Re: Game
You make it sound like you would have to learn a bunch of new rules, thats the part that makes me wonder.
Perhaps you dont want to learn the new class abilities, that's fine, but it seems a pity if your fear of new rules holds you back when there is only one mostly unused new rule, all others are the same. Its the abilities changing the makes PF different, not a bunch of rules. Perhaps you realize this, it just doesnt seem like it.
Its less of a new system and more of a new splatbook that somewhat resembles the core books.
If it really just a matter of finding a patient GM, Ill start any game system I know just to teach people including you (though the selection isnt that large, dnd 3.5, pf, mouseguard, savage world of mlp, my own game system roads and ruins, marvel heroic rp, d20 wod, saga star wars, a few others.)
And noticing your mention of fighters vs wizards, as far as Im concerned, the issues lie 40% with the GM and 50% with player expectations and 10% system implications. (As opposed to system imbalance) though that can be disscussed further in PMs if you desire.