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New player with story prompts.

Posted by TippedVelvet
member, 1 post
Fri 1 Nov 2024
at 17:13
  • msg #1

New player with story prompts

I’m Vel, and I’m new here.

I have a few ideas I’d like to put out there if anyone wants to collab with me. Generally, I prefer freeform stories, though I’m not opposed to light rules systems or the GM rolling dice ‘behind the screen’ to determine outcomes. It can be a duet game, or a group game if you have something going. I’m just stretching my creative legs, so I prefer to stick with my RL gender, which is female. I’m great with dark, gritty stories, drama, action, and even adult or erotic content if the story warrants it.

I have three ideas I’d like to explore. These are just the broad strokes, plenty of room for your contribution. Please reach out if any of them interest you.

A ‘day zero’ zombie survival story. The story begins the ‘day before’ the outbreak before descending into the raw anarchy of an outbreak scenario. My character is a young woman who isn’t equipped to survive a situation like this. She isn’t a marine or member of a biker gang, she’s a college freshman who now has to make compromises and tough choices to survive.

Firefly/Serenity. I know it’s old, but I just stumbled onto this setting over the summer after reading references online about how great it is. And I fell in love. I’d love to write original characters with the same feel as the show. I’d love to write any of the female leads, but particularly a fish-out-of-water companion sounds fun.

A twi’lek in the Star Wars universe. I’m open to discussing the era. She could be an escaped slave, or she could still be a slave. No force powers, no plot armor, just a young woman trying to make her way in a heartless galaxy.

Have an idea? Send me a pitch! Anything from fantasy to sci-fi to lovecraftian horror!
supporter, 46 posts
Fri 1 Nov 2024
at 21:11
  • msg #2

New player with story prompts

Hi, Vel,

Welcome to RPoL! It's a great place to stretch your creative legs. You can find almost any sort of a game here.

It looks to me that your interests run mainly in the Sci-Fi genre. Are you at all interested in a Cyberpunk game (based in Night City, the site of the Cyberpunk 2077 video game)?

I have one that I can recommend that is accepting new players (I am a player, not the GM). If you are interested, let me know, and I will rMail you so that we can open up a discussion without clogging up this thread.

If it isn't your cup of tea, however, no worries -- it won't hurt my feelings! :)

Cheers and good gaming,
member, 35 posts
Sat 2 Nov 2024
at 15:44
  • msg #3

New player with story prompts

Hello Tancred Vel, welcome to the site.

In my experience RPoL is a bit different from the kind of writing sites you are probably used to. There's a huge community of group games but there are also some games specifically set up for one on one style writing.

I would suggest using the search feature and type Freeform into the Game System. I can't point out specific games but in my experience, the kind of keywords included in the game names you're looking for include"Two, Campfire, Story, Round Robin".

I would also suggest looking at some of the group freeforms. I started out doing one on ones but the chaos caused by multiple characters impacting the world has made the stories far more deep and enjoyable to write.

Edit: Corrected OP name, darn posting from phone
This message was last edited by the user at 02:55, Sun 03 Nov 2024.
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