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01:06, 7th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Posted by mesneaky
member, 316 posts
Wed 14 Aug 2024
at 18:19
  • msg #1

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Recently I have found myself wanting the distraction of superpowered fun but not a complex system. A distraction from rl would be great. Having said that, I still can only usually post a few times a week at most.

My preference would be the old Marvel FASERIP system, an oldie but goodie, and while flawed, I know it pretty well so it's easy to play. I'd be willing to try the Marvel Multiverse RPG as well (the X-Men expansion came out not long ago, though I'm annoyed by the lack of pdf marketing. It's a weird system but I wouldn't mind trying it).

I've always wanted to run through the "Nightmares of Future Past" 4-book set (which, if I remember correctly were more setting than adventure, but it's been a long time since I read them). I loved the comics dealing with that alternate future, as well as the X-Men film, and the "Wolverine and the X-Men" animated series. If someone were willing to run those books, that would be great, though I recognize it's not everyone's idea of a 'fun game'. It could lead to time travel to the past or travel to an alternate future after we finished the books maybe.

Or I'm a big fan of the original Exiles comic run and a lot of the What If? comics (and cartoon). An Exiles-style campaign, a team made up of members from various alternate realities bopping around the multiverse working for the Time Brokers or the TVA or someone. That would be fun too!
This message was last edited by the user at 18:27, Wed 14 Aug 2024.
member, 8 posts
Wed 14 Aug 2024
at 18:38
  • msg #2

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

I wouldn't be able to GM a game, but I love FASERIP and I'm always hoping to see it get more love. If there's a GM who would be able and willing to run a supers game with the system, then you can consider me as a secondary interested party.
member, 804 posts
Wed 14 Aug 2024
at 19:19
  • msg #3

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

I’m down to play, too!
Cyclops Was Right
member, 2 posts
Just another mutant
Wed 14 Aug 2024
at 19:30
  • msg #4

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Interested as a player, especially if it winds up running through the "Nightmares of Future Past" campaign!
This message was last edited by the user at 19:32, Wed 14 Aug 2024.
member, 73 posts
Wed 14 Aug 2024
at 22:52
  • msg #5

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Once Heroic is released this fall early spring i plan to run that.....
member, 317 posts
Thu 15 Aug 2024
at 00:51
  • msg #6

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

In reply to LimeyDragon (msg # 5):

That could be cool, but that won't come out for quite a while it looks like and doesn't help with the more immediate need - unless the free Beta was used up until the game came out, I suppose. Though, there seem to be quite a few changes from the old FASERIP system too. Shrug.
This message was last edited by the user at 02:30, Thu 15 Aug 2024.
member, 318 posts
Thu 15 Aug 2024
at 17:34
  • msg #7

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

I am flexible but I suppose I could say upfront, while I love the powers in the Ultimate Powers Book, I prefer to run most of the character creation from the Advanced Players Book until generating Powers, Contacts and Talents (I know it's selfish, but the table is more expanded in the UPB for how many you get, lol). And the ability to roll power categories from the UPB, and then either choosing powers or rolling from there. But I'd be okay with running from just the APB if needed to keep things easier.

The origins are just too crazy and all over the place in the UPB, and the Weakness generation thing feels too forced and odd. And total random powers might be okay in some cases, but ESPECIALLY for a "Nightmares of Future Past" campaign if the group is mostly playing mutants, they should be a bit more..."themed" for mutants (unless they're generational mutants like Nightcrawler, but how many of those are gonna be around/alive in that setting? lol)
This message was last edited by the user at 17:42, Thu 15 Aug 2024.
member, 162 posts
Thu 15 Aug 2024
at 22:42
  • msg #8

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Back in college I actually did use the UPB to run the Nightmares Of Future Past storyline.  While that was probably overall a mistake, it did give us a character that had super-strength, various aquatic abilities, and numerous psychic powers - we eventually determined that said character was the son of Namorita and Legion.
member, 319 posts
Thu 15 Aug 2024
at 23:15
  • msg #9

