Dawid Waldus Piotrowski:
"I have a suggestion of my own: you might want to go back to your Uzi.
"I would, but I'm not really capable at the moment of handling such a heavy weapon. Besides, this has less of a kick."
She would have selected one of the pistols in the armoury however all the magazines had already dissappeared into other peoples kit.
Dawid Waldus Piotrowski:
"...we should be a lot closer, 2000m from the target as opposed to 4000m."
"You're the expert on that Dawid. I'll bring it up with Hauptman Bayer."
She had a vague understanding of what Dawid was saying, but artillery wasn't something she'd had a lot to do with, except for treating the after effects or that one time a while back she'd called in a strike almost in a panic. Good thing the artillery officer had managed to decypher her ramblings before her small unit had been overrun.
Konrad Bayer:
Bayer checks his radio and calls a SITREP to Soleblume.
"Sunray this is Starlight. Suggest link with friendlies as a priority."
That would allow them to properly plan the attack with full knowledge of the partisans abilities and weapons. It would also allow them to familiarise themselves with the other unit so that mistakes during the attack could be minimised.
"Shelldrake advises optimium range to be two K. Suggest relocation."
It was difficult communicating between nationalities by radio. Each seemed to have a different set of callsigns with little regard for the conventions used by others.
Anneka hoped that everyone had enough experience to understand that she was refering to herself as Starlight, Konrad as Sunray and Dawid as Shelldrake. It was an old system, but one she was confident most had at least passing familiarity with.