soleblume, "Sunray... No... Not sure where anyone is right now... Can only hear shooting... over."

When he gets to about 200 meters from where he expects the shooters to be he stops.
"Snowy. Sunray. Move now out." Once the machinegun team arrives each two man team will take short bounds, covering the other as they advance closer.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:54, Tue 25 Dec 2007.
Anneka Soleblume
player, 301 posts
Israeli Medic
Wed 26 Dec 2007
at 09:20
  • msg #75

Upper deck forward

"Not a thing," she replied wearily.
"Although Parks can see muzzle flashes away at the bridge."
She considered their options for a moment. Although she'd not heard much from Hauptman Bayer in the past few minutes, maybe there was something they could do to help....
[Private to Cap'n Rae; Dawid Waldus Piotrowski; Griet Niewiadomska; Minh Quyen; Rick 'Gunny' Parks:
"Parks, how's your skill at calling artillery?" she called back up to the sniper. Although he'd not professed to any ability in that area before, maybe it was because she'd not directly asked.

OOC: Don't want to get Yazzie all upset just yet by publicly considering mortar support after denying it earlier.
Rick 'Gunny' Parks
NPC, 104 posts
Gunnery Sergeant
USMC Scout Sniper
Wed 26 Dec 2007
at 17:41
  • msg #76

Bridge Roof

Parks yells down to the bridge,

"Not much sir, but if a fellow Marine's in trouble, now's as good a time to try as any!"

Observing W. end of bridge

OOC: Parks has no skill in FO.

This message was last edited by the player at 21:06, Thu 27 Dec 2007.
Cap'n Rae
GM, 479 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Wed 26 Dec 2007
at 17:58
  • msg #77

Field West of Bridge

Assault Team

With the knowledge that the Polish partisan team is headed for the rendezvous point on the road two kilometers north of the bridge, Konrad and Clarence move to the sound of gunfire, covered by Snow and Tucker.

The chance of a friendly fire incident is now very real, with two enemy between Yazzie and the assault team. The Russian MG at the end of the bridge only makes the danger greater.

As the assault team gets closer, they can see the green tracers racing out from somewhere on the western embankment. The burned out MTLB blocks their view of the gun's exact position. As Konrad and Clarence hunker down to cover Snow and Tuck's bound forward, the MG stops firing and a few single shots crack forth from up ahead and to their left, near the wrecked APC. The rounds buzzing overhead leave no doubt that the assaulters have been spotted...

Sniper "Team"

The smoke has almost completely dissipated. The MG has stopped firing but a few single shots follow. The two flankers have not been seen since Yazzie's missed shot.


Those on the tug continue to watch the battle from afar. There's not much to see at this range and its no longer clear where everyone is in relation to one another- friend and enemy. Gunny breaks the heavy silence on board with a shout, "Three enemy crossing the bridge from right [east] to left [west]!" The situation is rapidly devolving into what is coloquially known in U.S. Military circles as a "Clusterfuck".

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:08, Thu 27 Dec 2007.
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 460 posts
Polish Artillerist
Wed 26 Dec 2007
at 18:54
  • msg #78

Re: Field West of Bridge

From what Parks said, it sounded like the MG team was moving up."Firing at the target!"

With that, he made sure he was clear of the breech. "Firing fragmentation!" He covered his ears and stepped on the trigger.

There was loud THUMP! and the mortar recoiled smoothly downwards. The shell arced out and over. There was a flash on the causeway at the point of impact on the presumed MG team's position, and then six seconds later the "....boooommmm..." finally reached and then echoed around them.

Dawid Piotrowski
82mm Vasilek (4/5 HE + 5 spare WP)
Firing 1 round 82mm HE at the MG position on the causeway

OOC: Rolled 7 to-hit for self-observed fire (Rae said the tug/mortar crew can see the target), needed an 8. Direct hit: the quarterback is toast! MG team or not, the 3 moving tangos just bit the dust.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:19, Wed 26 Dec 2007.
Konrad Bayer
player, 378 posts
Thu 27 Dec 2007
at 00:40
  • msg #79

Re: Field West of Bridge

"Enemy, reference APC." Bayer calls over to Milk... toggling the radio switch at the same time so Snowy can hear this as well. Keeping the transmit switch pressed he continues... "Knife, Sunray. I am West* of yore position and closing to assist. Drawing machinegun's attention. Over."

As much as Bayer knew it was dangerous to pull the move he made, he was willing to accept whatever came of it. Yazzie was in trouble and he didn't want anyone on the team to be without help.

OOC - *The game map isn't oriented with north at the top so I am guessing West.

Any targets that appear Bayer will fire semi-automatic at until hit or out of sight. Using the APC as a reference point he contacts Anneka... "Starlight, Sunray. I am at XXX meters, XXX direction from an APC wreck. Out" He knew she couldn't see his position yet, but if she were moving up he felt better knowing she was aware of where the team was.

G36/HK69 (Smk)
Observing towards APC / Firing if target presents itself

This message was last edited by the player at 00:47, Thu 27 Dec 2007.
John Yazzie
player, 215 posts
Thu 27 Dec 2007
at 03:33
  • msg #80

Re: Field West of Bridge

John will wait for them ( two man assault) to show there heads. He will fire at them until they die with single aimed shots. All shot will be center mass. He will not fire oppertunity shots here but well aimed, controlled shots.

Prone supported fire
Robert 'Tuck' Tucker
player, 280 posts
Platoon Sergeant
10th Mountain Division
Thu 27 Dec 2007
at 04:09
  • msg #81

Re: Field West of Bridge

Satisfied that Bayer and Clarence have made it far enough to cover them, Tuck looks over to Snow, "Let's go Snowy!  We better get moving before this turns out to be too ugly for us!"

Tucker gets up and begins to move forward as quickly as he can trying to give as little of his silhoutte as he can while moving as well.

M-16A2 [27/30]/M-203 [HE]
Moving forward with Snow while Bayer & Milks cover
Clarence Milk
NPC, 110 posts
Chief Warrant Officer 2
U.S. Army Special Forces
Thu 27 Dec 2007
at 21:14
  • msg #82

Re: Field Southwest of Bridge

As Konrad gives Tuck and Snow the order to move up, Clarence tucks the buttstock of the borrowed L86A2 into his shoulder and peers through the 4x SUSAT sight at the remains of the MTLB. He can't see any enemy yet, but he fires a burst at the wreck, hoping that the sound of bullets pinging off the rusting armored shell will discourage the enemy positioned nearby from taking a shot at his friends.

An explosion on the raised road causeway near the west end of the bridge adds to the din, smoke and sparks venting skyward.

Nice shooting...

Clarence Milk
L86A2 (25/30)
Providing cover fire for "bounders"

This message was last edited by the player at 21:15, Thu 27 Dec 2007.
Cap'n Rae
GM, 480 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Fri 28 Dec 2007
at 18:41
  • msg #83

The Battle Escalates

The four Russians making their way to the west end of the bridge hit the asphalt as the 82mm HE round detonates a hundred meters ahead of them. As soon as the dust settles, they are back on their feet, racing towards the causeway. As they arrive, they immediately scamper down the north bank, keeping it between them and the assault team to their southwest. Meanwhile, the enemy machine gunner vacates his hole in the south bank and runs, hunched over his burden, to the derelict MTLB.

OOC: David's mortar round hit on the road just above the enemy MG position. Since the gunner was changing belts in his hole at the time, and was below the impact zone, he was uninjured by the mortar blast.

Gunny delivers this information via the old Mark I voicebox to Anneka in the bridge. His booming voice is loud enough for Dawid to hear from the mortar barbette. The Marine sniper pushes back the overhead tarp and rises to his knees to get a better view of the battlefield. It's a fatal mistake. A single shot rings out from the east bank, and Gunny pitches backwards, a bullet in his skull. The enemy sniper has once again announced his presence...

OOC: This can be surmised as there is a lound thump on the bridge roof and Gunny no longer answers your calls.

The bounders (Tuck and Snow) arrive near the covering position (Konrad and Milk). As they hunker down, Clarence grabs his radio handset and transmits a SITREP to the guerilla team, who are now approaching the rendezvous about 1800 meters to the west.

"The partisans are in nearly in position, sir. Orders?"

A few hundred meters to the east, Yazzie has not seen hide nor hair of the two flankers for several minutes. With all of the nearby rifle fire, he can't hear them either. The smoke from his grenade has cleared but the enemy MG is no longer harassing him. His little corner of the battlefield is ominously quiet...

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:02, Fri 28 Dec 2007.
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 461 posts
Polish Artillerist
Sat 29 Dec 2007
at 02:19
  • msg #84

Re: The Battle Escalates

Seeing the MG gunner move out, Dawid corrected his aim and gave him another one of the same. Seeing it miss, he corrected again.

"May God guide my aim..." Dawid triggered another shot.

There was a third flash as dirt and smoke geysered upwards, again followed by the delayed sound of the echoing boom. It looked like this round impacted on the MGer's new position.

"Gunny, did I hit? Can you see?"

OOC: This is two turns actions (firing both times as self-correcting is instantaneous (until told otherwise, I assume Dawid can still see the target). The second round missed, and GM can roll for deviation (blast radius is 35m/70m).

Assuming the target doesn't make another "saving throw vs. certain death" and the shell hit a condor in mid-flight and pre-detonated, or it was a mis-labeled smoke round (just kidding!), the third time it's a hit! ;)

Dawid Piotrowski
82mm Vasilek (2/5 HE remaining, + 5 WP on deck)
Firing 2 turns, 1 turn for communication

This message was last edited by the player at 04:03, Sat 29 Dec 2007.
Minh Quyen
player, 86 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Sat 29 Dec 2007
at 06:38
  • msg #85

Re: The Battle Escalates

Quyen listens for any calls for assistance as the volleys of mortar fire introduce the tug into the battle.

Things didn't seem like they were happening as they planned, however she knew everyone was capable of being flexible enough to adjust.

Quyen hears the sound of the single gunshot. - "Griet. Stay low huh. I think we're taking fire."
This message was last edited by the player at 06:38, Sat 29 Dec 2007.
Konrad Bayer
player, 381 posts
Sat 29 Dec 2007
at 07:54
  • msg #86

Re: The Battle Escalates

With the assault team consolidated again, Bayer signals to stop. "Hold here. Yazzie is somewhere just ahead of us I think. Let's see if anyone makes on move."

Bayer feels they'd have a better chance staying low and shooting anyone making a move. They had no real idea where Yazzie or the enemy were, so best they expose themselves first.

Cap'n Rae:
"The partisans are in nearly in position, sir. Orders?"

"Tell them our position, and that things are fucked up. Have them advance towards the bridge on their side of the road. Only engage targets on the north side, we'll handle this side. We'll take the bridge together."
This message was last edited by the player at 07:54, Sat 29 Dec 2007.
Clarence Milk
NPC, 111 posts
Chief Warrant Officer 2
U.S. Army Special Forces
Sat 29 Dec 2007
at 20:33
  • msg #87

Re: The Battle Escalates

Konrad Bayer:
"Tell them our position, and that things are fucked up. Have them advance towards the bridge on their side of the road. Only engage targets on the north side, we'll handle this side. We'll take the bridge together."

Clarence transmits Bayer's instructions to the partisan team.

"They're on their way. Let's give the Russians something to think about. When the partisans get up, we'll assault on a line either side of the road with Snowy providing a base of fire on the MG."

It's a suggestion. Clarence wouldn't presume to tell Bayer how to do his job- especially with the German having proven himself as a combat leader several times now.

A loud boom almost cuts Milk off. Another mortar round lands just 40m away, on the assault team's side of the roadway, kicking up a cloud black smoke and showering the assault team with hunks of earth and spent shrapnel. It's point of impact is much closer to the assault party than it is to any known enemy position.

Shit! Who the hell is shooting now?

Clarence deftly punches up the tug's frequency and shouts into the handset,

"Check fire! Check fire! Christ, Starlight, was that you?"

Clarence Milk
L86A2 (25/30)
Trying to avoid a fratricide incident

This message was last edited by the player at 21:06, Sat 29 Dec 2007.
Konrad Bayer
player, 383 posts
Sun 30 Dec 2007
at 08:23
  • msg #88

Re: The Battle Escalates

Clarence Milk:
"They're on their way. Let's give the Russians something to think about. When the partisans get up, we'll assault on a line either side of the road with Snowy providing a base of fire on the MG."

Bayer stares forward, looking for any signs of movement. He's about to respond when the explosion momentarily deafens them. As bits of earth and debris bounce across the ground in front of his Bayer plants his face downwards.

Clarence Milk:
"Check fire! Check fire! Christ, Starlight, was that you?"</mono>

Bayer listens intently, tensed. He hoped it actually was them, and not an enemy supported with their own mortar support. Once the situation calmed for a bit he continued looking forward. Remembering what Clarence said a moment before he answers him, "Ja, thats the plan. I want to sit tight for the moment. Nobody knows where anyone is, but sooner or later somebody is going to have to expose themselves." he replies to Clarence's suggestion.

G36/HK-69 (Smk)
Prone position with Assault team
Scanning forward

John Yazzie
player, 216 posts
Sun 30 Dec 2007
at 17:40
  • msg #89

Re: The Battle Escalates

Per your map John will head south west in a low crawl toward the river. He will stop every 50 meters to look, smell, listin and observe. He is breaking contact.

Breaking contact
This message was last edited by the player at 17:47, Sun 30 Dec 2007.
Cap'n Rae
GM, 486 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Sun 30 Dec 2007
at 22:04
  • msg #90

Pregnant Pause

Assault Team

You lie in the grass, observing the west end of the bridge. A single enemy continues to direct rapid-fire single shots at you from around the front-left corner of the MTLB (which is pointed down the road at you). The rounds buzz and crack overhead. Then, the enemy's PKM opens up, from roughly the same position. A bright, green line of tracers race towards you, alternatingly whipping between the two fire teams and tearning up the ground in front of you. Nothing can be seen of the four men who decended the northern embankment. A loud, reverberating, metalic KERANG brings the enemy fire to a sudden halt. Another 82mm mortar round has landed directly on top of the immobile MTLB, sending up a shower of sparks and metal debris. The vehicle is still largely intact, but it is now, quite literally, a smoking, convertible model...

OOC: Hit! Dawid's indirect, self-corrected 82mm mortar bomb lands right on top of the MTLB, creating quite a sound and light show for those who can see it. It's not clear how the blast has affected the enemy in the immediate vicinity.

Partisan Team

You form a skirmish line and begin your approach along the north side of the bridge road to Szczucin. Trusting in your contact's description of the enemy's dispositions, you cover the first 1500m relatively quickly. You're close enough now to see the mortar round blast open the MTLB's troop compartment, but not quite close enough to pick out any individual enemies. The pucker factor is skyrocketing...

Recon Team

You wisely decides that discretion is the better part of valor and begins slithering away from his position. The flankers have still not shown themselves, but your well-trained ears can now hear the rustle of the grass as they continue their approach on your just abandoned position...

Tug Team

Anneka is feeling ever more woozie from her recent exertions. There's too much going on; too much to keep track of. First the thunk and ensuing silence from above her, then Minh's cry of warning. Something about incoming fire? The bridge radio blares to life but she can't quite make out what's being said. It sounds urgent though. The mortar barks out twice from below. A gunshot? It's all just too much. She feels like she's about to vomit...

Dawid hears it this time. A supersonic round snaps through the air a foot away from his head, followed shortly by the report of the shooter's weapon from shore.

Minh, fortunately, happens to be looking at exactly the right spot on the east bank when the sniper fires at the young Polish gunner. She sees a minute flash from what had, moments before, appeared to be nothing more than one unremarkable mound of turf among many. The Sniper's position is about 500-750m ahead and to starboad. Nothing her Dushka HMG can't handle, though...

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:26, Sun 30 Dec 2007.
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 39 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Sun 30 Dec 2007
at 22:34
  • msg #91

Re: Pregnant Pause

Mariusz blinked as he saw the MTLB blown into molten slag, he had hear MG chatter from that general area seconds before so he hoped it was scratch one for the good guys. Checking that the skirmish like was still moving he crouched slightly lower and scanned ahead for targets.

[Private to Cap'n Rae: If Mariusz detects anyone, he will signal the others and , if it is a decent range for engagement, drop to the ground and take aim. If the range is greater than 150ms, he'll try to sneak forward. The fist sign of trouble however and he'll hit the deck.]
Jason Kasparov
player, 31 posts
Warrant Officer 1
U.S. Army Blackhawk Pilot
Mon 31 Dec 2007
at 04:37
  • msg #92

Re: Pregnant Pause

"Whats our plan Stanislaw? Move in closer, or guide the indirect fire?" Jason took his binoculars down and scanned the battle. "I think we still have the element of surprise on our side. We can capture them in a crossfire."

Jason checks his weapon, switching to a three round burst. Making sure the first round is chambered, he removes the safety and awaits the plan.
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 464 posts
Polish Artillerist
Mon 31 Dec 2007
at 04:47
  • msg #93

Re: Pregnant Pause

"Christ preserve me!" Dawid hit the deck, getting below the sandbags. "Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!" he cursed in Polish.

Keeping low and behind the weapon, he unloaded the mortar, then reloaded with WP. "You are so fucking dead!"

"Does anyone see him?"

Dawid Piotrowski
82mm Vasilek (0 shots, 2 HE/5WP remaining)
Reloading WP.

Konrad Bayer
player, 385 posts
Mon 31 Dec 2007
at 07:17
  • msg #94

Re: Pregnant Pause

Bayer looks over to Snowy and Tucker, "The partisanz are moving up on the opposite side of the road. It will be our axis of advance. We assault and clear each side."

He nods his head towards the bridge, "The machinegun will advance with us until we make contact with the enemy. You can't see anything here anyways. Then you can set up the firebase to cover us as we assault the position."

Its been quiet, save for the mortar detonations, so he thumbs the transmit switch on his radio, "Knife, Sunray, send SITREP over."

As he waits for a response from the scout he whispers over to Milk, "Milk, how long until dey get into position?"
This message was last edited by the player at 07:17, Mon 31 Dec 2007.
Minh Quyen
player, 88 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Mon 31 Dec 2007
at 07:47
  • msg #95

Re: Pregnant Pause

Quyen's eyes widen at the subtle sight of the muzzle flash.

"Contact! Right side 600 meters! Lone enemy." she yells as she slowly lines up the sights on the DSHK. The heavy machinegun comes to life as she fires several bursts.

Minh Quyen
Firing automatic

This message was last edited by the player at 07:47, Mon 31 Dec 2007.
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 40 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Mon 31 Dec 2007
at 10:04
  • msg #96

Re: Pregnant Pause

Mariusz kept scanning the darkness and said, "I can't see any targets to direct fire on, can you see anything with your night vision gear. I don't want to do the old Polish Ambush Detector thing, blunder forward till someone gets shot and then work out it's an ambush."
Clarence Milk
NPC, 112 posts
Chief Warrant Officer 2
U.S. Army Special Forces
Mon 31 Dec 2007
at 16:31
  • msg #97

Re: Pregnant Pause

Konrad Bayer:
As he waits for a response from the scout he whispers over to Milk, "Milk, how long until dey get into position?"

Milk peers at the west end of the bridge through the 4x SUSAT scope on the L86A2, searching for targets.

"Any minute now, sir."

Clarence snaps off another burst towards the right-front corner of the very unlucky MTLB.

"Snow, fire a burst at the bad guys!"

Clarence hopes to use the outgoing tracers from the PKM as a referrence point for the advancing partisans.

Buddha; Pitchfork
Can you see our position?
Advise when you are even with us.

Clarence Milk
L86A2 (20/30)
Providing cover fire and coordinating the link-up

This message was last edited by the player at 16:35, Mon 31 Dec 2007.
Jason Kasparov
player, 32 posts
Warrant Officer 1
U.S. Army Blackhawk Pilot
Tue 1 Jan 2008
at 06:46
  • msg #98

Re: Pregnant Pause

Buddha; Pitchfork
Can you see our position?
Advise when you are even with us.

Jason looks over at Stanislaw, hoping to get some direction. He seemed preoccupied with either the message or the battle. Either way it was time to move into action.

Tapping Mariusz on the shoulder, Jason points to the path. "I'm going to scout out over there. Cover me." Without waiting for a response, he darts from their position and sprints ten yards ahead, low in profile and high in speed. If he makes his daring runing undisturbed, he figures he will be in a better position to help Pitchfork. As he steps into the mud, his heart pounding, he hopes he makes it across the road to be of use.
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 41 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Tue 1 Jan 2008
at 10:56
  • msg #99

Re: Pregnant Pause

Mariusz shook his head to clear it, he couldn't even tell day from night, that wasn't good. He lay flat and braced his rifle to cover the American's dash.

[Private to Cap'n Rae: If anybody pops up as Kasparov runs, Mariusz will fire bursts, up to his full 25 shots in one round, but only if Kasparov is not in the way. If Kasparov is in danger from the beaten ground, he'll fire five single shots, he doesn't have much chance of hitting, his aim is to make sure no one hits Kasparov.]
Cap'n Rae
GM, 489 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Tue 1 Jan 2008
at 23:24
  • msg #100

The Calm Before the Storm

Partisan Team

Ahead and 50 meters or so to your right, you see the outgoing green tracers skipping across the road, and orient yourselves to line up perpendicular to the road on the side opposite the NATO team. You go prone, even with the NATO Allies that you have yet still to meet, and await the signal to attack.

OOC: As planned, the two teams are now positioned for a linear attack towards the enemy positions at the west end of the bridge.

Assault Team

You continue to provide covering fire for the Partisans. Tuck, on the end of the line nearest the road, cranes his neck to see the partisans approaching from the other side. He gives them a curt wave and goes back to ground. A lone enemy resumes firing from around the front, right corner of the still smoking MTLB. This time, he's firing bursts from what sounds like an AK-74.

Sniper Team

You've managed to move about 50m away from your previous position. As you prepare to continue your withdrawal, you notice a small, green object arc through the air from where you guess the flankers have crawled to, towards where you'd been waiting minutes previously. A few seconds later, there are two explosions (grenades by the sound of it) The two enemy rise to a crouch and, firing from the hip, assault your former hide site.

Tug Team

Minh's first burst of HMG fire brackets the enemy hummock. Even mounted securely to the heavy tripot, the big Dushka has quite a kick and the large muzzle flash produced by the weapon makes it hard to adjust fire on the fly.

OOC: Miss! Minh fails to hit the enemy sniper with her first burst.

Comforted somewhat by the sound of Minh hammering away with the aft Dushka at what could only be the same sniper who'd nearly holed his skull, Dawid switches WP for HE and begins to swing the mortar around to bear on the starboard side of the tug. It's an awkward and time-consuming process for one man to accomplish alone, and by the time he's got the Vasilek's muzzle half-way around, Minh is unleashing a second long burst.

OOC: Miss! Minh fails to hit the enemy sniper with her second burst. The enemy, however, is pinned down. Also, although he's not quite "suppressed", any attempt by the sniper to fire at the tug whilst under fire himself will be rolled at one level of difficulty greater.

[Private to Dawid Waldus Piotrowski; Minh Quyen: It's only a matter of time until Minh hits this guy and there's plenty of ammo for the Dushka. If, however, Dawid wants to add some 82mm WP to the mix, I won't stop him.]

This message was last edited by the GM at 23:33, Tue 01 Jan 2008.
Minh Quyen
player, 89 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Tue 1 Jan 2008
at 23:45
  • msg #101

Re: The Calm Before the Storm

Quyen watches the tracers take the 600 meter journey towards their target, the odd ricochet arcing high up until it burns out. Without pausing, she continues to fire at the sight of the muzzle flash.

DSHK (AK-74)
Firing at sniper

Konrad Bayer
player, 386 posts
Wed 2 Jan 2008
at 00:54
  • msg #102

Re: The Calm Before the Storm

Bayer unloads the smoke round from his 40mm and inserts an HE round.

"Milk, tell them we'll advance on the bridge in 1 minute. We assault together, neither team is to get too far ahead of the other."

Aiming at the ground near the front right corner of the MTLB, he'll fire in an attempt to kill the enemy there.

"Alright, remember Yazzie is somewhere out there. Prepare to move." Bayer warns his teammates. After a minute passes, he'll rise and begin to advance forward in bounds... short dashes and covering from the prone... Bayer and Milk, offset with Snowy and Tucker. He'll stop and shoot his rifle at anyone he sees with semi-automatic.

Ground Party
Firing 1 HE and beginning the advance

This message was last edited by the player at 00:57, Wed 02 Jan 2008.
John Yazzie
player, 218 posts
Wed 2 Jan 2008
at 01:31
  • msg #103

Re: The Calm Before the Storm

John will wait until they are at his old position then he will double tap both bad guys center mass. The first shot will be aimed if rules allow then will fire from there at targets.

Counter ambush (2 rounds to each man)
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 467 posts
Polish Artillerist
Wed 2 Jan 2008
at 02:23
  • msg #104

Re: The Calm Before the Storm

Grunting with effort, Dawid continued moving the mortar into place. Sweat dripped down the side of his face under the Britisher's helmet.

When it was done, he would aim and fire a round at the sniper's position. The MG may or may not eventually tag the bandit, unless they'd dug a spider hole. However, a round of WP would certainly take him out!

OOC: If he has the time, aim and fire. If not, finish moving the mortar into position.
[Private to GM: Dawid was just reloading in case the shore party needed more support, not actually turning the mortar (he decided it would be unhealthy to expose himself to enemy fire). Oh well, no harm no foul! ADDED: he still fires, regardless of Anneka's instructions.]

Dawid Piotrowski
82mm Vasilek (5/5 WP, 2 HE)
Turning and possibly aiming and firing

This message was last edited by the player at 13:02, Wed 02 Jan 2008.
Anneka Soleblume
player, 305 posts
Israeli Medic
Wed 2 Jan 2008
at 04:38
  • msg #105

Re: The Calm Before the Storm

"Dawid," Anneka yelled as loudly as she could between burst from teh DShK.
"Forget the mortar, use the AGS!"
Wearily she lifted the RPD before her to her shoulder and peered about for a target. The steady stream of tracer from the heavy machinegun made that task a little easier.
"Walter," she yelled out once more. "Bring us closer to the bridge. About a thousand metres should do nicely."
That distance would keep them out of the effective range of most infantry weapons while allowing them to pour fire from the mortar, AGS and heavy machineguns onto the enemy in support of their own forces.
But first they had a sniper to deal with...
Squeezing the trigger, the RPD almost leapt out of her hand as the first slow burst tore through the air in counterpoint to the heavier DShK.[Private to GM: Not a lot of chance to hit anthing - extreme range, 2 points of recoil above effective strength and only using one hand. Still, one die out of five with a 1 in 20 chance of actually hitting is better than none...]
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 42 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Wed 2 Jan 2008
at 11:21
  • msg #106

Re: The Calm Before the Storm

Mariusz crouched ready for the order to attack. He knelt in a ditch, checking the arcing tracers now and again and waited, always checking his front an occasionaly looking at his six.
Robert 'Tuck' Tucker
player, 281 posts
Platoon Sergeant
10th Mountain Division
Wed 2 Jan 2008
at 17:23
  • msg #107

Re: The Calm Before the Storm

en Tucker notices the movement of the partisans he calls out to the others, "Contact!  Looks like we've got friendlies moving in Konrad!  Clarence, they know where we're at right?"
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 43 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Wed 2 Jan 2008
at 17:37
  • msg #108

Re: The Calm Before the Storm

As Mariusz prepared himself to move forward, he saw, at last some movement from the allies, a man looked directly at him and then looked away to say something.
Mariusz waited for the man to look at him again and give him a order. None was forthcoming.