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Oh I'm not saying it can't be done, that it can't be fun to try and come up with SOME kind of cohesive story for the powers and whatnot rolled up. I ran a game where everyone rolled up full randoms. I'm just saying I would prefer not to but I'm flexible and would if a GM wanted to. Or if they wanted to not use the UPB at all. I just would like to game, preferably in 1 of the 2 aforementioned 'campaigns' but again I'm even open on that technically.
member, 163 posts
Fri 16 Aug 2024
at 21:49
  • msg #10

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Oh, it was definitely a mixed bag.  I was big on the UPB when it came out, but have cooled on it quite a bit since.  It still has its use, not only for powers not covered in the main book, but also some of the different backgrounds listed at the beginning of the book.  These days, I would definitely default to the main books, only using specific parts of the UPB if the player had a specific concept they wanted to play that the main rules didn't cover.
moderator, 1121 posts
Whatever it is,
I'm against it
Sat 17 Aug 2024
at 13:52
  • msg #11

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Got the old Marvel Superheros Advanced Set on the games shelf and always wanted to try it out (as a player).

Personally I favour random character generation in superhero games - to me that's half the fun, never knowing what an Origin is going to produce, and working with what you've got.  Very Fantastic Four, Inhumans, all the Mutant groups ... but can see why others prefer a directed build (basically everyone in the first MCU Avengers team would count as a directed build, except for Hulk).  ;>
member, 321 posts
Sun 18 Aug 2024
at 17:42
  • msg #12

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Mmm...disagree a bit on mutants. They "usually" have a powerset that is more 'themed' than other groups. Don't get me wrong, I like randomly-generated heroes too, but if we were playing through "Nightmares of Future Past", for instance, I would not want to roll origin, as being a mutant is a big part of that setting. And I'd prefer to maybe roll up the power category and then pick to try and come up with a themed set. But not opposed to randomly rolling and trying to make something cohesive.
This message was last edited by the user at 01:25, Fri 23 Aug 2024.
member, 322 posts
Fri 23 Aug 2024
at 01:25
  • msg #13

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Any GM out there willing to run "Nightmares of Future Past" or an Exiles-style campaign for Marvel Superheroes RPG (aka FASERIP) since there appears to be some interest?
This message was last edited by the user at 03:56, Fri 23 Aug 2024.
Bod Man
member, 447 posts
Fri 23 Aug 2024
at 17:53
  • msg #14

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Tempting to add this to my too long list of games. I’d have to look back through the nightmares books.

Or course I’d prefer to play in such a game…

I’d love to see someone do this with the new marvel multiverse game. I might try my hand at that but there’s a learning curve on that one.
member, 73 posts
Fri 23 Aug 2024
at 19:26
  • msg #15

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

FASERIP mutant game would be interesting.
Bought the game in the 80's and never got to play it.
Aerith Firebird
member, 500 posts
Author, game designer
All-around nerdy girl!
Sun 25 Aug 2024
at 18:01
  • msg #16

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

I never played it. When I got to Marvel games, it was Saga (which I loved). I'm down.
Bod Man
member, 448 posts
Mon 26 Aug 2024
at 20:13
  • msg #17

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

For Nightmares, we’re essentially talking about a post apocalyptic setting where the world (or at least the us) is controlled by sentinels. Theoretically, you would play characters who are part of the resistance. The setup in the game is intended to have the setting be your home town. Obviously that doesn’t work on this platform.

There are varying degrees of post apocalyptic we could do. This could be full on apocalypse, where the sentinels dole out rations to settlements and mostly leave humans to their own devices with periodic checks. Most communities are fearful of mutants, inundated with rhetoric and also just wanting to keep themselves safe from sentinel incursions.

