Clarifying that I understand - you'd want to play this crew stranded on Japan - working to restore their ship? So the goal of the game would be to "end" with the ship restored? Or, the ship gets restored quickly (ish), and the ship and crew become a bit of a regional power unto themselves?
The latter. However, if there is an optimal crew of thirty, and we are down to five half starved injured crewmates, this means that we can't crew the ship ourselves. We would need help to repair it and men and supplies to sail it. Which means that any local lord helping us could easily have his own men and officers aboard, so yes we would become a bit of a regional power unto ourselves but still somewhat on a leash.
I've played GURPS and like it. I haven't heard of Lasers & Feelings, Katanas & Kimonos or Ronin, but would be willing to try. Rules lite works well with RPOL I feel, so that would be my preference.
I've played 7th Sea and like the concept but like D&D I find myself banging heads with the system every ten minutes. What do you mean, a competant swordsman can't do a riposte because he didn't attend the Aldana school? A far better system in my opinion is Honor & Intrigue. But maybe that's a bit too flashy and swashbucklery anyway.
I think a decent mash of up of like Game of Thrones with Shogun could be done with it. Think folks working to build power and influence during the period that Clavell's Shogun novel and the show covers.
Sounds good!
So, time period wise more Taipan than Shogun?
I think Shogun period is better, in the Taipan era we would probably just try to find a friendly ship to rescue us. But in the time period where only the Portuguese are here, and here comes a strange crew with the same technology but are not friends with the Portuguese, well that provides interesting options for rival lords.
However, there is a huge area that is suitable, whether it's China or Japan or Formosa or Indonesia. Does it have a Chinese feel or a Japanese feel or tribal headhunters? Are there courts and politics and rival factions involved, or is it pirates keen to raid those wealthy civilizations? There are lots of possibilities.