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19:46, 13th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Adult Duo D&D 3.5.

Posted by V_V
member, 603 posts
You can call me V, just V
Life; a journey made once
Mon 7 Aug 2017
at 13:02
  • msg #1

Adult Duo D&D 3.5

I've tried GMing adult games, and haven't quite got the hang of introducing the adult aspects. So I'd like to see how other GMs do it.

Almost everything about the following negotiable.

I'd like to explore a character's sexuality, dark secrets, and fears. A nearly no holds barred game of mortal desire and adventure.

I want to play a highly armored, mounted knight/samurai/paladin type character, with a propensity to barfighting when bored, and helping the needy when he fgiths.

He's a flawed hero, that wants to do the right thing but only occasionally does.

I'd like this game to be in one of the following systems (since I know them best).

D&D 3.5 or 4.0; Exalted 1e/2e/2.5; dX (This system is mostly preferred and it's legally free as a pdf!); or BESM 2e Revised.

I don't mind solo play as long as I have some clear plot hooks. I need some prodding quite often, though I can occasionally trailblaze my own path. If it's group I'd like it to be with PCs that have shared connection. I want to be a team, not antagonistic toward each other.

I would like the GM to have a strong female NPC that has vested interest in my character, as an initial contact. Maybe a liege, maybe a warrior princess, maybe a mentor, maybe just a wealthy individual who wants to have a loyal mercenary.

Hopefully this wasn't too much to read. Thanks for thinking of me!
This message was last updated by the user at 09:40, Fri 27 Apr 2018.
member, 456 posts
New formula! Now
with 50% less fat!
Mon 7 Aug 2017
at 15:55
  • msg #2

Adult Fantasy Game

I think an adult 3.5 game would be very interesting to play. Count me in if it ends up being that system (I'm not familiar with the others).
member, 609 posts
You can call me V, just V
Life; a journey made once
Wed 13 Sep 2017
at 11:50
  • msg #3

Adult Fantasy Game

I want my character to feel special. I really could use some TLC from a GM. I'm getting a it rough with other games right now. I want to feel empowered and useful as a character.

So please, will someone pick up this thread and give Koridan or Kenji a chance?
member, 163 posts
Wed 13 Sep 2017
at 16:56
  • msg #4

Adult Fantasy Game

Adult games, whether multi player or solo can be pretty intimate things and it takes a bit of commitment from the GM and player if they intend to interact in an intimate way.  Or at least, that's how I see it.

The adult parts of a game really require good chemistry between players and GM (if they get involved).  It's a lot easier to write a good hack & slash encounter than an intimate encounter.
member, 610 posts
You can call me V, just V
Life; a journey made once
Wed 13 Sep 2017
at 17:04
  • msg #5

Adult Fantasy Game

In reply to witchdoctor (msg # 4):

I do agree, but what's your point, exactly?
member, 2102 posts
Firing magic missles at
the darkness!
Wed 13 Sep 2017
at 18:06
  • msg #6

Adult Fantasy Game

In reply to witchdoctor (msg # 4):

Meh. Writing sex scenes is no more complex or difficult than combat scenes. And they can be abstracted or explicit in much the same way combat is. It's just that most people are more comfortable writing violence than they are sex. Whatever it is that says about the human condition.

And most of the discomfort, in my experience, comes from players who don't want to write smut with a same-sex GM. This is true of both genders, to some extent, but it's more prominent with men.

Same-sex pairings isn't an issue when it comes to violence.

And intimacy, in the emotional sense, is hard because writing fully-realized, unique people is hard. And it's equally hard no matter how adult the game is or isn't.


I'd be willing to discuss running this. I like my games toward that end of the spectrum and I think I'm in the mood for something small and intense. Couple of things:

1. What's a 'Koridan or Kenji'? Are those characters you've already written?
2. I won't accept 'when bored' as a motivation for anything. If I'm going to write a story about morals and choices and ethics and sexuality, then we'll need to workshop the character so their motives and goals are clear and tell the story we want to tell. I put a lot of emphasis on character generation. I can point you to some examples in my other games if you like.
3. If I run this, it'll be a limited/finite story. I'm not up for a full-fledged years-long campaign, but I'd be willing to start something with a clear start and clear end. Something like maybe the typical three arc pattern: you do the thing, then there's the fallout from the thing, then there's what's REALLY going on. This one is a dealbreaker for a lot of people, so I want to make sure we all know what we're getting into.
4. I probably won't do tactical maps for combat. They take me forever and I've had games fold because I couldn't keep them up.
5. I'm a male player, but expect a fully, completely, almost aggressively inclusive game world, where you might find any and all manner and spectra of gender, sexuality, relationships and configurations both physical and emotional. If the idea of non-hetero, non-cisgendered, non-binary, (non-humanoid even), relationships and sexuality makes you squeamish, then that's cool, but we won't be a good fit.
6. I don't ever abandon games when I have interested players, but I have a messy and chaotic RL and my posting rate is all over the place. Sometimes it's every day, sometimes I go dark for days or weeks. I know sometimes you're in the same boat, so we'll have to be careful that our shared inconsistency doesn't drive the game into the ground.