Or we could do something a little less apocalyptic. More like an occupied Germany type thing. More of a war type environment. I think this smaller scale might work better. Picking a city like Chicago that has a downtown but also plenty of sprawl might work quite nicely. You are a member of the mutant underground, battling the sentinels, getting mutants to safety, etc.

Would there be a preference for the setup? The books are… not that helpful or well written and are more of a setting than any kind of plotline.
This message was last edited by the user at 20:26, Mon 26 Aug 2024.
member, 74 posts
Wed 28 Aug 2024
at 00:50
  • msg #18

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Either works but i think the second allows for a wider range of scenarios.
member, 323 posts
Wed 28 Aug 2024
at 03:25
  • msg #19

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Yes, the first 2 books (if I remember correctly) are just...setting and such, no actual 'adventure' (though the 2nd one might have had like some...encounters or something?) and then the 3rd, or at least the 4th, had some actual stuff in it to go through with the...Canadian Resistance I think?

Yeah, home town for a home game, not so much on this platform. Picking a city and using it would be the way to go.

Well. I mean, ideally, I'd like to go through at least the bits of adventure that were offered in the last book or two, but if you have different ideas and want to run something more of your own making that deals with less apocalyptic and more war...I guess I'd be willing to try it out.

Being part of the Resistance, or inducted into it at the beginning of the game would be my preference. Either all of us part of the same Cell and knowing each other or starting off being brought together or something?
member, 75 posts
Fri 30 Aug 2024
at 23:51
  • msg #20

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Works for me.
Bod Man
member, 449 posts
Sat 31 Aug 2024
at 01:42
  • msg #21

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

The problem is, I’m already running too many games.

I have a whole setup, but I just am not sure I have time.
member, 324 posts
Sat 31 Aug 2024
at 02:16
  • msg #22

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

If you can't, then you can't. I understand. I'll keep looking for a GM here. I have some things going on, and this is a comfort game idea, albeit one I'd really like to play in.
This message was last edited by the user at 17:02, Sat 31 Aug 2024.
member, 325 posts
Sat 7 Sep 2024
at 16:02
  • msg #23

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

This message was last edited by the user at 15:56, Sat 14 Sept 2024.
member, 326 posts
Sat 14 Sep 2024
at 16:50
  • msg #24

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Still looking for a GM to run a Marvel Superheroes (preferably FASERIP but potentially open to others) either Nightmares of Future Past or an Exiles/What If style game. We have a few interested players it looks like, and probably more would RTJ.
member, 815 posts
Sat 21 Sep 2024
at 06:12
  • [deleted]
  • msg #25

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

This message was deleted by the user at 03:46, Wed 09 Oct 2024.
member, 328 posts
Sun 22 Sep 2024
at 18:12
  • msg #26

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Hello! Thank you for looking and be willing to GM. =)

So, you're more for running in that 'setting', but not the actual encounters and adventure pieces from the books?

I could try for 3 posts a week, 4 might push it. I can usually post every day to every couple of days.
member, 76 posts
Sun 22 Sep 2024
at 22:54
  • msg #27

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Dice rolls or point buy?
I prefer some control over character builds myself.

This is a short form version of the unofficial point buy system if you're not familiar.

member, 329 posts
Sun 22 Sep 2024
at 23:22
  • msg #28

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

But mutants are random! lol

I like rolling. It can get weird, and hard to make coherent sometimes, but fun. Shrug. But I'd be okay either way.
This message was last edited by the user at 04:25, Mon 23 Sept 2024.
member, 12 posts
Mon 23 Sep 2024
at 04:43
  • msg #29

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

I would love to be part of this. Thank you for taking the time to cobsuder running this.
member, 77 posts
Mon 23 Sep 2024
at 16:48
  • msg #30

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

I could make an argument that mutants are often thematic rather than random.
But truth is both types exist. Just stating my personal favour.
Up to the storyteller.
member, 816 posts
Mon 23 Sep 2024
at 22:47
  • [deleted]
  • msg #31

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

This message was deleted by the user at 03:45, Wed 09 Oct 2024.
member, 331 posts
Mon 23 Sep 2024
at 23:47
  • msg #32

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Mmm, I haven't read through the books in quite some time, but I vaguely remember the first 2 books being mostly setting and the setup, with a few bits and bobs that a Judge could use for hooks or encounters or whatever. The 3rd and 4th book had more 'meat' in them, adventure-wise, but I don't remember it being like an adventure path or anything. An older Nick Fury and Wolverine were in there, which is kind of cool.

