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19:58, 18th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Ch. 7: The Bridge at Szczucin.

Posted by Cap'n RaeFor group archive 0
Stanislaw Switek
player, 34 posts
Cistercian Monk/Partisan
Thu 24 Jan 2008
at 09:38
  • msg #242

Re: Near the Bow

Switek stands on the foredeck with Piotrowkski and the Major.  He took a cigarette offered by the former as he returned the radio to the latter.

"Regarding the rites," the monk confides to the Pole in his native tongue as he ignites the cigarette with his own Zippo, "I thank you.  Bear, I think, would object, but that is neither here nor there.  Thank you also for the smoke."

He extends his hand and introduces himself.

"Stan Switek.  That was some bravery you displayed out there with that helo.  Or was it insanity?  Either way you make Poland proud I am sure."

Cigarette clenched in his teeth, the monk makes a fist and pounds his countryman on the bicep then hugs him and pats him hard on the shoulders in a gesture of camaraderie.  He takes a long drag, scratches his beard and turns his attention to the Major.

"Ma'am, I do have a familiarity with the maintenance of farm equipment, stills and the like.  I do not know boats or maritime equipment.  I think you will find I would be of most service drawing a watch assignment once I get my bearings.  It will be dark soon and I must tend to my men."

He nods toward Tokarski.

"As for the boy, once we have laid Bear to rest I will make him available in whatever capacity he may prove to be of use.  He may be injured and slight of frame, but I assure you he is quite motivated."

He turns back to Piotrowski and continues in Polish,  "I must collect my things and bury my friend but then you can show me around this tub, yes?"

On the bow of the Krowlowa
PM Makarov, holstered + 3 x Mags 9mmM (8/8)

This message was last edited by the player at 09:46, Thu 24 Jan 2008.
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 498 posts
Polish Artillerist
Thu 24 Jan 2008
at 12:05
  • msg #243

Re: Near the Bow

After shaking hands, Dawid returned Stan's hug.

"My friend, it is truly good to make your acquaintance!"

He laughed, relaxing. Taking a deep drag off his smoke, he cocked his head thoughtfully and rubbed the newly-healed scar that ran along his hairline. He finally exhaled.

"It is too bad that your friend Bear may not have wanted Last Rites said over him. We fought the communists long and hard for the freedom to do that, no? But then, I guess the freedom to not do that, if that is your choice, is also important."

He looked like he was trying to come to grips with an unfamiliar concept. He shook his head, still a little puzzled. It was something he wasn't going to figure out at the moment, so he let it be.

"At any rate, no insult was meant to his memory."

"Now, I am thinking it was quite possibly pure insanity that made me try to assist in the fight with the helicopter. Every time I tell myself I've got to look after myself first, I find that I've gone and done something foolish like that!"

"As for me, I too am also a farm-boy. I hope to live long enough to see the family farm, one day! I also hope to live long enough to see our country strong and free from the control of outsiders like Russians and Germans. No offense to the Hauptmann! Some of our NATO friends here don't necessarily agree, but we shall do whatever is necessary to see our dream come to fruition."

"Hauptman Bayer is a good soldier and worth paying attention to, even if he is a German. He seems to command the NATO soldiers. Major Solleblum outranks him, but as a Doctor combat is not her area of expertise. Aside from the crew, there is another Pole around here, Griet, but she's wounded and is recovering from surgery."

This message was last edited by the player at 15:31, Thu 24 Jan 2008.
Robert 'Tuck' Tucker
player, 292 posts
Platoon Sergeant
10th Mountain Division
Thu 24 Jan 2008
at 15:09
  • msg #244

Re: Bridge security

John Yazzie:
"Hauptmann this is knife i have two sets of battle gear hear, 4 grenades and one rocket will leave at this position for pick up. Its for the boat I dont want. also two ak-74's left in field for you to get. Me and tucker will advance in friendly fashion. Tucker will take the girls long gun he left his with others."

"we make contact will report.Knife out"

"ok tucker once the girl gets here you can take here long gun the Hauptmann wants the Machinegun left here. we will go out in open formation with weapons at alert not ready to show peace. if we have contact its every man for himself. i think they have a big gun out there so were fucked."
Tucker watches the target area as he waits for Yazzie to speak to Bayer and find out what he wants them to do.  "Goin' for a walk sounds good to me!  We get to meet the guy who took down that chopper!"

Tucker gets up and waits for Minh to get to his position and trades off weapons with her and stuffs the extra mags into pockets or wherever they fit and nods to Yazzie that he's ready to move out.  "Let's do this."

