An Online Roleplaying Game Community seeks GM's
Primarily, the games are, at least in theory, interrelated. All of them have the potential to be connected through a interdimensional/interplanar nexus which offers rest and respite between adventures, in character. There are currently five (5) GMs in the game, and I'm one of them. We enjoy the chance for our characters to meet and interact, across worlds, and often across rules systems. We currently run D&D 3.x, Pathfinder, Starfinder, and BECMI D&D/OSR, and all of our plotlines can cross over in a low-impact way.
The in-character interaction is afforded in a way that allows players to interact, each in their own rulesystem, and with a larger metaplot. GM support, each for the others' storylines, is awesome, and we frequently bounce ideas off of one another, and coordinate our individual game plots in a very loose and easy-going way.