Adult Fantasy Game

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Truemane's game has folded* and so I'd like to make a new request, but now with some specific criteria. A duo (no solo, but two player, one GM) game with my friend, and in D&D 3.5. Ideally we'd like to just make our characters match char gen and have the GM pare down each ratgher than start from scratch. That's just going to be best, since it's just us, and any GM. As i said, pare down. If, for some reason, a GM wants to beef up (add) my friend and I can do that too. We'd just like to present "as is" characters that can be samples of character well worn, that can be sanded into the new game and given a few modifications to suit the GM's world.
My character is a roughneck "cowboy rockstar" a swordfighter with a Manticore mount and who can play a lute (named beauty) and sing.
Some homerules flat-base; double feats, and around 9th level. We use fractional saving bonuses, Plus gestalt. Then I have LA buff earlier than normally possible, but compensate with less class potency. Other PC has less LA (probably. It's been awhile!) but caster class(es). I think that's the gist though. I can send over my sheet in an Rmail if you want to see just my part, since I'm the advertiser, and my sheet is probably going to be simpler and rougher than hers. Meaning less visually pleasing, non-spellcaster, and some somewhat questionably low powered classes in relation to what three other player (with my full support) will be bringing. Super Simple break down. Half-Elf with Half Blue Dragon Template. Pretty plain explanation, he's quarter elf. Mother was elf but father was half-dragon human. So he's one quarter shy of the finish line of the race. Classes are pretty long to list, but essentially both upfront racial paragon classes, from UA, at 3, then Human Paragon at 3. Looking at Beastheart Adept on one side and Exotic Weapon MAster and MAster Thrower on the other. It's got four other base classes, but only other 2+ is Fighter.
Then we have the other player's character who I know very little about. Last time she was A Paladin of Freedom and I think Cleric. The two of us will have a little in character prior relationship, but are mostly getting to know each other. OOC though we have been friends on RPoL for over a decade years. We've just not had much chance to PLAY together, Ive only GMed for her.
We're looking for some fun times to kick ass, have some barfights, and put fear in bullies and tyrants by fighting for the little guy. Feel good about coming onto RPoL to play some exciting but fantastical character, the fantasy being most of all the reductive part that make believe does, where some things don't quite make sense, but it's an escape from all too real-life. WE aren't our characters, our characters aren't aware of this being a game, and us living in their mind and being fed their life's experience and compressed text form. That's basically it in a nutshell. That and an adult game rated. No horror nor too much grotesque stuff though. Please?