New player with story prompts

I’m Vel, and I’m new here.
I have a few ideas I’d like to put out there if anyone wants to collab with me. Generally, I prefer freeform stories, though I’m not opposed to light rules systems or the GM rolling dice ‘behind the screen’ to determine outcomes. It can be a duet game, or a group game if you have something going. I’m just stretching my creative legs, so I prefer to stick with my RL gender, which is female. I’m great with dark, gritty stories, drama, action, and even adult or erotic content if the story warrants it.
I have three ideas I’d like to explore. These are just the broad strokes, plenty of room for your contribution. Please reach out if any of them interest you.
A ‘day zero’ zombie survival story. The story begins the ‘day before’ the outbreak before descending into the raw anarchy of an outbreak scenario. My character is a young woman who isn’t equipped to survive a situation like this. She isn’t a marine or member of a biker gang, she’s a college freshman who now has to make compromises and tough choices to survive.
Firefly/Serenity. I know it’s old, but I just stumbled onto this setting over the summer after reading references online about how great it is. And I fell in love. I’d love to write original characters with the same feel as the show. I’d love to write any of the female leads, but particularly a fish-out-of-water companion sounds fun.
A twi’lek in the Star Wars universe. I’m open to discussing the era. She could be an escaped slave, or she could still be a slave. No force powers, no plot armor, just a young woman trying to make her way in a heartless galaxy.
Have an idea? Send me a pitch! Anything from fantasy to sci-fi to lovecraftian horror!