And while I would like to have those run, if you don't want to, I get it. It's not a deal-breaker.
This message was last edited by the user at 01:21, Tue 24 Sept 2024.
member, 817 posts
Tue 24 Sep 2024
at 04:49
  • [deleted]
  • msg #33

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

This message was deleted by the user at 03:44, Wed 09 Oct 2024.
member, 344 posts
Tue 8 Oct 2024
at 14:16
  • msg #34

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Welp. That didn't last long. So looking for a GM again for either Nightmares of Future Past or an Exiles-Style/What If game.
member, 78 posts
Tue 8 Oct 2024
at 23:57
  • msg #35

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Yup, less than a month, like I assumed it would. He was a little dictator, that's why I bailed.
member, 40 posts
Thu 10 Oct 2024
at 15:41
  • msg #36

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Welp. That didn't last long. So looking for a GM again for either Nightmares of Future Past or an Exiles-Style/What If game.

Man, that's normally my jam but you caught me right when I'm trying to do something else. :(
Bod Man
member, 457 posts
Thu 10 Oct 2024
at 21:28
  • msg #37

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

After December, I could probably run this. Just can't focus on it now.
member, 346 posts
Fri 11 Oct 2024
at 18:24
  • msg #38

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Well, those of us interested in playing will still be around if either of you are able to run at some point. =)
member, 79 posts
Sat 12 Oct 2024
at 13:21
  • msg #39

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

That'd be great.

This thread has me writing up a What If .. campaign in which the original and first Uncanny team are one by one killed by an unknown party, around the original Krakoa story, leaving Wolverine to train a new team to uncover the conspiracy. Things go from bad to worse rapidly.

But I already run 2 campaigns so would prefer to play.
This message was last edited by the user at 15:33, Sat 12 Oct 2024.
Phantom Mouse
member, 100 posts
Tue 15 Oct 2024
at 17:46
  • msg #40

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

I like your idea Falkhor.
member, 80 posts
Thu 17 Oct 2024
at 11:58
  • msg #41

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Ï might run it at some point.
member, 350 posts
Tue 22 Oct 2024
at 16:21
  • [deleted]
  • msg #42

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

This message was deleted by the user at 16:22, Tue 22 Oct 2024.
member, 351 posts
Thu 24 Oct 2024
at 19:31
  • msg #43

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Bump! Some interested players, some potential far-off GMs, still looking! =)
member, 81 posts
Sat 26 Oct 2024
at 10:42
  • msg #44

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

member, 26 posts
Sat 26 Oct 2024
at 20:36
  • msg #45

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

So, would prefer to play of course.

After reading this came up with an idea for a game where the players are 17-18 year old students at Massachusetts Academy - newly renovated - and with Charles Xavier - new Headmaster and teacher of advanced biology courses, along with Deputy Headmistress Adrienne Frost who is teaching business courses. The students would be the first iteration of the X-Men.
member, 353 posts
Sun 27 Oct 2024
at 22:20
  • msg #46

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Hmm, interesting. Not either of the 2 types of games I requested this a game you are going to run, or just an idea you had for an alternate universe? If the former, are you planning on using the Marvel Superheroes (FASERIP) system? I assume original characters not canon students/de-aged canon characters?
Phantom Mouse
member, 101 posts
Mon 28 Oct 2024
at 21:55
  • msg #47