I'd be willing to discuss this as a two-player game. But no more than that I don't think. If we did have a second player, it might be nice if that player were a different gender from yourself. But it's not a dealbreaker.

Given all that, what do you think? No pressure. If it doesn't sound like your cup of tea, that's totally cool with me.
member, 614 posts
You can call me V, just V
Life; a journey made once
Wed 13 Sep 2017
at 21:19
  • msg #7

Adult Fantasy Game

It very much sounds like my type of game. Not perfect, but damn close it. I'll give you more details in an Rmail, if that's okay.

I tried to paint very broad strokes with the proposed game, as different systems lend better or worse to certain actions. Bar fighting in Exalted is a whole combat escalation. Some bars expect it, if you don't like it, stand up, shut up, or get out. Others have a policy on no weapons, theft. Still others will punish it like lethal attacks. I like the bar-fighting aspect in Exalted more than other genres, it seems to have a more satisfying dynamic.

Bar fighting is a vice like smoking. It's not a motivation though, it's a proclivity. Like smoker that gets nervous might smoke more or chew the fag. Being restless, looking for purpose, stimulus and interaction would be the most liable cause. It's also not his character, it's a vice.

Koridan or Kenji are indeed characters that fit my initial criteria. Depending on what you setup for the initial introduction it's likely I'll choose someone else, someone tailored to your genre of the system, game and world.

I'd like to start there and discuss more in Rmail, or if you're feeling confident enough, in a RTJ to a game board.
member, 648 posts
You can call me V, just V
Life; a journey made once
Tue 28 Nov 2017
at 09:44
  • msg #8

Adult Fantasy Game

I have a game, by Truemane, that is getting close to going. I am, however, very eager to get to actually playing. I also don't think I would be remiss if I played multiple games, with this vague premise.

Exalted 2.x, D&D 3.5, or dX please. :)
member, 498 posts
Posts Monday-Friday
Wed 29 Nov 2017
at 17:48
  • msg #9

Adult Fantasy Game

I co gm an erotically charged fantasy game but its freeform. We dont have many players atm and those that do are kinda paired up but hoping to get more. Its steampunk but there is a land based on a mix of feudal chinese and japanese settings and a few characters are Asian. We have a character with ninja style skills but hes not honerable like a samurai would be.

If interested I can send you a link. Be warned - im practically running this one at the mo the main gm has been very busy lately.
member, 715 posts
You can call me V, just V
Life; a journey made once
Fri 27 Apr 2018
at 09:40
  • msg #10

Adult Fantasy Game

Truemane's game has folded, and so I'd like to make new request, but now with some specific criteria. A duo (no solo, but two player, one GM) game with my friend, and in D&D 3.5. Ideally we'd like to just transfer out sheets directly over, sans the kooky "narrative battery" truemane had us use but we never fully understood anyway.

In the game we're using a few bonus (any) feats, and are 9th level. We used fractional saving bonuses, a few other minor variants. Plus gestalt. I think that's it though, and we'd be fine with some retooling, though the less the better.

So far we have my roughneck "cowboy rockstar" a swordfighter with a Manticore mount and who can play a lute (named beauty) and sing.

Then we have the other player's character who I know very little about, as the game just started. I do know we're both chaotic and she is paladin of freedom. The two of us have a little in character prior relationship, but are mostly getting to know each other. OOC though we hav ebeen friends on RPoL for a few years. We've just not had much chance to PLAY together, Ive only GMed for her.

We're looking for some fun times to kick ass, have some barfights, and put fear in bullies and tyrants by fighting for the little guy. That's basically it in a nutshell. That and an adult game rated. No horror or too much grotesque stuff though. Please?
member, 738 posts
You can call me V, just V
Life; a journey made once
Fri 15 Jun 2018
at 10:29
  • msg #11

Adult Fantasy Game

The next GM is taking an extended break from RPoL due to bad ordeal with a player in an another otherwise good game he was playing. :/ So we didn't even get started on the game he was GMing.

Anyway! Two players, myself and my friend, will want to make as few changes to our sheet as necessary. If we need to be a different level or use slightly different rules, that would be alright, but the less we have to change (sheet wise) the better.