He shrugged his shoulders and then took his left arm and gently tapped it several times on his helmet, Switek had taught him that that meant a request for cover and an initiation of bounding overwatch. He looked at the man to confirm that he understood. If the man agreed with that course of action he would prepare to move forward. Mariusz grimaced this was like playing blind man's bluff with a combine harvester.
Clarence Milk
NPC, 113 posts
Chief Warrant Officer 2
U.S. Army Special Forces
Wed 2 Jan 2008
at 23:36
  • msg #109

Re: The Calm Before the Storm

Robert 'Tuck' Tucker:
en Tucker notices the movement of the partisans he calls out to the others, "Contact!  Looks like we've got friendlies moving in Konrad!  Clarence, they know where we're at right?"

Clarence glances up from his LSW sight and watches, cringing, as one of the partisans rushes across the road at a low crouch. He's crossing high-ground with absolutely no cover, revealing himself and his comrades' position to everyone in the vicinity.

He almost belows "Get back!" but there's no sense in sending the man back across the exposed ground. Clarence resolves to have a word with Pitchfork Actual when- and if- the teams succeed in the upcoming assault.

With Konrad's 1 minute warning order, Clarence mentally prepares himself to attack. Hopefully, a barrage from the two grenadiers and covering fire from Snowy on the PKM will allow the assault team to close the range and neutralize (a tidy euphamism for kill) all of the defenders before taking too many casualties.

He keys the radio handset and broadcasts Konrad's plan. His tone is much more informal now.

Buddha; Pitchfork
Don't send anyone else over here.
We're all attacking in one minute. You and us.
Attack along your side of the road; we'll attack along this side.
Our MG will provide cover fire.
Hope to shake your hand on the bridge.
Good luck.

LSW (20/30)
Getting ready to attack

This message was last edited by the player at 01:22, Thu 03 Jan 2008.
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 44 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Wed 2 Jan 2008
at 23:56
  • msg #110

Re: The Calm Before the Storm

Mariusz waited, no instructions meant he was stuck between a rock and a heard place, he saw Kasparov crossing the road, not the most sensible of moves maybe but nobody was relaying decisions. With a lack of direction from either Switek or any of the allies, Mariusz waited and continued to cover Kasparov.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:56, Wed 02 Jan 2008.
Jason Kasparov
player, 33 posts
Warrant Officer 1
U.S. Army Blackhawk Pilot
Thu 3 Jan 2008
at 03:52
  • msg #111

Re: The Calm Before the Storm

Dashing across the road, Jason almost crashes into the waiting fire team. Dropping to the dirt, he realizes as he is still alive, they are not Soviets.

"Kasparov. I'm with Pitchfork. I think he froze. I couldn't decipher your message. We have three others across the road. Send them a simple plain english message of your intentions and lets act."

Crawling up to turn around, Jason holds his hand up to warn Mariusz to stay put.

Jason Kasparov
Prone, warning Marisuz, weapon ready but secured
Konrad Bayer
player, 387 posts
Thu 3 Jan 2008
at 05:50
  • msg #112

Re: The Calm Before the Storm

The man rushing across the road catches Bayer by surprise right after he fires his HE round. "Scheiße, wer das ist?" he asks aloud, then again more so directed at Milk, "Shit. Who is that?"

Beckoning him over he asks "Who the hell are you? Did you not get our message to form up over there? Nevermind." Indicating with a open handed / sharp chopping motion towards the bridge he continues, "We are assaulting now. Your people clear your side and we clear this side... stay abreast of each team. Do not engage targets on our side unless they are positively identified as enemy."

Pointing at the impact area of his grenade attack just a few seconds before he adds "There are enemy behind the wreck."

Bayer listens as Milk relays the plan over the radio. Looking at his watch, he waits for the one minute to pass.

"Alright, remember Yazzie is somewhere out there. Prepare to move." Bayer warns his teammates. After warning minute passes, he'll rise and begin to advance forward in bounds... short dashes and covering from the prone... Bayer and Milk, offset with Snowy and Tucker. He'll stop and shoot his rifle at anyone he sees with semi-automatic.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:51, Thu 03 Jan 2008.
Jason Kasparov
player, 34 posts
Warrant Officer 1
U.S. Army Blackhawk Pilot
Thu 3 Jan 2008
at 06:27
  • msg #113

Re: The Calm Before the Storm

"Fuck me." Jason mutters under his breath and then dashes back across the road. Throwing himself forward, he crashes to the ground, rolling over to point at their direction of assault.

Ignoring Stanislaw's frozen form, he points at Bear. "Wreckage, Russians, behind. RPG. We have this side of the bridge. Only fire on targets on this side."

Pointing to Marisuz, he drops his pack and readies his weapon. "Cover us, and watch over him." he states, pointing to Stanislaw. "Get him out of it, or leave him. Bear, your with me."

Getting on his knees, he checks his night vision for targets, and prepares for battle.

Jason Kasparov
Checking target area with night vision
Stanislaw Switek
player, 21 posts
Cistercian Monk/Partisan
Thu 3 Jan 2008
at 07:33
  • msg #114

Re: The Calm Before the Storm

Bug-eyed and slack-jawed at the train wreck unfolding before him, Switek is momentarily distracted by the American airman bolting back and forth across the open road as PITCHFORK calls in the assault plan.  The message had been clear enough but the monk was bringing up the outside edge of the skirmish line and, while attempting to multitask in the chaos of the firefight, he had failed to relay orders quickly enough to moderate the team's actions.  He silently curses himself for failing to maintain unit discipline and keys the mic to respond.


He releases the "talk" switch and whistles sharply to get the attention of Mariusz and Bear.  The young Pole had signaled for bounding overwatch coverage while the monk was busy communicating with his American counterpart.  The monk flashes the Poles the "wait one" sign and hopes the the order is received, understood and followed given the chaos of the scene.  He glances at his wristwatch, noting the time.  He shoulders the Russian machinegun and begins to scan for potential targets along the approach axis.

RPKM + 70/75rd Drum 7.62mmS
Counting down to the assault.

This message was last edited by the player at 07:37, Thu 03 Jan 2008.
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 45 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Thu 3 Jan 2008
at 10:23
  • msg #115

Re: The Calm Before the Storm

Mariusz sighed with relief as switek gave out the orders. He turned to face the enemy and started to count down to the assault. He wiped the swat from his palms and readied himself.
Jason Kasparov
player, 35 posts
Warrant Officer 1
U.S. Army Blackhawk Pilot
Thu 3 Jan 2008
at 17:22
  • msg #116

Re: The Calm Before the Storm

"Finally." Jason exhales, now that Stanislaw is back in the game. He couldn't hear the radio chatter, so he was quite unaware of order of battle.

"All of this shit is easier from the air." Getting his head together, he takes a second to calm himself, then prepares to move forward with the bridge assualt.

Jason Kasparov
M177 Loaded, 3 rd burst selected
14 rounds in the mag
crouched and advancing
Cap'n Rae
GM, 491 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Thu 3 Jan 2008
at 21:11
  • msg #117

Into the Fire

Tug Team

As the tug creeps forward, Minh sends a third burst of tracers towards the well-camoflaged sniper and, miraculously, fails to find the mark yet again. Anneka, on the forward companionway, tries her hand at hitting their tormentor and misses badly, sending rounds siling well high. The kick of the RPD sends aftershocks of electric pain through her wounded left arm, momentarily blurring her vision.

All of the tracers, however, serve to give Dawid a relatively accurate aimpoint. Using the general impact area of Minh's tracers as his target, he triggers the big gun and sends a precious 82mm WP round downrange. The round impacts long, but the back-spray of burning phosphorous showers the sniper's hide-site. His position is now obscured in smoke, but, unless he was hiding under an asbestos blanket, he's probably in a world of serious hurt right about now...

Recon Team

You turn your head to watch the two flankers assault your previous position. So intent are they on their attack, they fail to notice the obvious crawl sign you have left behind you in the grass. You sit up and fire two rounds at the nearest flanker. The first round tears into his upper right thigh. He begins to stumble forward and towards you when the second round tears into his right cheek, rocking his head back and causing his body to fold at the wait as it drops heavily into the grass.

The second flanker stops as his comrades goes down, he spins on his heels, looking for his hidden assailant and spraying rounds wildly from his AK-74.

Yazzie snaps off two more quick shots. The first misses by a hair but the second tattoos the Russian right between the eyes, dropping him like a sack of wet cement.

Assault & Partisan Team

Konrad's grenade detonates just past the front, right corner of the MTLB, near enough to the enemy's position to have done some real harm (you can hear grenade fragments pinging off the APC's hull).

Moments later you are on your feet bounding towards the known enemy positions at the western end of the vital bridge.

Jason is the first to fall. A single round impacts square above the rim of his Kevlar helmet, knocking him heavily on to his back in the grass. Fortunately, at 200m, the 5.45mm round fails to penetrate. And, aside from a bit of a headache, Jason is unharmed.

The others continue foward, with Snow providing cover fire. Shouted instructions in Russian can barely be made out over the din from up ahead.

Mariusz is the first to see the four enemy on the north side of the road. They are about 50 meters closer than the enemy by the MTLB, probably attempting to flank the NATO assault team on the other side of the road.

They spot you at about the same time. Your heart races; time slows...

OOC: Please refer to the updated tac-map when posting your next action.

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:18, Thu 03 Jan 2008.
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 47 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Thu 3 Jan 2008
at 21:43
  • msg #118

Re: Into the Fire

Mariusz yelled to the others almost incoherently as he dived for the ground, even at this range, four to one was not good odds and his head still ached almost blindingly.

[Private to Cap'n Rae: OK, hopefully Mariusz' shout will alert others. He is going to try the following sequence of actions: 1) Hit the dirt (unconciouness roll possibly needed) 2) Spray 25 rounds at the group, there's little hope of hitting but he hopes to rattle them and buy the others time to make a bigger effect, 3) Roll several times to his left, again hoping to stay awake and find a nice fold of ground or piece of cover, 4) Reload with a fresh mag, 5) Pop up and reassess the situation. ]
Jason Kasparov
player, 36 posts
Warrant Officer 1
U.S. Army Blackhawk Pilot
Fri 4 Jan 2008
at 00:23
  • msg #119

Re: Into the Fire

"Mother fucker!" Jason yells as his head starts pounding.  Either his luck had run out or was damn near on empty, he wasn't sure. All he knew was he was alive and he didn't want to die here.

Laying prone he takes his weapon to full auto and aims at whoever he can see at this distance.

Jason Kasparov
In pain, taking aim
Firing at the enemy
M177  full auto 14 rounds
Konrad Bayer
player, 389 posts
Fri 4 Jan 2008
at 00:56
  • msg #120

Re: Into the Fire

In between bounds on the assault, Bayer screams back to the machinegun team, "Hold! Target XXX* meters, left one half, enemy on other side of the road."

*Whatever the range is to the enemy in front of the partisans is.

"Milk, right flanking on the apc!" he communicates to his fireteam partner.

Konrad intends to bound up and down repeatedly forwards, and then hard to the left towards the APC with Milk for a right flanking. While taking his turns covering Milk he will shoot semi-automatic at anyone he sees (keeping most of his focus on the MTLB wreck).

Assault Group
Bounding with Milk on right flanking to MTLB

Anneka Soleblume
player, 307 posts
Israeli Medic
Fri 4 Jan 2008
at 03:17
  • msg #121

Re: Into the Fire

"Good shooting! Anneka called down to Dawid as she let the machineguns butt drop slowly to the deck.
"How close do we need to get before you can switch to the AGS?" she asked the artilleryman.

By her rather inaccurate count, they only had about a dozen rounds of the various types left for the mortar. They desperately needed more.
Inwardly she cursed the fools who'd pressed on from the lock without recovering what rounds had been there. Still, done was done, they'd find more eventually. She only hoped they wouldn't loose more of their number first...

"Parks? What's happening?" she queried the sniper above. As yet she was still unaware that he'd been hit, unaware that there was a very good chance he'd not be answering anyone again.
Minh Quyen
player, 90 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Fri 4 Jan 2008
at 04:43
  • msg #122

Re: Into the Fire

Quyen watches as her burst tears up the ground around the sniper's position. It doesn't look like she hit her target but she is satisfied nevertheless that he's suppressed. Dawid fires off a more powerful response from the tug and she eases off the trigger as the white phosphorous detonates near their shared target.

Peering over the top of the heavy machinegun, she continues to scan for signs of the enemy. - "Chief? See anything?" she asks Griet wiping a gloved hand across her face.
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 469 posts
Polish Artillerist
Fri 4 Jan 2008
at 14:18
  • msg #123

Re: Into the Fire

The empty shell clanged onto the wooden deck.

He nodded in satisfaction at the sniper who was metaphorically and probably literally burning in Hell.

Grunting, he began swinging the mortar back around so that it was again oriented towards the Western bank.

"Major! Do you... want me... to... still man... the Plamya? Ooof!" He slowly swung the muzzle around as the weapon swiveled on its improvised wheel-axle.

Dawid Piotrowski
82mm Vasilek (4/5 WP, 2 HE on deck)
Re-orienting the weapon

John Yazzie
player, 220 posts
Sat 5 Jan 2008
at 00:41
  • msg #124


John will again get into the prone and crawl 50 meters southwest away from the team that was coming at him. He will stop and put a radio report out.

"Hauptmann this is knife. have eliminated the two following me with direct fire. moving into hide position to regroup and await orders."

"cant see fight at this time and cannot effect from here. dont know if enemey is waiting for me in bush."

"await orders..."

John will then crawl another 50 meters toward the river and set up a hide.

above actions
G3/1911 (64 rounds 7.62x51)(64 rounds .45ACP)
This message was last edited by the player at 05:23, Sat 05 Jan 2008.
Stanislaw Switek
player, 23 posts
Cistercian Monk/Partisan
Sat 5 Jan 2008
at 04:59
  • msg #125

Re: Field

Switek begins his advance toward the objective in a crouching trot, keeping an eye on the men laid out along the skrimish line to his right.  Gunfire erupts from the direction of the bridge as Kasparov goes down.  He hears Mariusz shout a warning as the youthful Pole dives prone.

"Bear!" Switek bellows to the man on his left as he drops his pack in the tall grass, "Get them!"

Crouching, with the RPKM shouldered and braced atop his pack , Switek swivels and turns his attention back to the source of incoming fire.  The monk seeks out and finds a likely target amongst the Russians ahead and squeezes the trigger, ripping off a trio of bursts from the machinegun.  Even if he can't hit the target from here, Switek is hopeful that the barrage of lead will keep the Soviets pinned down while his team maneuvers to close.

Crouched in the field (behind his pack).
RPKM + Drum 7.62mmS (55/75)
Returning automatic fire.

This message was last edited by the player at 23:35, Sat 05 Jan 2008.
Anneka Soleblume
player, 308 posts
Israeli Medic
Sat 5 Jan 2008
at 13:38
  • msg #126

Re: Field

"Only when you judge we're in range," she replied to Dawids query.
At the rate the tug was travelling though, that wouldn't be for more than another five minutes.
[Private to GM: Provided the tug is moving at top speed (9kph)]
Cap'n Rae
GM, 495 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Sat 5 Jan 2008
at 22:41
  • msg #127

The Height of Battle

South Side of Road

Tucker and Snow see the single blink of light from high on the northern side of the bridge embankment just as Jason is hit in the helmet. Both men take the position under fire, Snow with the PKM and Tucker with his M203. The 7.62mm slugs skip off of the pavement in front of the enemy shooter and the grenade detonates in the sandbagged bunker behind its intended target, but the fusilade of fire is sure to interfere with further fire from that position.

[Private to Robert 'Tuck' Tucker; Trevor 'Snowy' White: Thanks for sounding off in the OOC guys. It's really hard for me to NPC characters during combat. The sooner you can post IC, the better. Thanks.]

Konrad and Milk, using the covered angles provided by the long, low MTLB hull, cover the ground between their jumping off point and the enemy position on the south side of the road quickly and without taking fire, sweeping around the enemy's left flank. They are now even with the rear of the derelict APC, about 50m south of the road itself.

North Side of the Road

Jason's head throbs as he scuttles around and reorients himself to face the enemy. As he peers over his rifle's sites, he notices that everything in his field of vision has an identical twin- he's seeing double. He tries to blink the double images away but it only slightly improves his vision.

Mariusz hits the ground hard. The jolt sends waves of pain radiating through his head and neck and, for a few seconds, he literally sees red. He gathers himself and fires off a burst in the direction of the enemy. The noise and the recoil of his weapon add to the pain and pressure that threaten to overwhelm him, but he finds that he can fight through it. He can't really see any targets from the prone position but then, that means the enemy probably can't see him either.

Switek drops down as a swarm of bullets crack past all around him. He sets up behind his pack and opens up towards were Mariusz has indicated. The big RPK kicks as flurries of rounds hurtle downrange toward the unseen enemy.

Bear continues his forward run until a round catches him in the left leg. His booming voice cries out in pain and he tumbles to the ground, out of sight about 10m ahead of his comrades. A steady growl, conveying both pain and rage, sounds from the spot where he went down, indicating that the big man is still alive.

He calls out to his comrades, "Keep them pinned, I'm going to use the hedgehog!"

The partisans and the enemy defenders have managed to effectively pin each other down, about 100m apart.


Yazzie finally has a chance to breath. His tormentors are almost undoubtedly both dead and, by the sound of it, the remaining enemy at the bridge have their hands full at the moment.


At Anneka's urging, Walter pushes the tug ahead. Meanwhile, Dawid swings the big mortar back around to point at the west end of the bridge where quite a firefight appears to be underway.

[Private to Anneka Soleblume; Dawid Waldus Piotrowski: How close do you want the tug to the bridge? And I think the AGS is still aft at the moment.]

Minh is alone on the quarterdeck. A billowing white cloud envelops the enemy sniper position. She's not quite sure but she thinks she can even hear screams coming from within the cloud as the tug passes it by.

[Private to Minh Quyen: I think Griet is somewhere below, with Adam. I didn't want you to think she was being rude by not answering you. ; )]

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:42, Sat 05 Jan 2008.
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 48 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Sun 6 Jan 2008
at 00:32
  • msg #128

Re: The Height of Battle

His head ringing from the noise and recoil, Mariusz raised his rifle a little and fired off the last five rounds from his rifle, hoping it would be enough to keep their enemies from firing at Bear. Still in cover, he rolled to his right, knowing that the elongated muzzle flash from his AK-74 would have given his position away. After about five rolls he came down on his belly once more and pulled anothe magazine from his pouch and slapped it into the empty magazine well in the rifle. He chambered another round.

Reloading AK-74 (0/30, soon to be 30/30)

[Private to Cap'n Rae: I've posted the things that Mariusz would do in this round of combat, the green is the stuf that could be interrupted, feel free to change it or I can rewrite it if circumstances change, the only really dodgy bit could be indirect or grenade fire from the enemy or a loss of conciousness from the roll. It's not acrobatics but the spped of the roll might affect his head. Of course other things might happen too, if I was psychic I'd have posted this last Tuesday...]
Jason Kasparov
player, 38 posts
Warrant Officer 1
U.S. Army Blackhawk Pilot
Sun 6 Jan 2008
at 07:26
  • msg #129

Re: The Height of Battle

"Lucky for me, I have two clips." Jason says, trying to clear his vision. Taking aim into the crowd of images, he squeezes off a full clip, and will hopefully drive the enemy into Snowy's team.

Jason Kasparov
Firing into crowd
M177 14 ROUND clip
Konrad Bayer
player, 390 posts
Sun 6 Jan 2008
at 14:20
  • msg #130

Re: The Height of Battle

Bayer will continue to bound with Milk until they reach the MTLB, on the way he's relieved to hear Yazzie's voice break over the radio - he'll contact him as soon as he and Milk get into some better cover.

"Watch the right corner, I'll make sure nobody's on the other side." he says. Bayer will then clear the other side using the corners as cover, exposing as little as possible. If there is anyone alive he will shoot at them semi-automatic until they go down (5 rounds).

Once he confirms the other side of the MTLB is clear, he calls over to Milk, "Ok, clear. Lets give some cover fire to the partisans. Snowy, we holding fast for the moment, move up."

Using their respective corners of the MTLB Bayer and Milk will fire on the enemy facing the partisans.

At the MTLB left hand (west) side.
Clearing the other side and firing semi-auto (5 rounds) at the enemy across the road.



            *          *
        Bayer         Milk
This message was last edited by the player at 14:23, Sun 06 Jan 2008.
Minh Quyen
player, 91 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Sun 6 Jan 2008
at 19:04
  • msg #131

Re: The Height of Battle

After no response, Quyen looks behind her and sees that Griet is no longer on the deck with her. She must have moved inside with Adam while she was firing at the sniper. Oh well, safer there I suppose.

As the sniper's position slowly passes by, Quyen bends her knees bit so she is just barely peering over the top of the machinegun. Even with the gun shield, she is taking little to chance. He fingers grip the trigger mechanism and handle, ready to fire off another burst into the dissipating white cloud. Over the tug's engine she thinks she hears the sounds of someone yelling, or screaming.

A second later she fires another single burst into the where she thinks is the sniper's position. After that she eases off the weapon and returns to scanning the river bank.

Minh Quyen
DSHK (AK74 slung)
Firing one 5 round burst

This message was last edited by the player at 19:04, Sun 06 Jan 2008.
Stanislaw Switek
player, 25 posts
Cistercian Monk/Partisan
Mon 7 Jan 2008
at 09:13
  • msg #132

Re: The Height of Battle

Switek hears Bear's statment of intent and dutifully relays it to his comrades.


This should be over soon.

The monk attempts once again to acquire a definite target and rips off another trio of bursts downrange in the direction of the hostiles as incoming rounds snap past his head.

Crouched in the field (behind his pack).
RPKM + 40/75rd Drum 7.62mmS
Returning automatic fire.

Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 472 posts
Polish Artillerist
Mon 7 Jan 2008
at 12:28
  • msg #133

Bow Gun Position

Having turned the mortar around to face the port side, Dawid hunkered down behind the gunshield and looked for more targets.

He felt satisfaction at taking out the sniper. So far, that kind of long-range precision fire had really caused the most casualties in their crew. These goddamn snipers deserved everything they got!

Wait, unless..., he thought, we never killed the sniper bedevilled us that last couple of engagements... I wonder if that's the same one? Well, may God have mercy on his black soul if that were the case.

There was a sneaking suspicion that Gunny's lack of response was due to something terrible and permanent.

Dawid Piotrowski
82mm Vasilek (4/5 WP)
Aiming + Opportunity Fire

This message was last edited by the player at 19:36, Mon 07 Jan 2008.
Robert 'Tuck' Tucker
player, 283 posts
Platoon Sergeant
10th Mountain Division
Mon 7 Jan 2008
at 16:56
  • msg #134

Re: Bow Gun Position

Tucker works the action of the M-203 forward and let's the spent HE shell hit the ground as he reaches for another HE to reload back into the chamber.  "Take that you fucker," he yells out to no one in particular.  He scans for more targets/threats.

M-16A2 [27/30]/M-203 [HE-relaoding]
Reloading M-203 w. HE round
Cap'n Rae
GM, 497 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Tue 8 Jan 2008
at 00:06
  • msg #135

Field of Battle

Bear rises to his knees and hefts the RPG tube to his shoulder in one quick and jerky motion. Deep lines of pain form on his leathery, scar-adorned face as bullets crack all around him. Fortunately, his comrades are laying just as much fire on the enemy, giving them something else to worry about besides marksmanship. Bear squints through the sight on his rocket launcher, squaring the crosshairs on a prone gunner who appears to be firing directly at him, and pulls the trigger. The green and black striped "hedgehog" round streaks toward the enemy squad, trailing a of smoke and detonates among them in a spectacular fireball. The bearded Pole drops back to the ground with a cry of triumph and pain. A weak, <i>"I'm hit...<i> follows from his position. It is almost drowned out by the sound of screaming, moaning wounded, coming from the grass up ahead.

Moments later, Konrad sweeps around the front corner of the MTLB. In his sites and only a couple of meters away is a blood-smeared Russian, on his knees, and fumbling awkwardly with his weapon. Konrad instinctively pumps five rounds into the man. At his side, a prone man scrambles frantically for his PKM and Konrad gives him the same treatment, watching as the man's body involuntarily jumps as the hot lead finds its mark. Milk meanwhile moves around the rear of the MTLB. His stomach tightens at the sound of firing nearby but his fear passes as he recognizes that all of the gunshots are NATO. Milk keeps his sights on the causeway embankment at which the cover team had fired during his approach. Someone could still be up there and it would be foolish to advance across the road to complete the flanking manouver with the possiblilty of exposing their own flank to an enemy so situated.


The tug advances to within 400m of the bridge before Walter brings her to a halt. The team aboard the Krolowa can clearly see Milk at the rear quarter of the burned out Russian APC. His gun is pointed at the west end of the bridge, indicating potential danger there.

Gunny has of yet not responded to any querries. He's a pretty taciturn fellow, but still...


Yazzie catches his breath and counts his blessings along with his ammo. He can see the assault team move into position at the MTLB but that's about it. Otherwise, it's quiet in his sector of the battlefield.

Konrad Bayer
player, 391 posts
Tue 8 Jan 2008
at 01:16
  • msg #136

Re: Field of Battle

"Clear!" Bayer yells as he rushes back behind cover, joining Milk on the other side of the MTLB wreck. "Two Russians with a machinegun, we'll come back for the ammo and stuff."

Toggling the radio switch, "Snowy, Sunray. We are holding fast for the moment, move up, over."

"Knife, Sunray, roger. We are moving on the bridge, have contact with dismounted infantry, squad size. Can you move to get eyes on the bridge? Over"

Nodding towards the firefight on the other side of the road he adds, "Lets give some cover fire to the partisans."

Using their respective corners of the MTLB Bayer and Milk will fire on the enemy facing the partisans.

Firing semi-automatic at enemy across the road
MTLB Wreck
G36/HK-69 (20/30)

This message was last edited by the player at 01:17, Tue 08 Jan 2008.
John Yazzie
player, 223 posts
Tue 8 Jan 2008
at 01:30
  • msg #137

Re: Field of Battle

"Roger Hauptmann I'm going to dead check these two then move up to support."

John will first listen for any sound or movement coming from the two he just smoked. He will then move up on them from a different angle with weapon at ready. Once he comes apon the men he will put a .45 round in each man's head and then do a quick search of them, any pockets that he can get into without rolling bodys over. He will use his razor to cut off rank and unit patchs. Once done he will move out to the bridge area to support The rest of the teams. He will move slow and with stealth. He will find a place 200 meters from the bridge to stop and call in to the Hauptmann his position.

"Hauptmann I'm 200 meters behind you request to come back into friendly lines."

Above actions
This message was last edited by the player at 01:31, Tue 08 Jan 2008.
Stanislaw Switek
player, 26 posts
Cistercian Monk/Partisan
Tue 8 Jan 2008
at 03:38
  • msg #138

Re: Field of Battle

The "hedgehog" antipersonnel round finds its target with a satisfying boom.  Switek takes brief respite in the momentary cessation of incoming Russian fire and uses the opportunity to move to the aid of his comrade-in-arms.  There will be plenty of time later to weep for the souls of their fallen assailants.

"Bear is down, guys!  Cover me!"  Switek hollers to his team.