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

I would definitely be interested in this.
member, 27 posts
Mon 28 Oct 2024
at 22:51
  • msg #48

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

I am thinking about running it yeah. FASERIP yes. It would be a updated Marvel universe. So, alternate versions of canon characters would be acceptable as would original characters. Though the canon should probably be canon students. Original 5, New Mutants, Gen X, Hellions - not de aged characters who appeared as adults originally.
member, 354 posts
Tue 29 Oct 2024
at 16:52
  • msg #49

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Ah see that's why I asked. Depending on the canon or time frame you set the game in, you listed several different groups who were students at different times. I would prefer original characters anyway personally, so less of a concern for me, but it does potentially bring up who else might be in the world at large or at the school I suppose. And using both Charles Xavier and a Frost at the Massachusetts Academy...that does potentially remove a rival School with a team like the Hellions, which would be sad.

Would it be random rolled characters or a points-based system?
This message was last edited by the user at 04:23, Thu 31 Oct 2024.
member, 82 posts
Tue 29 Oct 2024
at 23:05
  • msg #50

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

My other idea was to just have Charles pick a different set of mutants for his first class and take it from there. It's a very simple setup. You could do something like that.
This message was last edited by the user at 11:48, Wed 30 Oct 2024.
Phantom Mouse
member, 102 posts
Fri 1 Nov 2024
at 18:23
  • msg #51

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

If you were doing a straight Charles chose different characters instead of the comics, I'd suggest doing a what we thought was second team (that we found out was the third class when Scott's brother's team came back from the dead).  They adventures were more exciting than the weird adventures the first class had.
member, 355 posts
Fri 1 Nov 2024
at 23:09
  • msg #52

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

For students, I'm more a fan of New Mutants, or possibly Generation X, then the original 5 for the adventures, themes and things they dealt with, shrug, but I'm at least interested.
This message was last edited by the user at 23:13, Fri 01 Nov 2024.
member, 28 posts
Sat 2 Nov 2024
at 00:08
  • msg #53

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

The All-New All-Different Line Up was a superhero team. Unlike the O5, New Mutants, and Gen-X who were students having adventures. Those are two very different games to run.

Also, point buy - the great power set up basically from classicmarvel. I mean if you like random nothing stops someone from rolling.
member, 356 posts
Sat 2 Nov 2024
at 00:48
  • msg #54

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Well, it sounds like there would definitely be interest, regardless of the setup. I'm still hoping for something more along the lines of the original request, but I love superheroes, so if you are starting this game, please let us know. =)
member, 167 posts
Fri 8 Nov 2024
at 20:26
  • msg #55

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

or an Exiles-Style/What If game.

So, in the interest of helping you find such a game, just what are the parameters for the setup you would be hoping to play in?  Original characters, pre-existing characters in a different reality, or characters radically changed from their normal depiction (i.e. Colossus is female, Rogue absorbs the powers of Sue Storm instead of Caron Danvers, etc)?  Also, what power level for the characters would you be happy with?
member, 357 posts
Fri 8 Nov 2024
at 23:28
  • msg #56

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Well, I explained a bit more way back in the first post (heh see quote below), but I'm really not particularly picky. I would LIKE to have something using one of the below, but I am open to just about anything. A slightly-altered timeline. A completely different timeline. Hopping between realities. Days of Future Past (see below from original post). Etc. It will mainly rely on the GM's creativity and willingness, honestly.

I personally prefer original characters or altered versions of existing characters. And I'm fine with starting characters, though if extra starting Karma is involved, I wouldn't say not to that.

My preference would be the old Marvel FASERIP system, an oldie but goodie, and while flawed, I know it pretty well so it's easy to play. I'd be willing to try the Marvel Multiverse RPG as well (the X-Men expansion came out not long ago, though I'm annoyed by the lack of pdf marketing. It's a weird system but I wouldn't mind trying it).