If we need to tweak the characters for your world, we're glad to, but we're happy with our ability scores, (gestalt) classes and mostly magic items. Though more would be welcome in game, it's not the end and be all. We just want to focus on playing! :)
Isida KepTukari
member, 212 posts
Elegant! Arrogant! Smart!
Thu 21 Jun 2018
at 09:24
  • msg #12

Adult Fantasy Game

I might be able to accommodate you.  Your premise sounds interesting, and I do a fair amount of erotic writing.  Would you care you to rMail me about your characters and plot preferences?
member, 66 posts
Sun 1 Jul 2018
at 10:38
  • msg #13

Adult Fantasy Game

I'm currently using D&D 5th ed, if you're interested in using those rules (feel free to keep your characters as is for a 3rd edition game--it won't be difficult to convert them to 5th rules.

A city based adventure for your characters to explore is what I'm running right now, but it would be easy enough to have the two of you off on your own parts of the land without crossing paths with any other players.

If you are interested, rmail me with more expectations about what you'd like to see, how you want to play, etc. D&D 5e is simpler and more intuitive to play than 3rd or 4th editions and neither you nor your friend should have any problems adjusting.
member, 767 posts
You can call me V, just V
Life; a journey made once
Thu 12 Jul 2018
at 07:20
  • msg #14

Adult Fantasy Game

In reply to Halloweendm (msg # 13):

I missed this! sadly, and so I will consider it, but I would still like to find a 3.5 GM as well. My friend is on vacation currently. I'll ask her about 5e, but even if she says no, I'd be interested in a solo game with a chance to pick up another female player. I don't know how my friend feels about 5e. I've only played 1st and just recently 2nd (as 2nd is easy to achieve). I don't see the way to get my mount and still have massive armor. I'd also be unable to throw my sword, not unless there was magical weapon that allowed it (and normally melee only) to be thrown and return to hand.

I would like to preserve the 3.5 version pursuit for a GM, but 5e could be a great compromise (at least for me) to tailor the character to the system. Either ditch the weapon, or the godplate AC, and focus on my mount. I guess we'll just see.

So, anyway, I came with returned interest in a 3.5 GM, but I'll certainly consider the above options and pursue them. ^_^
member, 1194 posts
For 2024 is the year
of Health and Career
Sun 15 Dec 2024
at 21:15
  • msg #15

Adult Fantasy Game

<semi-quote msg #10> (Intentionally syntax error "coded")
Truemane's game has folded* and so I'd like to make a new request, but now with some specific criteria. A duo (no solo, but two player, one GM) game with my friend, and in D&D 3.5. Ideally we'd like to just make our characters match char gen and have the GM pare down each ratgher than start from scratch. That's just going to be best, since it's just us, and any GM. As i said, pare down. If, for some reason, a GM wants to beef up (add) my friend and I can do that too. We'd just like to present "as is" characters that can be samples of character well worn, that can be sanded into the new game and given a few modifications to suit the GM's world.

My character is a roughneck "cowboy rockstar" a swordfighter with a Manticore mount and who can play a lute (named beauty) and sing.

Some homerules flat-base; double feats, and around 9th level. We use fractional saving bonuses, Plus gestalt. Then I have LA buff earlier than normally possible, but compensate with less class potency. Other PC has less LA (probably. It's been awhile!) but caster class(es). I think that's the gist though. I can send over my sheet in an Rmail if you want to see just my part, since I'm the advertiser, and my sheet is probably going to be simpler and rougher than hers. Meaning less visually pleasing, non-spellcaster, and some somewhat questionably low powered classes in relation to what three other player (with my full support) will be bringing. Super Simple break down. Half-Elf with Half Blue Dragon Template. Pretty plain explanation, he's quarter elf. Mother was elf but father was half-dragon human. So he's one quarter shy of the finish line of the race. Classes are pretty long to list, but essentially both upfront racial paragon classes, from UA, at 3, then Human Paragon at 3. Looking at Beastheart Adept on one side and Exotic Weapon MAster and MAster Thrower on the other. It's got four other base classes, but only other 2+ is Fighter.

Then we have the other player's character who I know very little about. Last time she was A Paladin of Freedom and I think Cleric. The two of us will have a little in character prior relationship, but are mostly getting to know each other. OOC though we have been friends on RPoL for over a decade years. We've just not had much chance to PLAY together, Ive only GMed for her.

We're looking for some fun times to kick ass, have some barfights, and put fear in bullies and tyrants by fighting for the little guy. Feel good about coming onto RPoL to play some exciting but fantastical character, the fantasy being most of all the reductive part that make believe does, where some things don't quite make sense, but it's an escape from all too real-life. WE aren't our characters, our characters aren't aware of this being a game, and us living in their mind and being fed their life's experience and compressed text form.  That's basically it in a nutshell. That and an adult game rated. No horror nor too much grotesque stuff though. Please?
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