The monk rips off a final burst of suppressive fire in the direction of the hostiles as he rises to a crouch and barrels toward the downed rocketeer.  He covers the distance quickly and dives into a roll, clutching his machingun close.  Upon sliding to a stop alongside Bear, Switek fumbles through the other soldier's webbing for a first aid kit and begins a rudimentary trauma assessment.

"It's OK buddy!  Where are you hit!?!"

Crouched in the field.
RPKM + 35/75rd Drum 7.62mmS
Tending to Bear.

Jason Kasparov
player, 39 posts
Warrant Officer 1
U.S. Army Blackhawk Pilot
Tue 8 Jan 2008
at 04:39
  • msg #139

Re: Field of Battle

Hearing Stanislaws cry, Jason pops out his magazine. Slapping in another one, he chambers a round, switches to semi, and starts crawling forward, serching for targets.

Jason Kasparov
Prone Crawling
M177, 15 round magazine
Semi auto setting, searching for targets
Anneka Soleblume
player, 310 posts
Israeli Medic
Tue 8 Jan 2008
at 05:08
  • msg #140

Re: Field of Battle

"Parks?" Anneka called up once more doubtfully.
"Dawid, I'd going up to check on Parks." she called down climbing awkwardly to her feet and heading around to the ladder behind the bridge.
Even though she was carrying the bare minimum of equipment, she struggled to walk quickly. The tear gas launcher she'd appropriated stayed with the RPD but "her" MP-5 was not about to be left behind, it's light weight feeling more like a loadstone than a weapon of self defence.

Reaching the ladder she was faced with the difficult task of climbing up with only one hand.....
[Private to GM: This may prove beyond her weakened physical state so I'll leave it there....]
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 473 posts
Polish Artillerist
Tue 8 Jan 2008
at 06:33
  • msg #141

Re: Field of Battle

Anneka Soleblume:
"Parks?" Anneka called up once more doubtfully.
"Dawid, I'd going up to check on Parks." she called down climbing awkwardly to her feet and heading around to the ladder behind the bridge.

They moved closer to the bridge.

"I shall continue surveillance!"

Taking out his binoculars, Dawid paused and looked up. He thought to offer to help, but decided keeping a watch was more important. He looked through the binoculars at the battlefield and then the bridge, trying to figure out what was going on.

Dawid Piotrowski
82mm Vasilek (4/5 WP)
Aimed and ready for opportunity fire to port.

This message was last edited by the player at 06:18, Wed 09 Jan 2008.
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 49 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Tue 8 Jan 2008
at 07:47
  • msg #142

Re: Field of Battle

Mariusz heard Bear's cry and Switek's response for covering fire. With his new magazine in the rifle he rolled to his knees and brought the Ak-74 to his shoulder. He scanned the area for targets, ready to fire on smi-automatic at anyone that should threaten Bear and Switek.

On his knees scanning for targets.

Minh Quyen
player, 92 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Tue 8 Jan 2008
at 15:35
  • msg #143

Re: Field of Battle

Quyen continues to scan the riverbank. She takes a brief pause to kick aside the pile of empty shell casings that had spilled onto the deck beneath her. She wondered how the shore party was making out, and hoped for the best.
Grzegorz 'Bear' Rzasa
NPC, 10 posts
Partisan RPG Gunner
Thu 10 Jan 2008
at 00:13
  • msg #144

Wounded Bear

Stanislaw Switek:
"It's OK buddy!  Where are you hit!?!"

"Grrrrr!!! It's my leg. Fucking Commies! Argh!"

He gestures towards his left leg. It's an ugly wound, a small round dot on the front of his thigh and a large, mangled exit hole in the back. At least the round doesn't appear to have hit bone. What's needed most now, in Switek's assessment, is to stop the heavy bleeding.
Cap'n Rae
GM, 498 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Thu 10 Jan 2008
at 00:46
  • msg #145

The Battle Rages

Joint Assault Team

From his vantage point at the front corner of the MTLB, Konrad can see the prone Russians- partially obscured by the smoke of an explosion of sort sort- on the other side of the road. He squints through the smoke at one of the still-moving Russians and squeezes off four rounds before hitting the man and bringing his movement to an abrupt end.

At the other end of the MTLB, Milk has no angle on the the group to the north. He's not going to expose himself to fire from the embankment a few dozen meters above and to the east of him. Instead, he keeps his eye on the position looking for signs of movement. Moments later his caution is rewarded- a grenade sails towards him in a high parabola from the embankment. He flattens himself against the APC's hull as the grenades lands a few meters short, bounding off of the road and coming to rest in the shallow ditch next to the MTLB.

"Grenade!" Clarence calls out, hoping that Konrad will be shielded from the blast and shrapnel by the hull and metal road wheels of the MTLB.

The grenade cooks off, producing plenty of noise, but no damage to Milk or Bayer. Clarence grabs his radio handset with his left hand while holding the heavy LSW on the causeway embankment with his right.

Starlight; this is Milk.
We got a target for ya- danger close.
There's a bunker at the west end of the bridge.
Target is about 10m further east on the reverse slope of the embankment.
Can you assist? OVER

Mariusz rises to his knees and starts looking for targets. The impact zone of Bear's hedghog is still smoking, making target identification difficult, but he seizes on one moving sillhouette and fires at it until it stops (6 rounds). Jason crawls towards the enemy, senses straining. He crawls to within 30m without seeing anyone. He's close enough now to the enemy to hear moaning over the sound of the gunfire, all of it rushing towards the enemy rather than from them. Any remaining enemy are now caught in a L-shaped cross-fire. A final coordinated assault should end all resistance, save for the lone gunman on the bridge embankment. Coordinating said assault between the dispersed and polyglot groups may prove difficult, however...


On board the Krolowa, Anneka pulls up short, her foot on the first rung of the ladder to the bridge roof. The pain is just to great. She can't make it.

Minh, after firing a few parting rounds at the WP smoke cloud that now envelops the enemy sniper position, notes Anneka's partially subdued cries of pain behind her.

Dawid continues to watch the unfolding battle through his field glasses. He can clearly see Milk through the magnified of the lenses and, although he can't hear the radio, he can surmise from the American's gestures and disposition that a threat exists somewhere on the north-west bridge road embankment.


Yazzie begins to make his way, cautiously, towards the MTLB. He's now about 450 distant. It will take him several minutes to arrive on the scene. He hits the scene where his attackers went down first. Both men are undoubtedly dead, the victims of 7.62mm head-shots. They are each clean-shaven. Their camoflaged field uniforms bear no insignia of any kind, although one man sports a faded, stained, horizontally striped blue and white undershirt under his cammies. Both carry a full load of AK-74 ammunition (6 full mags plus whatever's left in their rifles) which is rather unusual these days. Each has two hand grenades. One of the men has an RPG-18 (like the M72 LAW) strapped above a medium sized butt-pack.

This message was last edited by the GM at 01:01, Fri 11 Jan 2008.
Anneka Soleblume
player, 312 posts
Israeli Medic
Thu 10 Jan 2008
at 02:24
  • msg #146

Re: The Battle Rages

"Minh," Anneka called weakly, her good hand gripping the ladder tightly to support herself.
"Can you go up and check on Parks please? I can't make it."
Just as she was about to let herself slip to the deck, Milks call came over the radio.
Damn it! Why didn't I leave it with Dawid? she berated herself mentally. Leaning heavily against the tug she staggered back to her position, ready to relay instructions down to the mortarman if needed. Thankfully Milk's message had been to Sunray - Konrad.
With her out of position they were lucky he hadn't asked for artillery...
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 50 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Thu 10 Jan 2008
at 12:47
  • msg #147

Re: The Battle Rages

Maiusz remained crouched and moved slowly forward with his rifle at the ready. He was aware that at least one Red was active and that there was a bunker cloe-by. He scanned the area for targets, ready to pick off anyone he sees out of cover or lay suppressive fire on the buunker should it be needed.

Crouched and moving toward the bunker
Ready ti fire at targets of opportunity.

Robert 'Tuck' Tucker
player, 284 posts
Platoon Sergeant
10th Mountain Division
Thu 10 Jan 2008
at 15:11
  • msg #148

Re: The Battle Rages

Tucker continues to look around, searching for more threats in the area and says to Snowy, "You got anything Snowy?  C'mon, Bayer wants us up!"  Tucker goes to one kneee covering for Snowy as he gathers himself and weapon and then move out towards Bayer and the ret.

M-16A2 [27/30]/M-203 [HE]
Searching for targets/threats & covering while Snowy gets himself ready to move
This message was last edited by the player at 13:59, Fri 11 Jan 2008.
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 474 posts
Polish Artillerist
Thu 10 Jan 2008
at 16:28
  • msg #149

Re: The Battle Rages

Seeing they were now in range, Dawid hot-footed it over to the AGS-17 launcher. He made sure the ammunition was loaded in the drum magazine and ready to fire.

"At the Plamya and prepared to fire!"

Dawid Piotrowski

40mm Grenade-Launcher (30/30)
Waiting for a target

Minh Quyen
player, 93 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Thu 10 Jan 2008
at 17:52
  • msg #150

Re: The Battle Rages

Anneka Soleblume:
"Minh," Anneka called weakly, her good hand gripping the ladder tightly to support herself.
"Can you go up and check on Parks please? I can't make it."
Just as she was about to let herself slip to the deck, Milks call came over the radio.

"Yeah." Quyen calls back. Releasing the DSHK from her grip she walks towards the ladder to the rooftop. Machinegun shell casings and links crunch under her combat boots. Standing at the bottom she looks up, "Parks?" she asks aloud. Shifting her slung AK-74 she begins to climb up, slowly... there was something obviously wrong. "Parks?" she asks, much quieter this time, she expected the worse.

Quyen didn't bother to check him closely, he was clearly dead. Digging out his poncho from his webbing she quickly covered him up, and laid his rifle on his body. Lying prone on the roof she crawls to the edge and hangs her head over the edge - "Doctor? He's dead. Shot... what do you want me to do?" she calls down.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:53, Thu 10 Jan 2008.
John Yazzie
player, 224 posts
Thu 10 Jan 2008
at 23:44
  • msg #151

Contact Site

John will insure that the two fallen are dead with a simple dead check. Once done he will insure that the crafty russians arnt laying on a grenade. He will then remove the two hand grendes from each and place them in his large pack along with thier load bearing gear.(Ie magazines,magazine holders and butt packs.)Once done with this he will strap the Rpg to his pack and head to the link up point with Konrad he does not have the will or the endurance to carry the rifles.

Above tasks
Jason Kasparov
player, 40 posts
Warrant Officer 1
U.S. Army Blackhawk Pilot
Fri 11 Jan 2008
at 00:25
  • msg #152

Re: Contact Site

Pausing for an instant, Jason pulls up his thermal binoculars and scans the carnage. His head still pounding, he listens to moaning and tries to zone in on its location. If its close enough, he will hurl a grenade at the wounded enemies. If they are further out, and still targetable, he will aim and finish the job.

Otherwise, he will proceed at ten meter intervals, and check again.
Konrad Bayer
player, 394 posts
Fri 11 Jan 2008
at 02:21
  • msg #153

Re: Contact Site

Bayer continues to shield as much as himself as possible behind the MTLB wreck. After firing at the last man he sees alive facing the partisans he moves up to the next corner of the MTLB and looks for whoever threw the grenade. If he sees him he will fire semi-automatic until he ducks for cover or is hit.

Yelling over his shoulder he calls to Milk, "Clarence! I've got Snowy and Tucker moving up. Tell your partisans to keep up the fight and press on. Fight through the enemy position and realign themselves up with us here. Once we have the machinegun moved up also we'll make a final advance on the bridge."

MTLB Wreck
G36/HK-69 (20/30)
Looking for the grenadier/communicating

Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 475 posts
Polish Artillerist
Sat 12 Jan 2008
at 08:32
  • msg #154

Re: Contact Site

Dawid gauged the range, shook his head. "Major! We're still too far away for accurate fire with the 40mm and we're going too slow! I'm switching back to the mortar!"

He scrambled forward back to the Vasilek, hoping he the delay wasn't fatal.

Dawid Piotrowski
82mm Vasilek (4/5 WP)
Re-Manning the mortar

Cap'n Rae
GM, 501 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Sat 12 Jan 2008
at 18:01
  • msg #155

The Battle Dies Down

Jason crawls to within 30m of the groaning kill sack. He unfastens a grenade from his webbing and lobs it into the enemy formation. A satisfying CRUMP ceases further noise from the enemy position. Mariuz moves up to support, sweeping the area back and forth with his AK. Nothing, it appears, remains alive there.

The enemy near the bridge must see this too because, after looping another frag towards the MTLB, he breaks cover and dashes back across the bridge as fast as his legs will take him. Clarence, having ducked back around the hull of the APC for cover from the inbound grenade, doesn't see him go. By the time those who witness the lone enemy's flight have a chance to pass this along to those in position to stop him, it is too late. Milk takes Snow and moves cautiously up the embankment to secure that flank. They can see the enemy as he nears the east end of the bridge, too far away for an effective shot. They let him go and save the ammo.

The battle is effectively over.

As Switek works feverishly to tie a torniquet around Bear's upper left thigh, Mariuz and Jason begin to sweep the enemy position. They are met there by Bayer and Tucker and the two teams- NATO contractors and Polish Partisans- shake hands amid the carnage.

Five dead Russians, in various states of shreddedness, are strewn about within a 15m radius. They would have been able to flank the fixed NATO team, using the slightly raised roadway as cover and concealment, had it not been for the arrival of the Partisans. This allowed the NATO team to turn the tables, taking the Russians in the flank and creating a deadly cross-fire. It was a close-run thing, and- given Jason's remarkable luck- the Partisans were lucky to come away with only one man wounded. In exchange for Bear's blood and Jason's pounding headache, 8 Russians are confirmed dead with the sniper a 9th probable.

Not including Yazzie's haul, the group recovers a veritable arsenal: 4 undamaged AK-74s (one with an underbarrel GL and 5 40mm grenades), one PKM machine gun with 75 rounds, one RPG-18 disposable ATW, 28 full magazines of 5.35mm ammo, 1 Makrarov pistol with 3 full magazines, and 12 hand grenades. All of the other captured weapons and ammunition are damaged beyond repair or use.

As the united ground team polices up their war booty and sees to their casualties, the tug comes to a stop about 400m from the bridge. From this distance, the only navigable passage underneath it is quite apparent. Accumulated silt and debris have piled up near the banks and and shoreward bridge pylons leaving only a narrow channel towards the middle of the bridge. The "roof" of this channel, however, hung somewhat miraculously, just 20 meters over the swift, brown water- a testament to both the Partisan's earlier, daring raid and the orignal bridge designers' and builders' skill. The Krolowa will not be able to pass beneath it without great risk. The tug's security team is going to have to finish the job the partisans started.

This message was last edited by the GM at 18:08, Sat 12 Jan 2008.
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 51 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Sat 12 Jan 2008
at 18:38
  • msg #156

Re: The Battle Dies Down

Mariusz checked that the combat was over and then ran over to Switek and Bear, his heart and head pounding and his mouth dry with panic. He came close to the pair and said, "Anything I can do to help Boss?" He turned to the newly found american Allies and said, "My comrade is hurt, do you have a medic?"

[Private to Cap'n Rae: Mariusz will forget about the empty magazine in his concern for Bear. He'll run for the medic if needed or join a litter team.]
Konrad Bayer
player, 395 posts
Sat 12 Jan 2008
at 19:36
  • msg #157

Re: The Battle Dies Down

Bayer slings his rifle and double checks the frequency of his radio. Standing at the end of the bridge he looks over at the halted Krolowa. "Starlight, this is Sunray. Objective ist secure. Establishing defensive perimeter. Have two times wounded, one requires immediate medical attention. Require Quyen and demolitions to be ferried ashore. Over." He knew Yazzie, could hear that the bridge was secured, and assumed he was on his way.

Looking over at his two NCOs he motioned them over for some quick direction. "Ok, well done. Milk, which one is their leader? (indicating to the partisans) Call him over so he can take part in this."

Once he arrives Bayer begins sorting out the group and allocating some tasks. "I've radioed the tug for Quyen to move in and begin clearing this obstacle. We need to prepare for any kind of counter attack or harassment that may interfere with that. We'll set up two men on this side, and two on the other side. Down on the shore, this side we'll move the wounded and captured weaponry to await transfer."

"Sergeant Tucker, site yourself and Snowy into a good position with the machinegun. That bunker might be a good spot, check it out. Keep watch down the road towards Szczucin especially."

"Milk, have the wounded Pole moved to the river's edge to await transport."
He looks at the Partisan's leader, "He'll have to go aboard to receive medical attention. Our doctor ist injured."

Bayer points to the opposite end of the bridge and continues speaking to the Partisan. "Can you post two of you at the other end? Our pionier is going to be rigging explosives on the bridge to clear it, and I would like the other flank to be covered."

"Anything else we should discuss?" he asks the three men.

G36 (20/30)

This message was last edited by the player at 19:39, Sat 12 Jan 2008.
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 52 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Sat 12 Jan 2008
at 21:57
  • msg #158

Re: The Battle Dies Down

Mariusz retrieved his pack and pulled out his shelter half, he went back to the German officer and said, "We can carry Bear in this, I'll help but we'll need three others. I'd offer to scout, but I took a nasty blow to the head earlier, I'm coping reasonably but I'm not competent enough to keep the bad guys off if they come calling. My name's Mariusz, Mariusz Tokarski, I fight for Brother Switek here."
He looked down at bear and frowned, he hoped they wouldn't lose yet another life for this damned bridge, the sooner the Amis blew it the better. He hunkered down to look closer at Bear's injuries.
John Yazzie
player, 225 posts
Sun 13 Jan 2008
at 02:18
  • msg #159

Re: The Battle Dies Down

John radios the Hauptmann..

"Hauptmann coming into your line's now. We must talk in private when i get there. I have gear for the team and I'm at 100%."

John will link up with the rest of the group and have his conversation with the Hauptmann when he is ask to come and see him. he will set up a position on the other side of the machine gun on the bridge. He will try and find some cover and concealment . He will then cover the bridge with his weapon.

above tasks
Jason Kasparov
player, 41 posts
Warrant Officer 1
U.S. Army Blackhawk Pilot
Sun 13 Jan 2008
at 03:28
  • msg #160

Re: The Battle Dies Down

Jason shuffles through the bodies, collecting gear and searching pockets. "One of you bastards tried to take off my head," he announces as he tosses a shrapnel riddled corpse back on the pile. Strapping an AK-47 across his back, he puts a few magazines in his pockets. "I hope no one minds. I am running low on ammo."

Jason Kasparov
searching bodies for intel
Anneka Soleblume
player, 314 posts
Israeli Medic
Sun 13 Jan 2008
at 03:43
  • msg #161

Upper deck forward

Having made it back to her position, Anneka slid down behind the sandbags and rested he head for a moment.
Minh Quyen:
"Doctor? He's dead. Shot... what do you want me to do?"

"Cover him up and come down. We'll be close to the bridge in a few minutes so you'll need to ready the boat."
According to her records, Minh had the skill to pilot the small boats without too much difficulty and her engineering knowledge was vital for passing the damaged bridge. She, and her explosives, would be needed very soon.
Konrad Bayer:
"Starlight, this is Sunray. Objective ist secure. Establishing defensive perimeter. Have two times wounded, one requires immediate medical attention. Require Quyen and demolitions to be ferried ashore. Over."

"Sunray, Starlight. Have Snowy administer first aid and transport casualties to the Krolowa once Minh arrives. Request one or two others to assist with Krolowa security. Over."
Only Dawid remained unwounded aboard the tug once Minh departed. Although the three remaining crew had basic weapons skills, one of them was passed out drunk and the other two couldn't leave their positions to man weapons. If anyone was to attack them now with so much as a slingshot, they'd find it extremely difficult to repel them.
"How are we doing Dawid? What have we got left for the mortar?"
[Private to Minh Quyen: In peacetime, the minimum safe unprotected distance for explosions with metal elements in the target is 1000m. This range is obviously reduced if observers, etc are dug in and undercover and reduced further for wartime. Perhaps Minh may want to mention this if explosives are to be used on the bridge - the tug may need to be moved back along with any dismounted security.]
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 476 posts
Polish Artillerist
Sun 13 Jan 2008
at 16:47
  • msg #162

Re: Upper deck forward

Anneka Soleblume:
Only Dawid remained unwounded aboard the tug once Minh departed. Although the three remaining crew had basic weapons skills, one of them was passed out drunk and the other two couldn't leave their positions to man weapons. If anyone was to attack them now with so much as a slingshot, they'd find it extremely difficult to repel them.
"How are we doing Dawid? What have we got left for the mortar?"

He checked the Vasilek's magazine and looked down in the hatch.

"We have, ah... 5 phosphor, 5 fragmentation and 10 Anti-armour rounds left."

"Not much, for sure."

Konrad Bayer
player, 396 posts
Sun 13 Jan 2008
at 19:48
  • msg #163

Re: The Battle Dies Down

Mariusz Tokarski:
Mariusz retrieved his pack and pulled out his shelter half, he went back to the German officer and said, "We can carry Bear in this, I'll help but we'll need three others. I'd offer to scout, but I took a nasty blow to the head earlier, I'm coping reasonably but I'm not competent enough to keep the bad guys off if they come calling. My name's Mariusz, Mariusz Tokarski, I fight for Brother Switek here."

Bayer nods and proposes, "If thats what you need, then ok. You can all move him down to das river's edge. After that send two sentries to the other side then ja? Or even just one I suppose, seeing how we are pretty short of manpower here. But I do want someone down there watching by the time the pionere begins rigging the explosives."

He looks at the wounded man, "Is he ahh... stabilized? Capable of moving to our boat? Or does he need additional medical attention?"

Soleblume's response comes over the radio taking his attention off the shot Pole. Bayer depresses the transmit switch and continues, "Sunray, roger. I'll send back aboard another man, with the wounded."

Looking at Tucker he says, "You can do this ja? You can handle the small boat to transfer the wounded? I'll put Yazzie on this side with Snowy. He should be here soon."

A few seconds later Yazzie voice is heard on the radio...

John Yazzie:
"Hauptmann coming into your line's now. We must talk in private when i get there. I have gear for the team and I'm at 100%."

"Sunray, roger. Holding fire. I'm right next to the bridge.", Bayer replies and then shouts over to Snowy and whoever else is keeping watch... "Yazzie is coming in."
Minh Quyen
player, 94 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Sun 13 Jan 2008
at 20:09
  • msg #164

Re: Upper deck forward

Anneka Soleblume:
"Cover him up and come down. We'll be close to the bridge in a few minutes so you'll need to ready the boat."

Quyen climbs down - "He's already covered. I'll go get ready to launch, just say 'go' once the tug is in position."

Quyen makes he way over to where the inflatable rests on the deck. The demolition kit sits nearby, her having brought up from the locker a couple hours ago. Picking up one end of the kit she slides it next to the raft and hauls it up over the edge and centers it on the the hull. Next she makes her way over and sets up the rigging that'll swing the inflatable out and over the river.

Once done she sit next to the raft and wait for the word to deploy.
Clarence Milk
NPC, 114 posts
Chief Warrant Officer 2
U.S. Army Special Forces
Sun 13 Jan 2008
at 20:10
  • msg #165

Re: The Battle Dies Down

Clarence overhears Konrad's adjusting of team dispositions for the operation at hand and interjects,

"Sir, if Tucker has the wounded and the boat, I can take one of the others over to cover the other end of the bridge."

If Konrad doesn't object, Clarence will approach Kasparov, who appears unwounded, introduce himself, and explain the mission.

"WO2 Clarence Milk, U.S. Army Special Forces. I was that voice on the other end of the line." he offers his hand before continuing, "It's good to finally meet ya. We need to secure the other end of the bridge so that our engineer can place the demo in peace. These guys aint goin' nowhere." he says with a wry grin, indicating the tattered Russian corpses at his feet.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:14, Sun 13 Jan 2008.
Konrad Bayer
player, 397 posts
Sun 13 Jan 2008
at 20:31
  • msg #166

Re: The Battle Dies Down

"Thats fine with me Milk. I don't really care who exactly goes where. Just as long as we've got both ends under observation."

Finalizing the plan, "Ok, so Snowy and Yazzie will cover this end, and you and a partizan can move to the other. Tucker will take the wounded back aboard."

Mariusz Tokarski
player, 53 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Sun 13 Jan 2008
at 20:41
  • msg #167

Re: The Battle Dies Down

Mariusz looked over at Kasparov, he said to the man, "You stay with the Amis, I'll help Switek carry Bear down to the boat."
He moved back to the monk, "Let me know when Bear is ready to move, we can slide my poncho under him and carry him to the boat."
Stanislaw Switek
player, 28 posts
Cistercian Monk/Partisan
Mon 14 Jan 2008
at 00:27
  • msg #168

Re: The Battle Dies Down

Switek finishes applying a tourniquet to Bear's tattered leg.  The battle seems to be over - at least for the moment - but Bear's condition is not any less urgent.  Tokarski returns from the gathering of forces and offers up his poncho to assist in carrying their fallen comrade.  The two men load up the third into the makeshift litter and manhandle him toward the shore.  Once the wounded partisan has been secured, Switek checks his tourniquet again.  A reassessment of the wound with his rudimentary skills fails to convince the monk that the veteran partisan is stabilized.

"Hauptmann," Switek advises the German leader of the NATO party, "I prefer to stay with my man until he is under proper care.  He is in bad shape.  We have been through a lot and I owe him that.  Once Bear has been loaded aboard your tugboat, I shall make myself and young Mariusz here available at your disposal."

He looks to Tokarski and continues, "Mariusz, would you collect my pack from the field and return it to me here?  I do not wish to leave Bear."

The monk looks for a clean rag with which to wipe his comrade's blood from his hands before making formal introductions to the leaders of his NATO and CIA allies.

At the shoreline.
Slung RPKM + Drum 7.62mmS (35/75)
Tending to Bear.

This message was last edited by the player at 00:31, Mon 14 Jan 2008.
Jason Kasparov
player, 42 posts
Warrant Officer 1
U.S. Army Blackhawk Pilot
Mon 14 Jan 2008
at 00:37
  • msg #169

Re: The Battle Dies Down

Jason nods, then hugs Mariusz. "I'm glad we are all right.  I hope Bear is too. Keep me updated with his status."

Nodding to Milk, Jason offers his hand. "Kasparov, Warrent Officer.I used to fly Blackhawks, back when we had Blackhawks. I just have to collect my pack."Jason rubs his head as he examines his helmet, the small dent from a round that tried to split his skull. "I don't suppose you have an aspirin?"

Jason Kasparov
collecting his gear, then following Milk
M177 and AK-47
Konrad Bayer
player, 398 posts
Mon 14 Jan 2008
at 06:14
  • msg #170

Re: The Battle Dies Down

After the tourniquet is applied Bayer responds, "Well lets get him down to the river then. We need to get on with securing this area before anyone returns."

Indicating to Milk, Switek and Mariusz, he grabs a corner of the shelter half to bring the wounded man down to the river's edge.

G36/HK69 (20/30)
Near Bridge
Transporting Bear to riverbank

Cap'n Rae
GM, 502 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Mon 14 Jan 2008
at 20:19
  • msg #171

Back to Business

Milk and Kasparov make their way cautiously to the east end of the bridge, well aware of the possible proximity of additional enemy forces. They set up their OP behind a wrecked 2.5 ton truck. Meanwhile, Snow sets up his PKM in the collapsed checkpoint bunker at the west end while awaiting Yazzie.