I've always wanted to run through the "Nightmares of Future Past" 4-book set (which, if I remember correctly were more setting than adventure, but it's been a long time since I read them). I loved the comics dealing with that alternate future, as well as the X-Men film, and the "Wolverine and the X-Men" animated series. If someone were willing to run those books, that would be great, though I recognize it's not everyone's idea of a 'fun game'. It could lead to time travel to the past or travel to an alternate future after we finished the books maybe.

Or I'm a big fan of the original Exiles comic run and a lot of the What If? comics (and cartoon). An Exiles-style campaign, a team made up of members from various alternate realities bopping around the multiverse working for the Time Brokers or the TVA or someone. That would be fun too!

This message was last edited by the user at 04:36, Sat 09 Nov 2024.
member, 83 posts
Sat 9 Nov 2024
at 11:23
  • msg #57

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

For point buy i'd go for 250-300cp.
member, 358 posts
Sat 9 Nov 2024
at 15:09
  • msg #58

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Ah, I'm not very familiar with the point buy system, so I can't comment on what it should be.
member, 29 posts
Sun 10 Nov 2024
at 00:46
  • msg #59

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

As a note - 300CP should be enough for you to build most standard X-Men starting characters.

Do have a question - since you asked mesneaky for the game originally - do you have a preference for which power books you would prefer to be used. Several variations are out there. The Basic book, Expert, UPB, Skycutter, Necromancer's Character Creation, the classicmarvel list or something else. The powers available after all are going to info what you can make. As an example, I don't think you can make some variation of Gambit with the Basic book.
member, 359 posts
Sun 10 Nov 2024
at 00:59
  • msg #60

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

If you're asking ME, then I am...tentatively okay with most any books. I *think* I have them. I am MOST comfortable with the Advanced Players Book, Advanced Judge's Book and the Ultimate Powers book, but I have a few of the netbooks like ones from Skycutter (tho not much experience with them).
This message was last edited by the user at 01:25, Sun 10 Nov 2024.
Bod Man
member, 458 posts
Mon 11 Nov 2024
at 22:17
  • msg #61

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

I find it challenging to make original characters in the Marvel universe work well. So much of the air has been sucked up.

One way to address that is with new or low powered characters, but that's not that fun. I like the prospect of a What If scenario, but that almost assumes a group of cannon characters redeveloped.

I feel like I need something light and fun, so while I'd like to do the Futures Past thing, I thank that's too dark.

The Rebuild the Galaxy Lego Star Wars concept has some potential, I think. You could take Lego Marvel and have a group of misfits accidentally break the universe, causing it all to reform. Heroes are villains and villains are heroes.

Another option is to set things in the Incrediverse. There is a veil of seriousness with an underpinning of ridiculousness.

A third option could be to do something historical. Medieval superheroes. Or WWI superheroes.

I'm back in the mode of potentially wanting to do something, but it needs to be the right thing with the right tone.
member, 360 posts
Tue 12 Nov 2024
at 01:31
  • msg #62

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Bod Man:
I find it challenging to make original characters in the Marvel universe work well. So much of the air has been sucked up.

One way to address that is with new or low powered characters, but that's not that fun. I like the prospect of a What If scenario, but that almost assumes a group of cannon characters redeveloped.

I guess I can see that. Could be that. Could do something specific with like...X-Men or New Mutants The Next Generation sort of thing, with people playing younger heroes/students, maybe some are even kids of former heroes. Or an alternate timeline that's not so dark (though I know most comic books do have at least some darkness in them).

Bod Man:
I feel like I need something light and fun, so while I'd like to do the Futures Past thing, I thank that's too dark.

That's fair.

Bod Man:
The Rebuild the Galaxy Lego Star Wars concept has some potential, I think. You could take Lego Marvel and have a group of misfits accidentally break the universe, causing it all to reform. Heroes are villains and villains are heroes.

