Would you be willing to play in a narrative rules version of the adventure? I looked at the module and it's got some nice artwork, decent maps, etc. But quite frankly, the full-blown rules for any tabletop RPG are way too ponderous for play-by-post adventures. A simple fight can take take weeks to play out move by move, and then you've got ghosting . . . blah, blah, blah
But the module itself contains a great statement:
The Core Mechanic
At its heart, the D&D game uses a core game mechanic. Once you master this, you know how to play the game. It all revolves around task resolution. How do you know if your sword swing hits the owlbear? If your bluff tricks the guards? If your fireblast hits the kobolds? It all depends on these basic rules:
✦ Decide what you want your character to do and tell the Dungeon Master.
✦ Roll a d20 (the higher you roll, the better).
✦ Add any relevant modifiers (as shown on your character sheet).
✦ Compare your total result to a target number.
If your result is equal to or higher than the target number, you succeed at whatever task you were attempting to do. If your result is lower than the target number, you fail.
If we can agree that this is basically how we will decide who succeeds and who fails without endless twiddly bits, I can see taking a swing at this.
Let me know.