Assisted by Tucker and Bayer, Switek and Tokarski move the wounded Bear down to the water's edge. The big man is clearly in shock and suffering from the effects of serious blood loss. His big, bushy head lolls about as the litter bearers ease their load down the riverbank. Hopefully, the NATO folks have a competent medic aboard...

Minh loads her demo gear into the Zodiac and sets off for the shore, meeting the impromptu medivac party at the shore. "Cargo" is transferred from shore to boat and vice-versa and three Poles, with Tucker at the helm, return to the Krolowa, while Konrad helps Minh haul her gear up to the bridge.

Mariusz Tokarski
player, 55 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Mon 14 Jan 2008
at 20:58
  • msg #172

Re: Back to Business

Mariusz was glad to unload both Bear and the packs onto the inflatable raft. He was still concerned for his friend but couldn't help noticing the steam-powered rust bucket that the Amis were protecting. He felt disappointed, secretly he'd been imagining a sleek, grey battleship, not a rusty tub with some bolt on armour and a few Dushkas. It was one big floating target on its own without the bloody great barge attached to it like a cancer.

Still, it was probably best not to say these things in public, the Amis were probably inordinately proud of thei glorified bathtub.

The assault raft chugged over to the tug and tied off, as Mariusz helped unload it he hear Bear groaning, he called out, "We have serious need of a medic here. Is there one available."[Private to Cap'n Rae: Mariusz will assist anyone helping with casualties until told to get out of the way or do something else. Normally he'd be more proactive but the head wound has curbed his youhful spirits. Still, the Golden Hour is ticking away for the seriously injured, and if you need a mediocre concussed surgeon, he's willing to step up to the plate.]
Konrad Bayer
player, 399 posts
Tue 15 Jan 2008
at 00:20
  • msg #173

Re: Back to Business

Bayer nods to Quyen as she climbs out of the large inflatable boat. Grabbing one end of the engineer demolition kit he helps carry it up to the bridge. Looking back he watches as Tucker ferries the wounded back up the river to the tug.

He orients her to the ground, "We've got, once Yazzie gets in position, two people on each end of the bridge. No pressure, but be as quick as possible ok?"
Anneka Soleblume
player, 316 posts
Israeli Medic
Tue 15 Jan 2008
at 00:50
  • msg #174

Re: Back to Business

Anneka looked down into the small boat with displeasure.
"Starlight to Sunray. Request Yazzie or Snowy to assist with casualties. Over."
As the boat drew near, she hauled herself back up onto her feet and made her slow, painful way to the main deck.
"Dawid, you're it." she said wryly. Only one solider to watch every direction. Two if you counted the seriously wounded and barely functioning Krakow representative, Griet.

"Any of you know anything about first aid?" Anneka called as the boatload of wounded was tied up alongside.
"I'm Major Soleblume, US Army Medical Corp. You'll be spending some time in my company to begin with while we assess your injuries and see where we can use you." It didn't even occur to her that maybe some of them wouldn't be staying. Who really wanted to give up the relative luxuries of a cruise down the Vistula for a life of danger and degredation in the Polish countryside?

"You need to lay down right away boy until I've had time to check that head of yours." Head injuries were always nasty but first she needed to look after the big man with the beard....
[Private to GM: Will leave any rolls, etc to you as she's sure to be penalised having the use of only one arm (and with an effective Str of only 1!)]
Konrad Bayer
player, 400 posts
Tue 15 Jan 2008
at 01:02
  • msg #175

Re: Back to Business

Bayer looks down at the ground with a look of annoyance at himself. He had forgotten the Solemblume's injuries left her unable to perform the skills needed.

"Sunray, roger. My fault. Send Tucker back and we'll make the switch." he says dryly.

While he waited he walks over to where Snowy is camped out in the old bunker. "Look ahh... Major needs your hands for saving that Pole. Tcuker's on his way back. Have him commandeer the machinegun and head over ja?"
John Yazzie
player, 226 posts
Tue 15 Jan 2008
at 02:39
  • msg #176

Reporting In

As John readys himself into position he catchs The good Hauptmann for a quick run down of the past action.

"Herr Hauptmann , They were waiting for me . A machinegun crew and a scout team. They were Spetznaz every single one of them. One of the fuckers that I killed in the field still had his blue and white shirt under his uniform. This changes alot of shit. We have the best Soviet special forces after us ?! I have fought these guys alot and they are just as good and sometimes better then our NATO best. In my opinion we need to blow this bridge and then make some time down this river no more fucking around. It took every trick I had to just survive out there. Well thats my report I will take up my position now, Hey Hauptmann thanks for listining....."

John will move into position and tie in with who ever he is teamed up with.

Getting into position
This message was last edited by the player at 02:39, Tue 15 Jan 2008.
Stanislaw Switek
player, 30 posts
Cistercian Monk/Partisan
Tue 15 Jan 2008
at 02:46
  • msg #177

Aboard the Krowlowa

"I have trained in basic lifesaving and first aid, Major," Switek grunts modestly as he assists Mariusz and the American sergeant to wrestle Bear onto  the tugboat.  "I am no medic but whatever help I may be, my hands are yours."

Once all are aboard, the grizzled monk continues, "Bear here appears to have what I surmise to be a severed femoral artery, rifle shot through and through.  I did what I could but he has lost a lot of blood."

He motions to young Tokarski.  "The little one had his bell rung earlier in the day.  Likely a concussion.  I expect he'll be fine."

Switek looks around the deck and begins to get his bearings.

"Sorry, ma'am.  I am Stan." he decleares, suddenly remembering protocol.  "Permission to come aboard?"
Minh Quyen
player, 95 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Tue 15 Jan 2008
at 03:45
  • msg #178

Re: Back to Business

Konrad Bayer:
"We've got, once Yazzie gets in position, two people on each end of the bridge. No pressure, but be as quick as possible ok?"

"Understood." Minh answers. The first thing she does is make her way out near the damaged section of the bridge. She'll take a look at the bridge's construction and the extend of the damage to determine how much explosives she'll need.

OOC - GM can you tell me how much is required?

Next she'll return to the demolitions box and collect as much of the contents as needed - and begin setting charges.

Minh Quyen
AK-74 (28 Rounds)
On the bridge
Setting demolitions

This message was last edited by the player at 03:47, Tue 15 Jan 2008.
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 478 posts
Polish Artillerist
Tue 15 Jan 2008
at 05:06
  • msg #179

Re: Back to Business

Anneka Soleblume:
"Dawid, you're it." she said wryly. Only one solider to watch every direction. Two if you counted the seriously wounded and barely functioning Krakow representative, Griet.

Dawid lit a cigarette.

"It? Keep watch? Okay."

He looked up at the bridge that was slated for demolition.

"Oh yes, as we Poles plan on having a technological society one day, we would appreciate it if all foreigners in our country would refrain from blowing up parts of our infrastructure you find inconvenient, for the duration of your stay. Thank you."

When his fellow Poles came aboard, Dawid answered Stan's question in Polish.

"Of course you may come aboard, my friends. The Captain is indisposed at the moment."

"You Solidarność partisans?"

He offered up his pack of cigarettes to the newcomers.

[OOC: Dawid is wearing Polish Army fatigues with a NATO-style armour vest and helmet. For clarity, speaking in another language it typically in italics.]
[Private to Anneka Soleblume; Cap'n Rae: If Anneka was actually asking Dawid to do something else, just let me know!]
This message was last edited by the player at 05:23, Tue 15 Jan 2008.
Jason Kasparov
player, 43 posts
Warrant Officer 1
U.S. Army Blackhawk Pilot
Tue 15 Jan 2008
at 07:10
  • msg #180

Re: Back to Business

Taking up his position, Jason removes his pack, and replaces the grenade he tossed earlier. "My bell was rung pretty well back there." he states to Milk, as he examines his new AK-47. "These guys cared for their weapons, thats for sure. So whats your story? How long you been out?"

Jason Kasparov
Guard duty
M-177 AND AK-47 at the ready
Robert 'Tuck' Tucker
player, 287 posts
Platoon Sergeant
10th Mountain Division
Tue 15 Jan 2008
at 16:10
  • msg #181

Re: Back to Business

Tucker nods to Bayer on his orders to move the wounded to the tug for treatment by Anneka.  He moves quickly to the boat he's taking them out there with and helps to carefully load them for the short trip.  Once he gets the boat to the tug and tied off, he begins to help off load the casualites and get them on deck.  He looks to Anneka or Dawid, "How we doin' out here?"

Once the wounded have been taken aboard, Rpobert steers the small craft back to their 'staging' area on the shore and reports back to Bayer.

Transporting wounded from shore to ship
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 57 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Tue 15 Jan 2008
at 16:21
  • msg #182

Re: Back to Business

Mariusz heard the guy in Polish combats talking and almost missed the switch to Polish, they'd been switching between the two languages for so long now it seemed natural. A Pole with a bunch of Amis? He thought for a moment no stranger than Kasparov, an Ami with a bunch of Poles. Still, there'd be a story there.

He looked up and said , "Thanks for the welcome, are we Solidarity? You'd better ask the Boss that, he does the politics, I just kill Soviets."He offered his hand, "Mariusz Tokarski, pleased to meet you."
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 480 posts
Polish Artillerist
Tue 15 Jan 2008
at 22:48
  • msg #183

Re: Back to Business

Mariusz Tokarski:
He looked up and said , "Thanks for the welcome, are we Solidarity? You'd better ask the Boss that, he does the politics, I just kill Soviets."He offered his hand, "Mariusz Tokarski, pleased to meet you."

Dawid shook his hand and offered him a smoke.

Taking off his helmet, Mariusz  could see the left side of his forehead was marred by a recent gash just under the hairline and running back. It had been sewn up by an expert was healing nicely.

He laughed. "Good! To us Poles, the only good Russian is a dead Russian, of course.

"I am pleased to meet you as well.

"With all these marauders around, believe me we've had our fill of the damned Russians. More than our fill, actually.

"If your chief says it's okay, go grab some grub. We'll be here for a little while, at least."

"Oh yeah, there's some Polish Navy woman traveling with us. I hope she is still healthy, but we've taken high losses and I fear the worst."

He looked around for Griet, but didn't leave his post.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:39, Wed 16 Jan 2008.
Clarence Milk
NPC, 115 posts
Chief Warrant Officer 2
U.S. Army Special Forces
Wed 16 Jan 2008
at 01:59
  • msg #184

Re: Back to Business

Jason Kasparov:
"These guys cared for their weapons, thats for sure. So whats your story? How long you been out?"

Without taking his eyes off of the terrain to their front, Clarence answers,

"Too long, too long..."

It's a few long seconds before he continues,

"Got stuck in Krakow on a mission. This tug is my ticket out, I hope. How much you know about the good father's operations?"

Clarence Milk
L86A2 LSW (20/30)
Guarding eastern approaches to bridge

Jason Kasparov
player, 44 posts
Warrant Officer 1
U.S. Army Blackhawk Pilot
Wed 16 Jan 2008
at 02:32
  • msg #185

Re: Back to Business

"Not much. I was working fo the Agency when I was shot down. Running supplies to my brothers in arms there. Took an RPG to the tail rotor. Spun her in, but my bird was shot. The good Father saved my ass, and I've been with him since. Real bad ass bunch my brothers are."

Jason looked across the smashed terrain, the acrid smell of the burned out truck filling his nostrils.

"Shouldn't they really move the boat past the bridge before they blow this bitch?I mean, what if it blocks the river when it collapses?"

Reaching in his pocket, Jason pulls out two sugar packets. "Want a hit of home?"

Jason Kasparov
M177 15/15
Bridge sitting
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 58 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Wed 16 Jan 2008
at 09:42
  • msg #186

Re: Back to Business

"Good! To us Poles, the only good Russian is a dead Russian, of course.

Mariusz laughed, "Yes, reminds me of an old World War Two joke. In 1939, a squad were surrounded. The sergeant came and said, "Well boys, we've Russians to the East and Germans to the West. Which do we attack first?" The senior private said, "We hit the Germans first, one should always put business before pleasure."He took the proffered cigarette and offered some of the sausage to Dawid.

"Where are you from?" he asked.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:42, Wed 16 Jan 2008.
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 481 posts
Polish Artillerist
Wed 16 Jan 2008
at 10:44
  • msg #187

Re: Back to Business

Mariusz Tokarski:
"Good! To us Poles, the only good Russian is a dead Russian, of course.

Mariusz laughed, "Yes, reminds me of an old World War Two joke. In 1939, a squad were surrounded. The sergeant came and said, "Well boys, we've Russians to the East and Germans to the West. Which do we attack first?" The senior private said, "We hit the Germans first, one should always put business before pleasure."He took the proffered cigarette and offered some of the sausage to Dawid.

"Where are you from?" he asked.

He laughed. "That's a funny joke! It's true."

He cut off some Kiełbasa (Polish sausage). "Thanks."

"Well, I'm from Grzybów. Small farming town, South-East of Warszawa. Got some family there, hope they're still alive. You from the city or the countryside?"
This message was last edited by the player at 10:45, Wed 16 Jan 2008.
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 59 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Wed 16 Jan 2008
at 11:26
  • msg #188

Re: Back to Business

"The city, I lived in Warsaw, my parents were languages teachers in the Colleges there. Until we had to leave in front of the advancing allied forces. Since then, well, I've survived and I've killed Reds, that's about it." he lit up the cigaretted and inhaled greatfully.

"Why aren't you still in the army?"
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 482 posts
Polish Artillerist
Wed 16 Jan 2008
at 16:19
  • msg #189

Re: Back to Business

Mariusz Tokarski:
"The city, I lived in Warsaw, my parents were languages teachers in the Colleges there. Until we had to leave in front of the advancing allied forces. Since then, well, I've survived and I've killed Reds, that's about it." he lit up the cigaretted and inhaled greatfully.

"Why aren't you still in the army?"

"You left Warszawa ahead of NATO? Good man."

He took a bite of Kiełbasa.

"Mmmm.... good!"

"I stayed in the city during the whole siege. My sister was a Doctor there, studying in the Medical University of Warszawa. She said NATO would actually send in medical supplies every once in a while to help the civilians trapped there."

"When we lifted the siege, NATO destroyed the city with nuclear strikes. So much for the people there, heck of a way to "liberate" them, eh?"

"That was a while ago. A little more recently, once we destroyed the yanks over in Kalisz I figured I'd done my part to free Poland, and wasn't even sure who the enemy was any more. I'm going down the river to Warszawa to see if my sister is still alive there, then maybe see if my parents and brother are still in Grzybów."

[OOC: "Warszawa" is the Polish name for Warsaw.]
This message was last edited by the player at 16:20, Wed 16 Jan 2008.
Konrad Bayer
player, 401 posts
Wed 16 Jan 2008
at 17:12
  • msg #190

Re: Back to Business

Robert 'Tuck' Tucker:
Once the wounded have been taken aboard, Rpobert steers the small craft back to their 'staging' area on the shore and reports back to Bayer.

Bayer crouches down on, taking some of the weight off his back from the heavily loaded webbing and kevlar. He watches from a distance as Quyen inspects the bridge.

When Tucker approaches he says, "Ok Tuck. Snowy is needed aboard the tug to help Soleblume. Swap weapons ja? Man the machinegun in his place."

He looks as his watch as he mulls over in his mind what Yazzie told him about the Spetsnaz.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:14, Wed 16 Jan 2008.
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 60 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Wed 16 Jan 2008
at 20:07
  • msg #191

Re: Back to Business

"It would be good to find family," Mariusz agreed, "my parents were gentle people, they didn't live long enough to realise the rules had changed. they died on the exodus, died badly, I know there's not really a good way, but theirs were bad." He paused, "You don't fight for the Polish Government anymore, good, fuck them, now fight for your friends and Poland, both hard mistresses but at least they won't screw you over for the price of Commie Support."
Cap'n Rae
GM, 507 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Thu 17 Jan 2008
at 00:28
  • msg #192

That Confounded Bridge

Bear is deposited as per Anneka's instructions. A cursory examination of the wound indicates that, although the tourniquet has slowed the bleeding, it hasn't stopped it. Given the patients weakened, almost delirious condition, it's possible- likely even- that he will die if the bleeding is not soon stopped.

Tucker and Snowy switch positions with the Australian heading for the tug and the American manning the PKM in the collapsed bunker at the western end of the bridge, alongside Yazzie.

Back on board the Krolowa, Snowy reports to Anneka, as ordered,

"Konrad said you needed a hand." Snowy smiles weakly at his own attempt at humor before continuing, "I'll wash up right quick. What else do you- er, we- need?"

Minh continues her inspection of the bridge, trying to figure out the most promising spots to place their limited supply of explosives. Konrad stands nearby, musing at the situation.

Milk and Kasparov continue to keep watch at the bridge's eastern end. They've neither seen nor heard any sign of the enemy. The lone survivor must have beat feet for safer parts.

Clarence Milk
NPC, 116 posts
Chief Warrant Officer 2
U.S. Army Special Forces
Thu 17 Jan 2008
at 00:57
  • msg #193

Re: That Confounded Bridge

Jason Kasparov:
"Shouldn't they really move the boat past the bridge before they blow this bitch?I mean, what if it blocks the river when it collapses?"

Reaching in his pocket, Jason pulls out two sugar packets. "Want a hit of home?"

"I think the problem is the boat can't get past the bridge in the first place. We ran into someone on the river who said it'd be a problem. I can't really tell from up here but it looks like whoever's steerin' the tug agrees."

Clarence switches his partial mag for a fresh one. He glances over to see Jason holding out the little sugar packet,

"Man, is that what I think it is? Damn! I'll take some o' that. Thanks Kasparov. You're good people; I don't care what the others say." he says with a broad smile, reaching out to take the pilot's offering.

L86A2 LSW 30/30
Guarding and chatting

John Yazzie
player, 227 posts
Thu 17 Jan 2008
at 02:54
  • msg #194

Re: That Confounded Bridge

"tucker i will call out targets with my scope but try not to fire i will guide your burst onto target with my correction"

John will try to do his best to get cover and concealment and be able to view the killing area in front of him.

Getting into position
Robert 'Tuck' Tucker
player, 288 posts
Platoon Sergeant
10th Mountain Division
Thu 17 Jan 2008
at 15:27
  • msg #195

Re: Back to Business

Konrad Bayer:
Robert 'Tuck' Tucker:
Once the wounded have been taken aboard, Robert steers the small craft back to their 'staging' area on the shore and reports back to Bayer.

Bayer crouches down on, taking some of the weight off his back from the heavily loaded webbing and kevlar. He watches from a distance as Quyen inspects the bridge.

When Tucker approaches he says, "Ok Tuck. Snowy is needed aboard the tug to help Soleblume. Swap weapons ja? Man the machinegun in his place."
Tuck nods in compliance with Bayer.  "Roger that Konrad, I'm on it," Tucker says as he moves over to where Snowy is covering with the MG.

Rob taps Snowy on the shoulder, "Konrad wants you back on the tug to help out with the wounded.  Take my '16' and leave me your MG.  I'll take it from here buddy!"

Swapping weapons with Snowy so he can return to the tug to help with wounded

Anneka Soleblume
player, 320 posts
Israeli Medic
Fri 18 Jan 2008
at 03:48
  • msg #196

Re: That Confounded Bridge

Cap'n Rae:
Bear is deposited as per Anneka's instructions. A cursory examination of the wound indicates that, although the tourniquet has slowed the bleeding, it hasn't stopped it. Given the patients weakened, almost delirious condition, it's possible- likely even- that he will die if the bleeding is not soon stopped.

Back on board the Krolowa, Snowy reports to Anneka, as ordered,
"Konrad said you needed a hand." Snowy smiles weakly at his own attempt at humor before continuing, "I'll wash up right quick. What else do you- er, we- need?"

Weak fom her injuries and the exursions of the previous few hours, Anneka could barely stay on her feet as she directed Snowy in caring for first Bear and then the boy Mariusz. It was a slow process but at least Snowy had some previous experience with caring for the wounded.
Finally it was done, only time would tell now if the big man lived or died.
Robert 'Tuck' Tucker
player, 289 posts
Platoon Sergeant
10th Mountain Division
Fri 18 Jan 2008
at 17:59
  • msg #197

Re: That Confounded Bridge

John Yazzie:
"tucker i will call out targets with my scope but try not to fire i will guide your burst onto target with my correction"

"Gotcha Yazz," Tucker says as he finishes getting the PKM set up.
Cap'n Rae
GM, 508 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Sat 19 Jan 2008
at 01:36
  • msg #198

Death From Above

About an hour has passed since the last Soviet bridge defender was chased off. In that time, Minh has assessed the damaged bridge. The job, she's ashamed to admit, may be a bit beyond her abilities. She has a couple of ideas for how it could be done, but she's not quite sure how to proceed so she takes her time, hoping that the added delay will guarantee a safe rather than sorry end to her mission.

In the makeshift operating theater, Anneka (with Snowy acting as her hands) attempts to staunch the bloody leg wound of the Polish partisan introduced only as 'Bear'. Not for lack of trying, the grizzled warrior bleeds out on the table after a half an hour of frantic work, his last intelligible words being, "Tell the brother not to bother praying for my soul..."

After a short break to regain their composure, the symbiotic team of Anneka and Snow move on to Griet, successfully removing all of the shrapnel from her body, and suturing her larger wounds. The job is so well done, Annea believes that Griet's overall recovery should be speeded along. Next, Adam's wounds are tended. After the now almost routine job of shrapnel removal and wound stitching, the trickier task of cleaning out and closing up the old Captain's destroyed right eye is begun. It is difficult, but the team manages to do a clean job of it, and Old Adam is laid aside to continue his rest. As the medical team begins to wash the blood off of their hands, they hear a low, rythmic thudding sound, reverberating down through the hull of the old tug.

Those on deck and on shore hear it sooner, the unmistakable THWOP of rotor blades cutting through the cold early afternoon air. Away aft, to the south, the boxy, mottled two-tone grey shape of a Soviet-designed Mi-17 HIP swings towards the Visla Krolowa from the southeast, coming on fast at between 500 and 1000 feet. It is probably only a couple of kilometers away and will be in range to do real harm in only a few seconds...

Jason Kasparov
player, 45 posts
Warrant Officer 1
U.S. Army Blackhawk Pilot
Sat 19 Jan 2008
at 06:21
  • msg #199

Re: Death From Above

The familiar sound of rotors makes Jason's ears perk up. The natural canyon created by the riverbank makes it hard to determine the exact location of the copter, but its sound can't be mistaken.

"Chopper!" Jason yells, though anyone in earshot is already aware. Swinging his weapon around, he yells at Milk. "Let it pass over, then aim for the tail rotor."

Jason Kasparov
AK-47 15-15
Searching for the chopper, going to shoot its tail rotor
This message was last edited by the player at 06:27, Sat 19 Jan 2008.
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 61 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Sat 19 Jan 2008
at 09:32
  • msg #200

Re: Death From Above

The sound of the helicopter penetrated the waves of pain in Mariusz's head. Bear was dead and the partisan group he had joined was down to two. Now, with a helicopter coming for them it could be even lower. Still numbed by his friend's death, Mariusz took the situation in. The tug had several big guns capable of anti-aircraft fire, in particular an Dushka was on the right side to so some damage. he leapt to his feet and ran for the Dushka.

His intentions were clear, if he reached the Dushka alive and it was unmanned, he would open fire on the heliocopter as best he could, if someone was already on it, he would assist them with ammunition feed.

No Gun (he left it on deck in his rush)
Running for the Dushkas pointing towards the threat

Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 483 posts
Polish Artillerist
Sat 19 Jan 2008
at 11:08
  • msg #201

Re: Death From Above

Dawid thought about introducing himself to Stanislaw, the leader of the guerrillas, but decided against it for the moment. Later might be a better time.

Waiting for her operation, Dawid broke off his watch for a few minutes to say a few kind words to Griet.

"My sister, don't worry, the Major will tend to your wounds. You will be fine! You are a strong and brave, and you are far better than those renegade mercenaries in Kraków deserve! So don't give up, okay? I will pray for your swift recovery."

After the one who was nicknamed "Bear died", Dawid attended his body, and that of the man he knew best as "Gunny". Rosary in hand, he said last rites over them both.

"Gunny my friend, although I never knew you well may you find peace and forgiveness at the right hand of the Father. Rest easy now in sacred earth of Poland, for no matter where you came from you are a hero of my people now."

"As for you, "Bear", I did not know you, but you are no doubt a good son of Poland, fighting for the freedom of our people and paying the ultimate price. One day, we shall have it, and you will never, never be forgotten."

Smoking a cigarette after, he reflected on his country, and these strangers that were traveling through it. They came so far, and now some would never leave.

For that matter he thought, I really should strike out on my own. It's far too dangerous accompanying them; the whole point of this trip with Adam was to avoid attracting undue attention, and yet here I am. What I'm doing is too important to risk in heroics on behalf of these strangers.

Damn, I wonder what happened to that helicopter? Is it going to go at us directly? I suppose we shall find out.

The distant thumping of blades and jet turbines announced the imminent arrival of their airborne nemesis.

"Fuck you! Fuck your mother!" He pitched his smoke into the dark river water, murder in his eye.

Forgetting his pledge to attend to his own safety first, he sealed the front of his vest and slapped on his helmet. A man possessed, he ran for the 23mm anti-aircraft gun they had placed on the barge, ignoring his additional personal vow to avoid doing just that.

It wasn't a Mil Mi-24, "just" an armed transport. Perhaps the 23mm armour-piercing rounds would have some negative effect. He reflected he would likely die in the attempt either way, and so there was no point in calling anyone else to share his fate.

Dawid set down his rifle and sat on the cold, metal seat and rotated the gun, aiming through the sights at his foe.

Sighing, he reminded himself of this weapon's limited range and even more limited ammunition supply. He would have to wait and hope that either the helo adopted a stand-off posture and salvo its rockets from long range and miss, or hold fire until it came in close and therefore gave him a chance for a lucky hit.

Failing that, it it fired and hit the damage wouldn't be too severe and he might live to engage it. If it had guided anti-tank rockets as well as unguided rockets, it would fire them from stand-off range, and there would be much grief.

Dawid Piotrowski
23mm ZSU-23 AA gun (33/100 rounds API)
Aiming and waiting

This message was last edited by the player at 12:49, Sat 19 Jan 2008.
Anneka Soleblume
player, 322 posts
Israeli Medic
Sat 19 Jan 2008
at 11:40
  • msg #202

Re: Death From Above

Dropping her weary body down, Anneka allowed herself a few moments rest now that the wounded had been dealt with. One lost and two survived, not bad considering the one doing the cutting had never even held a scapel before!

Just as she was getting comfortable the unmistakable sound that had plagued them reintroduced itself to her fatigued mind.

"Snowy," she said in alarm, "go man the guns!"
Unable to fire a weapon herself she was unsure what she should do. Lifting herself back up she headed unsteadily out of the wardroom, following behind the Australian. Maybe and extra set of eyes could be of some help?
John Yazzie
player, 228 posts
Sat 19 Jan 2008
at 13:32
  • msg #203

Re: Death From Above

John hears the helo and swears to himself...We stayed too long the! John will look over at the Sergeant and say a few words.

"Hey sargeant can you shoot a rocket? I have very little skills but I picked up this hand held. When he passes over you could slam him point blank while I shot at the upper mech area with the sniper rifle what do you say??"

John will wait for the sergeants reply.If he takes the rocket good if not the same for john. He will shot at the weak upper mech area when its at point blank range.

Prepping to engage
Clarence Milk
NPC, 117 posts
Chief Warrant Officer 2
U.S. Army Special Forces
Sat 19 Jan 2008
at 17:42
  • msg #204

Re: Death From Above

Shit! You gotta be kiddin' me!