Another option is to set things in the Incrediverse. There is a veil of seriousness with an underpinning of ridiculousness.

A third option could be to do something historical. Medieval superheroes. Or WWI superheroes.

I'm back in the mode of potentially wanting to do something, but it needs to be the right thing with the right tone.

I'm tentatively okay with something lighter, depending on HOW light it goes. I can't say know the Lego reference but I assume it WOULDN'T be a "lego" game just a similar storyline. Historical could be interesting. There used to be a game called Godlike that dealt with supers in WWII if I remember right. So long as it's not an actual military game with ranks, chain of command, etc. I find too often that doesn't work well, but maybe that's just me.
This message was last edited by the user at 02:49, Tue 12 Nov 2024.
Bod Man
member, 459 posts
Tue 12 Nov 2024
at 01:42
  • msg #63

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Godlike was a pretty amazing game.

I’m open to other ideas.

Could do a spiderverse type thing. Or the young justice model.
This message was last edited by the user at 01:58, Tue 12 Nov 2024.
member, 361 posts
Tue 12 Nov 2024
at 03:36
  • msg #64

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Well, I'll put it this way. I've stated what I would like to have in a game, but if you (or anyone) are going to run a game, it has to be something YOU as the GM are interested in and WANT to run, so it'll keep you going. If you are less interested in the premise and concept and themes, you won't care as much and it's not likely to last as long.

So if you don't want to run what I was asking for, that's fine, but if you want to run a superhero game, then pick what you are interested in and run that.
Bod Man
member, 460 posts
Tue 12 Nov 2024
at 04:31
  • msg #65

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

I was trying to brainstorm a campaign that would be enjoyable for everyone. We all have to enjoy it if it is going to have a chance at lasting.
member, 362 posts
Tue 12 Nov 2024
at 04:37
  • msg #66

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Nothing you've said made me go, GOD NO! lol.
  I'll say I am a fan of Young Justice (both the original comic series and the animated series).
  As stated a historical game might be interesting too.
  And then open to alternative timelines or something different/odd.
  I don't mind starting characters who are not uber-powered and have room to grow, personally.

I guess we can see what others say too.
member, 84 posts
Fri 15 Nov 2024
at 11:45
  • msg #67

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Well that came and went ..
Guess I'm still looking.
member, 363 posts
Fri 15 Nov 2024
at 17:16
  • msg #68

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

What came and went? The Young Avengers MCU game opening?
member, 85 posts
Fri 15 Nov 2024
at 22:50
  • msg #69

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Yea, heh. I'm more interested in something x-related anyway. But it filled up real quick.
member, 365 posts
Mon 18 Nov 2024
at 23:49
  • msg #70

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

I understand. Big X-Men fan myself. I'll keep bumping and looking next week for this. =)
member, 366 posts
Mon 25 Nov 2024
at 16:29
  • msg #71

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

member, 367 posts
Mon 2 Dec 2024
at 17:00
  • msg #72

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Hello! Still looking!
member, 368 posts
Mon 9 Dec 2024
at 17:00
  • msg #73

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

member, 809 posts
Mon 9 Dec 2024
at 18:19
  • msg #74

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Someone? Anyone?
member, 15 posts
Mon 9 Dec 2024
at 19:24
  • msg #75

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

In reply to smokinbarrel (msg # 74):

No one wants to Run a Marvel-616 RPG on RPOL?
member, 810 posts
Sun 15 Dec 2024
at 02:55
  • msg #76

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

In reply to barefootNCth (msg # 75):

Honestly, I don’t want to play that system! The rules confounded me.
member, 372 posts
Mon 16 Dec 2024
at 17:03
  • msg #77

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

In reply to smokinbarrel (msg # 76):

