Beat to Quarters/Duty & Honour

tibiotarsus, this is a full-on RPG, and, outside of having a Napoleonic military theme, it is not a wargame by any stretch of the imagination.
The mechanic, for me, is the wonkiest part of the game, using playing card decks to emulate the random element of dice. Your attributes/skills, in most situations, dictate the number of cards you draw from your 54-card deck (2 jokers), trying to match the "Card of Fate," which is drawn from the dealer deck (52-cards only). How well your card draw matches the CoF determines your level of success (and, how many of each level of success overall, when that's important).
In combat, the number of cards you draw is based on the weapon you're using (plus any relevant talents you might have).
That said, for as wonky as it feels to me, the system works. And I think we can emulate it well-enough with the card draws available on RPOL.
The military hierarchy is overcome by the fact that, even as characters are of vastly different ranks (some officers, some sergeants, some rankers), all players have an equal hand in developing missions and mission goals. All players also have personal missions/goals, which include promotions, relationships, wealth generation, etc., that fit their position within the unit.
I do believe it captures the essence of the Sharpe TV show (and other military-themed shows and films) quite well.