Clarence spots the onrushing chopper and sights on it through his 4x scope. He can't remember the last time he had to fire at a moving aircraft of any kind but he knows that the only way to disrupt the Hip's firing run is to put as much lead- preferably tracer- in the air around it as possible.

He'll wait until it's within maximum range and then put long burst in front of it, timing it (hopefully) so that the helicopter flies through the bullets.

"I'm firing as soon as it's within range. We gotta give the pilot somethin' to think about!"

L86A2 LSW (30/30)
Leading the chopper with long bursts as soon as it's within range

Trevor 'Snowy' White
player, 250 posts
Customs Service
Sat 19 Jan 2008
at 17:48
  • msg #205

Port Dushka


Snowy, physically and emotionally exhausted, feels his last reserves of adrenaline kick in as the sound of the approaching Soviet helicopter grows louder. He rushes up to his station on the port side Dushka and grabs the firing handles, noticing the dark-red blood still on his hands. He attempts to swing the gun's muzzle far enough aft to fring it to bear on the chopper. The heli however, is aligned a good foot and a half to the left of the Dushka's long barrel.

port Dushka
Trying to line up on the chopper/ waiting for a shot

Mariusz Tokarski
player, 63 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Sat 19 Jan 2008
at 18:01
  • msg #206

Aft Dushka

Mariusz was the first to the aft weapon, the one pointing directly at the bastards who helped kill Bear. He checked the weapon was loaded and ready. He grasped the handles and sighted on the HIP. As soon as he judged the helicopter to be within the longest range of the weapon, he began firing, long bursts that played around his sight target, desperate to put lead in the air and praying for a hit.

Aft Dushksa
Long bursts at the HIP.

Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 488 posts
Polish Artillerist
Sat 19 Jan 2008
at 18:13
  • msg #207

Forward Gun Position

It was hard to get a bead on the incoming bandit.

However, it seemed that mercifully, it lacked guided rockets (ATGMs) as the AT-3 could be used from 3 km away, and it was closer than that.

"Hey! Fire when it comes within range!"

"It's not armoured!"

In case Anneka or the rest of the crew didn't hear him he bellowed,


Dawid Piotrowski

23mm AU-23 AA Gun (33/100)
Waiting for a clear shot

Robert 'Tuck' Tucker
player, 290 posts
Platoon Sergeant
10th Mountain Division
Sat 19 Jan 2008
at 23:18
  • msg #208

Re: Death From Above

John Yazzie:
John hears the helo and swears to himself...We stayed too long the! John will look over at the Sergeant and say a few words.

"Hey sargeant can you shoot a rocket? I have very little skills but I picked up this hand held. When he passes over you could slam him point blank while I shot at the upper mech area with the sniper rifle what do you say??"
Tucker looks over to Yazzie as he hears the sound of the helo coming in.  He begins to reposition the PKM so he can get ready to engage the chopper.  "Negative Yazzie," he says to the Marine sniper.  Not qulified on much past my '203' and I ain't even got that!  I think it'd be a waste of a good rocket if I tried it!"

Setting up PKM to engage the Helo

Minh Quyen
player, 96 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Sun 20 Jan 2008
at 10:04
  • msg #209


Quyen climbs out among the twisted and rusting beam's of the bridge. She had better experience with completely knocking down bridges rather than surgically clearing mangled ones for river traffic.  After sizing up a couple weak points she marked them with a grease pencil and made her way back to the demo kit. Nodding to Bayer squatting nearby, she calls over, "Setting charges, just a couple minutes. Depending on how it cuts and falls, the tug may be needed to use a cable to winch out any debris."

Digging out 6 kilogram sticks of explosives she makes her way back, a long coil of det cord wrapped around one shoulder. Teetering above the current below she places two three-kilogram charges. To make efficient use of the blast she places them between the steel stringers underneath and the superstructure above.

The charges had already been prepped while she was on the boat so she begins to finalize the operation by rigging two sets of det cord for each packet of C4, just to ensure a simultaneous explosion.

Halfway done laying one line of det cord she hears the engines of the Krolowa increasing in tempo and volume. A few seconds later some yelling is hear and she looks over her shoulder, a spool of det cord still in her hands. It wasn't the tug, but a helicopter was approaching.

Dropping the spool she runs to cover, putting the bridge between her and the Hip. Unslinging her rifle she watches as the others prepare to engage the helicopter.

AK-74 (28/30)
Behind bridge/embankment
Watching helicopter

This message was last edited by the player at 10:06, Sun 20 Jan 2008.
Cap'n Rae
GM, 511 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Sun 20 Jan 2008
at 23:12
  • msg #210

The Bigger They Are...

The Mi-17 "Hip" hurtles towards the Krolowa, dropping to around 500 feet to commence its attack run. In a back-spray of white smoke, the first rocket slides out of its sleek, silver pod on the left side of the helicopter and races at the tug. With a muffled boom, it kicks up a 50-foot-high shower of white water about 50 meters astern. Mariusz, using his anger at Bear's death to fight back his own fear, squeezes the twin butterfly triggers on the big Soviet machine gun, sending an undulating line of green tracers towards the onrushing airborne behemoth. A second eruption of water only 25m aft indicates the sucessful launching of a second rocket and another large plume of smoke in the helicopter's slipstream promises a third. Mariusz can no longer fight back his fear. He ducks behind the sandbagged parapet, pulling the Dushka's handles down with him and sending a spray of tracers almost directly above the tug before releasing the triggers and curling into the fetal position on the cold quarterdeck.

The sound of the last outgoing rounds merges with a tremendous bang as a 55mm HE rocket detonates on the aft cargo hatches. A wave of heated overpressure pushes down on Mariusz and the sandbags behind which he shelters shudder from multiple shrapnel impacts. The Hip races over the tug, its rotorwash tugging frenetically at the tattered and smoking awning above Mariusz's head. Smoke fills his nostrils and stings his eyes, a bittersweet reminder that he's still alive.

On the barge, Dawid sees the blazing fourth rocket as it screeches over the bridge directly at him. He tumbles off of the gunner's seat on the side opposite where he judges the rocket will hit. An explosion just below the water line on the barge's back, left side rocks the boxy structure, kicking up a few dozen gallons of cold Vistula water. Dawid is drenched by the deluge but otherwise unharmed. A fifth rocket blows apart the nose of the barge and debris rains down around Dawid's head. A sixth and seventh rocket send up geysers 25m and 50m past the barge, respectively. The barge's squared, slab-sided bow is ablaze and it rocks nauseatingly up and down and side to side.

Those on and around the bridge fire at the Hip as it noses up to clear the steel frame and races overhead. Little puffs of smoke along its aluminum sides indicate a few hits, but it drops down on the far side of the bridge and continues along down the river, apparently unperterbed by the ground fire. Chased by tracers from Tuck's PKM (and plenty of unseen rounds from the others), the Hip maintains a straight course for another thousand meters or so before pulling up again and banking hard left (west).

Looking downriver, those on the bridge see several puffs of white smoke coming from an oddly conspicuous clump of vegetation jutting out from the west bank, almost a kilometer away and almost directly below the turning chopper. Larger puffs of smoke and showers of sparks erupt along the Hip's left side. The boxy airframe shudders and bits of smoking debris fall free as it heels over even further, its main rotor nearly perpendicular to the ground. Trailing a tail of flame and smoke, it seems to hang in the air a few seconds before the tail boom swings skyward and the helicopter pitches hard into the ground, sending up a mushroom cloud of fire and greasy black smoke about 100 meters west of the riverbank.

Your tormentor has been destroyed. And it seems you've had a little unexpected help...


OOC: T clarify, the tug has been hit once and the barge has been hit twice by 55mm HE rockets. Although Mariusz and Dawid are both shaken up somewhat, no one was injured in the attack.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:14, Sun 20 Jan 2008.
Anneka Soleblume
player, 324 posts
Israeli Medic
Mon 21 Jan 2008
at 03:50
  • msg #211

Main deck

Too late....

Anneka burst out onto the deck just as the helicopter released the last of it's rockets. Fire blossomed over fifty metres ahead.

No time....

"Snowy!" she screamed, barely able to compete with the retreating helicopter and gunfire streaking up to meet it.
"Get up there! Put out the fire!" Half a dozen extinguishers were located about the tug but none on the barge. Even buckets of sand could be found, and nearly tripped over on many occasions, but nothing on the barge.

"Ground the barge," she continued yelling, this time up to whoever was on the tugs bridge. Although it was a lodestone around their necks, severely limiting the manouverablity of the tug, they needed the barge and it's cargo. Having it sink now would be nearly as bad as loosing the tug itself.

"Everyone else fight the fire!"
Although barely able to stand, she cast aside the MP-5 and began dragging an extinguisher forward. It's heavy weight made for slow going but what else could she do? At least others wouldn't have as far to go for a fresh cylinder...
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 490 posts
Polish Artillerist
Mon 21 Jan 2008
at 04:11
  • msg #212

Barge AA Gun

Picking himself up, Dawid once again sat in the gunner's chair, gripping the controls.

He was deafened by the nearby explosions, so he couldn't tell where the helicopter was located.

Scanning the skies, he knew there was a fire somewhere behind him, but fighting it would be someone else's job until the air threat was dealt with.

Dawid Piotrowski
23mm AA Gun (33/100 rounds API)
[Private to GM: Rockets don't hit instantly and they are an LOS weapon. So while it was shooting at the barge Dawid should have gotten a shot off at the helo?]
Konrad Bayer
player, 403 posts
Mon 21 Jan 2008
at 04:15
  • msg #213


Minh Quyen:
"Setting charges, just a couple minutes. Depending on how it cuts and falls, the tug may be needed to use a cable to winch out any debris."

Bayer nods tiredly and after a long pause, accompanies his gesture with "Right. We're not expecting miracles. Just do what you can and we see where we go from there."

Still squatting to take the heavy load off, he looks over at Tucker manning the machinegun, and then down the bridge for any sign of Milk and the partisan. The sound of the approaching helicopter causes him to sharply stand upright. He freezes for a moment, hoping it'll just go by. When it doesn't, and begins its attack run he looks for any cover and decides to join Quyen behind the embankment.

Being on the embankment and near the bridge he catches sight of the anti-aircraft fire nearly a kilometer away. Grabbing his radio he calls Milk, "Clarence, Sunray. Do those partisans have anyone else out here? Reference, 1000 meters downriver, left bank, unknown concealed position. Over."

He digs into his webbing for his binos and tries to make out the camouflaged position.

Embankment next to bridge
Observing unknown position with binos

This message was last edited by the player at 04:16, Mon 21 Jan 2008.
John Yazzie
player, 229 posts
Mon 21 Jan 2008
at 04:25
  • msg #214

Bridge security

"Holy fuck tucker! You see that shit? Some one else down river fucked them up big time. Do you see if the tug is still there I cant see it from my angle...That ambush might have been for us or it might be helpful who knows.."

"I think we stay here and hold security until we recieve word"

"Hauptmann this is Knife. Me and Tucker are good here..The helo got fucked by a group about a klick down the river very heavy fire. Will hold security here until your word."

John will hold position until he recieves word. He will also continue to make his position better cover and concealment.

Above actions
This message was last edited by the player at 05:31, Mon 21 Jan 2008.
Jason Kasparov
player, 47 posts
Warrant Officer 1
U.S. Army Blackhawk Pilot
Mon 21 Jan 2008
at 04:52
  • msg #215

Re:  Edge of the Bridge

"Son of a bitch" Jason swears as he watches the copter crash and burn. "May God have mercy on their souls."

"The ship took a few hits. I can watch here, why don't you see if they need any help. It seems we have some friends in the area."

Jason looks at Milk. "If you hear shooting though, I'd appreciate if you came back."

Tossing out a spent magazine, Jason reloads his AK-47, and returns to bridge sitting.

Jason Kasparov
Bridge watcher
AK-47 15/15
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 64 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Mon 21 Jan 2008
at 07:47
  • msg #216

Re:  Edge of the Bridge

Shaken but glad to be still alive, Marusz grabbed the nearest fire extinguisher and headed towards the flames, picking up a second extinguisher as he went. He got as close to the blaze as he could before starting to fight the fire with the equipment that he had brought. Feeling his face flush from the heat, he operated the first extinguisher.
Konrad Bayer
player, 404 posts
Mon 21 Jan 2008
at 10:22
  • msg #217

Re: Bridge security

John Yazzie:
"Hauptmann this is Knife. Me and Tucker are good here..The helo got fucked by a group about a klick down the river very heavy fire. Will hold security here until your word."

Bayer keys his handset, "Sunray roger. I saw the fire from downriver, but no details yet. Do you have vantage point from your position? Bridge is almost ready to blow. Just a couple more minutes."

Bayer was relieved to hear the first reports of no casualties. He forced himself to keep scanning downriver at the concealed position... but his thoughts were with those on the tug.
Anneka Soleblume
player, 330 posts
Israeli Medic
Mon 21 Jan 2008
at 10:52
  • msg #218

Re: Bridge security

Releasing her grip on the extinguisher and taking a moment to rest, Anneka spoke into the radio.
"Starlight to Sunray. Need assistance with barge fire. Suggest holding demolitions until all personnel are clear and under cover. Over."
[Private to Konrad Bayer: I would suggest at least 300 metres if proper cover (like a ditch or trench) can be found. Probably a good idea to wait until the tug and barge is much further away than it's current 400 or so metres.]
Minh Quyen
player, 97 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Mon 21 Jan 2008
at 15:00
  • msg #219

Bridge demo

Quyen peers over the embankment has the helo flies over and onto its fiery end. Wide eyed and open mouthed she looks over at Konrad who took cover beside her. Almost laughing - "Shit... Hauptmann, shit. That was crazy."

Crawling back up onto the road she snatches up the coil of det cord and begins to quickly finish off laying the backup line. Once done she'll cut off a foot of the det cord, just in case there was some moisture contamination... especially since their demo gear has been sitting in the murky hold of an old tug. Once the lines are connected to the non-electrical firing mechanism, Quyen will report to Bayer that its all ready to go.

Minh Quyen
On the bridge
Finishing setting charges

John Yazzie
player, 230 posts
Mon 21 Jan 2008
at 15:25
  • msg #220

Bridge security

"Hauptmann this is knife...Call over when you are about to blow so me and tucker can get a good distance away over."

"we are still good here and I'm about to scope that side of the river with my bino's to see if i can see anything on our new friends"

From his position John will scan the area the fire came from at the helo with his bino's to see if he can see anything. John will continue to hold security and give reports to the Hauptmann.

Scanning area
This message was last edited by the player at 16:47, Mon 21 Jan 2008.
Robert 'Tuck' Tucker
player, 291 posts
Platoon Sergeant
10th Mountain Division
Mon 21 Jan 2008
at 16:26
  • msg #221

Re: Bridge security

John Yazzie:
"Holy fuck tucker! You see that shit? Some one else down river fucked them up big time. Do you see if the tug is still there I cant see it from my angle...That ambush might have been for us or it might be helpful who knows.."

"I think we stay here and hold security until we recieve word"

"Hauptmann this is Knife. Me and Tucker are good here..The helo got fucked by a group about a klick down the river very heavy fire. Will hold security here until your word."

John will hold position until he recieves word. He will also continue to make his position better cover and concealment.
Tucker looks in amazement as he watches the chopper get hit and go down.  "Well, fuck me to tears!  Looks like we dodged one there Yazzie!  I saw it but, I want to know who did it," he says back over to Yazzie who is now trying to contact Bayer for further instructions.  "I'm good with stayin' here Yazz," he says again to the Marine Sniper.

Holding strong & awaiting orders with Yazzie
Clarence Milk
NPC, 118 posts
Chief Warrant Officer 2
U.S. Army Special Forces
Mon 21 Jan 2008
at 23:25
  • msg #222

East End of the  Bridge

Jason Kasparov:
"Son of a bitch" Jason swears as he watches the copter crash and burn. "May God have mercy on their souls."

"The ship took a few hits. I can watch here, why don't you see if they need any help. It seems we have some friends in the area."

Jason looks at Milk. "If you hear shooting though, I'd appreciate if you came back."


Clarence pops his empty mag, replacing it in his load-bearing harness and slapping home a fresh one.

"Thanks Kasparov. I wanna find out who that was that helped us out there first. They aint necessarily our friends so I don't want to go anywhere just yet."

He stands and walks over to the south side of the road and studies the Krolowa through his 4x scope. The barge is burning at the bows and settling at the stern. Not good. There is also white smoke hanging around the stern of the tug.

Gripping his handset, he walks across the road to the north side and looks towards the west bank, scanning from the black smoke cloud of the buring helicopter wreckage towards the riverbank.

Starlight, Sunray, this is Milk.
Me and the pilot here are OK. What's your casualty status? OVER.

After receiving the report, he continues,

Starlight, request you put the preacher on the line. I wanna ask about other idnigenous blue-force elements around here.

L86A2 (30/30)
Trying to find out WTF just happened...

Anneka Soleblume
player, 333 posts
Israeli Medic
Tue 22 Jan 2008
at 00:17
  • msg #223

Bow of tug

"Starlight. Acknowledged. Wait. Out."
Before proceeding she spent a moment to gather her thoughts.
"Preacher!" she yelled for Stanislaw. "Radio."
With almost every able bodied person aboard heading forward to fight the fire, he couldn't be too far away.
"Milk, this is Starlight. No casualties. Barge on fire, sinking and will attempt to beach. Assistance requested. Preacher expected shortly."
This message was last edited by the player at 00:37, Tue 22 Jan 2008.
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 494 posts
Polish Artillerist
Tue 22 Jan 2008
at 04:00
  • msg #224

Barge AA Gun

No one having told him the helo was down, and not having seen it's demise due to the bridge's bulk, Dawid continued manning the twin 23mm.

He muttered to himself in Polish.

"I wonder if I got that sniper... fucker's been following us from the locks! I got him good! I dunno, maybe we should recover his body, drive a stake through his heart and cut off his head! Just to be sure"

Looking around he exclaimed, "what the hell? We're going down! Well, I'm going down!"

He stood up, slipping his rifle's sling around his shoulder.

Stanislaw Switek
player, 31 posts
Cistercian Monk/Partisan
Tue 22 Jan 2008
at 07:58
  • msg #225

Re: Bow of tug

Switek was slumped in a corner of the wardroom, still dazed and reeling from the punch in the chest he took by watching his longtime compatriot bleed out on the makeshift operating table.  He cradled his forehead in his weathered, bloody hands.  He had lost more men under his counsel as a chaplain and in battle as a partisan commander than he could even remember.  Loss was nothing new in his life, but being so far removed from the immediate threat of the battlefield and so close to sanctuary made it worse.  This one hurt the most.  Almost relieved that he could still feel anything, he began to weep.

I should have acted more swiftly.

His momentary lamentation was perforated by the alarm calls sounding from the crew warning of an impending airborne assault.  He tried to make it to the spot where he had dropped his gear and machinegun when coming aboard with Bear, but wasn't able.  He was instead caught inside the tug's superstructure during the helo's strafing run, nominally protected from the barrage of rocket fire.

When the smoke cleared, he began to make a damage assessment based on what he could see in his immediate vicinity but was hampered by his relative lack of knowledge regarding things nautical.  When the subsequent call went out for a fire suppression detail on the barge, Switek began to search for a fire extinguisher in order to assist.  He had collected the required eqipment and was heading fore when he heard the petite Major call out for a preacher.


She must mean me.

The monk reached the bow, and observed all hell breaking loose around him.  There, he encountered the Major.  She was holding a radio out to him.  Switek thanked her as he took the handset from her and keyed the mic.

"Yes, this is Switek."

On the bow of the Krowlowa
PM Makarov, holstered + 3 mags 9x18mm (8/8)
Responding to radio call.

This message was last edited by the player at 08:11, Tue 22 Jan 2008.
Anneka Soleblume
player, 337 posts
Israeli Medic
Tue 22 Jan 2008
at 10:18
  • msg #226

Re: Bow of tug

"YES DAWID," Anneka yelled back after handing the radio over and taking a few steps away.

Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 496 posts
Polish Artillerist
Tue 22 Jan 2008
at 12:31
  • msg #227

Ont the Barge

Anneka Soleblume:
"YES DAWID," Anneka yelled back after handing the radio over and taking a few steps away.

"We got him? Good! Bastard deserved it!"

He looked around.

"Ahhh... there's a bit of a fire at the front of the barge! We're taking on water! Can't tell you how bad, yet!"

"If it comes down to it I'm not going down with the barge! We should try and recover the ZU using the cargo crane if we can!"

This message was last edited by the player at 04:55, Wed 23 Jan 2008.
Cap'n Rae
GM, 514 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Tue 22 Jan 2008
at 23:21
  • msg #228

The Burning Barge

By the time Anneka instructs him to run the damaged barge aground, Walter is already on it, shoving the burning tub up onto one of the numerous sandbars limiting your options for travel in the vicinity of the bridge.

The jolt of the sudden grounding almost knocks the members of the fire control party off of their feet. They regain their footing and continue to fight the fire with a mix of C02 and old-fashioned water spraying fire extinguishers and buckets of sand. After a few anxious minutes, the flames are suppressed. It's likely that the rocket's detonation ignited some sort of accelerant stored amidst the boiler fuel in the barge's bows (some of Mateuz's hooch, perhaps?). The stern of the barge, still in the river, continues to settle indicating some degree of damage below the water line but, balanced as it is between the sand bar and the tug, it will not be able to completely submerge itself. The barge has been saved but, in its current state, has become an even larger albatross around the team's collective neck.

The barge is now marooned approximately 350m from the wired-for-destruction bridge.

Both Yazzie and Milk search for the surprise benefactor who, it appears, dispatched the hostile helcopter on your behalf. He's not difficult to spot. A man wearing American BDUs (including a Kevlar helmet) and a life-vest looks back at you through image intensifiers, a lit cigarette dangling fromt he corner of his mouth. His head and shoulders portrude from a clump of foliage jutting out from the western shore, between 1000 and 1500m from the bridge.

Clarence Milk
NPC, 119 posts
Chief Warrant Officer 2
U.S. Army Special Forces
Tue 22 Jan 2008
at 23:32
  • msg #229

East end of Bridge (facing North)

Stanislaw Switek:
"Yes, this is Switek."

Watching the mysterious figure who's watching him, apparently, Clarence squats down, giving himself a bit more cover, but continuing to maintain visual contact with the stranger.

Buddha? This is Pitchfork.
Do you have other elements in the area?
We just got some unexpected help shooting down that Soviet chopper from a dude on the west bank, about 1500m north of here. Looks like he's wearing U.S. kit. OVER.

This message was last edited by the player at 23:34, Tue 22 Jan 2008.
John Yazzie
player, 237 posts
Tue 22 Jan 2008
at 23:34
  • msg #230

Bridge security

"Hauptmann this is knife I have visual contact with the crew that downed the helo..I male with american BDU's and Kevlar helmet. He is smoking and has no visible weapons. "

"what are your orders? I can contact him with tucker if you want?"

John will hold position until instructed by the Hauptmann. He will keep looking through the bino's at the new area of intrest.

holding position
Konrad Bayer
player, 405 posts
Wed 23 Jan 2008
at 00:55
  • msg #231

Re: Bridge security

Bayer peers through his own binos, listening the the various radio chatter. After a minute he looks in the direction of Yazzie responds, "Sunray, roger on making contact. I'm sending Quyen to your position... have her man the machinegun. Out."

"Minh! Yazzie and Tuck are moving downriver. Take over the machinegun for Sergeant Tucker." he calls over.

Slinging the leather strap of his binos over his neck he glances back to the tug where a light haze hangs over the barge. "Tug, this is Sunray, send SITREP. Operation is complete here, ready for final action. Lone man sighted downriver, are investigating. Anticipate extraction soon. Over."

OOC - Are all of the captured weapons and ammo returned to the tug?
Minh Quyen
player, 98 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Wed 23 Jan 2008
at 01:18
  • msg #232

Re: Bridge security

Konrad Bayer:
"Minh! Yazzie and Tuck are moving downriver. Take over the machinegun for Sergeant Tucker." he calls over.

Quyen closes up the demo kit. "Yessir." she replies and runs at a quick trot over to the sandbagged bunker.

"Sergeant Tucker." she says to him, holding out her AK-74 and a spare magazine.

Quyen then kneels behind the PKM, checks the weapon's sights, and looks around at her potential kill zone. As Yazzie and Tucker prepare to head out she lets them know - "Bridge is wired and ready to go."
This message was last edited by the player at 01:19, Wed 23 Jan 2008.
John Yazzie
player, 238 posts
Wed 23 Jan 2008
at 01:19
  • msg #233

Re: Bridge security

"Hauptmann this is knife i have two sets of battle gear hear, 4 grenades and one rocket will leave at this position for pick up. Its for the boat I dont want. also two ak-74's left in field for you to get. Me and tucker will advance in friendly fashion. Tucker will take the girls long gun he left his with others."

"we make contact will report.Knife out"

"ok tucker once the girl gets here you can take here long gun the Hauptmann wants the Machinegun left here. we will go out in open formation with weapons at alert not ready to show peace. if we have contact its every man for himself. i think they have a big gun out there so were fucked."

Moving out when girl shows up
Stanislaw Switek
player, 33 posts
Cistercian Monk/Partisan
Wed 23 Jan 2008
at 02:56
  • msg #234

Re: Bridge security

"Negative, PITCHFORK," replied Switek with an almost complete flattening of affect.  "Just me, the boy and your pilot.  Bear did not make it.  Not aware of local friendlies.  Probably one of yours.  Advise proceed with caution.  OVER."

On the bow of the Krowlowa
PM Makarov, holstered + 3 x Mags 9mmM (8/8)
Responding to radio call.

Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 497 posts
Polish Artillerist
Wed 23 Jan 2008
at 05:33
  • msg #235

Near the Bow

Stanislaw Switek:
"Negative, PITCHFORK," replied Switek with an almost complete flattening of affect.  "Just me, the boy and your pilot.  Bear did not make it.  Not aware of local friendlies.  Probably one of yours.  Advise proceed with caution.  OVER."

Having put his weapon and armour down at the tug's bow to help fight the fire, Dawid wandered back there to have a cigarette.

He sighed, slowly coming down off the rush of the ambush, the helo attack and the frantic aftermath. He always felt a little jumpy, sometimes his legs shook a little as the adrenaline drained from his system.

The rebels' leader, the one who wasn't in a mood to talk earlier, was on the radio nearby.

Sitting down, Dawid rummaged around in his tunic pockets for a packet of cigarettes and a light.

Lighting his own, he waited until there was a break in the radio traffic. He then offered the pack to Stanislaw.

In Polish he said, "hello my friend, do you want one? I said Last Rites over both your friend and my friend. But I am not a holy man, by any means."
This message was last edited by the player at 17:38, Wed 23 Jan 2008.
Konrad Bayer
player, 406 posts
Wed 23 Jan 2008
at 09:03
  • msg #236

Re: Bridge security

John Yazzie:
"Hauptmann this is knife i have two sets of battle gear hear, 4 grenades and one rocket will leave at this position for pick up. Its for the boat I dont want. also two ak-74's left in field for you to get..."

