I've been following this thread since the beginning and I have to admit it's piqued my interest. I have a deep and abiding love for this silly, broken, marvelous game and I've never run a game in the Days of Future Past setting. Anyway, a couple of other games I've been involved in have fallen through and I think I might have time to take this on.
General idea:
- Days of Future Past campaign setting. I might use some of the material from the MX modules, but I may not.
- Using the old-school MSH system (Not the FASERIP retro-clone).
- Original characters only.
- Open to discussion about character creation, including Point Buy vs random rolling, and allowed sources. I'm really flexible when it comes to chargen, so long as we all agree that the goal is to create interesting, complete characters who are (more-or-less) balanced against each other.
- What I have in mind is a travelling "on the road" kind of game, where there's some manner of distant goal that you're chasing, and the different adventure arcs happen in the different places you stop along the way.
One thing that bears mentioning is that, despite how much I love MSH and the Marvel Universe, I've never been a regular or consistent reader of any comic series. I grew up in a small town before the internet so most of what I read was one-off issues from bargain bins and thrift stores. A lot of what I know about the MU, I actually got from reading the MSH sourcebooks.
All of which is to say that I am not a font of knowledge when it comes to canon, and as a result I often don't adhere to canon. So our Days of Future Past might not look or operate exactly the same as the comic version. And background story events may or may not resemble the comics or the modules.
If that sounds good, I'll start playing with story ideas and see about getting a game set up.