Re: Near the Bow

After shaking hands, Dawid returned Stan's hug.
"My friend, it is truly good to make your acquaintance!"
He laughed, relaxing. Taking a deep drag off his smoke, he cocked his head thoughtfully and rubbed the newly-healed scar that ran along his hairline. He finally exhaled.
"It is too bad that your friend Bear may not have wanted Last Rites said over him. We fought the communists long and hard for the freedom to do that, no? But then, I guess the freedom to not do that, if that is your choice, is also important."
He looked like he was trying to come to grips with an unfamiliar concept. He shook his head, still a little puzzled. It was something he wasn't going to figure out at the moment, so he let it be.
"At any rate, no insult was meant to his memory."
"Now, I am thinking it was quite possibly pure insanity that made me try to assist in the fight with the helicopter. Every time I tell myself I've got to look after myself first, I find that I've gone and done something foolish like that!"
"As for me, I too am also a farm-boy. I hope to live long enough to see the family farm, one day! I also hope to live long enough to see our country strong and free from the control of outsiders like Russians and Germans. No offense to the Hauptmann! Some of our NATO friends here don't necessarily agree, but we shall do whatever is necessary to see our dream come to fruition."
"Hauptman Bayer is a good soldier and worth paying attention to, even if he is a German. He seems to command the NATO soldiers. Major Solleblum outranks him, but as a Doctor combat is not her area of expertise. Aside from the crew, there is another Pole around here, Griet, but she's wounded and is recovering from surgery."
This message was last edited by the player at 15:31, Thu 24 Jan 2008.