Bayer follows Quyen over to the bunker. There he gathers up the as much of the captured weapons and ammo he can carry. He lugs them down to the river's edge where the inflatable has been landing.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:04, Wed 23 Jan 2008.
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 69 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Wed 23 Jan 2008
at 09:13
  • msg #237

Re: Bridge security

After helping to put the fire out, Mariusz turned on his torch and scrambled down into the bowels of the tow. Very carefully, he began to see if he could identify where the water was coming in. If the Tow wouldn't float, the tug was dead in the water, picking his way through the tumbled bicycles and other cargo, Mariusz began exploring the Tow.
Jason Kasparov
player, 53 posts
Warrant Officer 1
U.S. Army Blackhawk Pilot
Wed 23 Jan 2008
at 21:27
  • msg #238

Re: Bridge security

Bear didn't make it? Did I hear that right? Jason thinks to himself, all the while training his weapon over at the newcomer in the reeds.

"Should we do a met and greet?" Jason asks, "I'll go meet him."

Jason Kasparov
Crouched and waiting
Clarence Milk
NPC, 120 posts
Chief Warrant Officer 2
U.S. Army Special Forces
Thu 24 Jan 2008
at 00:10
  • msg #239

Re: Bridge security

Jason Kasparov:
"Should we do a met and greet?" Jason asks, "I'll go meet him."

Understood, Buddha. Pitchfork OUT.

Having overheard the radio banter between KNIFE and SUNRAY, Clarence answers Jason,

"I think Yazzie and Tucker are on it. I'd rather not watch this flank alone, know what I'm sayin'?"

There's not much Clarence can do to help the welcoming party as they move out of small arms range, but he'll keep a periodic eye on their progress while he continues to surveil the eastern approaches to the bridge.
Jason Kasparov
player, 54 posts
Warrant Officer 1
U.S. Army Blackhawk Pilot
Thu 24 Jan 2008
at 00:29
  • msg #240

Re: Bridge security

"Very well. I don't know this Yazzie or Tucker." Jason rubs his chin. "But you did mention Bear, what was his status?"

Hopefully he had heard wrong. Bear was a tough sob after all.
Anneka Soleblume
player, 340 posts
Israeli Medic
Thu 24 Jan 2008
at 04:42
  • msg #241

Re: Bridge security

"Snowy, I need you to assess the damage and give me an estimate on repair time."
With luck it would only require welding a bit of metal over the breach, but as the hole was surely under the water line, she had no idea how difficult a task this would prove to be.
The damage to the bow was another issue that might need some attention. It wasn't likely to be much of a problem, but if they were going to be stuck there for any length of time they might as well deal with it.

"Stan," she said retrieving the radio. "I'm going to have to talk to you and your team shortly and see where best to use you all. For the moment though, do you have any mechanical skills that might help our current predicament?"
Stanislaw Switek
player, 34 posts
Cistercian Monk/Partisan
Thu 24 Jan 2008
at 09:38
  • msg #242

Re: Near the Bow

Switek stands on the foredeck with Piotrowkski and the Major.  He took a cigarette offered by the former as he returned the radio to the latter.

"Regarding the rites," the monk confides to the Pole in his native tongue as he ignites the cigarette with his own Zippo, "I thank you.  Bear, I think, would object, but that is neither here nor there.  Thank you also for the smoke."

He extends his hand and introduces himself.

"Stan Switek.  That was some bravery you displayed out there with that helo.  Or was it insanity?  Either way you make Poland proud I am sure."

Cigarette clenched in his teeth, the monk makes a fist and pounds his countryman on the bicep then hugs him and pats him hard on the shoulders in a gesture of camaraderie.  He takes a long drag, scratches his beard and turns his attention to the Major.

"Ma'am, I do have a familiarity with the maintenance of farm equipment, stills and the like.  I do not know boats or maritime equipment.  I think you will find I would be of most service drawing a watch assignment once I get my bearings.  It will be dark soon and I must tend to my men."

He nods toward Tokarski.

"As for the boy, once we have laid Bear to rest I will make him available in whatever capacity he may prove to be of use.  He may be injured and slight of frame, but I assure you he is quite motivated."

He turns back to Piotrowski and continues in Polish,  "I must collect my things and bury my friend but then you can show me around this tub, yes?"

On the bow of the Krowlowa
PM Makarov, holstered + 3 x Mags 9mmM (8/8)

This message was last edited by the player at 09:46, Thu 24 Jan 2008.
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 498 posts
Polish Artillerist
Thu 24 Jan 2008
at 12:05
  • msg #243

Re: Near the Bow

After shaking hands, Dawid returned Stan's hug.

"My friend, it is truly good to make your acquaintance!"

He laughed, relaxing. Taking a deep drag off his smoke, he cocked his head thoughtfully and rubbed the newly-healed scar that ran along his hairline. He finally exhaled.

"It is too bad that your friend Bear may not have wanted Last Rites said over him. We fought the communists long and hard for the freedom to do that, no? But then, I guess the freedom to not do that, if that is your choice, is also important."

He looked like he was trying to come to grips with an unfamiliar concept. He shook his head, still a little puzzled. It was something he wasn't going to figure out at the moment, so he let it be.

"At any rate, no insult was meant to his memory."

"Now, I am thinking it was quite possibly pure insanity that made me try to assist in the fight with the helicopter. Every time I tell myself I've got to look after myself first, I find that I've gone and done something foolish like that!"

"As for me, I too am also a farm-boy. I hope to live long enough to see the family farm, one day! I also hope to live long enough to see our country strong and free from the control of outsiders like Russians and Germans. No offense to the Hauptmann! Some of our NATO friends here don't necessarily agree, but we shall do whatever is necessary to see our dream come to fruition."

"Hauptman Bayer is a good soldier and worth paying attention to, even if he is a German. He seems to command the NATO soldiers. Major Solleblum outranks him, but as a Doctor combat is not her area of expertise. Aside from the crew, there is another Pole around here, Griet, but she's wounded and is recovering from surgery."

This message was last edited by the player at 15:31, Thu 24 Jan 2008.
Robert 'Tuck' Tucker
player, 292 posts
Platoon Sergeant
10th Mountain Division
Thu 24 Jan 2008
at 15:09
  • msg #244

Re: Bridge security

John Yazzie:
"Hauptmann this is knife i have two sets of battle gear hear, 4 grenades and one rocket will leave at this position for pick up. Its for the boat I dont want. also two ak-74's left in field for you to get. Me and tucker will advance in friendly fashion. Tucker will take the girls long gun he left his with others."

"we make contact will report.Knife out"

"ok tucker once the girl gets here you can take here long gun the Hauptmann wants the Machinegun left here. we will go out in open formation with weapons at alert not ready to show peace. if we have contact its every man for himself. i think they have a big gun out there so were fucked."
Tucker watches the target area as he waits for Yazzie to speak to Bayer and find out what he wants them to do.  "Goin' for a walk sounds good to me!  We get to meet the guy who took down that chopper!"

Tucker gets up and waits for Minh to get to his position and trades off weapons with her and stuffs the extra mags into pockets or wherever they fit and nods to Yazzie that he's ready to move out.  "Let's do this."

Borrowed AK
Moving out with Yazzie

Cap'n Rae
GM, 516 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Thu 24 Jan 2008
at 23:56
  • msg #245

A Friend Comes for Dinner

Snow joins Mariusz at the stern of the barge and adroitly studies the rocket damage there. The rear and left-most cargo compartment- a square "room" roughly 10'x10'- has filled with about three feet (and rising) of water. Oil, and bits of wood fuel form a greasy flotsam on the surface of the dark water. It will have to be pumped out, somehow, before an accurate damage assessment and proper repairs can be attempted.

Anneka walks back to the aft cargo hatch to inspect the damage there. There is a jagged hole in port side hatch, framed by singed paint. The hatch is jammed shut but she can see enough through the cabbage-sized hole to anticipate further fragmentation damage to whatever is stored below.

Konrad and Minh enter the revolving door that is the remains of the sandbagged bunker at the west end of the bridge as Yazzie and Tucker set out to meet the mysterious stranger spotted roughly a kilometer to the north. Clarence and Jason continue to guard the eastern end, Milk keeping one eye on the outgoing welcoming party.

Yazzie and Tucker cover the kilometer and a half between the bridge and their mysterious benefactor's river-side position in good time. As they get closer, they see a man standing in the sternwell of a haphazardly camouflaged PBR, which has been grounded stern first onto the bank. The front of the boat is visibly damaged, holed and burned, and settled low into the water. It appears to be resting on the bottom.

There is a  Mk-19 automatic grenade launcher in the stern, unmanned but at hand, as is an M240 that's been dismounted and resting in the gunwhale, pointed straight inland. The man is armed with a rifle -appearing to be an M-14- held at port arms. While he has a BDU top on, his trousers are bell-bottomed dungarees.

It is now approaching 1700 hrs local time. The sky, although nearly cloudless, is beginning to grow dim. An added chill permeates the air. Night will fall within the next two hours. The Krolowa's chief deck hand is sober enough to be released from confinement. The bridge is ready to blow.

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:14, Fri 25 Jan 2008.
Jay 'Chopper' Hicks
player, 1 post
EN2 (Engineer's Mate)
U.S. Navy
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 00:59
  • msg #246

Re: A Friend Comes for Dinner

The man in the back of the boat calls out in a deep southern American accent, "Trzymają to w tym samym miejscu. Robi wy mówicie amerykański?" He follows up with "Y'all boys speak American?"

In addition to the weapons and other equipment stacked in the stern of the boat, there are two filled rubber body bags. A small American flag flies from a radio mast.

M21 20/20
Talking to a patrol

John Yazzie
player, 239 posts
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 01:58
  • msg #247


"Cpl. Yazzie 5th Recon Battalion, 5th Marine Division.(John pointing to tucker)Sergeant First Class Tucker 2nd of the 22nd Infantry, 10th Moutian Division. We are the recon element for a Nato team moving up the river to go home.Thanks for the back up on the Hip! How can we help you Warrior?"

John will stay at a friendly stance letting his weapon hang from his sling with hands empty and in the open.

Jay 'Chopper' Hicks
player, 2 posts
EN2 (Engineer's Mate)
U.S. Navy
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 02:16
  • msg #248

Re: Meeting

A great big smile breaks out over the man's face. He eases his rifle from port arms to a hunter's cradle and replies, "Gawd-dayum, Americans! It sure is good to see y'all way out here. I'm Engineman 2nd Class Jay Hicks, United States Navy, called 'Chopper'. No problem about that helio, man, once he shot you guys up and then saw me I figured I was next. A couple of bursts of HV forty mike mike ended that problem". He pauses. "Did you say 'home'? You mean the States? Man, I was in line for the next ship home in Bremerhaven before I got Shanghai'd into this goatscrew. Y'all got room for one more hand on that tug?"

M21 20/20
Talking with Yazzie and Tucker

John Yazzie
player, 240 posts
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 02:44
  • msg #249

Re: Meeting

"WOW hold on here what are you talking about getting on the next ship home in Bremerhaven? People are going fucking home!!?? I have been out here for the last 4 months trying just to make it back to lines and now there are no lines they fucking went home. There is no more american command here in europe? are we even fucking NATO anymore? Shit buddy you can come with us if you want. We have some good and some bad people. We have a few that I'm going to have some words with when I get back for going negative on my fire mission. I tell you what they better have a good god damn reason. Shit I'm going on a rant here. HAHA. Well shit who were you with and what the fuck are you doing this far south in a fucking PBR. I have not worked with Special Boat Unit since Operation Distant Thunder in 98 when we assaulted puck to take out a SAM site. Ran with Chief Greens crew. Do you know him? We went in a a group of 6 boats and finned in from 1000 meters. I cut more then my fare share of throats that night.Thats how I got my call sign Knife! Well Brother your Navy, American so that makes you good in my book. Do you need help with gear and shit? Do you want to burry these guys? What do you want to do with the Craft? She does not look like she is going any where any time too soon. Let me call in too higher and we will set up what you need."

"Tucker would you hold security while I radio in situation?"

"Hauptmann this is knife have american navy,EN2 with gear and KIA'S. He wants to join and roll with us. advise on next move."

Jay 'Chopper' Hicks
player, 4 posts
EN2 (Engineer's Mate)
U.S. Navy
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 03:01
  • msg #250

Re: Meeting

Chopper shakes his head disgustedly "I was on the manifest for the next ship out, if and when one showed up, Corporal. There hadn't been any ships in months, but shee-it, I was next if one did show up. Otherwise, I and a couple of thousand others were just sitting around in bombed out warehouses jerkin' off" He pulls a cigarette out from behind a ear and lights up one-handed. "You were on Distant Thunder? Yeah, me too, but I guess I was in a different boat. That was a pretty hairy op but I didn't get hit until the next one. Chopper lowers his voice and points at the body bags with his cig. "That's the Chief right there, Ace. Best man I ever served under, man, and he buys the farm on a stupid secret mission that none of us volunteered for. Y'all can give me a hand with this gear, ain't no need in leavin' it, but there ain't no talk of burying nobody. I'm taking the Chief home, and Clean, too. I owe'em that much". Chopper slumps down on the portside gunwhale, head hung low and staring off into the distance as the Marine makes his radio call.

M21 20/20
Sitting and thinking

John Yazzie
player, 241 posts
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 03:15
  • msg #251

Re: Meeting

"Hey brother the bodys might be a problem. Here's why, We have a long way to go and no way to store them and no place to store them. But I do have a solution. My people have a way. We take the heart and persurve it. You bring there heart and soul home. I could do it for you right now and we could leave there bodys witch is just a container for the soul behind. They would be taken care of and they would get to go home. What do you think? And on the gear we can hump it back and have no problem but it wil take us a few trips. that mark is going to be a bitch.70 some fucking pounds there. What do you want to take first? What recon info do you have for the bridge and the area? How long have you been here?"

This message was last edited by the player at 03:24, Fri 25 Jan 2008.
Jay 'Chopper' Hicks
player, 5 posts
EN2 (Engineer's Mate)
U.S. Navy
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 03:45
  • msg #252

Re: Meeting

Chopper stiffens. "Then we got a problem, man. I ain't leavin' the Chief and Clean and I ain't about to let you start cuttin'em up. They been chopped up enough. You got a whole tug and barge sittin' on the other side of the bridge. There's gotta be room for'em in a hold or something, and they're double-sealed in the body bags. As far as any kind of intel about what's going down around here, I got tales to tell. But begging yore pardon, I ain't going to tell it a dozen times. I got info that your commander needs to hear" The Navy man smokes his cigarette down to the smallest possible stub then digs in his utility blouse to retrieve another one. He lights the new one from the dying embers of the previous one. "NATO, you said? Is your commander American? And I ain't humpin' this crap nowhere. I ain't a ground pounder. I saw y'all had a small boat. Call over there and have them come on around and we can get everything in one load. Ain't much that isn't shot up or drowned".

M21 20/20
Still on the boat.

Konrad Bayer
player, 408 posts
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 05:20
  • msg #253

Re: Meeting

Bayer rests his back up against one end of the sandbagged bunker, watching over the top along with Quyen. He doesn't say much. Watching the sun lower in the sky by the minute he finally stands up and looks at the bridge. It'll be dark soon. And he didn't feel right about climbing about a damaged bridge with a light, in enemy lands, checking the success of the clearance.

"All call signs, this ist Sunray. Clearance expected before sundown, approximately 30-40 minutes. Ensure all hands take precautions prior. Will give one minute warning. Report back if you are unable to comply. Over."

While he waits for a response, he looks at Minh. "Once you've fired off the demolitions, inspect immediately and report the status of the breach, ok? By dawn if the tug is mobile I want us to not have to mess around with the bridge and put some distance on."
Anneka Soleblume
player, 347 posts
Israeli Medic
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 05:28
  • msg #254

Re: Meeting

"Sunray, this is Starlight. Acknowledge demo in approx half hour. Suggest transfer of all personnel to tug before firing. Over."

To her mind the tug was a bit close to the bridge during demolition, but at least it had a solid metal hull to protect the occupants. Anyone out in the open and closer than several hundred metres was potentially going to get hit with shrapel. Yes, this was wartime and often charges were set off in close proximity to friendly forces, but that really only occured during combat.

Her mind wandered back to some of the patients she'd treated.
Unless somebody screwed up....
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 500 posts
Polish Artillerist
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 05:49
  • msg #255

Bow Gun Position

After his conversation with Stanislaw was over, Dawid went over to Maj. Solleblum and the patients.

He spent a few minutes comforting his injured friends, then turned to the officer.

"Major, do you wish for me to retrieve the weapons on shore? I don't know if there is anything else of value I can do here at the moment, and I'd prefer not to leave that material there and try and find it in the dark."

"I can take the kid, Mariusaz."

[OOC: Assuming Solleblum agrees, then Dawid will take a functioning raft and either paddle or motor over to the pile of weapons on the bank and collect them.]
This message was last edited by the player at 15:13, Fri 25 Jan 2008.
Minh Quyen
player, 100 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 05:54
  • msg #256

Re: Meeting

Konrad Bayer:
"Once you've fired off the demolitions, inspect immediately and report the status of the breach, ok? By dawn if the tug is mobile I want us to not have to mess around with the bridge and put some distance on."

"Understood boss. We may just need the tug to winch out any collapsed parts or whatever. If it don't work right... I'll take responsibility for it. I can rig up the cable before dawn if it comes to that."

[Private to Cap'n Rae: If Bayer agrees to send all pers back to the boat like the doc suggested, how do I set off the charges? Don't fuses like these burn really quick? I thought I'd have to remain in the bunker at the least. Let me know ok - as Quyen would have this knowledge.]
Anneka Soleblume
player, 348 posts
Israeli Medic
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 06:00
  • msg #257

Re: Meeting

"Yes, I would like that, but it's probably best to wait for the moment until a proper team can be put together. I'd like to scout that bank before dark if possible just so we know the lay of the land."

If rumour was to be believed, there'd be an OP placed somewhere in the dark during the night. They also could investigate the sniper before settling in for the night, but she'd leave the final decision up to Konrad.

She keyed the radio again while Dawaid waited.
"Sunray, this is Starlight. Continued from previous. Suggest sweeping area before returning to tug. Captured equipment to be retrieved at pickup of shor party."

"For the moment Dawid, just keep watch. I'll try and get the new people settled in and organise someone to relieve you soon."
Jason Kasparov
player, 56 posts
Warrant Officer 1
U.S. Army Blackhawk Pilot
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 07:47
  • msg #258

Re: Meeting

"You think they will warn us when they blow the bridge?" Jason laughs, staring across the burned out truck. "Or will we just fall into the river, and swim back to the ship."
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 501 posts
Polish Artillerist
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 08:09
  • msg #259

Re: Meeting

Anneka Soleblume:
"Yes, I would like that, but it's probably best to wait for the moment until a proper team can be put together. I'd like to scout that bank before dark if possible just so we know the lay of the land."

If rumour was to be believed, there'd be an OP placed somewhere in the dark during the night. They also could investigate the sniper before settling in for the night, but she'd leave the final decision up to Konrad.

She keyed the radio again while Dawaid waited.
"Sunray, this is Starlight. Continued from previous. Suggest sweeping area before returning to tug. Captured equipment to be retrieved at pickup of shor party."

"For the moment Dawid, just keep watch. I'll try and get the new people settled in and organise someone to relieve you soon."

Dawid looked a little doubtful but he agreed. "Okay, I got it."
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 70 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 13:46
  • msg #260

Re: Meeting

Mariusz picked up his name being used by the Polish Artillerist and moved to be close to him. He looked at the man quizzically and said, "You got a job for me?"
Robert 'Tuck' Tucker
player, 293 posts
Platoon Sergeant
10th Mountain Division
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 14:35
  • msg #261

Re: Meeting

John Yazzie:
"Tucker would you hold security while I radio in situation?"

"Hauptmann this is knife have american navy,EN2 with gear and KIA'S. He wants to join and roll with us. advise on next move."
Tucker gives a wave and a quick smile to the American who shot down the Soviet Helo.  "Most people just call me Tuck," he says turning back to Yazzie.  "I'm on it Yazz," Tucker replies to the sniper as he moves off a little to hold security and try to listen to any news the American sailor might have.

Minh's AK
Holding security for Yazz during meet/greet w. Hicks
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 502 posts
Polish Artillerist
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 15:13
  • msg #262

Bow Gun Position

Mariusz Tokarski:
Mariusz picked up his name being used by the Polish Artillerist and moved to be close to him. He looked at the man quizzically and said, "You got a job for me?"

He shook his head.

"Nie nie, nie jeszcze, mój przyjaciel. Poźniej, my może udawać się Nabywać bronie które były pozostawiane na brzegu."

[OOC:"No, no, not yet, my friend. Later, we may go pick up the weapons that were left on shore. Not now.".]
This message was last edited by the player at 15:14, Fri 25 Jan 2008.
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 71 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 15:24
  • msg #263

Re: Bow Gun Position

"OK," Mariusz replied, "I'll wait around with you until we get an order, does your mortar ned cleaning? I can't do work on it, but scytt stuff is OK. After, we need to talk about burying Bear. the big bugger deserves a good send off."
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 503 posts
Polish Artillerist
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 15:49
  • msg #264

Re: Bow Gun Position

Mariusz Tokarski:
"OK," Mariusz replied, "I'll wait around with you until we get an order, does your mortar ned cleaning? I can't do work on it, but scytt stuff is OK. After, we need to talk about burying Bear. the big bugger deserves a good send off."

"That is a fine idea, regarding Bear."

"The mortar, the Russians call it Vasilek or "cornflower". It has been fired, so it should be cleaned. I would be glad indeed if you were to help. There is much to learn, if you wish."

"However, Major Solleblum wants us to keep watch, so that's what we shall do until more of our comrades come aboard, yes?"

Although phrased as such, his tone indicated this was not not really a question.

"How about you keep watch to starboard, I'll watch to port."

Sighing, he picked up his rifle, put his vest back on and pulled on his helmet. He commenced scanning the riverbank to the left of the boat.
Jay 'Chopper' Hicks
player, 6 posts
EN1 (Engineman 1st Class)
U.S. Navy
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 15:54
  • msg #265

Re: Meeting

Robert 'Tuck' Tucker:
Tucker gives a wave and a quick smile to the American who shot down the Soviet Helo.  "Most people just call me Tuck," he says turning back to Yazzie.  "I'm on it Yazz," Tucker replies to the sniper as he moves off a little to hold security and try to listen to any news the American sailor might have.

"Hey, Tuck, I'm Chopper. Where did you guys come from? If y'all are headed downriver, y'all better have your shit together. It ain't going to be easy to get past Tarzanburg. There's some heavy shit going down there, man". Chopper takes off his helmet and scratches his head vigorously, then drops the brainbucket to the deck.

"Man, I hate wearing that thing. Chief was pretty damn strict about it, though. Didn't help him much, or Clean or Lance, either. Damn sure wouldn't have helped the Commander"

M21 20/20
Shootin' the shit

Robert 'Tuck' Tucker
player, 294 posts
Platoon Sergeant
10th Mountain Division
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 15:58
  • msg #266

Re: Meeting

Jay 'Chopper' Hicks:
Robert 'Tuck' Tucker:
Tucker gives a wave and a quick smile to the American who shot down the Soviet Helo.  "Most people just call me Tuck," he says turning back to Yazzie.  "I'm on it Yazz," Tucker replies to the sniper as he moves off a little to hold security and try to listen to any news the American sailor might have.

"Hey, Tuck, I'm Chopper. Where did you guys come from? If y'all are headed downriver, y'all better have your shit together. It ain't going to be easy to get past Tarzanburg. There's some heavy shit going down there, man". Chopper takes off his helmet and scratches his head vigorously, then drops the brainbucket to the deck.

"Man, I hate wearing that thing. Chief was pretty damn strict about it, though. Didn't help him much, or Clean or Lance, either. Damn sure wouldn't have helped the Commander"
"Chopper it is then!  the lot of us are from all over the place I guess.  Kind of wound up in Krakow looking for work and we found it, and each other.
Clarence Milk
NPC, 122 posts
Chief Warrant Officer 2
U.S. Army Special Forces
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 23:21
  • msg #267

East End of Bridge

Jason Kasparov:
"You think they will warn us when they blow the bridge?" Jason laughs, staring across the burned out truck. "Or will we just fall into the river, and swim back to the ship."

"They'd better say somethin'. I ain't much of a swimmer."

Clarence laughs softly to himself, having reinforced a stereotype about African-Americans. Truth was, he was a pretty decent swimmer. He used to take his family to the Chicago "beach" in the summer and you had to be a decent swimmer in the Special Forces.

He squints through his binoculars in the deepening gloom of approaching twilight. The sun is low in the west, its light partially blocked by thick gray clouds on the horizon. It looks like the stranger is friendly. He and Yazzie- not really much of a "people person", in Milk's limited experience- are chatting away, weapons slung.

Milk squeezes the transmit button on his radio handset,

Starlight; Sunray, this is Pitchfork.
Knife has made contact with stranger. He appears friendly.
Please advise when you want me to pull back security on this side of the bridge. OVER.

He looks back towards Jason and says with a wry grin,

"Just thought I'd remind 'em we're still up here."

Clarence wonders who's available back at the tug to take a boat and pick up Yazzie, Tucker, and their new friend.
John Yazzie
player, 242 posts
Sat 26 Jan 2008
at 01:21
  • msg #268


"Ok if you want to hump them all over thats good bye me. But hope its not you that has to open a body bag after 100 days of decay!"

"Hauptmann this is knife we roger you on the demo blast, we will take cover here. a klick away is 3 times the peace time limit for us so we will be safe.This guy wants a boat to come and pick up his gear and buddys.Yes thats right he wont leave his dead. I gave him alt choice but no go on that. So I will leave it up to you. please advise on boat or foot movement.Knife out"

"well there you go sailor i will leave it up to higher"

"tucker be ready for the bridge demo on the 1 mike count we will take cover behind boat here if thats cool with you?"

relaying comm
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 505 posts
Polish Artillerist
Sat 26 Jan 2008
at 05:18
  • msg #269

Bow Gun Position

Dawid stopped Mariusz.

"Sorry, my friend. I did not mean to seem a little sharp with you."

"I would prefer to gather the weapons now while there is light."

"This delay is not your fault, and I apologize!"

By way of apology he offered his pack, lighting up a cigarette himself.

"The Major's instructions make sense, we should keep a watch."

"If and when the time comes, I would be glad indeed to have you accompany me. Your offer to help with the mortar is also greatly appreciated and I will be glad for that."

Using his binoculars, he tried to locate the recovered weapons on the shore. Then if possible he tried to pick out a nearby landmark so that he might be able to find them in the dark.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:23, Sat 26 Jan 2008.
Konrad Bayer
player, 409 posts
Sat 26 Jan 2008
at 06:18
  • msg #270

Re: Bow Gun Position

Bayer listens as Yazzie briefs him via radio. He thinks for a minute, wondering what exactly was going on downriver. He wasn't keen on dealing with transporting around the dead, thinking about his past experiences with people affected by the traumas of war. However, the man may have some useful gear and an inflatable had to be deployed to pick up the shore party anyways - a few hundred meters shouldn't be a problem. He'll confer with Adam and the rest of the team about hauling the bodies later.

"Knife, Sunray. Understood. Hold in place, extraction via inflatable. Out."

Getting back to Soleblume, "Starlight, Sunray. Roger. Sweep expected prior to water extraction. We'll need you dispatch a launch following the demolitions. Out."

After Milk joins in on the radio traffic, Bayer takes a moment to reply to him as well, "Pitchfork, Sunray. Roger. Withdraw to bunker now. Out."