Borrowed AK
Moving out with Yazzie

Cap'n Rae
GM, 516 posts
Long-time T2K Fan
First-time GM
Thu 24 Jan 2008
at 23:56
  • msg #245

A Friend Comes for Dinner

Snow joins Mariusz at the stern of the barge and adroitly studies the rocket damage there. The rear and left-most cargo compartment- a square "room" roughly 10'x10'- has filled with about three feet (and rising) of water. Oil, and bits of wood fuel form a greasy flotsam on the surface of the dark water. It will have to be pumped out, somehow, before an accurate damage assessment and proper repairs can be attempted.

Anneka walks back to the aft cargo hatch to inspect the damage there. There is a jagged hole in port side hatch, framed by singed paint. The hatch is jammed shut but she can see enough through the cabbage-sized hole to anticipate further fragmentation damage to whatever is stored below.

Konrad and Minh enter the revolving door that is the remains of the sandbagged bunker at the west end of the bridge as Yazzie and Tucker set out to meet the mysterious stranger spotted roughly a kilometer to the north. Clarence and Jason continue to guard the eastern end, Milk keeping one eye on the outgoing welcoming party.

Yazzie and Tucker cover the kilometer and a half between the bridge and their mysterious benefactor's river-side position in good time. As they get closer, they see a man standing in the sternwell of a haphazardly camouflaged PBR, which has been grounded stern first onto the bank. The front of the boat is visibly damaged, holed and burned, and settled low into the water. It appears to be resting on the bottom.

There is a  Mk-19 automatic grenade launcher in the stern, unmanned but at hand, as is an M240 that's been dismounted and resting in the gunwhale, pointed straight inland. The man is armed with a rifle -appearing to be an M-14- held at port arms. While he has a BDU top on, his trousers are bell-bottomed dungarees.

It is now approaching 1700 hrs local time. The sky, although nearly cloudless, is beginning to grow dim. An added chill permeates the air. Night will fall within the next two hours. The Krolowa's chief deck hand is sober enough to be released from confinement. The bridge is ready to blow.

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:14, Fri 25 Jan 2008.
Jay 'Chopper' Hicks
player, 1 post
EN2 (Engineer's Mate)
U.S. Navy
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 00:59
  • msg #246

Re: A Friend Comes for Dinner

The man in the back of the boat calls out in a deep southern American accent, "Trzymają to w tym samym miejscu. Robi wy mówicie amerykański?" He follows up with "Y'all boys speak American?"

In addition to the weapons and other equipment stacked in the stern of the boat, there are two filled rubber body bags. A small American flag flies from a radio mast.

M21 20/20
Talking to a patrol

John Yazzie
player, 239 posts
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 01:58
  • msg #247


"Cpl. Yazzie 5th Recon Battalion, 5th Marine Division.(John pointing to tucker)Sergeant First Class Tucker 2nd of the 22nd Infantry, 10th Moutian Division. We are the recon element for a Nato team moving up the river to go home.Thanks for the back up on the Hip! How can we help you Warrior?"

John will stay at a friendly stance letting his weapon hang from his sling with hands empty and in the open.

Jay 'Chopper' Hicks
player, 2 posts
EN2 (Engineer's Mate)
U.S. Navy
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 02:16
  • msg #248

Re: Meeting

A great big smile breaks out over the man's face. He eases his rifle from port arms to a hunter's cradle and replies, "Gawd-dayum, Americans! It sure is good to see y'all way out here. I'm Engineman 2nd Class Jay Hicks, United States Navy, called 'Chopper'. No problem about that helio, man, once he shot you guys up and then saw me I figured I was next. A couple of bursts of HV forty mike mike ended that problem". He pauses. "Did you say 'home'? You mean the States? Man, I was in line for the next ship home in Bremerhaven before I got Shanghai'd into this goatscrew. Y'all got room for one more hand on that tug?"

