Re: Galley

Dawid thought a bit as he smoked.
"Before the war, Solidarność, or "Solidarity" were known to be CIA stooges. I mean, CIA supported. Still are, I guess. They are no longer a trade union but are civilian partisans now, workers and intelligentsia both. For recognition they wear white-over-red arm bands, those being our national colours and flag. No uniforms, usually."
"They hit us everywhere, it seems like every other fucking countryman of mine was a Solidarność sympathiser! They are like, ah, Viet Cong, during the American War of aggression against the Vietnamese people."
"If Warrant Milk is on a CIA mission, these are likely his friends.
"Military turncoats, like the ones who guided your 5th American Division to its destruction in Kalisz, are part of the Armia Krajowa, or "Home Army" that support the traitor Polish government-in-exile. There are 2 former Border Guard Brigades of these renegades, calling themselves the 1st and 2nd Free Legions. They wear uniforms, NATO or Polish, and also wear red-and-white armbands. They would be professional soldiers like Vietnam People's Army."
He sipped his mug of tea.
[Private to Anneka Soleblume; Cap'n Rae; Konrad Bayer: He said in a low voice to Konrad and Anneka, "I don't think Yazzie is as good an artillery spotter as he thinks. The strike he called in was just damn lucky, that's all."]
This message was last edited by the player at 11:25, Fri 14 Dec 2007.