He thinks about where everyone is at, and how he hopes things will pan out for the early evening. The lack of manpower makes most of the his decisions a difficult. Blow the bridge - sweep - extract - consolidate on the tug - begin repairs - deploy a standing patrol under the cover of darkness for the night - leave at dawn.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:21, Sat 26 Jan 2008.
Anneka Soleblume
player, 351 posts
Israeli Medic
Sat 26 Jan 2008
at 07:05
  • msg #271

Re: Bow Gun Position

"Starlight. Acknowledged. Out."
There, that took care of that part of the situation. Once the bridge was blown, Konrads small group would sweep the surrounding area before picking up the salvaged weapons and equipment and returning to the tug. At some time during that sweep, a boat, probably piloted by Snowy, would collect Sergeant First Class Tucker, Corporal Yazzie and whoever their benefactor had been that had shot down the helicopter.

But before then she had some other matters to attend to.
"Snowy, meet me at Dawids position in two minutes please." Besides Griet, the three of them were the only crewmembers aboard of the original military component.
"I'm a little concerned what the blast might attract," she said once the three were together. "I'd like to hear your thoughts and what we could to to secure our position for the night."
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 507 posts
Polish Artillerist
Sat 26 Jan 2008
at 07:27
  • msg #272

Re: Bow Gun Position

Dawid thought for a second.

"Well, if we cause a large noise now, we are stuck waiting for the night to end. No tactical mobility until the morning."

"Why not wait until morning?"

"Other than that, I have no suggestions."

"If a security element is needed on shore for the night, I will be happy to volunteer for it."

Mariusz Tokarski
player, 72 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Sat 26 Jan 2008
at 09:22
  • msg #273

Re: Bow Gun Position

Mariusz said to Dawid, "No offence, I just like to keep busy, earn my keep."

As his fellow Pole volunteered for guard duty, he chimed in,"I was a scout for my company, I started as rear security and rose to point because those more skilled died one, by one. Today I sneaked close enough to a stag to head butt it. I'm not great, but I'm better than nothing."
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 508 posts
Polish Artillerist
Sat 26 Jan 2008
at 09:40
  • msg #274

Re: Bow Gun Position

Mariusz Tokarski:
Mariusz said to Dawid, "No offence, I just like to keep busy, earn my keep."

As his fellow Pole volunteered for guard duty, he chimed in,"I was a scout for my company, I started as rear security and rose to point because those more skilled died one, by one. Today I sneaked close enough to a stag to head butt it. I'm not great, but I'm better than nothing."

Dawid smiled, boyishly.

"That is very good! I'm glad you did not take offense. Thank you for volunteering, that is most generous of you."

"You are a lot better than I am at sneaking around. I was in the artillery, not much of a need for subtlety, let me reassure you!"

"If you have survived where others have not, well, you have proved yourself better than they."

As the sun began to set and the day chilled in the bottom-land along the river, he took off his helmet and replaced it with a green Polish Army beret with "White Eagle" flash. He wrapped his scarf around his neck.

Dawid smoked, looking out over the river and thinking about the hard life that had befallen his young comrade, Mariusz. A mist began to form along the water, ghostly and indistinct.

He wished only to free his country so that the young like Mariusz wouldn't need to be thrown into the meat-grinder of war. How many generations must be slaughtered? At best estimate, there was perhaps two thirds of the prewar Polish population left, although he suspected it was closer to half, or even a third or less.

Although the mills of the Gods grind slowly, they grind very, very fine indeed.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:45, Sat 26 Jan 2008.
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 73 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Sat 26 Jan 2008
at 09:54
  • msg #275

Re: Bow Gun Position

Mariusz grinned when he saw the White Eagle flash on the older man's beret. he took off his own helmet and pulled out the East German field cap, different from the old WW2 German headgear just in a shade of colour. The white eagle perched proudly where the symbol of the Reich would once have been.

"Well, we can't have a cannon cocker with a dirty cannon, can we?"
Cap'n Rae
GM, 517 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Sat 26 Jan 2008
at 22:42
  • msg #276


As per Konrad's instructions, Clarence and Kasparov pull back across the bridge, passing Minh at the mid-way point. She ignites the fuze and follows them at a run. The group slide down the embankment and shelter beneath one of the destroyed Ural trucks lying about where'd they'd been shoved off of the raised road causeway at its base. A few seconds of anxious waiting are suddenly interupted by a tremendous boom.

Those on the tug are surprised by the blast. Fortunately, Minh had done a good job placing and fuzing the charges, and there is little in the way of aerial debris from the blast to worry about. They duck instictively, feeling a pressure wave washing over them a split second later. Curiosity gets the better of them and they peer over the Krolowa's gunwhales to see the the damaged section plunge out of a cloud of thick gray smoke and dust. Each end of the section- east and west- is still anchored in place as the middle drops away, much like a giant steel and asphalt trapdoor. A perfect causeway has been cut in the bridge and no sizeable pieces of debris have dropped into the river to obstruct the channel that runs beneath it.

North of the bridge, Yazzie, Tucker, and 'Chopper' Hicks have and even better- and safer- view of the blast and the resulting passageway. It's an impressive sight.

After a few minutes during which everyone calms their nerves and congratulates each other for a job well done, Anneka, still a bit miffed at the lack of warning, sends Snowy in the newly motorized assault boat- still loaded with the motorcycle/sidecar combination- to collect the group a kilometer and a half downstream. The maritime policeman sails cautiously through the now roofless channel, looking nervously up at the looming remains of the felled section standing upright on both sides.

The loading of the newcomer's gear takes a while, and the return trip is completed without incident. After offloading his passengers at the tug, Snow returns to the west bank to collect the bridge team and their impressive collection of war booty.

Konrad, Minh, Clarence, and Jason, having made a final sweep of the battlefield and collecting the enemy weapons, wait for extraction on the west bank. After a few minutes, they are back aboard the Krolowa as well.

The team has been reunited. Smiles and handshakes are exchanged all around, although the smiles are framed by more solemn lines of strain, grief, and exhaustion.

The sun hangs just above the western horizon and the darkness deepens. In less than a half an hour, it will be complete.

The bridge is blown and the way ahead lies open.

Jason Kasparov
player, 57 posts
Warrant Officer 1
U.S. Army Blackhawk Pilot
Sun 27 Jan 2008
at 00:34
  • msg #277


"I have to say, that was some impressive demolition work there, maam." Jason says to Minh, while cradeling an armful of soviet rifles. "I'm Jason Kasparov, by the way. Former Blackhawk pilot turned ground pounder."Jason's thoughts went back to Bear. He still didn't know the big poles status. Big pole, he chuckled to himself, he was a telephone pole.

Turning back to Minh, he continued his introductions. "Which branch are you from?"
This message was last edited by the player at 05:56, Sun 27 Jan 2008.
John Yazzie
player, 243 posts
Sun 27 Jan 2008
at 04:56
  • msg #278


John will ask were Parks is too find out who canceled his call for fire mission. When he was being hunted.When he finds that parks is dead he will recover from him gear the gear he needs to be a sniper then place the rest in the ships armory to help the others. He will then walk to the the Pole David and have a private convesation....

Once he has his anwsers he will talk to Tucker and the Hauptmann. He will ask Tucker to go a recon and ask the Hauptmanns permission. He will also talk to them in private. He will do the recon prep witch will take about 20 miniutes then leave to recon with the team or without. He will draw ammo from the storage to fill his magazines and have 100 rounds extra in his pack. He will also draw 2 smoke grenades.

Combat prep
G3ModY/1911 (180/65)

From ships armory
-120 rounds 7.62 nato link
-2 smoke grenades
This message was last edited by the player at 05:00, Sun 27 Jan 2008.
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 509 posts
Polish Artillerist
Sun 27 Jan 2008
at 06:35
  • msg #279

Re: Ship

After finishing his companionable talk with Mariusz, Dawid talked to Yazzie for a bit.

Then he dug around his pack and handed the Marine the case with his NVGs.

"Take care with these, my friend."
Konrad Bayer
player, 412 posts
Sun 27 Jan 2008
at 08:03
  • msg #280

Re: Ship

Bayer is relieved to be back aboard. He felt unsure of the general situation isolated at the bridge. He doesn't say much to anyone, too tired and still troubled over losing Fosters and Maddock. Looking around for any eager faces he decides to try to get them organized for the night. It wasn't over yet.

As he is sizing up the taskings and the available manpower, Yazzie pulls him aside for some private words. When he is done he collects everybody onto the deck as darkness falls.

For the benefit of the newly joined, he introduces himself and a few of the others, "I am Hauptmann Konrad Bayer, German Army. I am tactical commander of Captain Adam Rataj's boat here. He is below injured and has final say in all matters. This officer here Major Anneka Soleblume. She is unit medical officer and usually in full command in my absence. My NCOs are Sergeant Tucker and Warrant Officer Milk."

"Ok. We've got three objectives the team must concentrate at tonight. One... the repairs and refitting of the ship so it will be able to sail by first light. Two... maintaining evening security as we always do. Three... deploying a small standing patrol to act as an OP and skirmishers in case we get harassed tonight."

"Snowy. You'll be in command of the repair crew. Do whatever you need to do to get this boat heading downriver by sunrise. See if you can recruit some of the crew for help... it should be a given that they will assist. As of now, you have Dawid, this man Hicks and the two Poles ins your team."

"Tucker. I need you to go ashore with Yazzie for the standing patrol. Bring a radio, and expect to be out for pretty much the night. You'll be given extra time to sleep in the day."

"I'll be watch officer for the boat's security. Security will be two men rotating on and off at stand-to position. Myself, Quyen, Milk, Kasparov. Two men on duty must have NVGs each."

"Major, I think it'd be best if you and Griet rested up ja?"

After explaining his concept how things would work through the night he looks around for any questions, complaints or further input or ideas. "Ok. Lets head to the galley and eat before we begin our duties. Milk and Quyen please take first watch for security."

He looks at the newcomers, "Hicks, Mr. Switek, please sit with me and Major Soleblume so we may talk."

Repair Group = Snowy/Dawid/Hicks/Switek/Mariusz
Security Group = Bayer/Milk/Minh/Kasparov
Standing Patrol = Yazzie/Tucker
Light Duties = Soleblume/Griet

Everyone ok with this?

Anneka Soleblume
player, 353 posts
Israeli Medic
Sun 27 Jan 2008
at 08:15
  • msg #281

Re: Ship

"I'm afraid I can't allow the boy, Mariusz, to work." Anneka responded to the orders. "He's suffered a serious blow to his head and needs sleep almost as badly as Adam, Griet and myself."
She'd considered speaking to Konrad quietly alone, but felt it best if everyone knew the reason why one, who apparently was in good health, would be withdrawn from the work details
"Any other part of his body and...." she gave a one shouldered shrug, the other still strapped tightly due to her wound.
Stanislaw Switek
player, 36 posts
Cistercian Monk/Partisan
Sun 27 Jan 2008
at 08:42
  • msg #282

With the Hauptmann

Switek is now also sporting a green Polish Army beret with White Eagle flash that he has retrieved from his pack.  He excuses himself from the briefing and takes Tokarski aside.

"Mariusz," begins the monk, "I know you are eager to assist.  But the Major is right.  You are injured and must rest.  It has been a long day.  No one will think less of you for it, I assure you.  Our new team will need you, but only at the top of your game.  Go sleep and we will talk again in the morning."

He turns his attention back to Bayer.

"Shall we move to your office, Hauptmann?"
Minh Quyen
player, 101 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Sun 27 Jan 2008
at 08:54
  • msg #283

Re: With the Hauptmann

Quyen nods to Hauptmann Bayer. "Understood, sir."

While everyone else makes their way to the galley, she looks at Milk. "Ready, Milk." Before she leaves she gives a final lookover of the CIA men but doesn't say anything.

With that she unslings her rifle and moves up to the forward mounted machinegun and begins her shift.
Konrad Bayer
player, 414 posts
Sun 27 Jan 2008
at 09:09
  • msg #284

Re: Ship

Anneka Soleblume:
"I'm afraid I can't allow the boy, Mariusz, to work." Anneka responded to the orders. "He's suffered a serious blow to his head and needs sleep almost as badly as Adam, Griet and myself."

Bayer takes a step closer to the young Pole to see him more clearly in the dark. "Ahhh, ok. Very well. Rest it will be for him." He nods to the doctor.

Stanislaw Switek:
Shall we move to your office, Hauptmann?"

Bayer gives a little chuckle. "I have no such luxury on this trip. My quarters are a spot on the deck here under a tarp. In any case, you may be as hungry as I am so lets join the men in the galley for something to eat. We can talk there."
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 74 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Sun 27 Jan 2008
at 09:31
  • msg #285

Re: Ship

Typical, Mariusz thought, get anywhere close to civilisation and there was a curfew on the kid. Still, his head ached and there were dark splotches on his vision.

"OK, I'll rest now and work double tomorrow, don't bury Bear without me."

He stumbled to his assigned corner, set up his bedroll and curled up into the feotal position. Within seconds he was asleep.
John Yazzie
player, 244 posts
Sun 27 Jan 2008
at 15:59
  • msg #286


John will get a small bite to eat after his combat checks .He will not look at Ann the whole time. Once done eating he will move to the deck to do pre combat checks with Tucker. they will go over gear the ships challengeand pass, radios weapons and then themselfs.

"you ready tucker I think we have checked everything?"

Once ready john will walk to the edge of the bardge and them exit there so as not to get wet. they will move in open formation slow and quiet with NVg's on and toward the last know place of the sniper.

On the move
G3MODY/1911Meusoc (180/65)
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 511 posts
Polish Artillerist
Sun 27 Jan 2008
at 16:47
  • msg #287

Re: Galley

Dawid also grabbed a bite to eat, some bread, kasza (Polish buckwheat porridge) and hot tea.

After, he brought Stanislaw and Snowy and each a steaming mug of regrettably weak tea.

"Well gentlemen, where to begin? After our tea, of course!"
Robert 'Tuck' Tucker
player, 295 posts
Platoon Sergeant
10th Mountain Division
Sun 27 Jan 2008
at 17:13
  • msg #288

Re: Galley

John Yazzie:
John will get a small bite to eat after his combat checks .He will not look at Ann the whole time. Once done eating he will move to the deck to do pre combat checks with Tucker. they will go over gear the ships challengeand pass, radios weapons and then themselfs.

"you ready tucker I think we have checked everything?"

Once ready john will walk to the edge of the bardge and them exit there so as not to get wet. they will move in open formation slow and quiet with NVg's on and toward the last know place of the sniper.
After watching the impressive demolition work of Minh on the bridge, ucker heads out back to the ship with Yazzie and Chopper to regroup with the others and get a damage assessment of who's left and the tug.

Tucker will find Minh and give her back her AK and ammo and then find Snowy and get his rifle/grenade launcher combo.  Her reports back to Yazzie and Konrad with his kit and listens in to Yazzie's plan.  "I'm ready Yazzie.  Just tell me what I need to do!"

Waiting to move out with Yazzie
Konrad Bayer
player, 415 posts
Sun 27 Jan 2008
at 18:16
  • msg #289

Re: Galley

Bayer neatly piles his kevlar, rifle, webbing and helmet in a corner of the galley.

At the table, Bayer leaves a spot open for Anneka next to him, and invites with an open hand to Switek and Hicks to sit on his other side. As per tradition as an officer, he waits until all the men have taken up their meals first. While he waits, Yazzie comes in over his radio, he responds "Sunray, loud and clear. Radio a warning upon your return. Stay safe. Out." He then say quietly to nobody in particular, "Patrol ist heading out."

After he decides to eat what Dawid had choosen, and looks around at the new faces. "Well Mr. Switek. We appreciate your assistance on securing the bridge. Its ahh, very regrettable about losing your man. We'll give you and your men the night to decide whether you wish to accompany us downriver. If you choose not to, I'm sure we can part with some food and ammo."

"In the meantime, I'd like you and Ensign Hicks here to fill me and the Major in on information regarding this area. Primarily downriver. I'd like you, Ensign, to also tell me of how you and other NATO sailors came to be in this part of Poland."
Minh Quyen
player, 102 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Sun 27 Jan 2008
at 18:30
  • msg #290

Main Deck

Jason Kasparov:
Turning back to Minh, he continued his introductions. "Which branch are you from?"

Quyen looks at him for several seconds before speaking - "Military Police. But I got sent to the engineers a year before Kalisz. I was in the 8th Mechanized Division."

Again, she looks at him for several more seconds before speaking - "Are you CIA?"

OOC - Sorry I didn't realize you said something to me. This ^ happened before Quyen goes on her sentry duty.

Quyen nods to Hauptmann Bayer. "Understood, sir."

While everyone else makes their way to the galley, she looks at Milk. "Ready, Milk." Before she leaves she gives a final lookover of the CIA men but doesn't say anything.

With that she unslings her rifle and moves up to the forward mounted machinegun and begins her shift.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:32, Sun 27 Jan 2008.
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 513 posts
Polish Artillerist
Sun 27 Jan 2008
at 18:31
  • msg #291

Re: Galley

There being little time to prepare, the evening's fare is simple.

Aside from the kasza (barley porridge), there was cabbage soup. If he could find any meat he intended to cook the national Polish dish, bigos (cabbage with pieces of meat, typically pork).

"This is typical peasant food. Like I grew up on, back on the farm!"

Having eaten his fill, he sipped his tea. His own weapon and kit was piled beside him.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:20, Sun 27 Jan 2008.
Clarence Milk
NPC, 123 posts
Chief Warrant Officer 2
U.S. Army Special Forces
Sun 27 Jan 2008
at 19:18
  • msg #292

On his way Aft

Minh Quyen:
While everyone else makes their way to the galley, she looks at Milk. "Ready, Milk." Before she leaves she gives a final lookover of the CIA men but doesn't say anything.

Clarence nods and replies, "I'll be on the rear HMG. Holler if ya need me."

Before the OP team departs, Clarence has a quick word with Konrad, "Sir, I think we should hold off on barge repairs until morning. The repair team will need to see what they're doing and the floodlights could attract as many bad-guys as moths. The pump too. Plus the lights will reduce the range of our NVGs, out in front at least. I recommend that we scratch the repair team and assign one of them to watch duty so that there's three of us on every shift. One on the bridge roof with NVGs would give us 360 degree eyes. Everyone else can get some rest. In the morning, we can repair the barge, maybe scrounge some sandbags from that bunker. I saw some field teleophone cable up there too. I could use it to make an intercom for the Queen. That's my recommendation. It's your call sir."

After Konrad responds, Milk will switch out the L86A2 and its ammo for his AK-74M and a full load of 5.45mm B. On his way back to the aft Dushka, he'll swing by the galley and grab a bowl of Dawid's bigos.
Jay 'Chopper' Hicks
player, 8 posts
EN1 (Engineman 1st Class)
U.S. Navy
Sun 27 Jan 2008
at 22:10
  • msg #293

Re: Galley

Konrad Bayer:
"In the meantime, I'd like you and Ensign Hicks here to fill me and the Major in on information regarding this area. Primarily downriver. I'd like you, Ensign, to also tell me of how you and other NATO sailors came to be in this part of Poland."

Chopper shakes his head and smiles, then lights up another cigarette. "It ain't Ensign, Hauptmann. I work for a living. It's Engineman, First Class Jay Hicks, but I go by Chopper. That's a US Navy rating. As to what's downriver, it's a shitpot of trouble. As to how I came to be in this part of Poland, or Poland at all for that matter, that's a long, strange trip. Hell, I don't believe part of it myself. It's probably gonna take half an hour or so, and some maps,..."

Chopper breaks off into a mild coughing fit. "I've done been through some heavy shit, Hauptmann, sir, and my nerves ain't what they should be. You wouldn't have something, er, medicinal to help steady'em a bit, would ya, while I get things sorted in my mind?"
Jason Kasparov
player, 59 posts
Warrant Officer 1
U.S. Army Blackhawk Pilot
Mon 28 Jan 2008
at 01:51
  • msg #294

Re: Galley

"Guess I'm like a fifth wheel." Jason states as everyone goes about their duties. Ever since he lost his copter, he had felt like a useless relic, but now, after bridge detail, and the odd glances from his new compatriots, the feeling starts to sink in.

Grabbing a bowl of what passes for stew, he walks to the bow, and sits by the bridge wall. Seems the officers had some talking to do, Milk was now guarding the back of the ship, his Partisan brothers had found countryman blood, and he was detailed to back up security.

Taking a few bites of the warm stew, he settles down and starts to examine his new weapon, and rests his tired legs,

"Great move joining the Agency. Now I'm an outsider among my own people."

Maybe I should take up smoking, he thinks.
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 514 posts
Polish Artillerist
Mon 28 Jan 2008
at 05:31
  • msg #295

Re: Galley

Jason Kasparov:
Taking a few bites of the warm stew, he settles down and starts to examine his new weapon, and rests his tired legs,

"Great move joining the Agency. Now I'm an outsider among my own people."

Dawid sat down beside him.

"You look lonely, my friend."

He handed Jason a mug of tea, then lit up a cigarette.

"I tell you, if things are bad downstream like word has it, it might make my plans somewhat difficult. This is because they depend on me being alive!"

Dawid shook his head, sipped the cabbage soup. He took a drag from his cigarette.

"So tell me, what are you doing in my beloved Poland?"
This message was last edited by the player at 05:32, Mon 28 Jan 2008.
Konrad Bayer
player, 416 posts
Mon 28 Jan 2008
at 11:07
  • msg #296

Re: Galley

Bayer listens to Milk's suggestion on holding off the repairs until first light. He was against the idea of sticking around longer than they had to, but Milk brought up some points he hadn't realized.

"I see. I wasn't aware we had to do such lighting to repair the boat. This is not good. Let me talk to Snowy."

In the galley, as the newcomers present their stories and fill him and Anneka in on the local situation, he looks across at Snowy. "Hey. Milk was saying we'll have to illuminate the work area with spotlights and it'll be quite the show. You agree with that? I don't know much about how you'll be repairing the damage, but I'm going to guess you'll agree with him ja?"

Jay 'Chopper' Hicks:
"It ain't Ensign, Hauptmann. I work for a living. It's Engineman, First Class Jay Hicks, but I go by Chopper. That's a US Navy rating. As to what's downriver, it's a shitpot of trouble. As to how I came to be in this part of Poland, or Poland at all for that matter, that's a long, strange trip. Hell, I don't believe part of it myself. It's probably gonna take half an hour or so, and some maps,..."

Bayer cracks a smile, he thought Hicks, or Chopper, was quite a character. "Alright. Sorry. Engineman. Chopper. Anyways, please continue, we have a half hour and more... and I have a map." Bayer digs out his map that Adam gave him several days ago, and places in on the table.

Jay 'Chopper' Hicks:
"I've done been through some heavy shit, Hauptmann, sir, and my nerves ain't what they should be. You wouldn't have something, er, medicinal to help steady'em a bit, would ya, while I get things sorted in my mind?"

"Ask the doctor here. But I doubt you'll find what you want in our pharmacy."
This message was last edited by the player at 11:08, Mon 28 Jan 2008.
Jay 'Chopper' Hicks
player, 10 posts
EN1 (Engineman 1st Class)
U.S. Navy
Mon 28 Jan 2008
at 19:43
  • msg #297

Re: Galley

Konrad Bayer:
Bayer cracks a smile, he thought Hicks, or Chopper, was quite a character. "Alright. Sorry. Engineman. Chopper. Anyways, please continue, we have a half hour and more... and I have a map." Bayer digs out his map that Adam gave him several days ago, and places in on the table.

Jay 'Chopper' Hicks:
"I've done been through some heavy shit, Hauptmann, sir, and my nerves ain't what they should be. You wouldn't have something, er, medicinal to help steady'em a bit, would ya, while I get things sorted in my mind?"

"Ask the doctor here. But I doubt you'll find what you want in our pharmacy."

Chopper stretches his neck and moves over to the table.

"I was thinking more of the locally distilled medicinal products, Hauptmann. Something liquid".

The sailor fires up another cigarette and inhales deeply, blowing the smoke out through his nose. "They pulled me out of a replacement depot in Bremerhaven, man, with a couple of other SWCCs and shipped us up to Gdansk on some rusted out coastal freighter. I was done with all this, too – my number was low enough to get out on the next ship home, if one ever showed up. Probably lost my place in line. Anyway, we met up the Chief who was working the guys in the yard about a conversion/fix up job on a Sov river patrol boat. Worst damned piston fit I ever saw, I can't believe we actually got the thing running. Then all these brass khaki types show up to look at the boat and talk to Chief, and asking us all kinds of stupid questions? What questions? Like, man, how would we set up the boat to run with torpedoes, and what was the max weight, and how many rads had any of us taken? Like we were near any of the tacbursts the groundpounders caught. Anyway, they refit the small hold with some Navy gray panels and told us it was armor, but what could would armor inside the boat do us? That shit was heavy, too, 'cause the boat lost about 15 cms of freeboard.

"One day the chief showed up after a confab with the brass, and he sure wasn't happy. They pulled the four of us off the boat for a night, and when we got back, we had two passengers and below decks was off limits. One passenger was Navy, some Lieutenant Commander with a frikkin' briefcase chained to his wrist, can you believe that shit, man? The other was Army, and one look at him and you could tell he was serious. You know how the Army likes to cover their utilities with a badge or something every time they do somethin', man? This guy had everything that they make, I think, like parachute wings, a couple of tabs right here that said 'Ranger' and 'Special Forces' and shit. He made every SEAL I ever saw look like a sissy

"Anyway, we head upriver, and at the time, the crew, except maybe the chief, didn’t have any idea where we were headed except that we were delivering the major and the commander somewhere. We didn’t see much of the commander, mostly. I went below decks to offer him some chow one day and I found him leaning up against the door of the vault, or whatever it was, with a locked and cocked .45 pointed at my head. “No visitors, dammit” . After that, we left him alone. I guess he ate MREs the whole trip.

"Once we got past Warsaw, and that was some shit, man, the major pulled the Chief aside and told him we were headed to a place called ‘Tarzanburg’ or some such shit. I was down in the engineroom and could overhear’em talking on the fantail without them knowing. ‘Tarzanburg?’, the Chief replied. “That’s behind enemy lines”. 'That’s classified, chief' that dickhead Army major replied. Come to find out there’s a marauder group based there in Tarzanburg led by some renegade American SpecOps officer, and the brass is concerned that these guys might be trouble. I think they were right, man. The major, Willus or something, was being sent up the river to take care of the problem. Shit, I'm short and we're headed behind enemy lines to kill one of our own officers. I didn’t have any idea at the time what the Commander was for, but I think I figured it out later.

"We were getting pretty close to where the Chief thought Tarzanburg was, based on the crappy charts we had – man, don’t you miss GPS – when we hit this thick fog. We slow down and running close to shore to keep from running aground when all hell breaks loose. They were waiting on us, man, and they had to had someway to target us in the fog, which turned out to be part smoke screen. Rader, IR, something. Anyway, tracers from about six, eight machine guns, both light and heavy converge on us almost simultaneously. The major, who was manning one of the pintle 240s, got knocked over the side in the first burst. Right after that something big, maybe one of those direct fire 82s the Sovs like, took out the forward 50’s. Gunner’s Mate Johnson was killed instantly. The boat takes off like a bat out of hell, but not as fast as normal, as the mortar had blown a good size hole in the bow. I’m busting caps like mad, just laying down fire, same as Clean. Whoever it is that’s shooting at us follows along, or at least their tracers do, then they open up with an autocannon of some type. They musta not know how fast these river boats are, even this clapped out, juryrigged POS Sov boat, ‘cause they only hit us from midships and back. Good enough shooting, though. Clean, that’s Gunner’s Mate Miller, gets a leg taken off at the knee and bleeds out. The Chief was kinda protected by the cockpit but catches enough shrapnel that he gets knocked out. Good thing for him, I reckon, ‘cause he was hit about thirty times. He just never woke up.