M21 20/20
Talking with Yazzie and Tucker

John Yazzie
player, 240 posts
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 02:44
  • msg #249

Re: Meeting

"WOW hold on here what are you talking about getting on the next ship home in Bremerhaven? People are going fucking home!!?? I have been out here for the last 4 months trying just to make it back to lines and now there are no lines they fucking went home. There is no more american command here in europe? are we even fucking NATO anymore? Shit buddy you can come with us if you want. We have some good and some bad people. We have a few that I'm going to have some words with when I get back for going negative on my fire mission. I tell you what they better have a good god damn reason. Shit I'm going on a rant here. HAHA. Well shit who were you with and what the fuck are you doing this far south in a fucking PBR. I have not worked with Special Boat Unit since Operation Distant Thunder in 98 when we assaulted puck to take out a SAM site. Ran with Chief Greens crew. Do you know him? We went in a a group of 6 boats and finned in from 1000 meters. I cut more then my fare share of throats that night.Thats how I got my call sign Knife! Well Brother your Navy, American so that makes you good in my book. Do you need help with gear and shit? Do you want to burry these guys? What do you want to do with the Craft? She does not look like she is going any where any time too soon. Let me call in too higher and we will set up what you need."

"Tucker would you hold security while I radio in situation?"

"Hauptmann this is knife have american navy,EN2 with gear and KIA'S. He wants to join and roll with us. advise on next move."

Jay 'Chopper' Hicks
player, 4 posts
EN2 (Engineer's Mate)
U.S. Navy
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 03:01
  • msg #250

Re: Meeting

Chopper shakes his head disgustedly "I was on the manifest for the next ship out, if and when one showed up, Corporal. There hadn't been any ships in months, but shee-it, I was next if one did show up. Otherwise, I and a couple of thousand others were just sitting around in bombed out warehouses jerkin' off" He pulls a cigarette out from behind a ear and lights up one-handed. "You were on Distant Thunder? Yeah, me too, but I guess I was in a different boat. That was a pretty hairy op but I didn't get hit until the next one. Chopper lowers his voice and points at the body bags with his cig. "That's the Chief right there, Ace. Best man I ever served under, man, and he buys the farm on a stupid secret mission that none of us volunteered for. Y'all can give me a hand with this gear, ain't no need in leavin' it, but there ain't no talk of burying nobody. I'm taking the Chief home, and Clean, too. I owe'em that much". Chopper slumps down on the portside gunwhale, head hung low and staring off into the distance as the Marine makes his radio call.

M21 20/20
Sitting and thinking

John Yazzie
player, 241 posts
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 03:15
  • msg #251

Re: Meeting

"Hey brother the bodys might be a problem. Here's why, We have a long way to go and no way to store them and no place to store them. But I do have a solution. My people have a way. We take the heart and persurve it. You bring there heart and soul home. I could do it for you right now and we could leave there bodys witch is just a container for the soul behind. They would be taken care of and they would get to go home. What do you think? And on the gear we can hump it back and have no problem but it wil take us a few trips. that mark is going to be a bitch.70 some fucking pounds there. What do you want to take first? What recon info do you have for the bridge and the area? How long have you been here?"

This message was last edited by the player at 03:24, Fri 25 Jan 2008.
Jay 'Chopper' Hicks
player, 5 posts
EN2 (Engineer's Mate)
U.S. Navy
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 03:45
  • msg #252

Re: Meeting

Chopper stiffens. "Then we got a problem, man. I ain't leavin' the Chief and Clean and I ain't about to let you start cuttin'em up. They been chopped up enough. You got a whole tug and barge sittin' on the other side of the bridge. There's gotta be room for'em in a hold or something, and they're double-sealed in the body bags. As far as any kind of intel about what's going down around here, I got tales to tell. But begging yore pardon, I ain't going to tell it a dozen times. I got info that your commander needs to hear" The Navy man smokes his cigarette down to the smallest possible stub then digs in his utility blouse to retrieve another one. He lights the new one from the dying embers of the previous one. "NATO, you said? Is your commander American? And I ain't humpin' this crap nowhere. I ain't a ground pounder. I saw y'all had a small boat. Call over there and have them come on around and we can get everything in one load. Ain't much that isn't shot up or drowned".

M21 20/20
Still on the boat.

Konrad Bayer
player, 408 posts
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 05:20
  • msg #253

Re: Meeting

Bayer rests his back up against one end of the sandbagged bunker, watching over the top along with Quyen. He doesn't say much. Watching the sun lower in the sky by the minute he finally stands up and looks at the bridge. It'll be dark soon. And he didn't feel right about climbing about a damaged bridge with a light, in enemy lands, checking the success of the clearance.

"All call signs, this ist Sunray. Clearance expected before sundown, approximately 30-40 minutes. Ensure all hands take precautions prior. Will give one minute warning. Report back if you are unable to comply. Over."