I can understand that, though I wouldn't mind trying it out. That being said, there are a couple of GM Wanted threads for the Marvel Multiverse RPG, and I am still on the hunt for a FASERIP GM for hopefully one of the asked-for campaign ideas in the original post.
member, 20 posts
born in 1983
wasting his time on RPGs
Tue 17 Dec 2024
at 21:16
  • msg #78

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

I'm curious and would like to try a FASERIP game.  I've joined a few, but they all ended quickly.
member, 375 posts
Mon 23 Dec 2024
at 16:56
  • [deleted]
  • msg #79

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

This message was deleted by the user at 21:52, Fri 27 Dec 2024.
member, 376 posts
Fri 27 Dec 2024
at 21:52
  • msg #80

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

A new season (the final season) of What If? is out, so I'm bumping this thread again. =)
member, 377 posts
Sat 11 Jan 2025
at 17:19
  • msg #81

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Still on the hunt! Love supers!
member, 379 posts
Sat 18 Jan 2025
at 17:41
  • msg #82

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Hoping my hunt ends better than Kraven's did (in his box office bomb, that is). =)
member, 811 posts
Sat 18 Jan 2025
at 18:51
  • msg #83

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Keep your eyes peeled on PW, a fellow player in another game is working on a FASERIP game.
member, 2201 posts
Firing magic missles at
the darkness!
Thu 23 Jan 2025
at 23:13
  • msg #84

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

I've been following this thread since the beginning and I have to admit it's piqued my interest. I have a deep and abiding love for this silly, broken, marvelous game and I've never run a game in the Days of Future Past setting. Anyway, a couple of other games I've been involved in have fallen through and I think I might have time to take this on.

General idea:
  • Days of Future Past campaign setting. I might use some of the material from the MX modules, but I may not.
  • Using the old-school MSH system (Not the FASERIP retro-clone).
  • Original characters only.
  • Open to discussion about character creation, including Point Buy vs random rolling, and allowed sources. I'm really flexible when it comes to chargen, so long as we all agree that the goal is to create interesting, complete characters who are (more-or-less) balanced against each other.
  • What I have in mind is a travelling "on the road" kind of game, where there's some manner of distant goal that you're chasing, and the different adventure arcs happen in the different places you stop along the way.

One thing that bears mentioning is that, despite how much I love MSH and the Marvel Universe, I've never been a regular or consistent reader of any comic series. I grew up in a small town before the internet so most of what I read was one-off issues from bargain bins and thrift stores. A lot of what I know about the MU, I actually got from reading the MSH sourcebooks.

All of which is to say that I am not a font of knowledge when it comes to canon, and as a result I often don't adhere to canon. So our Days of Future Past might not look or operate exactly the same as the comic version. And background story events may or may not resemble the comics or the modules.

If that sounds good, I'll start playing with story ideas and see about getting a game set up.
member, 381 posts
Fri 24 Jan 2025
at 05:05
  • msg #85

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Well, as has been pointed out to me, the modules were mostly information, a collection of scenarios and then some loose plot in the later 2 I think. So it's not a SUPER big deal if you aren't running them as they are. If some elements make it in? Cool. If not everything does? That's not the end of the world.

That sounds interesting. Thank you for reading and being potentially willing. =)
member, 88 posts
Fri 31 Jan 2025
at 12:25
  • msg #86

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

I'd be interested in Days of Future Past.
member, 18 posts
Fri 31 Jan 2025
at 16:23
  • msg #87

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

I like the idea of having a distant goal with small side stories and arcs along the way.
member, 812 posts
Fri 31 Jan 2025
at 17:21
  • msg #88

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

truemane, I’d be interested, too.
moderator, 1138 posts
Whatever it is,
I'm against it
Sun 2 Feb 2025
at 04:59
  • msg #89

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

I'd be in that !  :>
member, 2202 posts
Firing magic missles at
the darkness!
Mon 3 Feb 2025
at 18:46
  • msg #90

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Okay. After much ado, here we go. Come on over and have a look.

Feel free to ask any questions you might have.

link to another game
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