Bod Man:
I find it challenging to make original characters in the Marvel universe work well. So much of the air has been sucked up.
One way to address that is with new or low powered characters, but that's not that fun. I like the prospect of a What If scenario, but that almost assumes a group of cannon characters redeveloped.
I guess I can see that. Could be that. Could do something specific with like...X-Men or New Mutants The Next Generation sort of thing, with people playing younger heroes/students, maybe some are even kids of former heroes. Or an alternate timeline that's not so dark (though I know most comic books do have at least some darkness in them).
Bod Man:
I feel like I need something light and fun, so while I'd like to do the Futures Past thing, I thank that's too dark.
That's fair.
Bod Man:
The Rebuild the Galaxy Lego Star Wars concept has some potential, I think. You could take Lego Marvel and have a group of misfits accidentally break the universe, causing it all to reform. Heroes are villains and villains are heroes.
Another option is to set things in the Incrediverse. There is a veil of seriousness with an underpinning of ridiculousness.
A third option could be to do something historical. Medieval superheroes. Or WWI superheroes.
I'm back in the mode of potentially wanting to do something, but it needs to be the right thing with the right tone.
I'm tentatively okay with something lighter, depending on HOW light it goes. I can't say know the Lego reference but I assume it WOULDN'T be a "lego" game just a similar storyline. Historical could be interesting. There used to be a game called Godlike that dealt with supers in WWII if I remember right. So long as it's not an actual military game with ranks, chain of command, etc. I find too often that doesn't work well, but maybe that's just me.
This message was last edited by the user at 02:49, Tue 12 Nov 2024.