While he waits for a response, he looks at Minh. "Once you've fired off the demolitions, inspect immediately and report the status of the breach, ok? By dawn if the tug is mobile I want us to not have to mess around with the bridge and put some distance on."
Anneka Soleblume
player, 347 posts
Israeli Medic
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 05:28
  • msg #254

Re: Meeting

"Sunray, this is Starlight. Acknowledge demo in approx half hour. Suggest transfer of all personnel to tug before firing. Over."

To her mind the tug was a bit close to the bridge during demolition, but at least it had a solid metal hull to protect the occupants. Anyone out in the open and closer than several hundred metres was potentially going to get hit with shrapel. Yes, this was wartime and often charges were set off in close proximity to friendly forces, but that really only occured during combat.

Her mind wandered back to some of the patients she'd treated.
Unless somebody screwed up....
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 500 posts
Polish Artillerist
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 05:49
  • msg #255

Bow Gun Position

After his conversation with Stanislaw was over, Dawid went over to Maj. Solleblum and the patients.

He spent a few minutes comforting his injured friends, then turned to the officer.

"Major, do you wish for me to retrieve the weapons on shore? I don't know if there is anything else of value I can do here at the moment, and I'd prefer not to leave that material there and try and find it in the dark."

"I can take the kid, Mariusaz."

[OOC: Assuming Solleblum agrees, then Dawid will take a functioning raft and either paddle or motor over to the pile of weapons on the bank and collect them.]
This message was last edited by the player at 15:13, Fri 25 Jan 2008.
Minh Quyen
player, 100 posts
U.S. Army Military Police
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 05:54
  • msg #256

Re: Meeting

Konrad Bayer:
"Once you've fired off the demolitions, inspect immediately and report the status of the breach, ok? By dawn if the tug is mobile I want us to not have to mess around with the bridge and put some distance on."

"Understood boss. We may just need the tug to winch out any collapsed parts or whatever. If it don't work right... I'll take responsibility for it. I can rig up the cable before dawn if it comes to that."

[Private to Cap'n Rae: If Bayer agrees to send all pers back to the boat like the doc suggested, how do I set off the charges? Don't fuses like these burn really quick? I thought I'd have to remain in the bunker at the least. Let me know ok - as Quyen would have this knowledge.]
Anneka Soleblume
player, 348 posts
Israeli Medic
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 06:00
  • msg #257

Re: Meeting

"Yes, I would like that, but it's probably best to wait for the moment until a proper team can be put together. I'd like to scout that bank before dark if possible just so we know the lay of the land."

If rumour was to be believed, there'd be an OP placed somewhere in the dark during the night. They also could investigate the sniper before settling in for the night, but she'd leave the final decision up to Konrad.

She keyed the radio again while Dawaid waited.
"Sunray, this is Starlight. Continued from previous. Suggest sweeping area before returning to tug. Captured equipment to be retrieved at pickup of shor party."

"For the moment Dawid, just keep watch. I'll try and get the new people settled in and organise someone to relieve you soon."
Jason Kasparov
player, 56 posts
Warrant Officer 1
U.S. Army Blackhawk Pilot
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 07:47
  • msg #258

Re: Meeting

"You think they will warn us when they blow the bridge?" Jason laughs, staring across the burned out truck. "Or will we just fall into the river, and swim back to the ship."
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 501 posts
Polish Artillerist
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 08:09
  • msg #259

Re: Meeting

Anneka Soleblume:
"Yes, I would like that, but it's probably best to wait for the moment until a proper team can be put together. I'd like to scout that bank before dark if possible just so we know the lay of the land."

If rumour was to be believed, there'd be an OP placed somewhere in the dark during the night. They also could investigate the sniper before settling in for the night, but she'd leave the final decision up to Konrad.

She keyed the radio again while Dawaid waited.
"Sunray, this is Starlight. Continued from previous. Suggest sweeping area before returning to tug. Captured equipment to be retrieved at pickup of shor party."

"For the moment Dawid, just keep watch. I'll try and get the new people settled in and organise someone to relieve you soon."

Dawid looked a little doubtful but he agreed. "Okay, I got it."
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 70 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 13:46
  • msg #260

Re: Meeting

Mariusz picked up his name being used by the Polish Artillerist and moved to be close to him. He looked at the man quizzically and said, "You got a job for me?"
Robert 'Tuck' Tucker
player, 293 posts
Platoon Sergeant
10th Mountain Division
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 14:35
  • msg #261

Re: Meeting

John Yazzie:
"Tucker would you hold security while I radio in situation?"

