Marvel Superpowered Fun (preferably FASERIP)

Recently I have found myself wanting the distraction of superpowered fun but not a complex system. A distraction from rl would be great. Having said that, I still can only usually post a few times a week at most.
My preference would be the old Marvel FASERIP system, an oldie but goodie, and while flawed, I know it pretty well so it's easy to play. I'd be willing to try the Marvel Multiverse RPG as well (the X-Men expansion came out not long ago, though I'm annoyed by the lack of pdf marketing. It's a weird system but I wouldn't mind trying it).
I've always wanted to run through the "Nightmares of Future Past" 4-book set (which, if I remember correctly were more setting than adventure, but it's been a long time since I read them). I loved the comics dealing with that alternate future, as well as the X-Men film, and the "Wolverine and the X-Men" animated series. If someone were willing to run those books, that would be great, though I recognize it's not everyone's idea of a 'fun game'. It could lead to time travel to the past or travel to an alternate future after we finished the books maybe.
Or I'm a big fan of the original Exiles comic run and a lot of the What If? comics (and cartoon). An Exiles-style campaign, a team made up of members from various alternate realities bopping around the multiverse working for the Time Brokers or the TVA or someone. That would be fun too!
This message was last edited by the user at 18:27, Wed 14 Aug 2024.