Solo free-form (slice of life / supernatural)

As the title says, I'm looking for a solo freeform game focusing on RP and character development in some interesting circumstances.
Topics that especially interest me include a modern(ish) world with aspects of magic or supernatural. A variation of that can be sci-fi with super hi-tech, taking similar roles.
I'm interested in seeing my character deal with extraordinary changes either to the world or herself. This can be anything from a slight supernatural touch to a complete physical transformation or being transported to a different world.
I am less interested in a more 'classical' style of tabletop adventuring and am more looking for a 'slice of life' style RP.
I usually play a female character and can go with any rating, from PG to Adult.
I prefer a solo game since I find the pacing there to be much easier to handle from a timing and pace aspects and that it allows for a more intimate game.
If the general theme intrigues you, or if you have another idea you want to run by me, please rMail me so we can throw around some ideas.
This message was last edited by the user at 23:03, Wed 17 Jan 2024.