"Hauptmann this is knife have american navy,EN2 with gear and KIA'S. He wants to join and roll with us. advise on next move."
Tucker gives a wave and a quick smile to the American who shot down the Soviet Helo.  "Most people just call me Tuck," he says turning back to Yazzie.  "I'm on it Yazz," Tucker replies to the sniper as he moves off a little to hold security and try to listen to any news the American sailor might have.

Minh's AK
Holding security for Yazz during meet/greet w. Hicks
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 502 posts
Polish Artillerist
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 15:13
  • msg #262

Bow Gun Position

Mariusz Tokarski:
Mariusz picked up his name being used by the Polish Artillerist and moved to be close to him. He looked at the man quizzically and said, "You got a job for me?"

He shook his head.

"Nie nie, nie jeszcze, mój przyjaciel. Poźniej, my może udawać się Nabywać bronie które były pozostawiane na brzegu."

[OOC:"No, no, not yet, my friend. Later, we may go pick up the weapons that were left on shore. Not now.".]
This message was last edited by the player at 15:14, Fri 25 Jan 2008.
Mariusz Tokarski
player, 71 posts
Teenaged Partisan
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 15:24
  • msg #263

Re: Bow Gun Position

"OK," Mariusz replied, "I'll wait around with you until we get an order, does your mortar ned cleaning? I can't do work on it, but scytt stuff is OK. After, we need to talk about burying Bear. the big bugger deserves a good send off."
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski
player, 503 posts
Polish Artillerist
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 15:49
  • msg #264

Re: Bow Gun Position

Mariusz Tokarski:
"OK," Mariusz replied, "I'll wait around with you until we get an order, does your mortar ned cleaning? I can't do work on it, but scytt stuff is OK. After, we need to talk about burying Bear. the big bugger deserves a good send off."

"That is a fine idea, regarding Bear."

"The mortar, the Russians call it Vasilek or "cornflower". It has been fired, so it should be cleaned. I would be glad indeed if you were to help. There is much to learn, if you wish."

"However, Major Solleblum wants us to keep watch, so that's what we shall do until more of our comrades come aboard, yes?"

Although phrased as such, his tone indicated this was not not really a question.

"How about you keep watch to starboard, I'll watch to port."

Sighing, he picked up his rifle, put his vest back on and pulled on his helmet. He commenced scanning the riverbank to the left of the boat.
Jay 'Chopper' Hicks
player, 6 posts
EN1 (Engineman 1st Class)
U.S. Navy
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 15:54
  • msg #265

Re: Meeting

Robert 'Tuck' Tucker:
Tucker gives a wave and a quick smile to the American who shot down the Soviet Helo.  "Most people just call me Tuck," he says turning back to Yazzie.  "I'm on it Yazz," Tucker replies to the sniper as he moves off a little to hold security and try to listen to any news the American sailor might have.

"Hey, Tuck, I'm Chopper. Where did you guys come from? If y'all are headed downriver, y'all better have your shit together. It ain't going to be easy to get past Tarzanburg. There's some heavy shit going down there, man". Chopper takes off his helmet and scratches his head vigorously, then drops the brainbucket to the deck.

"Man, I hate wearing that thing. Chief was pretty damn strict about it, though. Didn't help him much, or Clean or Lance, either. Damn sure wouldn't have helped the Commander"

M21 20/20
Shootin' the shit

Robert 'Tuck' Tucker
player, 294 posts
Platoon Sergeant
10th Mountain Division
Fri 25 Jan 2008
at 15:58
  • msg #266

Re: Meeting

Jay 'Chopper' Hicks:
Robert 'Tuck' Tucker:
Tucker gives a wave and a quick smile to the American who shot down the Soviet Helo.  "Most people just call me Tuck," he says turning back to Yazzie.  "I'm on it Yazz," Tucker replies to the sniper as he moves off a little to hold security and try to listen to any news the American sailor might have.

"Hey, Tuck, I'm Chopper. Where did you guys come from? If y'all are headed downriver, y'all better have your shit together. It ain't going to be easy to get past Tarzanburg. There's some heavy shit going down there, man". Chopper takes off his helmet and scratches his head vigorously, then drops the brainbucket to the deck.

"Man, I hate wearing that thing. Chief was pretty damn strict about it, though. Didn't help him much, or Clean or Lance, either. Damn sure wouldn't have helped the Commander"
"Chopper it is then!  the lot of us are from all over the place I guess.  Kind of wound up in Krakow looking for work and we found it, and each other.
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