"Somehow all that fire misses me but that big autocannon shoots the crap out of the engine. It starts missing immediately but somehow that big hunk of Russion iron doesn’t conk out, or you wouldn’t be talking to me right now. I’m still sending lots of HE and steel downrange in little 40mm packages the whole time, and I must have hit something important shooting blind, since I see the flash of a secondary on shore and the incoming fire isn’t accurate anymore. I see that Clean and the Chief are down, so I head forward to take over the boat. I see that all of the fire is still going on but it’s behind us so I keep heading upstream. The engine is barely running, the boat is taking on water at an alarming rate so I just head upstream as far as I can until I the engine starts to crap out and the boat is sitting way low in the water. I kept calling for the Commander to come up and give me a hand but I never get a reply.

"Once I ground the boat, I go below to see what’s up with the Commander. I guess it’s hard to reply when your whole head is gone. That’s when it got weird, though, man. Sure, his head is gone, but his left hand had been chopped off and the briefcase is gone. What’s worse, the vault is opened and whatever was in there is missing. I checked the door, and the vault was lined with lead. What the hell was that for, I’m thinking. I take another look around and the major’s rucksack is gone, as are his weapons. I didn’t see anything before we got attacked, but I’m willing to bet that somehow the major wasn’t killed but took advantage of the confusion to take off on his own. How he got whatever was in the hold out without anyone noticing is beyond me, man. That’s serious spook shit.

"Anyway, I bag up the Chief and Miller and start salvaging all of the gear that I could. Don’t know why, though, ‘cause I thought I was going to be walking back to Bremerhaven until you guys showed up. Saw you guys pull up, saw the firefight on the bridge, but I didn’t know if you guys were friendlies or Pact forces, so Mrs. Hicks little boy decided that discretion was the best part of valor this far behind enemy lines. Then that helo showed up and shot the shit out of your tug and barge and then I saw it headed right for me. I ain’t taking no chances, man – if that’s a Sov helicopter, he’s my enemy and so I just opened up on him. Caught him just right, man. He just nose over and went in.  Sorry ‘bout that, Ivan.

"Now I don’t know if you’re thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’ but there ain’t but one reason to use lead in a box. I think those two officers had a suitcase nuke and the commander had the codes. Only explanation I can think of. I don’t know how or why he did it, but I think that the major has it, with the codes, and is somewhere downriver. What’s worse, I caught that Commander slipping an empty Johnny Walker Black bottle over the side one night, and when he came on board in Gdansk, I could have swore that his bag ‘clinked’. That meant that he had two bottles, at least, and that damned major took the Scotch, too!"

Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 515 posts
Polish Artillerist
Mon 28 Jan 2008
at 19:55
  • msg #298

Re: Galley

"Pardon me for a moment, Mister Jason."

Taking his leave of Jason for a moment, Dawid retrieved his other bottle from his pack and a new packet of cigarettes.

"Here, Mister Chopper, we do not have scotch. Here in Poland we have wodka!"

He gave Chopper another cigarette and lit it for him.

"Tell me, when you were going by Warszawa, did you hear about a doctor named Piotrowski? Woman, in her 30's?"

"I am heading there, looking for my sister."

Jay 'Chopper' Hicks
player, 11 posts
EN1 (Engineman 1st Class)
U.S. Navy
Mon 28 Jan 2008
at 20:10
  • msg #299

Re: Galley

Chopper takes the proffered bottle and opens it, taking big swig. He winces at the burn of the rough liquor, but follows the first with a second and hands it back to the Pole.

"Thanks, man, I really need that. And it's just plain Chopper, on account of how much I like motorcycles. In our navy, 'Mister' is for officers".

He starts puffing on the new cigarette and shakes his head. "I never even got off of the boat in Warsaw, znajomy. We dropped off the major and picked him up upstream about a klick. He didn't have the bag he took off with and even though we passed by what must have been fifty pirates later on, no-one even messed with us. I hope she's okay, but Warsaw looked like it had been turned upside down, shook hard and dropped.
Jason Kasparov
player, 60 posts
Warrant Officer 1
U.S. Army Blackhawk Pilot
Mon 28 Jan 2008
at 22:57
  • msg #300

Re: Galley

Dawid Waldus Piotrowski:
Dawid sat down beside him.

"You look lonely, my friend."

He handed Jason a mug of tea, then lit up a cigarette.

"I tell you, if things are bad downstream like word has it, it might make my plans somewhat difficult. This is because they depend on me being alive!"

Dawid shook his head, sipped the cabbage soup. He took a drag from his cigarette.

"So tell me, what are you doing in my beloved Poland?"

"Thank you."
Jason stated to the newcomer. Sipping the offered tea, he hands Dawid two sugar packets. "For yours."
Adjusting his position, Jason looks around the deck. "What am I doing in your country? Killing invaders, being shot at by locals, developing international relations so to speak. In a previous life, I flew Blackhawks. Now, Im just here to cover Stanislaw, Bear and the boy Mariusz. I have yet to learn of Bears fate. You know anything about his status. Big son of a bitch owes me a Coke, if we ever find one."
Trevor 'Snowy' White
player, 251 posts
Customs Service
Tue 29 Jan 2008
at 02:41
  • msg #301


Konrad Bayer:
"Hey. Milk was saying we'll have to illuminate the work area with spotlights and it'll be quite the show. You agree with that? I don't know much about how you'll be repairing the damage, but I'm going to guess you'll agree with him ja?"

"Yessir. Someone's going to have to go into the flooded compartment and temporarily seal whatever cracks or holes are down there in the hull before we pump it out. That'd be a might bit hard to do by feel in the dark. We'd need strong lights, like the floods, to see anything at all down there and those could be seen from a couple kilometers in all directions. The pumps too are pretty noisy- them and the lights would make it hard to see or hear anyone approaching the tug during the night. I'm not real keen on staying here any longer since it seems we're on Polands Most Wanted list, but the repairs will be a lot easier- and probably quicker- in daylight."
Jay 'Chopper' Hicks
player, 12 posts
EN1 (Engineman 1st Class)
U.S. Navy
Tue 29 Jan 2008
at 03:17
  • msg #302

Re: Galley

Trevor 'Snowy' White:
"Yessir. Someone's going to have to go into the flooded compartment and temporarily seal whatever cracks or holes are down there in the hull before we pump it out. That'd be a might bit hard to do by feel in the dark. We'd need strong lights, like the floods, to see anything at all down there and those could be seen from a couple kilometers in all directions. The pumps too are pretty noisy- them and the lights would make it hard to see or hear anyone approaching the tug during the night. I'm not real keen on staying here any longer since it seems we're on Polands Most Wanted list, but the repairs will be a lot easier- and probably quicker- in daylight."

Chopper tosses the last cigarette butt overboard. "I guess I get to start earning my keep right away. I'm an engineman, not an HT, but I've worked on my share of hull breaches. I've got a diving rig with close to 45 minutes of air left at this depth. I'll need a dive buddy, though, to keep an eye on me. And yeah, I'd rather do it in the daytime, for sure".
Jay 'Chopper' Hicks
player, 13 posts
EN1 (Engineman 1st Class)
U.S. Navy
Tue 29 Jan 2008
at 04:45
  • msg #303

Re: Galley

Chopper turns back to the man that seems to be in charge. He counts off on his fingers as he talks."I've got a few questions, I reckon. Where's the ship's captain? I don't think you're him. What's my duty station? Where's my action station? Is there a tool crib or machine shop? When can I see the engines? Lastly, where do I bunk?". The brown water sailor pops his knuckles then lights another cigarette. He doffs his k-pot and pulls a brimmed soft cap from his ruck and crams it on his head. "Relaxed uniform rules, right?"

He snags a piece of MRE gum from his blouse pocket. "In case you think you might need'em tonight, we salvaged my Mk 19 and one of the M240s from my boat, with a moderate amount of ammunition for each. I got a tripod for the Mk 19 but not for the machine gun. It'll pintle mount pretty easily, though".

M21/M1911A1, standard load
Main deck

Konrad Bayer
player, 418 posts
Tue 29 Jan 2008
at 05:20
  • msg #304

Re: Galley

Jay 'Chopper' Hicks:
Chopper turns back to the man that seems to be in charge. He counts off on his fingers as he talks."I've got a few questions, I reckon. Where's the ship's captain? I don't think you're him. What's my duty station? Where's my action station? Is there a tool crib or machine shop? When can I see the engines? Lastly, where do I bunk?".

"The ship's captain, Captain Adam Rataj, a Polish civilian, is injured. He is resting below. You can meet him tomorrow morning I expect. For the meantime your action station can be the forward mounted RPD. The doctor here mans it, but as you can see she is out of action for the moment. There doesn't happen to be a duty station for the time being. We're immobile and I haven't conferred with the Major or the NCOs yet. However, Mr. White, can use your expertise in helping repairs in the morning ja? For the rest of your questions, I just do security.... you should speak to Mr. White and the Captain."

Jay 'Chopper' Hicks:
He snags a piece of MRE gum from his blouse pocket. "In case you think you might need'em tonight, we salvaged my Mk 19 and one of the M240s from my boat, with a moderate amount of ammunition for each. I got a tripod for the Mk 19 but not for the machine gun. It'll pintle mount pretty easily, though".

"Dawid? Perhaps you can look over the weapons... ah Chopper... here mentioned. Make a plan and let me know."
This message was last edited by the player at 05:21, Tue 29 Jan 2008.
Stanislaw Switek
player, 38 posts
Cistercian Monk/Partisan
Tue 29 Jan 2008
at 05:36
  • msg #305

Re: Galley

Switek sat at the table and listened in intent but restrained awe to the American sailor's recounting.  It was the first news he'd had of the situation downriver, and a most impressive tale indeed.  Once the story had been told, Switek gave his briefing.

"Unfortunately, Hauptmann," began the monk, "I have nothing nearly as exciting to relate about the local conditions.  My men made an attempt to take the bridge earlier in the summer, in preparation for the American advance into the region.  We were only partially successful and took heavy losses.  We pulled back to the hills north of the river and holed up in our camp there to regroup and refit.  The Soviet forces left in the region took out their wrath of what remained of the local populace.  We scored a few small victories here and there in several raids and skirmishes throughout the summer.  The organized opposition had pulled out by the time of your arrival and, decimated, we were in no real condition to pursue.  Yours are the first friendly faces we have seen in many weeks."

The monk's voice became gravelly and subdued.

"The apparent presence of Spetsnaz troops is of great concern to me.  Such forces are not committed lightly.  I suspect you have not seen the last of them, especially as you head downriver toward Lublin."

With that, Switek finishes off his meal and wipes his mouth.  He curtly thanks the chef and rises, ducking his head in the cramped galley.

"I expect I will now draw a roving watch before turning in.  I will not speak for the boy, but I will discuss your offer with him at first light - after we have buried Grzegorz.  As for myself, I must speak with the one calling himself Pitchfork before I can commit to any course of action."
This message was last edited by the player at 06:01, Tue 29 Jan 2008.
Jay 'Chopper' Hicks
player, 14 posts
EN1 (Engineman 1st Class)
U.S. Navy
Tue 29 Jan 2008
at 06:00
  • msg #306

Re: Galley

Chopper looks across the table. "You're Mr. White, right? I'm Chopper Hicks. Got time to show me around and answer a few questions?" He extends his hand across the table.
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 516 posts
Polish Artillerist
Tue 29 Jan 2008
at 07:15
  • msg #307

Re: Galley

Jay 'Chopper' Hicks:
Chopper takes the proffered bottle and opens it, taking big swig. He winces at the burn of the rough liquor, but follows the first with a second and hands it back to the Pole.

"Thanks, man, I really need that. And it's just plain Chopper, on account of how much I like motorcycles. In our navy, 'Mister' is for officers".

He starts puffing on the new cigarette and shakes his head. "I never even got off of the boat in Warsaw, znajomy. We dropped off the major and picked him up upstream about a klick. He didn't have the bag he took off with and even though we passed by what must have been fifty pirates later on, no-one even messed with us. I hope she's okay, but Warsaw looked like it had been turned upside down, shook hard and dropped.

"Ah, thank you for your information, Chopper, my friend. That was too much to hope for.

"If the Major dropped off some kind of nuclear device or other instrument of mayhem in Warszawa, that is all the more reason to get there and see what can be done."

"From my knowledge of such nuclear weapons, it does not sound like it was an entirely complete device. Practical devices are only as small as a large backpack or footlocker, and do not require additional shielding. They are also not especially large as such weapons go, perhaps being in the 1 Kiloton yield range, although placed correctly that would certainly be large enough."

"However, it's quite possible they were carrying a Plutonium or enriched Uranium core for a much large device. Which would explain the lead-lined safe."

"I wonder if your Major was suffering from radiological poisoning? If he previously had a lethal dose, he may have been well enough for a time to carry out a "suicide mission" in the temporary respite before the final phase of sickness. I have a Geiger counter. I shall check the bodies for such contamination. You, as well."

Dawid shook his head ruefully.

"Seriously, I had thought that the indignities visited on the Polish people by the Second Deluge were terrible enough. Now, not even the skeletons in the rubble of Warszawa will be allowed to rest peacefully!

With a nod of thanks, he turned back to Jason.

Jason Kasparov:

"Thank you."
Jason stated to the newcomer. Sipping the offered tea, he hands Dawid two sugar packets. "For yours."

Adjusting his position, Jason looks around the deck. "What am I doing in your country? Killing invaders, being shot at by locals, developing international relations so to speak. In a previous life, I flew Blackhawks. Now, Im just here to cover Stanislaw, Bear and the boy Mariusz. I have yet to learn of Bears fate. You know anything about his status. Big son of a bitch owes me a Coke, if we ever find one."

Dawid took the sugar packets, using one and saving the other. Although Poles customarily only put lemon in their tea, not sugar. Milk was only for pregnant women.

Dawid nodded in understanding.

"Many people trying to "free" the Polish people these days. Some are friends, some invaders. I hope you and your comrades make it home safely."

"I am afraid your friend Bear is no longer among the living."

"He was a brave son of Poland. He will be missed!"

Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 517 posts
Polish Artillerist
Tue 29 Jan 2008
at 11:40
  • msg #308

Galley and Armoury

Konrad Bayer:
"Dawid? Perhaps you can look over the weapons... ah Chopper... here mentioned. Make a plan and let me know."

"I will. To my knowledge, we have more weapons than operators, so there may be little need to integrate this ordinance immediately."

Dawid retrieved his Geiger Counter and throughly checked Chooper over for contamination, politely but without apology. He then checked the body bags, the weapons, and any other kit brought over from the PBR.

"Chopper, we have a shower here on the boat. Contamination or not, you are welcome to use it!"

He reported any findings immediately to Major Solleblum and Hauptmann Bayer.

Before turning in he cleaned the mortar, the PKM, and any other tub-mounted weapons that had been fired.

Working into the night, he disassembled and cleaned the recovered WTO arms, cigarette dangling from his lips and sipping occasionally from a mug of tea.

Lastly, he checked over Chopper's M240 and Mk19, He was unfamilliar with these weapons, and took the time to understand their workings.

Drained by exhaustion, he finally flung himself down and wrapped himself in his bedroll.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:40, Tue 29 Jan 2008.
Anneka Soleblume
player, 357 posts
Israeli Medic
Tue 29 Jan 2008
at 11:50
  • msg #309

Re: Galley

Jay 'Chopper' Hicks:
"It ain't Ensign, Hauptmann. I work for a living. It's Engineman, First Class Jay Hicks, but I go by Chopper. That's a US Navy rating."<quote><quote Jay 'Chopper' Hicks>"You wouldn't have something, er, medicinal to help steady'em a bit, would ya, while I get things sorted in my mind?"

"I'm not familiar with that rank," Major Anneka Soleblume said with a look of curiosity upon her weary face. "Where does it fit in the chain?"
The man's request for liquor was one she fully understood. Many soldiers had turned to the drug to dull the horrors that visited them every night. Supply staff sharing a brew with the vehicles had become a serious problem for a while until the order had been given in her medical unit that only methanol would be produced. Didn't stop the problem, but it reduced it to a managable level.
Konrad Bayer:
"Ask the doctor here. But I doubt you'll find what you want in our pharmacy."
Jay 'Chopper' Hicks:
"I was thinking more of the locally distilled medicinal products, Hauptmann. Something liquid".

She frowned as Hicks was handed one of their bottles of Vodka but didn't say anything. From the story he told, there was nothing in her meagre medical supplies that might help him.
Jay 'Chopper' Hicks:
"I've got a few questions, I reckon. Where's the ship's captain? I don't think you're him. What's my duty station? Where's my action station? Is there a tool crib or machine shop? When can I see the engines? Lastly, where do I bunk?"

"If I may Hauptman, I've a few suggestions to make regarding placing crew and rearranging some of the weapons now we've got a few more. I'll tell you more in a few minutes." Sh'd been jotting down notes with her good hand as people talked around them. Part of her self appointed role as quartermaster and personnel department rolled into one.
Jay 'Chopper' Hicks:
"Relaxed uniform rules, right?"

"Speaking only for myself, I think it's best to try and stay in uniform if you can. In the event of anyone being captured by enemy forces, they'd be well within their rights so shoot the prisoner as a spy."
"If you're willing to take the risk though and the Hauptman here allows...."

It was a subject that had been raised before today without a final decision being made. But for herself she wasn't likely to be taking any risks if she could avoid them - last time had earned her a bullet in the arm.
Stanislaw Switek:
"Unfortunately, Hauptmann, I have nothing nearly as exciting to relate about the local conditions."

"Would the two of you mind writing out what you know of conditions both around here and downstream? Mark up a map too. It'd be a great help."*
Jay 'Chopper' Hicks:
"In case you think you might need'em tonight, we salvaged my Mk 19 and one of the M240s from my boat, with a moderate amount of ammunition for each. I got a tripod for the Mk 19 but not for the machine gun. It'll pintle mount pretty easily, though".

"Thankyou very much....Engineman," she said, pausing before the unfamiliar rank.
"I saw a little of the wonders you brought aboard earlier. They'll be very useful." Especially the ammunition for the machinegun. Just those few hundred rounds alone greatly expanded their defensive capability. Now they could mount, and actually use, the MG-3 they'd recovered from the lock upstream.

"Hauptman Bayer," she continued, using Konrads formal title until the new people had been integrated into their team.
"The suggestions I have are as follows."
Laying out a fresh sheet of paper on the table, she sketched out the shape of both the tug and the barge in front of it.

"We've got the 23mm up the front but minimal ammunition for it. With the extra people we have, as long as they elect to stay, we can afford to have two people there along with moving the RPD and L86 machineguns to that position. Strip out a few AKM magazines to reload the RPD belt and say half a dozen mags for the L86 and along with personal weapons it'll be a well armed position. Naturally it'll need some sandbagging but that shouldn't take too much effort."

"Also, the Steyr rifle and attached grenade laucher positioned there, along with all the spare grenades for it will make it a very tough nut to crack."

"I suggest the boy Mariusz and Warrant Officer Kasparov to be stationed there - the boy primarily to watch the river for snags and sandbanks and the pilot to operate the autocannon. I presume he's had some training in the operation of heavier weapons."
If not, then Dawid would have to do some training but as the weapon was really more for it's intimidation factor, possessing the skill to fire it accurately wasn't really a priority.

Her pencil then moved to the bow of the tug, writing in weapons and names as she spoke.
"Dawid obviously needs to stay with the mortar but I'd like to more the AGS up to him as well and position both RPKs there too. Minh might as well stay there with him as his assistant since she seems to have spent more time there than any other post lately." From what she'd seen so far, the pair appeared to work well together. There was no need to break that relationship up that she could see.

"Both Griet and I are carrying wounds as you know, but I think we can still be of use in our usual positions. I'm sure griet will agree that she needs to be as close to the bridge as possible."
"As the RPD would be moved forward, I would place the recovered PK there instead. Neither of us are much good firing them at the moment, but hopefully in a few days...."

Sadness crept into her voice as she continued.
"We lost Parks earlier today. I'm not sure how Yazzie feels, but I'd like to keep him up there, probably alone for now."

"We also lost the two Australians, Fosters and Thompson. As they were assigned to the big DShKs, along with Snowy, those positions will definately need to be filed. I would place Sergeant Tucker, Snowy and our new friend Stan here to man those three weapons."

"Would that be suitable for you?"
she asked the Polish Monk. "It'll keep you close to the centre of things. I would hav like to have your two people a bit closer to you but with the skills we have available it seems to be the best use of who we've got."
There was genuine concern in her voice. It wasn't every day a person lost a friend and then to have the remander of those you felt responsible for split away and sent to what might seem like the far end of the earth....

"That just leaves Warrant Officer Milk, Engineman Hicks and yourself. I'd like to have Milk and Hicks on the Stern deck with the Mk-19, MG-3 and the M240 machinguns. You of course would be free to do as you needed, perhaps even spending a fair amount of time up with Yazzie."

Her presentation finished she dropped the pencil on the table, leant back in her set and waited for comments. Looking about the small room, it was clear that all were invited to have their say.

* A quick summary in the Intel thread would be greatly appreciated so we don't loose the info amongst hundreds of posts.
Konrad Bayer
player, 420 posts
Tue 29 Jan 2008
at 12:21
  • msg #310

Re: Galley

Bayer realized a lot of thought and planning went into Soleblume's proposal for the new unit battle stations... more than he was currently in the mood for. It seemed to fit as the best option, so he says, "Sounds fine to me. But lets not place anyone forwards until we have sufficient protection erected."

"Also, as Dawid said, we have more than enough weapons. Personally I am more concerned about ammunition. Once we get to Sandomierz, I think we should think about trading some of our excess heavy weapons for ammunition, primarily 82mm and 23mm."

Remembering something, he points to his map he laid out for Chopper. "Mr. Switek, what of the town of Szczucin... just down the road from here."
This message was last edited by the player at 12:24, Tue 29 Jan 2008.
Jason Kasparov
player, 61 posts
Warrant Officer 1
U.S. Army Blackhawk Pilot
Tue 29 Jan 2008
at 14:21
  • msg #311

Re: Galley

"Bears dead?" Jason took in the news. "He was one tough son of a bitch."  Jason looked across the bow, recalling the first time he had met the telephone Pole.

"I was running supplies for the agency, flying the stuff in on the last Blackhawk they had in service. Two damn RPG's took out my tail rotor, while I was coming in. I was spinning wild, and dumped my external tanks, fighting the bitch from flipping. Next thing I knew, here's this huge silver toothed monster holding a knife over me. He cut my harness, dragged me out and then went back for the supplies."

He lifted his tea. "Rest well my friend, your in a better place now. Is Mariusz alright? He took a ten point buck to his skull. Tough little kid that Mariusz is."
Jay 'Chopper' Hicks
player, 15 posts
EN1 (Engineman 1st Class)
U.S. Navy
Tue 29 Jan 2008
at 15:26
  • msg #312

Re: Galley

Anneka Soleblume:
"I'm not familiar with that rank," Major Anneka Soleblume said with a look of curiosity upon her weary face. "Where does it fit in the chain?"

Chopper replied, "It's a rating, not a rank, Major. Paygrade wise, I'm an E6, same as a staff sergeant in the Marines or Army, too, I think".

"Speaking only for myself, I think it's best to try and stay in uniform if you can. In the event of anyone being captured by enemy forces, they'd be well within their rights so shoot the prisoner as a spy."
"If you're willing to take the risk though and the Hauptman here allows...."

I don't intend on getting taken prisoner, Major, and with all due respect, I haven't seen anything yet that would show me that amyone here has command authority over the Navy. I guess we completed our mission, since the green beanie got as far as Tarzanburg, but my orders after that were to return to Gdansk. Someone said something about this being a NATO unit, but so far it just looks like a floating refugee camp".

"Would the two of you mind writing out what you know of conditions both around here and downstream? Mark up a map too. It'd be a great help."*

Chopper leans back in his seat. "No problem, Major, but it's going to have to wait. I just lost three shipmates and my boat, and if I'm going to be working underwater tomorrow, I need to get some rest. All you need to know right now is that Tarzanburg is going to be a mother to get past, even with a boat this big with all of the firepower. Can you use the tug's radar to direct that big gun with?"

There was genuine concern in her voice. It wasn't every day a person lost a friend and then to have the remander of those you felt responsible for split away and sent to what might seem like the far end of the earth....

"That just leaves Warrant Officer Milk, Engineman Hicks and yourself. I'd like to have Milk and Hicks on the Stern deck with the Mk-19, MG-3 and the M240 machinguns. You of course would be free to do as you needed, perhaps even spending a fair amount of time up with Yazzie."

Hicks shrugged. "No problem. I'll work on getting them set up before I get my head down".
Jay 'Chopper' Hicks
player, 17 posts
EN1 (Engineman 1st Class)
U.S. Navy
Tue 29 Jan 2008
at 18:15
  • msg #313

Re: Galley and Armoury

Dawid Waldus Piotrowski:
"Chopper, we have a shower here on the boat. Contamination or not, you are welcome to use it!"

"Thanks, man. I wasn't able to get all of the commander's blood off of my legs after wading around in the hold salvaging what I could". Chopper finds time in the short time he stays awake to rinse off well. He changes into a new, complete set of combat utilities. He rinses out his current clothing as well as the blood-tinged mate to his combat blouse in the shower as he bathes, hanging them up to dry in the machine shop.
John Yazzie
player, 247 posts
Sat 2 Feb 2008
at 06:29
  • msg #314

North of Bridge

"well it looks like we go back in Tucker"

John will get up and radio in.

"Hauptmann this is knife...Moving back into friendly lines at this time."

"Well lets move tucker"

With that john will start to move back to the ship.When he reachs the ship he will check in with the Hauptmann and give him a full debrief. once done he will clean his gear and weapon. He will then move up to the area he sleeps at pull out his bag and take a few hours of rest.

G3/1911 (180/65)
Robert 'Tuck' Tucker
player, 299 posts
Platoon Sergeant
10th Mountain Division
Sat 2 Feb 2008
at 06:32
  • msg #315

Re: North of Bridge

John Yazzie:
"well it looks like we go back in Tucker"

John will get up and radio in.

"Hauptmann this is knife...Moving back into friendly lines at this time."

"Well lets move tucker"

Tucker smiles as he gets the word from Yazzie that they're going back to the tug.  He gathers his gear and follows Yazzie back covering his 'six.'  "When we get back to the tug Yazz, can you go over my weapon and tune it up some?  And if you don't mind, you want me to start working with Parks' old rifle soon?"

When they finally reach the tug, Rob goes with John to report in with Bayer on their short OP into the field.  He will also follow suit and clean his weapons and gear and then try to get some sleep.

Back at the tug cleaning weapons and getting some sleep
Anneka Soleblume
player, 380 posts
Israeli Medic
Mon 4 Feb 2008
at 09:58
  • msg #316

Re: North of Bridge

Before Stanislaw and the pilot Jason headed off to bed for the night, Anneka approached them just as she'd done everyone else aboard - pen and paper in hand, ready to jot down the skills and knowledge they might be able to contribute to the group.
"I've interviewed everyone but you so far to try and work out how we can put everyone to best use."
"What can you tell me about yourself? Have you completed any qualifications that could prove useful? What skills have you learnt? Have you picked up any other useful skills over the years? How good would you say you are at each of those things?"

Fairly stock standard interview questions but vital if Anneka was to compile a reasonably accurate assessment of the groups capabilities.
"Oh, and while I'm asking, is there any equipment you have that may be useful to the group as a whole?"
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