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00:53, 14th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Posted by mesneaky
member, 316 posts
Wed 14 Aug 2024
at 18:19
  • msg #1

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Recently I have found myself wanting the distraction of superpowered fun but not a complex system. A distraction from rl would be great. Having said that, I still can only usually post a few times a week at most.

My preference would be the old Marvel FASERIP system, an oldie but goodie, and while flawed, I know it pretty well so it's easy to play. I'd be willing to try the Marvel Multiverse RPG as well (the X-Men expansion came out not long ago, though I'm annoyed by the lack of pdf marketing. It's a weird system but I wouldn't mind trying it).

I've always wanted to run through the "Nightmares of Future Past" 4-book set (which, if I remember correctly were more setting than adventure, but it's been a long time since I read them). I loved the comics dealing with that alternate future, as well as the X-Men film, and the "Wolverine and the X-Men" animated series. If someone were willing to run those books, that would be great, though I recognize it's not everyone's idea of a 'fun game'. It could lead to time travel to the past or travel to an alternate future after we finished the books maybe.

Or I'm a big fan of the original Exiles comic run and a lot of the What If? comics (and cartoon). An Exiles-style campaign, a team made up of members from various alternate realities bopping around the multiverse working for the Time Brokers or the TVA or someone. That would be fun too!
This message was last edited by the user at 18:27, Wed 14 Aug 2024.
member, 8 posts
Wed 14 Aug 2024
at 18:38
  • msg #2

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

I wouldn't be able to GM a game, but I love FASERIP and I'm always hoping to see it get more love. If there's a GM who would be able and willing to run a supers game with the system, then you can consider me as a secondary interested party.
member, 804 posts
Wed 14 Aug 2024
at 19:19
  • msg #3

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

I’m down to play, too!
Cyclops Was Right
member, 2 posts
Just another mutant
Wed 14 Aug 2024
at 19:30
  • msg #4

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Interested as a player, especially if it winds up running through the "Nightmares of Future Past" campaign!
This message was last edited by the user at 19:32, Wed 14 Aug 2024.
member, 73 posts
Wed 14 Aug 2024
at 22:52
  • msg #5

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Once Heroic is released this fall early spring i plan to run that.....
member, 317 posts
Thu 15 Aug 2024
at 00:51
  • msg #6

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

In reply to LimeyDragon (msg # 5):

That could be cool, but that won't come out for quite a while it looks like and doesn't help with the more immediate need - unless the free Beta was used up until the game came out, I suppose. Though, there seem to be quite a few changes from the old FASERIP system too. Shrug.
This message was last edited by the user at 02:30, Thu 15 Aug 2024.
member, 318 posts
Thu 15 Aug 2024
at 17:34
  • msg #7

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

I am flexible but I suppose I could say upfront, while I love the powers in the Ultimate Powers Book, I prefer to run most of the character creation from the Advanced Players Book until generating Powers, Contacts and Talents (I know it's selfish, but the table is more expanded in the UPB for how many you get, lol). And the ability to roll power categories from the UPB, and then either choosing powers or rolling from there. But I'd be okay with running from just the APB if needed to keep things easier.

The origins are just too crazy and all over the place in the UPB, and the Weakness generation thing feels too forced and odd. And total random powers might be okay in some cases, but ESPECIALLY for a "Nightmares of Future Past" campaign if the group is mostly playing mutants, they should be a bit more..."themed" for mutants (unless they're generational mutants like Nightcrawler, but how many of those are gonna be around/alive in that setting? lol)
This message was last edited by the user at 17:42, Thu 15 Aug 2024.
member, 162 posts
Thu 15 Aug 2024
at 22:42
  • msg #8

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Back in college I actually did use the UPB to run the Nightmares Of Future Past storyline.  While that was probably overall a mistake, it did give us a character that had super-strength, various aquatic abilities, and numerous psychic powers - we eventually determined that said character was the son of Namorita and Legion.
member, 319 posts
Thu 15 Aug 2024
at 23:15
  • msg #9

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Oh I'm not saying it can't be done, that it can't be fun to try and come up with SOME kind of cohesive story for the powers and whatnot rolled up. I ran a game where everyone rolled up full randoms. I'm just saying I would prefer not to but I'm flexible and would if a GM wanted to. Or if they wanted to not use the UPB at all. I just would like to game, preferably in 1 of the 2 aforementioned 'campaigns' but again I'm even open on that technically.
member, 163 posts
Fri 16 Aug 2024
at 21:49
  • msg #10

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Oh, it was definitely a mixed bag.  I was big on the UPB when it came out, but have cooled on it quite a bit since.  It still has its use, not only for powers not covered in the main book, but also some of the different backgrounds listed at the beginning of the book.  These days, I would definitely default to the main books, only using specific parts of the UPB if the player had a specific concept they wanted to play that the main rules didn't cover.
moderator, 1121 posts
Whatever it is,
I'm against it
Sat 17 Aug 2024
at 13:52
  • msg #11

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Got the old Marvel Superheros Advanced Set on the games shelf and always wanted to try it out (as a player).

Personally I favour random character generation in superhero games - to me that's half the fun, never knowing what an Origin is going to produce, and working with what you've got.  Very Fantastic Four, Inhumans, all the Mutant groups ... but can see why others prefer a directed build (basically everyone in the first MCU Avengers team would count as a directed build, except for Hulk).  ;>
member, 321 posts
Sun 18 Aug 2024
at 17:42
  • msg #12

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Mmm...disagree a bit on mutants. They "usually" have a powerset that is more 'themed' than other groups. Don't get me wrong, I like randomly-generated heroes too, but if we were playing through "Nightmares of Future Past", for instance, I would not want to roll origin, as being a mutant is a big part of that setting. And I'd prefer to maybe roll up the power category and then pick to try and come up with a themed set. But not opposed to randomly rolling and trying to make something cohesive.
This message was last edited by the user at 01:25, Fri 23 Aug 2024.
member, 322 posts
Fri 23 Aug 2024
at 01:25
  • msg #13

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Any GM out there willing to run "Nightmares of Future Past" or an Exiles-style campaign for Marvel Superheroes RPG (aka FASERIP) since there appears to be some interest?
This message was last edited by the user at 03:56, Fri 23 Aug 2024.
Bod Man
member, 447 posts
Fri 23 Aug 2024
at 17:53
  • msg #14

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Tempting to add this to my too long list of games. I’d have to look back through the nightmares books.

Or course I’d prefer to play in such a game…

I’d love to see someone do this with the new marvel multiverse game. I might try my hand at that but there’s a learning curve on that one.
member, 73 posts
Fri 23 Aug 2024
at 19:26
  • msg #15

Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

FASERIP mutant game would be interesting.
Bought the game in the 80's and never got to play it.
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